List of unincorporated communities in Kansas

List of unincorporated communities in the U.S. state of Kansas, sorted by county.
On the right is a clickable map of the counties in Kansas.
- Arrington
- Cummings
- Eden
- Farmington
- Good Intent
- Kennekuk
- Larkinburg
- Monrovia
- Oak Mills
- Parnell
- Port Williams
- Potter
- St. Pats
- Shannon
- Barnesville
- Berlin
- Devon
- Garland
- Godfrey
- Hammond
- Harding
- Hiattville
- Marmaton
- Pawnee Station
- Porterville
- Xenia
- Baker
- Mercier
- Padonia
- Kickapoo Site 1
- Kickapoo Site 2
- Kickapoo Site 5
- Kickapoo Site 6
- Kickapoo Site 7
- Kickapoo Tribal Center
- Ioway Reservation
- Kickapoo Indian Reservation of Kansas
- Sac and Fox Reservation
- Beaumont
- Bois d'Arc
- Brainerd
- De Graff
- Gordon
- Haverhill
- Keighley
- Lorena
- Midian
- Pontiac
- Rosalia
- Wingate
- Carona
- Cokedale
- Crestline
- Daisy Hill
- Empire City
- Faulkner
- Hallowell
- Keelville
- Kniveton
- Lawton
- Lowell
- Mackie
- Melrose
- Neutral
- Quaker
- Riverton
- Sherman
- Sherwin
- Skidmore
- Stippville
- Turck
- Akron
- Floral
- Grand Summit
- Hackney
- Hooser
- Kellogg
- Maple City
- New Salem
- Rock
- Silverdale
- Tisdale
- Vinton
- Wilmot
- Beulah
- Brazilton
- Capaldo
- Cato
- Chicopee†
- Coalvale
- Croweburg†
- Curranville
- Dry Wood
- Dunkirk
- Englevale
- Farlington†
- Fleming
- Franklin†
- Fuller
- Greenbush
- Gross
- Kirkwood
- Klondike
- Kniveton‡
- Litchfield
- Lone Oak
- Midway
- Monmouth
- Opolis†
- Polk
- Radley†
- Red Onion
- Ringo†
- South Radley
- Yale†
- Acme
- Buckeye
- Detroit
- Dillon
- Elmo
- Holland
- Industry
- Lyona
- Moonlight
- Navarre
- Pearl
- Shady Brook
- Stoney
- Sutphen
- Talmage
- Upland
- Big Springs
- Black Jack
- Clearfield
- Clinton
- Globe
- Grover
- Hesper
- Kanwaka
- Lake View
- Lone Star
- Midland
- Pleasant Grove
- Sibleyville
- Stull
- Vinland
- Worden
- Eminence
- Friend
- Gano
- Kalvesta
- Lowe
- Mansfield
- Peterson
- Pierceville
- Plymell
- Quinby
- Ravanna
- Ritchal
- Rodkey
- Tennis
- Wolf
- None
- None
- None
- Boyle
- Buck Creek
- Dunavant
- Grantville
- Half Mound
- Lakeside Village
- Medina
- Mooney Creek
- Newman
- Rock Creek
- Thompsonville
- Williamstown
- None
- Belmont
- Calista
- Cleveland
- Midway
- Mount Vernon
- Murdock
- Rago
- Skellyville
- St. Leo
- Varner
- Waterloo
- Willowdale
- Anness
- Bayneville
- Clonmel
- Furley
- Greenwich
- Greenwich Heights
- Peck
- St. Marks
- St. Mary Aleppo
- St. Paul
- Schulte
- Sunnydale
- Waco
- McConnell AFB
- Oaklawn-Sunview
- None
- Adamsville
- Anson
- Ashton
- Cicero
- Corbin
- Dalton
- Drury
- Ewell
- Millerton
- Milton
- Peck
- Perth
- Portland
- Riverdale
- Zyba