Submitting an image to Wikipedia is EASY. | |
Step 1. Is this your work? | |
This page is only for uploading your own work - pictures that you have created and where you hold the copyright. To upload pictures created by someone else, please use the general form. | |
Step 2. Help people find this picture. | |
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Step 3. Release your work under the GFDL and CC-BY-SA licenses. | |
![]() When you use this upload page you must release your work under GFDL and the Creative Commons share-alike licenses which allow everyone to use, alter, and redistribute your work for any purpose. This release is not revocable.
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Step 4.Add your image to the article. | |
Once you have uploaded your image, go to the article you want to put it in. Click the "edit" tab and replace "Image:Replace this imageb.svg" with the name of your image. |