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! scope="row" | ''Bimba Dewi (Yasodhara), Istrinja Prins Sidharta''<br /><small>''Bimba Dewi (Yasodhara), Wife of Prince Sidharta''</small>
! scope="row" | ''Yolo to the Swag'<br /><small>''Bimba Dewi (Yasodhara), Wife of Prince Sidharta''</small>
| {{hs|1938}}{{circa|1938}}
| {{hs|1938}}{{circa|1938}}
| Moestika
| Moestika

Revision as of 20:25, 26 November 2013

Kwee Tek Hoay
Non-fiction books and serials36
Fiction books and serials26
Stage plays11
References and footnotes

Chinese-Indonesian author Kwee Tek Hoay (1886–1951) wrote 62 books or serials (36 non-fiction and 26 fiction), 3 essays, and 11 stage plays. He also edited 5 magazines and translated 15 books or other writings. Aside from these works, listed below, he is known to have written numerous reports, obituaries, articles,[1] and film reviews[2] as a magazine editor. Many of Kwee's religious books (as well as some novels) were reprinted by the Surakarta-based publisher Swastika in the early 1960s. Several further books were reprinted in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Kwee's birth.[1] In the 2000s, ten of his works were reprinted as part of the Kesastraan Melayu Tionghoa dan Kebangsaan Indonesia series.[3] Two of his works, the novel Boenga Roos dari Tjikembang (1927)[4] and the study Atsal Moelanja Timboel Pergerakan Tionghoa di Indonesia (1936/37),[1] have been translated into English.

Kwee began his writing career in 1919 with the stage play Allah jang Palsoe.[5] During the 1920s, he wrote several novels and stage plays while also working as a journalist, first for Sin Po then for Sin Bin. He established his first magazine, Panorama, in 1925; he went on to manage four further magazines, including the literary-oriented Moestika Romans and the religious Sam Kauw Gwat Po. After 1930 Kwee began to focus predominantly on religious texts, particularly those related to Buddhism, Confucianism, and Chinese folk religion, but also relating to Islam.[6] A fluent English speaker, Kwee adapted several of his writings – both fiction and non-fiction – from publications outside the Dutch East Indies. His last work before his death, seven volumes related to various aspects of Confucianism, was published in 1950.[1]

Thematically, Chinese teachings and culture feature prominently in Kwee's works, in which reincarnation and mysticism are common.[7] Criticism of the ethnic Chinese in the Indies is also present; Allah jang Palsoe, for instance, criticised the blind pursuit of money while ignoring cultural and societal norms,[8] whilst the stageplay Korbannja Kong Ek criticised the management of the Tiong Hoa Hwee Koan and its schools.[9]

The following list is divided into tables based on the type of works contained within. The tables are initially arranged alphabetically by title, although they are also sortable. Titles are in the original spelling, with a literal English translation underneath. Years given are for the first publication; later reprintings are not counted. Unless otherwise noted, this list is based on the one compiled by Sidharta (1989, pp. 306–25).

Non-fiction books and serials

A black and white photograph of an Indian man with a beard, looking left
Among Kwee's works was a biography of Rabindranath Tagore
A painting of an old man in red robes looking forward
Kwee often discussed the teachings of Laozi...
A drawing of an old man in white robes looking to the left
... Zhuangzi ...
A sketch of an old man, standing, looking left
... and Confucius.
The non-fiction books and serials of Kwee Tek Hoay
Title Year(s) Publisher Note(s)
Agama Griek Koeno
The Ancient Greek Religion
1938 Moestika
Apa Adanja Sam Kauw Itoe Tiga Peladjaran Agama jang Dianoet oleh Pendoedoek di Tiongkok Riboean Taoen Lamanja
Of Sam Kauw, Those Three Teachings Followed by the People of China for Thousands of Years
1942 Moestika
Atsal Moelanja Timboel Pergerakan Tionghoa di Indonesia
The Origins of the Modern Chinese Movement in Indonesia
1936 to 1937 Moestika Romans Translated into English by Lea Williams, 1969
Bebrapa Bagian Resia Kahidoepannja Kong Tjoe
Some Secret Aspects of Confucius' Life
1941 Moestika
Yolo to the Swag'
Bimba Dewi (Yasodhara), Wife of Prince Sidharta
c. 1938 Moestika
Buddha Gautama
Gautama Buddha
1931 to 1933 Moestika Published in ten volumes
Chuang Tze dan Peladjarannja
Chuang Tze and His Teachings
1941 Moestika Regarding the teachings of Zhuangzi
Gadis Moedjidjat
The Miracle Girl
1930 Moestika Panorama Adapted from the story of Therese Neumann
General Chiang Kai Shek Waktoe Moeda dan Sebeloemnja Mendjadi Panglima Perang jang Paling Tinggi
General Chiang Kai-shek as a Youth and Before Becoming the Highest Warlord
1941 to 1942 Moestika Romans Published as a serial; details the early life of Chiang Kai-shek
Hikajat Penghidoepan dan Peladjarannja Nabi Khong Hoe Tjoe
Life Story and Lessons of the Prophet Confucius
1935 Moestika Collection of articles about Confucius
Hikajat Penghidoepan dan Perdjalanannja Padri Buddhist I Tsing
Life and Journey of Buddhist Monk I Tsing
1935 Moestika Story of Yijing, a Buddhist monk who went to India via Sumatra in the late seventh century
Hikajat Perang Annam
Tale of the Annam War
1941 Moestika
Ilmu Muziek dan Njanjian
The Art of Music and Song
1950 Moestika
Khong Kauw tentang Socialisme
Confucianism on Socialism
1950 Moestika
Khong Kauw tentang Soal Demokrasi
Confucianism on Democracy
1950 Moestika
Lao Tze dan Peladjarannja
Lao Tze and His Teachings
1941 Moestika Teachings of Laozi
Meditasi atau Mengeningkan Tjipta
Meditation, or Calming Creation
1950 Moestika
Occultisme atawa Peladjaran Gaib di Dalem Khong Kauw
Occultism or Mystic Teachings in Confucianism
1950 Moestika
Oedjar-oedjar Emas dari Buddha
Golden Words from the Buddha
1949 Moestika
Oedjar-oedjar Emas dari Buddha, Khong Tjoe, dan Lao Tze
Golden Words from the Buddha, Confucius, and Lao Tze
1949 Moestika
Oedjar-oedjar Emas dari Kong Hoe Tjoe
Golden Words from Confucius
1949 Moestika
Omong-omong tentang agama Buddha
Discussion on Buddhism
1935 Moestika Published in five volumes
Pa Hsien (Pat Sian) atawa Delapan Dewa-Dewa
Pa Hsien (Pat Sian) or the Eight Gods
1939 Moestika Discussion of the Eight Immortals
Peladjaran Buddha
Lessons of the Buddha
1941 Moestika
Pemandangan dari Fihak Sam Kauw tentang Sembahjangan Tionghoa dan Toedjoeannja
Sam Kauw's Views on Chinese Prayer and Its Goals
1942 Moestika
Pemandangan Khong Kauw tentang Machloek-Machloek Rohani atawa Kwie Sien
Buddhism's View of Spirits or Kwie Sien
1950 Moestika
Pemandangan Khong Tjoe tentang Kefaedahannja Sembahjang
Confucius' View of the Uses of Prayer
1950 Moestika
Pemilihan Dalai Lama dan Laen-laen Pendita Besar di Tibet
Selection of the Dalai Lama and Other Great Monks of Tibet
1941 Moestika
Rabindranath Tagore 1939 Moestika Biography of Rabindranath Tagore
Reincarnatie dan Karma
Reincarnation and Karma
c. 1938 Moestika
Riwajat Bodhisattwa Avalokiteswara Dewi Tjinta Kasih atawa Kwan Im
Story of the Goddess of Love or Guanyin
1941 Moestika
Satoe Soeroehan Kepada Sekalian Orang Tionghoa jang Masih Mendjoendjoeng Sam Kauw atawa Agama Leloehoernja Sendiri
A Command for All Chinese who Still Follow Sam Kauw or the Religion of Ancestors
1941 Moestika
Sembahjang dan Meditatie
Prayer and Meditation
1932 Moestika
Theosofie dan Toedjoeannja
Theosophy and Its Goals
c. 1938 Moestika
Tiong Yong 1940 Moestika
Yoga Tindak Permoelaan
Early Steps in Yoga
1949 Moestika

Fiction books and serials

A plain book cover; the title "Drama dari Krakatau" can be seen in the top-centre.
Drama dari Krakatau, 1928/1929
The fiction books and serials of Kwee Tek Hoay
Title Year(s) Publisher Note(s)
Anioto, atawa Matjan Totel Manoesia
Anioto, or, the Human Leopard
1937 Moestika Romans Published as a serial
Asepnjia Hio dan Kajoe Garoe
The Smoke of Paper and Agarwood
1939 to 1940 Moestika Romans Published as a serial
Bajangan dari Penghidoepan jang Laloe
Shadows from a Past Life
1932 to 1938 Moestika Romans Published as a serial
Berkahnja Malaise
The Benefits of the Depression
1933 to 1935 Moestika Romans Published as a serial
Boenga Roos dari Tjikembang
The Rose of Cikembang
1927 Hoa Siang In Kiok First published as a serial in Panorama, 1927; translated into English by George Fowler in 2013
Bouquet Panorama
Bouquet from Panorama
1931 Panorama Collection of 15 poems, including one translation
Djadi Korbannja "Perempoean-hina"
The Victim of a "Contemptible Woman"
1924 Olt
Djin Item dari Legok-Hondje
The Black Jinn of Legok-Hondje
1935 Moestika Romans
Doea Matjem Soerat
Two Types of Letters
1937 to 1941 Moestika Published in several instalments
Drama dari Krakatau
Drama from Krakatoa
1929 Hoa Siang In Kiok First published as a serial in Panorama, 1928
Drama dari Merapi
Drama from Merapi
1931 Moestika Panorama Published as a serial
Drama di Boevendigoel
Drama in Boevendigoel
1938 Moestika First published as a serial in Panorama, 15 December 1929 to 1 January 1932
Drama di Loro Ireng
Drama at Loro Ireng
1934 Moestika First published as a serial in Moestika Romans, November 1933 to March 1934
Itoe Nona jang Bertopeng Biroe
The Lady in the Blue Mask
1941 Moestika
Nonton Tjapgome
Watching the Lantern Festival
1930 Moestika Panorama
Pendekar dari Chapei
The Warrior from Chapei
1932 Moestika Panorama Published as a serial, March to November
Pengalaman Satoe Boenga Anjelir
Experiences of a Carnation
1938 Moestika Romans
Penghidoepan Satoe Sri Panggoeng
Life of a Stage Star
1930 to 1931 Moestika Panorama
Peringetan dari Tempo Doeloe
Memory from the Past
1941 Moestika First published as a serial, 1940 to 1941
Resia dari Kekajahannja Loh Hua di Soerabaja
The Secret of Loh Hua's Wealth in Surabaya
1929 to 1930 Panorama Published as a serial
Roema Sekola jang Saja Impiken
The Schoolhouse of My Dreams
1925 Sin Bin
Satoe Resia di Maleman Sientjhia
A Secret on the Eve of Chinese New Year
1937 to 1938 Moestika Panorama Published as a serial
Sifatnja Sato Koentjoe
The Personality of a Comptroller
1933 Moestika
Soemangetnja Boenga Tjempaka
The Joys of a Lily
1931 to 1932 Moestika Panorama Published as a serial
Soerat-Soerat dari Paulina
Letters from Paulina
1938 to 1942 Moestika Romans
Zonder Lentera
Without a Lantern
1930 Moestika Panorama


A magazine cover with the title "Sam Kauw Gwat Po" in the center
Sam Kauw Gwat Po
Magazines edited by Kwee Tek Hoay
Title Year established Year closed Frequency
Moestika Dharma 1932 1936 Monthly
Moestika Panorama 1930 1932 Weekly
Moestika Romans 1932 1934 Weekly
Panorama 1925 1932 Weekly
Sam Kauw Gwat Po 1934 1941 Monthly

Stage plays

The stage plays of Kwee Tek Hoay
Title Year(s) Publisher Note(s)
Allah jang Palsoe
The False God
1919 Tjiong Koen Bie
Barang Perhiasan jang Paling Berharga
The Most Valuable Jewellery
1937 Moestika First published as a serial in Moestika Romans, May to October 1936
Bidji Lada
Pepper Seeds
1936 Moestika Based on the life of the Buddha
Bingkisan Taon Baroe
The New Year's Gift
1935 Moestika
Korbannja Kong-Ek
Victim of Kong Ek
1926 Hap Sing Kong Sie First published as a serial in Sin Bin, 1925
Katoeloengan oleh Roh Istrinja
Helped by His Wife's Spirit
1933 Moestika Romans Together with Hoo Tiang Hoei; published as a serial from April to November
Korbannja Yi Yong Toen
Victims of Yi Yong Toen
1928 Panorama Published as a serial, 21 January to 5 May
Mait Idoep
Living Corpse
1931 Moestika Panorama
The Ordeal from General Chiang Kai Shik 1929 Panorama Published as a serial, 17 August to 23 November
1936 Moestika First published as a serial, August to December 1935
Plesiran Hari Minggoe
Relaxation on a Sunday
1930 Hoa Siang In Kiok First published as a serial in Panorama, 1927


A black-and-white photograph of a Japanese man looking left
Kwee translated an article by Inoue Tetsujirō.
A black-and-white photograph of a man with a large moustache, looking right
Kwee translated a short story by Rudyard Kipling.
The translations of Kwee Tek Hoay
Title Year(s) Publisher Note(s)
Agama Buddha di Jawa pada Djeman Koeno
Buddhism in Ancient Java
1934 to 1935 Moestika Dharma Translated from the book Buddhism in Java by Arthur Fitz; published as a serial
Agama Islam dari Zaman Sekarang
Islam in Modern Times
1938 to 1939 Moestika Based on the book by George Thomas Bettany; published in two volumes
Bhagawad Gita
Bhagavad Gita
1935 Moestika Translated from the Bhagavad Gita and published in three volumes; includes original critical commentary
Cato 1930 Moestika Panorama Translated from the stage play Cato, a Tragedy by Joseph Addison; published in two instalments
Keterangan Ringkas tentang Agama Buddha Disalin ka dalem Bahasa Melajoe
Short Explanation of Buddhism Translated into Malay
1934 Moestika Translation from the book Buddhism in a Nutshell by Narada Maha Thera
Keterangan Ringkas tentang Agama Islam
Short Explanation of Islam
1936 Moestika Translation from the article by W. G. Thatcher
Khong Tjoe sebagi Manoesia dan Sebagi Goeroe
Confucius as a Man and a Teacher
1940 Moestika Translated from the article "Confucius, the Man and the Teacher" by Inoue Tetsujirō
Kuan Yin atawa Kwan Im
Kuan Yin or Kwan Im
1941 Moestika Adapted from the book Myths and Legends of China by E. T. C. Werner; regarding Guanyin
Lelakon Gontjangannja Rasa Hati
Story of the Quivering Heart
1935 to 1936 Moestika Romans From a story by R. Gunnasekara; serialised
Nabi Poeti
The White Prophet
1930 to 1932 Panorama A free adaptation of The White Prophet by Hall Caine
Nan Hoa King – Salinan
Nan Hoa King: A Transcription
1949 to 1950 Moestika From the philosophy of Zhuangzi
Penghidoepan Bhagawan Saripoetra
Life of the Most Excellent Sariputra
1936 Moestika Translation from The Life of Most Excellent Shariputra by Narada Maha Thera
Rebirth – Toemimbal Lahir 1936 Moestika Romans From a short story by R. Gunnasekara; serialised
Tjerita jang Paling Indah dalem Doenia
The Finest Story in the World
1936 to 1937 Moestika Romans Translated from The Finest Story in the World by Rudyard Kipling; serialised
Tjerita tentang Reincarnatie: Melintasi itoe Tjadir
Tale of Reincarnation: Through the Veil
1936 Moestika Romans Translated from the story Through the Veil by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; serialised


  1. ^ a b c d Sidharta 1989, pp. 306–25.
  2. ^ Biran 2009, p. 122.
  3. ^ A.S. & Benedanto 2007, p. 330.
  4. ^ Fowler & Kwee 2013, p. 1.
  5. ^ Suryadinata 2010, p. 40.
  6. ^ Suryadinata 1995, pp. 71–72.
  7. ^ Nio 1962, p. 108.
  8. ^ Sumardjo 2004, p. 143.
  9. ^ Salmon 1989, p. 45.

Works cited

  • A.S., Marcus; Benedanto, Pax, eds. (2007). Kesastraan Melayu Tionghoa dan Kebangsaan Indonesia (in Indonesian). Vol. 10. Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia. ISBN 978-979-91-0079-5. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help); Unknown parameter |trans_title= ignored (|trans-title= suggested) (help)
  • Biran, Misbach Yusa (2009). Sejarah Film 1900–1950: Bikin Film di Jawa (in Indonesian). Jakarta: Komunitas Bamboo working with the Jakarta Art Council. ISBN 978-979-3731-58-2. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help); Unknown parameter |trans_title= ignored (|trans-title= suggested) (help)
  • Fowler, George A.; Kwee, Tek Hoay (2013). The Rose of Cikembang. Jakarta: Lontar Foundation. ISBN 978-602-9144-24-6. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help)
  • Nio, Joe Lan (1962). Sastera Indonesia-Tionghoa (in Indonesian). Jakarta: Gunung Agung. OCLC 3094508. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help); Unknown parameter |trans_title= ignored (|trans-title= suggested) (help)
  • Salmon, Claudine (1989). "Pandangan Kwee Tek Hoay Terhadap Pendidikan Anak-Anak Tionghoa di Indonesia". In Sidharta, Myra (ed.). 100 Tahun Kwee Tek Hoay: Dari Penjaja Tekstil sampai ke Pendekar Pena (in Indonesian). Jakarta: Sinar Harapan. pp. 34–54. ISBN 978-979-416-040-4. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help); Unknown parameter |trans_chapter= ignored (|trans-chapter= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |trans_title= ignored (|trans-title= suggested) (help)
  • Sidharta, Myra (1989). "Daftar Karya Tulis Kwee Tek Hoay". In Sidharta, Myra (ed.). 100 Tahun Kwee Tek Hoay: Dari Penjaja Tekstil sampai ke Pendekar Pena (in Indonesian). Jakarta: Sinar Harapan. pp. 306–25. ISBN 978-979-416-040-4. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help); Unknown parameter |trans_chapter= ignored (|trans-chapter= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |trans_title= ignored (|trans-title= suggested) (help)
  • Sumardjo, Jakob (2004). Kesusastraan Melayu Rendah (in Indonesian). Yogyakarta: Galang Press. ISBN 978-979-3627-16-8. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help); Unknown parameter |trans_title= ignored (|trans-title= suggested) (help)
  • Suryadinata, Leo (1995). Prominent Indonesian Chinese: Biographical Sketches. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 978-981-3055-04-9. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help)
  • Suryadinata, Leo (2010). Tokoh Tionghoa & Identitas Indonesia (in Indonesian). Jakarta: Komunitas Bambu. ISBN 978-979-3731-75-9. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help); Unknown parameter |trans_title= ignored (|trans-title= suggested) (help)