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List of members of the upper house of the Riksdag

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This is an incomplete list of all people who served in the Första kammaren of the Riksdag.


Color key:
  Farmers' League—Centre Party


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Ragnar Aaby-Ericsson   Rightist Party 1949–1950 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Nils Aastrup   People's Party 1954–1959 City of Stockholm
Rudolph Abelin   independent
  Protectionist Party
1871–1898 Östergötland County
Erik Abrahamsson   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
1922–1930 Jönköping County
Claes Adelsköld 1824–1907 former major   independent
  Minority Party
1976–1893 Västerbotten County, Blekinge County
Axel Adelswärd   independent 1871–1879 Östergötland County
Theodor Adelswärd   Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
1920–1924 Östergötland County
Rudolf Adlersparre   independent 1867–1874
Värmland County
Fredrik Georg Afzelius   independent 1878–1884 Uppsala County
Ivar Afzelius   Ministerial Group
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
City of Stockholm
Ernst Ahlberg   Rightist Party 1952–1953 City of Stockholm
Emil Ahlkvist   Social Democratic Party 1940–1965 Malmöhus County
Per Ahlmark   People's Party 1967–1968 Örebro County
Johan Ahlsten   People's Party 1965–1966 Örebro County
Harald Åkerberg   Social Democratic Party 1927–1934 Örebro County
Knut Åkerberg   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1899–1910 Skaraborg County
Carl Åkerhielm   independent 1871–1874 Örebro County
Gustaf Åkerhielm 1833–1900 prime minister   independent
  Protectionist Party
Stockholm County
Lars Åkerhielm   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1891–1913 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Henrik Åkerlund   Rightist Party 1963–1970 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Assar Emanuel Åkerman   Social Democratic Party 1919–1936 Södermanland County, Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Richard Åkerman   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1892–1910 Värmland County
Johannes Åkesson   Free-minded National Association 1915–1919 Kristianstad County
Nils Åkesson   National Party 1915–1919 Kristianstad County
Sten Åkesson   People's Party 1956–1970 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Eskil Albertsson   People's Party 1937–1947 Jönköping County
Erik Alexanderson   People's Party 1955–1970 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Nils Alexanderson   Free-minded National Association 1912–1921 Uppsala County
Oscar Alin 1846–1900 professor   Protectionist Party 1889–1899 Uppsala County
Edvard Alkman   Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
Gothenburg and Bohus County, Älvsborg County
Ulla Alm, see Ulla Lindström
Ulla Alm-Lindström, see Ulla Lindström
August Almén   independent
  Minority Party
1886–1902 Västerbotten County
Johan Almer   Free-minded National Association 1912–1919 Halland County
Fredrik Almgren   Protectionist Party 1889–1903 Norrbotten County, Älvsborg County
Oscar Almgren 1842–1910 wholesale dealer   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1890–1910 City of Stockholm
John Almkvist   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
1919–1930 Västerbotten County, Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Gustaf Fridolf Almquist   independent 1871–1880 Västerbotten County
Gustaf Almqvist   Protectionist Party 1892–1899 Jönköping County
Ludvig Almqvist   independent 1867–1869 Stockholm County
Victor Almqvist   independent 1867–1869 Västerbotten County
Robert Almström   Protectionist Party 1888–1896 City of Stockholm
Robert Almström   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1898–1910 Gävleborg County
Jonas Alströmer   Protectionist Party 1892–1896
Älvsborg County
Oscar Alströmer   independent 1873–1881 Halland County
Valter Åman   Social Democratic Party 1946–1961 City of Stockholm
Johan Amilon   independent 1901–1907 Kristianstad County
Ruth Amundson   Rightist Party 1949–1949 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Rudolf Anderberg   Social Democratic Party 1937–1960 Malmöhus County
Carl Albert Anderson   Social Democratic Party 1954–1969 City of Stockholm
Erik Anderson   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1921–1937 Kalmar County Northern, Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Frans Albert Anderson   independent 1878–1886 Jönköping County
Ivar Anderson   Rightist Party 1941–1948 Östergötland County
Iwar Anderson   Social Democratic Party 1940–1955 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Albert Andersson   Farmers' League 1939–1946 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Albin Andersson   Farmers' League 1922–1925 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Alfred Andersson   Social Democratic Party 1933–1951 Malmöhus County
Alvar Andersson   Farmers' League 1954–1958 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Anders Andersson i Markaryd   Social Democratic Party 1935–1944 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Andreas Andersson   independent 1875–1883 Jönköping County
Axel Andersson   People's Party 1949–1970 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Axel Andersson   Centre Party 1957–1964 Gävleborg County
Bertil Andersson   Social Democratic Party 1950–1963 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Ebon Andersson   Rightist Party 1946–1966 City of Stockholm
Elof Andersson   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1921–1940 Kristianstad County, Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Elon Andersson   People's Party 1937–1954 Gävleborg County
Emil Andersson   Rightist Party 1937–1941 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Gösta Andersson i Kolstad   Farmers' National Organization 1919–1921 Östergötland County
Gunnar Andersson i Djursholm   Free-minded National Association 1919–1921 City of Helsingborg
Gunnar Andersson i Rossvik   Rightist Party 1943–1947 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Gunnar Andersson i Gustavsberg   Social Democratic Party 1957–1959 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Gustaf Andersson i Källstad   independent 1879–1882 Östergötland County
Gustaf Andersson i Kolstad   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
Östergötland County
Gustaf Andersson   Social Democratic Party 1948–1958 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Gustav Andersson   Farmers' League 1944–1953 Jönköping County
Henrik Andersson   Farmers' League 1925–1933 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Ingvar Andersson   Moderate Party 1969–1970 Malmöhus County
Ivar Andersson   Social Democratic Party 1968–1970 Kopparberg County
Johan Andersson i Sjöberg   independent 1889–1890 Skaraborg County
Jonas Andersson i Trossnäs   independent 1881–1889 Värmland County
Jonas Andersson i Hedsta   National Party 1922–1930 Gävleborg County
Jones Erik Andersson   Farmers' League 1944–1951 Kopparberg County
Karl Andersson i Fiskebäckskil   Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
Gothenburg and Bohus County
Karl Andersson i Eliantorp   Farmers' League 1922–1932 Östergötland County
Karl Andersson i Rixö   Social Democratic Party 1938–1957 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Lars Andersson i Hedensbyn   Farmers' League 1947–1956 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Nils Andersson [sv]   independent 1888–1891 Kristianstad County
Nils Andersson i Östersund [sv]   Social Democratic Party 1933–1940 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties [sv]
Per Andersson i Koldemo   Farmers' League 1922–1944 Gävleborg County
Per Johan Andersson   Protectionist Party 1888–1892
Älvsborg County
Sten Andersson   Social Democratic Party 1966–1970 Värmland County
Sven Andersson i Sveneby   Upper House branch of the Lantmanna Party 1873 Skaraborg County
Sven Andersson   Social Democratic Party 1948–1970 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Torsten Andersson 1909–1978 editor-in-chief   Centre Party 1957–1968 Älvborg County
Verner Andersson   Farmers' League 1935–1944 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Egon Andreasson   Centre Party 1969–1970 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Torsten Andrée   Social Democratic Party 1949–1952 Malmöhus County
Georg Andrén   Rightist Party 1938–1951 Älvsborg County
Wilhelm Annér   People's Party 1946–1948 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Arvid Annerås   People's Party 1969–1970 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Ludvig Annerstedt   Ministerial Group 1890–1904 City of Stockholm
Anders Antonsson   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
1911–1928 City of Malmö, Malmöhus County
Harry Apelqvist   Social Democratic Party 1956–1957 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Anders Apelstam   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1902–1905 Halland County
Ernst Åqvist   People's Party 1943–1943 Örebro County
Magnus Arhusiander   Minority Party 1892–1894 Västernorrland County
Anders Aronsson   Farmers' League 1939–1942 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Erik Arrhén   Rightist Party 1943–1958 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Johan Arrhenius   independent 1867–1872 Kalmar County Southern
John-Arvid Arvidson   Rightist Party 1958–1968 Malmöhus County
Axel Asker   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
1909–1912 Halland County
Sven Aspling   Social Democratic Party 1956–1958 Kopparberg County
Gustaf Asplund   independent 1868–1882 Jämtland County
Manne Asplund   Social Democratic Party 1912–1942 Norrbotten County, Värmland County, Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Anders Åström   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
1908–1915 Västerbotten County
Ernst Åström   Social Democratic Left Party
  Social Democratic Party
1922–1935 Kopparberg County
Gillis Augustsson   Social Democratic Party 1961–1970 Östergötland County
Anders Axelson   People's Party 1969–1970 Värmland County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Helge Bäcklund   Social Democratic Party 1936–1943 Skaraborg County
Carl Alfred Bäckström   independent
  Minority Party
1881–1889 Västmanland County
Helge Bäckström   Social Democratic Party 1912–1921| Malmöhus County
Magnus Bäckström   Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1933–1946 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Frans Bæckström   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1908–1911 Örebro County
Gösta Bagge   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1932–1936 City of Stockholm
Johan von Bahr   National Party 1912–1917 Uppsala County
Johan Bärg   Social Democratic Party 1924–1947 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Adolf Barnekow   independent 1886–1890 Kristianstad County
Fredrik Barnekow   Scanian Party
  Protectionist Party
1878–1895 Kristianstad County
Ragnar Barnekow   Free-minded National Association 1919–1921 Kristianstad County
Gustaf Barthelson   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1908–1921 Skaraborg County
Carl von Baumgarten   independent
  Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
Kronoberg County
Carl Beck-Friis   Rightist Party 1938–1947 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Corfitz Beck-Friis   independent
  Scanian Party
1867–1884 Malmöhus County
Joachim Beck-Friis the Elder   independent 1884–1884 Stockholm County
Joachim Beck-Friis the Younger   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1900–1916 Stockholm County
Johan Beck-Friis   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
Östergötland County
Lave Beck-Friis   Free-minded National Association 1911–1911 Skaraborg County
Carl-Fredrik Beckman   independent
  National Party
1911–1917 Malmöhus County
Ernst Beckman   Free-minded National Association 1911–1913 Stockholm County
Herman Behm   independent
  Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1887–1911 Örebro County
Carl Gottreich Beijer   independent 1871–1894 City of Malmö
August Bellinder   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1908–1911 Älvsborg County
Gustaf Benedicks   Protectionist Party 1892–1909 Västmanland County
Torsten Bengtson   Farmers' League 1950–1970 Jönköping County
Carl Bengtsson   Rightist Party 1930–1945 Älvsborg County
Jöns Bengtsson   independent 1876–1893 Malmöhus County
Axel Bennich   independent
  Minority Party
1867–1893 Jämtland County
Gunnar Berg   Social Democratic Party 1956–1963 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Gustaf Berg   Protectionist Party 1891–1908 Jönköping County
Gustaf Berg   Protectionist Party 1896–1904 Skaraborg County
Lars Berg   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
Norrbotten County
Oscar Berg   independent 1876–1884 Kopparberg County
Robert Berg   Social Democratic Party 1934–1947 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Theodor Berg   independent 1868–1876 Älvsborg County
Volrath Berg   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1905–1911 Älvsborg County
Adolf Berge   Social Democratic Party 1920–1926 Stockholm County, Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Gustaf Bergendahl   Protectionist Party 1900–1904 Skaraborg County
Klas Hugo Bergendahl   independent
  National Party
1907–1912 Kronoberg County
Anders Berger   Minority Party 1870–1871 Örebro County
Ossian Berger   independent
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1907–1912 Kalmar County Southern, Örebro County
Emil Berggren   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1907–1913 Norrbotten County
Henrik Berggren   Protectionist Party 1900–1908 Blekinge County
Ragnar Bergh   Rightist Party 1943–1962 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Oscar Bergius   independent
  Protectionist Party
1887–1900 Malmöhus County, Gothenburg and Bohus County
Carl Berglund 1859–1921 editor-in-chief   Farmers' League 1919 Skaraborg County
Enar Berglund   Social Democratic Party 1937–1938 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Fredrik Berglund   Free-minded National Association 1912–1919 Östergötland County
Helge Berglund   Social Democratic Party 1968–1970 City of Stockholm
Jan Berglund   Social Democratic Party 1912–1915
City of Stockholm
Carl Otto Bergman   independent
  Protectionist Party
Västerbotten County, Norrbotten County
Ingebrikt Bergman   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
1922–1924 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Johan Bergman   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
Värmland County
Sven Peter Bergman   independent 1867–1874 Norrbotten County
Oscar Bergmark   independent 1898–1898 Älvsborg County
Thorwald Bergquist   People's Party 1943–1947 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Olof Bergqvist   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1912–1938 Norrbotten County, Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Carl Fredrik Bergstedt   independent 1867–1875 Östergötland County
Gösta Bergstrand   Social Democratic Party 1968–1968 Kopparberg County
Albert Bergström   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  Social Democratic Party
Värmland County, Östergötland County
Axel Bergström   independent
  Minority Party
1882–1893 Örebro County
David Bergström   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
Östergötland County
Gustaf Bergström   Farmers' National Organization 1919–1920 Blekinge County
Wilhelm Bergström   independent 1895–1900 Värmland County
John Bergvall   People's Party 1946–1959 City of Stockholm
Jakob Berlin   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1897–1908 Västerbotten County
Nils Johan Berlin   independent 1867–1873 Malmöhus County
Edwin Berling   Social Democratic Party 1929–1951 Malmöhus County
John Bernström   independent 1905–1908 Stockholm County
Olof Berntson   Social Democratic Party 1941–1941 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Alfred Bexell   independent
  Protectionist Party
1884–1888 Halland County
Elof Biesèrt   Free-minded National Association 1911–1911 Värmland County
Niklas Biesèrt   independent 1883–1891 Jämtland County
Gillis Bildt 1820–1894 reichsmarschall, prime minister   independent 1967–1874
City of Stockholm
Knut Gillis Bildt   Protectionist Party 1900–1908 Norrbotten County
Gottfrid Billing   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
Västmanland County, Älvsborg County
Tore Billman   People's Party 1962–1965 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Lars Billström   independent 1867–1871 Malmöhus County
Henning Biörklund   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
Västerbotten County
Emanuel Birke   Rightist Party 1956–1962 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Georg Bissmark   National Party 1927–1934 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Carl Björck   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1905–1911 Halland County
Gustaf Björck   independent 1867–1867 Gothenburg and Bohus County
John Björck   Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1931–1953 Älvsborg County
Wilhelm Björck   Social Democratic Party 1927–1938 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Knut Björkenstam   Conservative Group
Västmanland County
August Björklund   independent 1876–1877 Skaraborg County
Olof Björklund   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1903–1911 Jämtland County
Alexis Björkman   Social Democratic Party 1919–1926 Västmanland County, Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Gustaf Adolf Björkman   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1933–1940 Östergötland County
Gustav Björkman   Rightist Party 1936–1949 Värmland County
Gustaf Björlin   Protectionist Party 1896–1909 Gotland County
Tor Björnberg   Rightist Party 1952–1955 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Edvard Björnsson senior lecturer   Social Democratic Party 1930–1937
Älvsborg County
Magnus Björnstjerna   independent 1867–1875 Kalmar County Southern
Oscar Björnstjerna   independent
  Minority Party
1874–1901 City of Stockholm
Emanuel Bjurström   Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1929–1939 Kopparberg County
Lennart Blom   People's Party 1968–1968 Skaraborg County
Ernst Blomberg   Social Democratic Party 1911–1911 Gävleborg County
Hugo Blomberg   Protectionist Party 1894–1909 Kopparberg County
Per Blomquist   Rightist Party 1965–1970 Malmöhus County
Carl Boberg   National Party 1912–1931 Kalmar County Southern, Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Gunnar Bodin   Farmers' National Organization
  Farmers' League
1920–1943 Gotland County, Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Karl Bodin   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1933–1941 Värmland County
Erik Boheman   People's Party 1959–1970 City of Gothenburg
Gösta Bohman   Moderate Party 1970–1970 City of Stockholm
Edvard Bohnstedt   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1905–1911 Södermanland County
Knut Bohnstedt   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1888–1911 Örebro County
Gustaf Boman   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
City of Gothenburg
Rudolf Boman   People's Party 1953–1965 Jönköping County
Sven Boman   Social Democratic Party 1939–1950 Kopparberg County
Carl Bonde, see Carl Trolle-Bonde
Bonde Bondeson   National Party 1914–1917 Malmöhus County
Lennart Bondeson   Rightist Party 1939–1947 Malmöhus County
Nils Anton Bondeson   Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
1919–1926 Kronoberg County, Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Per Bondesson   Protectionist Party 1892–1907 Malmöhus County
Theodor Borell   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1917–1938 Stockholm County, Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Fredrik Theodor Borg   independent
  Minority Party
1885–1892 Malmöhus County
Oscar Borge   Social Democratic Party 1920–1921 City of Stockholm
Lars Borggren   Social Democratic Party 1932–1932 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Nils Bosæus   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1909–1911 Norrbotten County
Erik Gustaf Boström   Protectionist Party 1894–1907 Stockholm County
Filip Boström   independent
  Protectionist Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1887–1908 Södermanland County
Johan Boström   independent
  Protectionist Party
Skaraborg County
Erik Gottfrid Christian Brandt   Social Democratic Party 1939–1943 Kopparberg County
Gunnar Brånstad   Social Democratic Party 1955–1955 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Georg Branting   Social Democratic Party 1932–1961 City of Stockholm
Gustaf von Braun   independent 1871–1879 Skaraborg County
Wilhelm Brehmer   Protectionist Party 1890–1904 Gävleborg County
Oscar Bremberg   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
Västerbotten County
Wilhelm Broman   National Party 1918–1919 City of Stockholm
Olof Bruce   Free-minded National Association 1912–1917 Malmöhus County
August Bruhn   Free-minded National Association 1921–1921 Kristianstad County
Fredric Brummer   independent 1867–1875 Halland County
Julius Brun   independent 1869–1876 Gävleborg County
Fredrik Brusewitz   independent
  Ehrenheimian Party
1867–1875 Älvsborg County
Sture Bruzelius   Protectionist Party 1892–1900 Kristianstad County
Pontus af Burén   independent
  Protectionist Party
Östergötland County
Axel Burenstam   independent 1876–1886 Örebro County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Torsten Caap   Rightist Party 1939–1943 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Per Carlberg   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1905–1914 Örebro County
Fredrik Daniel Carlborg   independent 1888–1891 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Eduard Carleson   independent 1874–1884 Kalmar County Northern
Carl Carlheim-Gyllensköld   independent 1868–1868
Kristianstad County
Theodor Carlheim-Gyllensköld   independent 1881–1888 Halland County
Ingeborg Carlqvist   Social Democratic Party 1951–1968 Malmöhus County
F. F. Carlson [sv; de; it; nl]   independent
  Centre of the Upper House
1873–1887 Gävleborg County
Arne Carlsson   Social Democratic Party 1970–1970 Gävleborg County
Carl Carlsson   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1922–1936 Gävleborg County
Carl Eric Carlsson   independent 1876–1878 Västmanland County
Erik Carlsson   Centre Party 1958–1970 Kopparberg County
Georg Carlsson   Farmers' League 1953–1963 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Harry Carlsson   People's Party 1963–1967 Skaraborg County
Johan Carlsson   National Party 1914–1919 Värmland County
Johan Gustaf Carlsson   Social Democratic Party 1921–1923 Blekinge County
Lars Magnus Carlsson   independent 1883–1888 Kalmar County Southern
Olof Carlsson   Social Democratic Party 1922–1923 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Olof Carlsson   Social Democratic Party 1930–1945 City of Stockholm
Oscar Carlsson   Social Democratic Party 1956–1970 Värmland County
Carl Fredrik Carlström   Rightist Party 1935–1946 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Otto Carlsund   independent 1879–1882 Älvsborg County
Edvard Casparsson   independent
  Protectionist Party
Uppsala County
Johan Fredrik Caspersson   independent 1867–1875 Kalmar County Southern
Knut Cassel   independent 1867–1869
Örebro County
Henrik Cavalli   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1890–1917 Malmöhus County
Axel Cederberg   independent
  Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1885–1907 Västerbotten County
Allan Cederborg   Liberal Party of Sweden 1929–1929 City of Stockholm
Conrad Cedercrantz   independent
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
1904–1918 Kalmar County Northern
Anders Cederström   independent 1867–1875 Stockholm County
Claes Cederström   independent 1882–1882 Kronoberg County
Christen Christenson   independent 1886–1889 Malmöhus County
Hjalmar Claëson   Minority Party 1885–1893 Kopparberg County
Sam Clason   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1907–1919 Västmanland County
Sam Clason   National Party 1922–1925 City of Stockholm
Jeppe Clemedtson   National Party 1924–1931 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Tycho Colleen   Rightist Party 1936–1937 Älvsborg County
Hjalmar Croneborg   independent 1867–1870 Skaraborg County
Wilhelm Croneborg   independent 1867–1884 Värmland County
Fredrik Cronstedt   Conservative Group
1867–1869 Västmanland County
Jesper Crusebjörn   independent 1894–1896
Västerbotten County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Adolf Dahl   National Party 1912–1919
Kristianstad County, Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Einar Dahl   Social Democratic Party 1958–1970 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Frans Dahl   independent
  Protectionist Party
1883–1888 Älvsborg County
Georg Dahl   independent 1926–1928 Värmland County
Thure Dahlberg   Social Democratic Party 1962–1970 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Olle Dahlén   People's Party 1964–1970 City of Stockholm
Carl Dahlström   Social Democratic Party 1937–1948 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Leonard Dahm   independent 1873–1883 Kalmar County Southern
Erik Dalberg   Social Democratic Party 1915–1935 Kopparberg County
Karl Damström   Social Democratic Party 1947–1967 Kopparberg County
Axel Danckwardt-Lillieström   independent 1899–1903 Östergötland County
Oscar Danielsson   Social Democratic Party 1935–1938 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Einar Danmans   People's Party 1954–1960 Gävleborg County
Ludvig Danström   independent
  National Party
1908–1919 Halland County
Arvid De Geer   Farmers' League 1940–1946 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Emanuel De Geer   independent 1874–1877 Uppsala County
Fabian De Geer   independent
  National Party
1911–1917 Skaraborg County
Gerard De Geer   People's Party 1950–1957 Värmland County
Gerhard Louis De Geer   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
  Free-minded National Association
1901–1914 Kristianstad County
Louis De Geer   independent 1884–1887 Älvsborg County
Louis Gerhard De Geer   independent
  Scanian Party
  Centre of the Upper House
1867–1888 City of Stockholm
Johan De la Gardie   independent 1892–1895 Kristianstad County
Magnus De la Gardie   independent 1896–1904 Kristianstad County
Robert De la Gardie   independent 1880–1888 Östergötland County
Axel Dickson   independent 1867–1870 Östergötland County
Charles Dickson   Minority Party 1867–1872
Gothenburg and Bohus County, City of Gothenburg
Robert Dickson   Minority Party 1892–1903 Jönköping County, City of Malmö
Johan Dieden   independent
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1900–1910 City of Malmö
Ingrid Diesen   Rightist Party 1967–1969 City of Stockholm
Ludvig Douglas   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
Östergötland County
Wilhelm Dufwa   Upper House branch of the Lantmanna Party
Kristianstad County, Gothenburg and Bohus County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Sven Edin   Social Democratic Party 1941–1952 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Gunnar Edström   People's Party 1957–1968 Malmöhus County
Gustaf Edström   independent 1903–1903 Västerbotten County
Viktor Egnell   Farmers' League 1936–1943 Skaraborg County
Casper Ehrenborg   independent 1890–1892
Kristianstad County
Gustaf Adam Ehrengranat   independent 1867–1868 Halland County
Pehr von Ehrenheim   independent
  Ehrenheimian Party
  Minority Party
1867–1902 Uppsala County
Albert Ehrensvärd   Minority Party
  Scanian Party
Gothenburg and Bohus County
Gustaf Ehrnberg   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1931–1939 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Gustaf Ekdahl   Protectionist Party 1888–1905 Stockholm County
Gunnar Ekelund   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1908–1919 Östergötland County
Fredrik Ekenman   independent 1867–1872 Jönköping County
Thor Ekenman   independent 1882–1890 Jönköping County
Victor Ekenman   independent
  Protectionist Party
1885–1893 Älvsborg County
Theodor af Ekenstam   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1899–1915 Gotland County
Fritz Ekholm   Social Democratic Party 1941–1941 Östergötland County
Anton Eklund   Social Democratic Party 1941–1946 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Ludvig Eklund   Protectionist Party 1898–1898 Östergötland County
Oskar Eklund   independent 1910–1911 City of Stockholm
Oskar Eklund   Free-minded National Association 1912–1918 Södermanland County
Carl Edvard Ekman   independent
  Scanian Party
  Minority Party
1867–1893 Östergötland County
Carl Gustaf Ekman   Free-minded National Association 1911–1928 Gävleborg County, Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Gustaf Ekman   independent 1867–1867 Värmland County
Janne Ekman   independent
  Scanian Party
1867–1882 Älvsborg County, City of Gothenburg
Johan Ekman   Free-minded National Association 1912–1919 Älvsborg County
Karl Ekman   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1908–1933 Jönköping County
Oscar Ekman   independent 1883–1887 City of Gothenburg
Axel Ekstedt   independent 1880–1881 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Bernhard Ekström   Farmers' League 1948–1948 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Carl Ekström   independent 1880–1882 Jönköping County
Ivar Ekströmer   Rightist Party 1936–1948 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Melcher Ekströmer   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1896–1911 Kalmar County Southern
Gösta Elfving   Social Democratic Party 1954–1957 City of Stockholm
Gustaf Eliasson   Free-minded National Association 1912–1919 Kristianstad County
Lars Eliasson   Farmers' League 1952–1958 Kopparberg County
Anders Elisson   Farmers' National Organization
  Farmers' League
1919–1928 Halland County, Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Bengt Elmgren   Social Democratic Party 1941–1966 Östergötland County
Gustaf Elofsson   Farmers' League 1940–1967 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Nils Elowsson   Social Democratic Party 1940–1963 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Johan Eneroth   independent 1891–1892 Kristianstad County
Arthur Engberg   Social Democratic Party 1941–1944 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Erik Englund   People's Party 1945–1958 City of Stockholm
Ivar Englund   Social Democratic Party 1936–1938 Kopparberg County
Suno Engström   independent 1888–1889 Gotland County
Erik August Enhörning   National Party 1922–1932 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Frans Ericson   Social Democratic Party 1941–1948 Östergötland County
Hans Ericson   National Party 1912–1919 Blekinge County
John Ericson   independent 1882–1886 Älvsborg County
Oscar Ericson   Farmers' League 1922–1937 Jönköping County
Aaby Ericsson   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1905–1921 Kronoberg County
Harald Ericsson   independent
  Protectionist Party
1885–1894 Örebro County
Herman Ericsson   Social Democratic Party 1937–1946 Malmöhus County
Ollas Anders Ericsson   National Party 1912–1921 Kopparberg County, Halland County
Arvid Erikson   Free-minded National Association 1921–1921 Stockholm County
Johannes Erikson   independent 1884–1885 Älvsborg County
Oskar Erikson   Social Democratic Party 1920–1921 City of Stockholm
Anders Eriksson i Undrom   Social Democratic Party 1944–1944 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
August Eriksson   United Right Party 1910–1911 Kopparberg County
Bertil Eriksson   Social Democratic Party 1941–1942 City of Stockholm
Carl Eriksson   Social Democratic Party 1922–1952 Gävleborg County
Einar Eriksson   Social Democratic Party 1947–1970 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Erik Eriksson i Böleå   Free-minded National Association 1922–1922 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Johan Albert Eriksson   Social Democratic Party 1921–1921 Jönköping County
Karl Erik Eriksson   People's Party 1966–1968 Värmland County
Valfrid Eriksson   National Party 1926–1932 Värmland County
Tage Erlander   Social Democratic Party 1945–1948 Malmöhus County
August Ernfors   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1928–1937 Kopparberg County
Gudmund Ernulf   People's Party 1965–1970 City of Gothenburg
Ernst Eskhult   Farmers' League 1919–1943 Skaraborg County
Carl Eskilsson   Rightist Party 1949–1970 Östergötland County
Carl von Essen   Free-minded National Association 1918–1919 Jämtland County
Fredrik von Essen   independent
  Scanian Party
  Protectionist Party
Skaraborg County, Älvsborg County
Reinhold von Essen   independent 1880–1888
Skaraborg County
Albert Evers   independent 1891–1892 Älvsborg County
Oscar Evers   independent 1879–1887
Örebro County, Gothenburg and Bohus County
Knut Ewerlöf   Rightist Party 1938–1961 City of Stockholm
Waldemar Ewerlöf   independent
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1904–1910 City of Malmö


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Axel Fagerholm   Protectionist Party 1892–1901 Jönköping County
Axel Fagerlin   National Party 1914–1919 Norrbotten County
Emil Fagerlund   Social Democratic Party 1921–1921 Gävleborg County
Lars Fagerström   Social Democratic Party 1960–1961 Älvsborg County
Gustaf Fahlander   Social Democratic Party 1942–1963 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Pontus Fahlbeck   Protectionist Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1903–1911 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Olof Fåhræus   independent 1867–1878 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Helmer Falk   independent 1885–1901 Värmland County
Karl Falk   Social Democratic Party 1949–1956 Östergötland County
Knut Falk   Protectionist Party 1899–1905 Kopparberg County
Otto Falk   independent 1868–1875 Värmland County
Wilhelm Falk   Minority Party 1876–1893 Kopparberg County
Henrik Falkenberg   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1901–1913 Värmland County
Melker Falkenberg af Bålby   independent 1884–1887 Östergötland County
Thorbjörn Fälldin   Centre Party 1967–1968 Örebro County
Fredrik Fant   National Party 1917–1919 Stockholm County
Arvid Faxe   independent 1867–1873 Jönköping County
Martin Fehr   Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
1923–1930 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Carl Fehrman   independent 1892–1898 Halland County
Elis Fischer   independent 1886–1886 City of Stockholm
Sixten Flach   Protectionist Party 1889–1897 Östergötland County
Edvard Fleetwood   National Party 1919–1919 Kalmar County Northern
Victor Fleetwood   independent 1867–1868 Kalmar County Northern
Herman Fleming   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1908–1924 Östergötland County
Ernst Flensburg   National Party 1917–1917 Blekinge County
Hulda Flood   Social Democratic Party 1948–1949 Värmland County
Ethel Florén-Winther   Moderate Party 1970–1970 City of Stockholm
Nils Fock   independent
  Protectionist Party
1878–1900 Skaraborg County
Jakob Fogelin   independent 1880–1886 Skaraborg County
Wilhelm Fogelmarck   independent 1878–1879 Gävleborg County
Victor Folin   Protectionist Party 1905–1908 Gävleborg County
Albert Forslund   Social Democratic Party 1931–1951 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Johan August Forss   Free-minded National Association 1911–1914 Skaraborg County
Erik Forssberg   National Party 1927–1934 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Carl Forssell   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1930–1937 City of Stockholm
Hans Forssell   independent
  Minority Party
1880–1897 Gävleborg County
Otto Forssell   independent
  Protectionist Party
1880–1888 Västmanland County
Lars Forssman   independent 1886–1890 City of Stockholm
Per Forssman   National Party 1912–1919 Gotland County
Niklas Fosser   independent
  Protectionist Party
Östergötland County
Eduard Fränckel   Protectionist Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1889–1911 City of Stockholm
Anders Olof Frändén   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1918–1940 Jämtland County, Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Nils Franzén   Farmers' League 1952–1959 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Laur Franzon   Social Democratic Party 1939–1956 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Carl von Friesen   Ministerial Group
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1897–1905 City of Stockholm
Sixten von Friesen   independent
  Free-minded National Association
1905–1915 City of Stockholm
Karl Friman   Protectionist Party 1904–1908 Skaraborg County
Edvard Frisk   independent 1868–1877 Gävleborg County
Christian Fröberg   independent
  Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
Västernorrland County
Nils Fröman   independent 1867–1882 Kopparberg County
Fredrik Alexander Funck   independent 1867–1874 Östergötland County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Nils Gabrielsson   Farmers' League
  National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1922–1946 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Henric Gahn   independent 1875–1892 Kopparberg County
Natanael Gärde   People's Party 1938–1945 City of Stockholm
Ingrid Gärde Widemar   People's Party 1954–1960 City of Stockholm
Herman von Gegerfelt   independent 1867–1879 Jönköping County
Arne Geijer   Social Democratic Party 1955–1970 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Bror von Geijer   independent 1867–1877 Kristianstad County
Christofer Wilhelm Geijer   independent 1871–1872 Värmland County
Knut von Geijer   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1909–1936 Malmöhus County
Lennart Geijer   Social Democratic Party 1962–1970 City of Stockholm
Oscar Geijer   independent 1867–1873 Älvsborg County
Carl Fredrik af Geijerstam   independent 1876–1878 Skaraborg County
Edvard Gelin   Free-minded National Association 1915–1917 Värmland County
Ernfrid Gelotte   Free-minded National Association 1912–1915 Jönköping County
Birger Gezelius   Rightist Party 1960–1961 Kopparberg County
Emil Gezelius   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1908–1919 Kopparberg County
Gustaf Gilljam   independent
  Protectionist Party
Gävleborg County, Uppsala County
Anselm Gillström   Social Democratic Party 1941–1968 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Axel Gjöres   Social Democratic Party 1943–1950 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Anders Göransson   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
Gävleborg County
Hardy Göransson   People's Party 1948–1955 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Stig Gorthon   Rightist Party 1961–1964 Malmöhus County
Frithiof Grafström   independent 1875–1883 Västerbotten County
Per Granath   Social Democratic Party 1929–1944 Gävleborg County
Petrus Gränebo   Farmers' National Organization
  Farmers' League
1919–1951 Kalmar County Southern, Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Josef Granström   Free-minded People's Party 1928–1932 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Erik Magnus Grenholm   independent 1886–1888 Jämtland County
Carl Grevesmühl   Farmers' League 1919–1921 Västmanland County
Johan Gripenstedt   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1892–1918 Örebro County
Johan Gripenstedt   National Party 1912–1918 Örebro County
Lennart Groll   Protectionist Party 1892–1896 Kalmar County Northern
Allan Grönkvist   Social Democratic Party 1954–1957 Värmland County
Karl Grubbström   Free-minded National Association
1912–1915 Västerbotten County
Leonard Grundberg   Protectionist Party 1894–1909 Älvsborg County
Jakob Grym   Social Democratic Party 1945–1961 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Wilhelm Gullberg   Free-minded National Association 1912–1919 Skaraborg County
Fritiof Gustafsson   Rightist Party 1928–1943 Skaraborg County
Gustaf Gustafsson   National Party 1919–1919 Kalmar County Northern
Karl Johan Gustafsson   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1909–1933 Jönköping County
Nils-Eric Gustafsson   Farmers' League 1957–1970 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Per Gustafsson   Farmers' League 1922–1942 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
John Gustavson   Farmers' League 1934–1949 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Bengt Gustavsson   Social Democratic Party 1958–1970 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Fredric Gyllenkrook   independent 1869–1872 Kristianstad County
Henric Gyllenram   independent 1867–1874 Gotland County
Henrik Gyllenram   independent 1886–1888 Värmland County
Eric Gyllenstierna   independent 1867–1867 Kristianstad County
Johan Gyllenstierna   independent
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
1907–1914 Kristianstad County
August Gyllensvaan   independent 1867–1867
Gothenburg and Bohus County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Erik Hagberg   Rightist Party 1956–1963 Malmöhus County
Elof Hagberth   Rightist Party 1937–1938 Malmöhus County
Ernst Hage   Social Democratic Party 1943–1949 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Edvard Hagfält   Social Democratic Party 1919–1922 Uppsala County
Erik Häggström   independent 1870–1874 Västerbotten County
Josef Hagman   Rightist Party 1944–1947 Östergötland County
Oskar Hagman   Social Democratic Party 1930–1942 City of Stockholm
Julius Hagström   Free-minded National Association 1912–1912 Västernorrland County
Leonard Hagström   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1934–1940 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Anton Hahn   Free-minded National Association 1912–1914 Örebro County
Edvin Håkanson   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1904–1910 Älvsborg County
Ernst Håkanson   Protectionist Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1909–1911 Kristianstad County
Nils Håkansson   Protectionist Party 1892–1895 Kristianstad County
Fritz Hallberg   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
1911–1916 City of Malmö
Magnus Hallenborg   independent 1867–1892 Malmöhus County
Erik Hallgren   independent 1895–1899 Södermanland County
Elof Hällgren   Social Democratic Party 1948–1955 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Eric Hallin   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1908–1933 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Olof Hallin   independent 1871–1874 Kopparberg County
Walther von Hallwyl   Protectionist Party 1897–1905 Gävleborg County
Hjalmar Halvarsson   National Party 1931–1933 Gävleborg County
Alexander Hamilton   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1907–1919 Västmanland County
Gilbert Hamilton   independent 1879–1887 Skaraborg County
Henning Hamilton   Conservative Group
1867–1881 Södermanland County
Hugo Hamilton   independent
  Scanian Party
1867–1875 Skaraborg County
Hugo Hamilton the Elder   independent 1867–1870 Örebro County
Hugo Hamilton the Younger   independent 1871–1885 Örebro County
Hugo Hamilton   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
1908–1928 City of Gävle, Älvsborg County
Raoul Hamilton   Protectionist Party
1892–1908 Kristianstad County
Carl Hammar   independent 1867–1870
Halland County
Carl Hammarhjelm   independent 1867–1884 Värmland County
Emil Hammarlund   independent 1910–1910 City of Stockholm
Carl Hammarskjöld   independent 1895–1897 City of Stockholm
Carl Gustaf Hammarskjöld   National Party 1925–1932 Östergötland County
Hjalmar Hammarskjöld   independent 1923–1938 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Hugo Hammarskjöld   independent
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
1909–1918 Kalmar County Northern
Alexis Hammarström   independent
  Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
Gothenburg and Bohus County, Kronoberg County
Felix Hamrin   Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1934–1937 Jönköping County
Ruth Hamrin-Thorell   People's Party 1955–1970 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
David Hansén   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
Norrbotten County, Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Per-Olof Hanson   People's Party 1958–1964 City of Stockholm
Anders Hansson i Ravlunda   Rightist Party 1939–1939 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Frans Hansson   Rightist Party 1942–1943 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Jacob Hansson   Social Democratic Party 1933–1945 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Måns Hansson   independent 1885–1886 Malmöhus County
Nils Hansson   People's Party 1952–1967 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Peter Hansson   independent 1898–1901 Halland County
Sigfrid Hansson   Social Democratic Party 1919–1937 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Sven Hansson   Social Democratic Party 1939–1944 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Carl Alger Härdin   Social Democratic Party 1936–1942 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Carl Hasselrot   independent 1867–1874
Älvsborg County
Carl Birger Hasselrot   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1889–1910 Kalmar County Southern
Johan August Hazelius   independent 1868–1871 Västerbotten County
Staffan Hedblom   People's Party 1959–1961 City of Stockholm
Axel Hedborg   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1904–1906 Västerbotten County
Robert von Hedenberg   independent
  Protectionist Party
1886–1894 Västerbotten County
Erik Hedenby   Social Democratic Party 1950–1952 Malmöhus County
Axel Hedenlund   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1907–1919 Älvsborg County
Ernst Hedenstierna   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1909–1919 Skaraborg County
Hugo Hedenstierna   Protectionist Party 1899–1907 Östergötland County
Johan Alfred Hedenström   Free-minded National Association 1916–1919 Östergötland County
Carl Hederstierna   National Party 1922–1926 City of Stockholm
Fredrik Hederstierna   independent
  Scanian Party
Jönköping County, Gothenburg and Bohus County
Rune Hedlund   Social Democratic Party 1964–1970 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Sven Adolf Hedlund   Upper House branch of the Lantmanna Party
Gothenburg and Bohus County
Uno Hedström   Social Democratic Party 1956–1970 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Arthur Heiding   Farmers' League 1936–1951 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Selim Heijkenskjöld   independent 1867–1871 Örebro County
Erik von Heland   Farmers' League 1932–1952 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Adolf Helander   independent 1890–1898 Södermanland County
Gunnar Helén   People's Party 1970–1970 City of Stockholm
Ragnar Helgesson   Social Democratic Party 1942–1945 City of Stockholm
Mauritz Hellberg   Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
Värmland County
Arvid Hellebladh   Social Democratic Party 1957–1967 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Johannes Hellner   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  United Right Party
1910–1911 Västernorrland County
Paul Hellström   Free-minded National Association 1915–1927 Norrbotten County, Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Anders Henrikson   Farmers' League 1929–1936 Malmöhus County
Oskar Herdin   Protectionist Party 1905–1909 Kopparberg County
Jonas Herlenius   independent 1867–1867 Värmland County
Nils Herlitz   Rightist Party 1939–1955 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Albert Hermansson   Social Democratic Party 1949–1956 Östergötland County
Herbert Hermansson   Farmers' League 1950–1970 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Axel Hermelin   independent 1867–1868 Jönköping County
Richard Hermelin   National Party 1913–1919 Halland County
Allan Hernelius   Rightist Party 1962–1970 City of Stockholm
Hugo Hernlund   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1910–1911 City of Stockholm
Knut Hesselbom   Social Democratic Party 1946–1958 Älvsborg County
Kerstin Hesselgren   Free-minded National Association
1922–1934 City of Gothenburg, Örebro County
Elis Heüman   Protectionist Party 1907–1908 Halland County
Gustaf Heüman   Social Democratic Party 1934–1957 Jönköping County
Fredrik Hierta   independent 1879–1885 Skaraborg County
Karl Hildebrand   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1909–1910 Blekinge County
Per Hilding   People's Party 1961–1968 Gävleborg County
Anton Hjalmarsson   Social Democratic Party 1931–1936 Malmöhus County
Nils Hjorth   Social Democratic Party 1962–1970 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Carl Hochschild   Scanian Party 1878–1886 Malmöhus County
Erland von Hofsten   independent 1867–1867 Örebro County
Nils von Hofsten   independent 1867–1875 Skaraborg County
Ivar Högström   Social Democratic Party 1966–1970 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Sven Hollertz   Rightist Party 1948–1948 Östergötland County
Anders Reinhold Holm   Lantmannapartiet
  Old Lantmanna Party
1885–1890 Halland County
Ulrik Holm   National Party 1916–1917 Jämtland County
Åke Holmbäck   People's Party 1942–1952 Värmland County, Jönköping County
Carl Holmberg   independent 1867–1868
Kronoberg County
Nils Holmberg 1902–1981 writer, journalist, editor-in-chief   Communist Party 1944–1946 City of Gothenburg
Yngve Holmberg   Rightist Party 1962–1968 City of Stockholm
Israel Holmgren   Free-minded People's Party 1926–1933 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Fredrik Holmquist   Free-minded National Association 1912–1920 Kopparberg County
Eric Holmqvist   Social Democratic Party 1953–1970 Malmöhus County
Nils Holmström   Rightist Party 1937–1944 Gävleborg County
Allan Holstenson   Farmers' League 1934–1943 Jönköping County
Rudolph Horn af Rantzien   independent 1875–1878 Gotland County
Nils Hörstadius   Rightist Party 1930–1937 Älvsborg County
Gunnar Hübinette   Rightist Party 1963–1970 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Christopher Huldt   independent 1884–1885 Västerbotten County
Adam Hult   Free-minded National Association 1912–1923 Västmanland County, Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Carl Gustaf Hult   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1908–1911 Kalmar County Southern
Mary Hultell   Rightist Party 1964–1969 City of Stockholm
Axel Hummel   independent 1902–1904 Kronoberg County
Karl Husberg   Minority Party
Västerbotten County
Ragnar Huss   People's Party 1953–1957 Malmöhus County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Åke Ingeström   Free-minded National Association 1912–1928 Värmland County
John Ingmansson   Free-minded National Association 1911–1921 Blekinge County
Birger Isacson   Rightist Party 1961–1967 Kopparberg County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Gösta Jacobsson   Rightist Party 1961–1970 Malmöhus County
Per Jacobsson   People's Party 1955–1970 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Erik Jansson   Social Democratic Party 1952–1970 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Fridolf Jansson   Farmers' League 1951–1952 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Johannes Jansson   independent 1874–1875 Älvsborg County
Johan Jeansson   independent 1891–1895 Kalmar County Southern
John Jeansson   National Party 1918–1927 Kalmar County Southern
Carl Jehander   independent 1895–1901 Jönköping County
John Jeppsson   independent 1902–1907 Kristianstad County
Jöns Jesperson   National Party 1918–1921 Malmöhus County
Ewald Johannesson   Social Democratic Party 1946–1953 City of Stockholm
Emil Johanson   Social Democratic Party 1929–1930 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Johan Johanson i Valared   United Right Party
  National Party
1910–1915 Älvsborg County
Johan Johanson i Tväråselet   Farmers' National Organization 1921–1921 Norrbotten County
Karl Johanson   Social Democratic Party 1931–1954 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Anders Johansson   People's Party 1954–1961 Älvsborg County
August Johansson   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1920–1935 Skaraborg County
Carl Johansson   Social Democratic Party 1919–1928 Malmöhus County
Ivar Johansson   Farmers' League 1957–1970 Östergötland County
Johan Johansson i Kälkebo   Farmers' League 1919–1921 Gävleborg County
Johan Johansson i Hornsberg   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
1919–1932 Jämtland County, Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Johan Johansson i Friggeråker   Farmers' League 1930–1937 Älvsborg County
Johan Anton Johansson   independent
  National Party
1913–1919 Halland County
Johan Bernhard Johansson   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1919–1949 Halland County, Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Karl Johansson   Farmers' National Organization 1921–1921 Blekinge County
Karl Johansson   Rightist Party 1936–1943 Skaraborg County
Knut Johansson   Social Democratic Party 1957–1970 City of Stockholm
Robert Johansson   Farmers' League 1942–1942 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Rune B. Johansson   Social Democratic Party 1951–1960 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Tage Johansson   Social Democratic Party 1958–1970 Jönköping County
Theodor Johansson   Farmers' League 1954–1957 Jönköping County
Robert Johansson-Dahr   Free-minded People's Party 1931–1933 Jönköping County
Gunnel Jonäng   Centre Party 1969–1970 Gävleborg County
Bertil Jonasson   Centre Party 1958–1964 Värmland County
Ernst B. Jönson   Farmers' National Organization 1920–1921 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Erik Jonsson   Free-minded National Association 1912–1916
Gävleborg County
Ewert Jonsson   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1923–1938 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
John Jonsson   Social Democratic Party 1948–1957 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Jon N. Jonsson   Social Democratic Party 1945–1962 Gävleborg County
Olof Jonsson   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
1904–1916 Gävleborg County
Rune Jonsson   Social Democratic Party 1969–1970 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Anders Jönsson   independent 1876–1877 Älvsborg County
Birger Jönsson   National Party 1913–1918 Halland County
Johan Jönsson   Free-minded National Association 1919–1919 Kristianstad County
Jöns Jönsson   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1922–1936 Malmöhus County
Paul Jönsson   independent 1887–1892 Skaraborg County
Julius Juhlin   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1908–1911 Östergötland County
Malcolm Juhlin   Free-minded National Association 1919–1920 Södermanland County
Herman Juhlin-Dannfelt   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1908–1909 Västerbotten County
Fredrik Julin   Farmers' League 1929–1933 Värmland County
Teodor Julin   Social Democratic Party 1920–1930 Gävleborg County, Stockholm and Uppsala Counties


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Rolf Kaijser   Rightist Party 1958–1970 Värmland County
Robert Kajerdt   independent 1889–1892 Kalmar County Northern
Wilhelm Källman   Social Democratic Party 1933–1946 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Eric Källqvist   People's Party 1958–1965 Värmland County
Edvin Karlsson   Farmers' National Organization 1919–1919 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Fritiof Karlsson   Farmers' League 1949–1958 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Göran Karlsson   Social Democratic Party 1954–1970 Jönköping County
Gottfrid Karlsson i Gillberga   Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1926–1942 Örebro County
Gottfrid Karlsson   Social Democratic Party 1933–1953 Östergötland County
Gustaf Karlsson   Social Democratic Party 1942–1957 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Helge Karlsson   Social Democratic Party 1964–1970 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
John Karlsson   United Right Party
  National Party
Västmanland County, Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Karl Karlsson i Göteborg   Free-minded National Association 1912–1917 City of Gothenburg
Karl Karlsson i Stockholm   Social Democratic Party 1938–1941 City of Stockholm
Ove Karlsson   Social Democratic Party 1968–1970 Kopparberg County
James Kennedy   Protectionist Party 1899–1908 Kristianstad County
Ingemar Kerfstedt   Protectionist Party 1889–1897 Halland County
Karl Kilsmo   People's Party 1964–1970 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Emil Kinander   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1907–1909 City of Stockholm
Edward Kinberg   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1905–1909 Västerbotten County
Carl August Kjellberg   United Right Party 1911–1911 City of Gothenburg
Jonas Kjellberg   independent
  United Right Party
1910–1911 Örebro County
Johan Kjellén   Farmers' League 1919–1921 Jönköping County
Rudolf Kjellén   independent 1911–1917 Kalmar County Southern
Bror Kjellgren   National Party 1913–1919 Östergötland County
Josua Kjellgren   independent 1899–1901 Östergötland County
Ernst Klefbeck   Social Democratic Party 1912–1937 City of Stockholm
Rudolf Klinckowström   Upper House branch of the Lantmanna Party
  Protectionist Party
1878–1899 Älvsborg County
Herman Kling   Social Democratic Party 1962–1969 City of Stockholm, Gävleborg County
Carl Klingspor   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1890–1911 Skaraborg County
Philip Klingspor   independent
  Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1887–1919 Östergötland County
Eric af Klint   independent 1867–1875
Östergötland County, Älvsborg County
Gustaf Kobb   Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
1912–1931 Älvsborg County
Arthur Koch   independent 1875–1879
Gothenburg and Bohus County
Gerhard Halfred von Koch   independent
  Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
1913–1926 Örebro County
Nils Samuel von Koch   independent 1867–1881 Blekinge County
Ludvig Kockum   independent 1877–1885
Malmöhus County
Thorvald Köhlin   National Party 1912–1919 Älvsborg County
Emil Königsfeldt   independent 1882–1883
Kopparberg County
Anders Koskull   independent 1867–1881 Kronoberg County
Robert von Kræmer   independent
  Minority Party
Älvsborg County, Jämtland County
Axel Kristiansson   Centre Party 1964–1970 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Svante Kristiansson   Social Democratic Party 1956–1970 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Peter Krok   independent 1895–1899 City of Malmö
Johan Kronstrand   People's Party 1954–1963 Älvsborg County
Martin Kropp   Social Democratic Party 1926–1931 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Edvard von Krusenstjerna   independent
  Minority Party
1885–1893 Värmland County
Jan Kuylenstjerna   independent 1867–1873 Skaraborg County
Herman Kvarnzelius   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1912–1935 Västernorrland County, Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Fritjof Lager   Communist Party 1962–1965 City of Stockholm
Sven Lagerberg   independent 1867–1884 Älvsborg County
Gustaf Lagerbjelke 1817–1895   independent 1867–1894 Södermanland County
Gustaf Lagerbjelke 1860–1937   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  United Right Party
  National Party
1909–1930 Stockholm County, Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Gustaf Lagerbring   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
1900–1913 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Gustaf Lagercrantz   independent 1867–1867 Jämtland County
Israel Lagerfelt   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1930–1943 Östergötland County
Emil Lagerkvist   Free-minded National Association 1916–1919 Västerbotten County
Gerhard Lagerstråle   independent 1867–1884 Värmland County
Herman Lamm   independent
  Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
1910–1929 City of Stockholm
Maj-Lis Landberg   Social Democratic Party 1966–1970 Östergötland County
Lars Landgren   independent 1867–1868 Gävleborg County
Gunnar Lange   Social Democratic Party 1953–1970 Malmöhus County
Karl Langenskiöld   National Party 1916–1919 City of Stockholm
Johan Bernhard Lantto   Social Democratic Party 1912–1912 Värmland County
Tage Larfors   Social Democratic Party 1964–1970 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Gustaf Anton Larsén   Social Democratic Party 1919–1934 Halland County, Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Edward Larson   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1914–1935 Skaraborg County
Salomon Larson   independent 1873–1876 Älvsborg County
Anders Larsson i Bränninge   independent
  Protectionist Party
Skaraborg County
Eric Larsson   Minority Party 1897–1903 Gävleborg County
Jacob Larsson   Free-minded National Association
  Social Democratic Party
Norrbotten County, Stockholm County, Malmöhus County
Johan Larsson i Presstorp   Free-minded National Association 1912–1915 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Johan Larsson i Jonsjö   Farmers' League 1928–1934 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Johan Larsson i Örbyhus   Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1929–1938 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Knut Larsson   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1909–1919 Värmland County
Lars Larsson i Bredsjö   Protectionist Party 1908–1909 Örebro County
Lars Larsson i Lotorp   Social Democratic Party 1957–1970 Östergötland County
Liss Olof Larsson   Protectionist Party 1891–1896 Kronoberg County
Nils Larsson   Social Democratic Party 1949–1953 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Nils Larsson   Farmers' League 1952–1970 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Oscar Larsson   Social Democratic Party 1919–1920 City of Stockholm
Sam Larsson   Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1933–1945 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Sigfrid Larsson   Farmers' League 1953–1960 Malmöhus County
Sven Larsson   Social Democratic Party 1935–1950 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Thorsten Larsson   Centre Party 1959–1970 Malmöhus County
Viktor Larsson   Social Democratic Party 1933–1941 Östergötland County, Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Edward Laurell   independent 1880–1883 Värmland County
Arvid Laurin   Farmers' National Organization 1919–1919 Gotland County
Gustaf de Laval   independent 1894–1902 Kopparberg County
Palne de Laval   independent 1867–1870 Kopparberg County
Axel Leander   Social Democratic Party 1937–1956 Malmöhus County
Ulrik Leander   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Johan Leffler   independent 1886–1888 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Wilhelm Leijonancker   independent 1868–1876 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Abraham Leijonhufvud   independent 1885–1893 Kopparberg County
Sten Leijonhufvud   Protectionist Party 1889–1894 Södermanland County
Philip Leman   Minority Party
1896–1905 City of Gothenburg
John Lenning   independent 1873–1879 City of Norrköping
Henning Leo   Social Democratic Party 1931–1932 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Karl-Axel Levin   People's Party 1969–1970 Malmöhus County
Casimir Lewenhaupt   independent 1876–1893 Kopparberg County, Jämtland County
Claes Magnus Lewenhaupt   independent 1875–1882 Södermanland County
Erik Lewenhaupt   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1892–1911 Västmanland County
Casper Lexow   independent 1876–1879 Värmland County
Bertil Lidgard   Rightist Party 1965–1970 City of Stockholm
Pehr Liedberg   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1903–1910 Malmöhus County
Karl Liljesköld   independent 1884–1892 Värmland County
Erik Gustaf Lilliehöök   independent 1867–1872 Älvsborg County
August Lillienau   National Party 1918–1919 City of Gothenburg
Arvid Lilliesköld   Protectionist Party 1902–1908 Jönköping County
Olof Lind   Social Democratic Left Party 1919–1921 Kopparberg County
Wilhelm Lindahl   independent 1882–1892 Blekinge County
Ejnar Lindbärg   Social Democratic Party 1936–1943 Kopparberg County
Lars Lindberg   independent 1875–1875 Västmanland County
A.C. Lindblad   Social Democratic Party 1919–1919 City of Gothenburg
Anders Lindblad   Social Democratic Party 1912–1918 Södermanland County
Ernst Lindblad   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1909–1919 Södermanland County
Hans Lindblad   People's Party 1969–1970 Gävleborg County
Erik Lindblom   People's Party 1939–1959 Kopparberg County
Lars Lindén   Social Democratic Party 1944–1956 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
William Linder   Social Democratic Party 1919–1947 Kristianstad County, Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Sven Linderot   Communist Party 1939–1949 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Sven Linders   Social Democratic Party 1927–1932 Malmöhus County
Adolf Lindgren   Rightist Party 1922–1924 Örebro County
Hjalmar Lindgren   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1897–1911 Malmöhus County
Johan Magnus Lindgren   independent 1876–1880 Kalmar County Southern
August Lindh   Free-minded National Association 1912–1914 Värmland County
Albert Lindhagen   independent 1883–1887 City of Stockholm
Carl Lindhagen   Social Democratic Left Party
  Social Democratic Party
1919–1940 Västernorrland County, Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Charles Lindley   Social Democratic Party 1912–1937 City of Stockholm
Arvid Lindman   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1905–1911 Gävleborg County, Älvsborg County
Carl Lindmark   National Party
  Rightist Party
1931–1938 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Fritz Lindqvist   Social Democratic Party 1922–1924 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Fritiof Lindskog   Social Democratic Party 1919–1921 Malmöhus County
Nils Lindstrand   Social Democratic Party 1922–1924 Östergötland County
Erik Lindström   National Party 1918–1919 Gävleborg County
Julius Lindström   independent 1879–1881 Örebro County
Rickard Lindström   Social Democratic Party 1931–1934 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Ulla Lindström   Social Democratic Party 1946–1970 City of Stockholm
Axel Linnér   Farmers' League 1914–1919 Kronoberg County
Sigfrid Linnér   Rightist Party 1939–1946 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Pehr Lithander   independent
  Protectionist Party
Älvsborg County
Sven Littorin   independent 1878–1879 Skaraborg County
Blenda Ljungberg   Rightist Party 1962–1964 City of Stockholm
Eduard Ljungberg   Protectionist Party 1895–1903 Älvsborg County
Louis Ljungberg   independent
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1907–1911 Kristianstad County
Vilmar Ljungdahl   Farmers' League 1943–1948 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
August Ljunggren   Free-minded National Association 1912–1926 Kronoberg County, Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Elof Ljunggren   Free-minded National Association 1912–1918 Örebro County
Nils Peter Ljunggren   independent 1881–1881 Kalmar County Southern
Leon Ljunglund   National Party 1926–1929 City of Stockholm
Ottonin Ljungqvist   independent
  Minority Party
1876–1889 Jönköping County
Gunnar Lodenius   Farmers' League 1942–1958 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Axel Löfgren   Social Democratic Party 1942–1945 City of Stockholm
Eliel Löfgren 1872–1940 lawyer   Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
  People's Party
City of Stockholm, Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Axel Löfvander   Farmers' League 1929–1948 Malmöhus County
Wilhelm Lothigius   independent
  Protectionist Party
1878–1894 Blekinge County, Halland County
Olof Löthner   Rightist Party 1946–1949 Jönköping County
John Lovén   Ministerial Group
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1904–1906 City of Stockholm
Alice Lundbeck   Moderate Party 1969–1969 City of Stockholm
Grethe Lundberg   Social Democratic Party 1969–1970 Malmöhus County
Måns Lundberg   Social Democratic Party 1920–1921 City of Malmö
Otto Lundberg   Protectionist Party 1900–1904 Västmanland County
Roland Lundberg   Rightist Party 1965–1968 Malmöhus County
Margit Lundblad   Social Democratic Party 1966–1970 Malmöhus County
Christian Lundeberg   Protectionist Party
1886–1911 Gävleborg County
Ernst Lundell   Rightist Party 1922–1935 Skaraborg County
Per Lundgren   Rightist Party 1947–1954 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Johan Lundin   Protectionist Party 1880–1895 Stockholm County
Sigurd Lundin   Social Democratic Party 1963–1970 Gävleborg County
Ragnar Lundqvist   Rightist Party 1948–1954 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Per Lundsten   Protectionist Party 1903–1908 Malmöhus County
Birger Lundström   People's Party 1954–1969 City of Stockholm
Carl Lundström   independent 1890–1902 Värmland County
Salli Luterkort   Social Democratic Party 1925–1927 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Carl Lybeck   Protectionist Party 1895–1903 Kalmar County Northern
Ernst Lyberg   Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
1921–1928 Kopparberg County
Melcher Lyckholm   United Right Party
  National Party
1910–1919 Gothenburg and Bohus County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Tord Magnuson   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1907–1910 Gävleborg County
Gerhard Magnusson   Social Democratic Party 1913–1920 Värmland County, City of Stockholm
Karl Magnusson   Social Democratic Party 1936–1943 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Nils Magnusson   Social Democratic Party 1958–1970 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Paul Magnusson   Social Democratic Party 1924–1929 City of Stockholm
Tage Magnusson   Rightist Party 1952–1953
Älvsborg County
Johan Mallmin   independent
  Protectionist Party
Västmanland County
Gustaf Malmberg   Social Democratic Party 1919–1923 Kalmar County Southern, Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Klas Malmborg   National Party 1912–1917 Kalmar County Southern
Carl Johan Malmsten   independent 1867–1870 Skaraborg County
Alfred Malmström   independent 1884–1886 Kalmar County Southern
Julius Mankell   independent 1883–1890 Kronoberg County
Axel Mannerskantz   Rightist Party 1936–1943
Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Carl Axel Mannerskantz   independent 1873–1883 Kalmar County Southern
Otto Mannheimer   Free-minded National Association 1912–1919 City of Gothenburg
Alfred de Maré   independent
  Free-trade Party of the Lower House
1876–1891 Kalmar County Northern
Gustaf de Maré   independent 1869–1879 Kalmar County Northern
Richard Markgren   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1910–1911 Västerbotten County
Alvar Mårtensson   Social Democratic Party 1957–1970 Malmöhus County
Oscar Mattsson   Social Democratic Party 1942–1949 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Torsten Mattsson   Centre Party 1959–1970 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Bernhard Meijer   independent 1867–1870
Kristianstad County
Olof Melin   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1900–1907 City of Gothenburg
Karl Mellén   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1928–1936 Älvsborg County
Carl von Mentzer   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1902–1919 Jönköping County
Charodotes Meurling   National Party 1913–1918 Kalmar County Northern
Edvard Meyer   independent 1867–1875 Blekinge County
Carl Moberg   Protectionist Party 1892–1894
Värmland County
Axel Modig   Free-minded National Association 1919–1922 Södermanland County, Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Bertil Mogård   Social Democratic Party 1948–1961 City of Stockholm
Adolf Molin   Social Democratic Party 1919–1919 Stockholm County
Adolf von Möller   Protectionist Party 1892–1909 Halland County
Gustav Möller   Social Democratic Party 1919–1954 Stockholm County, Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Peter von Möller   independent 1867–1883 Halland County
Yngve Möller   Social Democratic Party 1954–1970 Gävleborg County
Edvard Montgomery   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1903–1908 Värmland County
William Montgomery   Free-minded National Association 1913–1916 Stockholm County
Robert Montgomery-Cederhielm   Upper House branch of the Lantmanna Party 1868–1888 Örebro County
Axel Mörner   independent 1869–1880 Södermanland County
Axel Mörner   Free-minded National Association 1912–1912 Örebro County
Carl Göran Mörner   Conservative Group 1867–1875 Kronoberg County
Julius Oscar Mörner   independent 1867–1884 Östergötland County
Eric Mossberger   Social Democratic Party 1951–1970 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Carl von Mühlenfels   Rightist Party 1935–1935 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Thomas Munck af Rosenschöld   independent 1867–1875 Kristianstad County
Gösta Munthe   independent 1867–1875 Kronoberg County
Alva Myrdal   Social Democratic Party 1962–1970 City of Stockholm
Gunnar Myrdal   Social Democratic Party 1936–1938
Kopparberg County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Bernhard Näsgård   Farmers' League 1945–1957 Gävleborg County
Pelle Näslund   People's Party 1939–1954 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Emil Näsström   Social Democratic Party 1941–1968 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Fredrik Neess   National Party 1916–1919 Malmöhus County
Sixten Neiglick   Free-minded National Association 1912–1919 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Ture Nerman   Socialist Party
  Social Democratic Party
City of Stockholm
Nils Nestrup   People's Party 1959–1962 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Otto Niklasson farmer   Farmers' League 1948–1957 Älvsborg County
Karl August Nilson   Free-minded National Association 1912–1922 Värmland County
Alexander Nilsson   Farmers' League 1924–1939 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Alfred Nilsson   People's Party 1949–1956 Malmöhus County
Anna-Lisa Nilsson   Centre Party 1968–1968 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Anton Nilsson   National Party 1918–1919
Malmöhus County
August Nilsson   Social Democratic Party 1919–1936 Malmöhus County
Bernhard Nilsson   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1934–1945 Jönköping County
Bror Nilsson   Farmers' League 1938–1953 Älvsborg County
Ferdinand Nilsson   Centre Party 1959–1970 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Gustaf Nilsson   Social Democratic Party 1919–1926 Kristianstad County, Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Hjalmar Nilsson   Social Democratic Party 1945–1965 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Hjalmar Nilsson   Rightist Party 1948–1952 Malmöhus County
Johan Nilsson i Skottlandshus   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1909–1955 Kristianstad County, Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Johan Nilsson   Social Democratic Party 1919–1944 City of Malmö, Malmöhus County
Jonas Nilsson   independent 1896–1898 Kristianstad County
Maja Nilsson   Social Democratic Party 1959–1967 Kopparberg County
Nils Nilsson i Mora   Centre Party 1968–1970 Kopparberg County
Nils Peter Nilsson   independent 1885–1887 Kristianstad County
Ola Nilsson   Protectionist Party 1889–1906 Kristianstad County
Patrick Nilsson   Farmers' League 1953–1954 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Per Nilsson i Kärra   independent 1875–1878 Kristianstad County
Petrus Nilsson, see Petrus Gränebo
Theodor Nilsson   Social Democratic Party 1934–1941 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Thorle Nilsson   Social Democratic Party 1969–1970 Jönköping County
Yngve Nilsson   Rightist Party 1956–1970 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Ivar Nilzon   Farmers' League 1948–1956 Östergötland County
Ernst Nisser   independent 1894–1898 Kopparberg County
Martin Nisser   Protectionist Party 1892–1907 Kopparberg County
Samy Nisser   independent 1883–1887 Kopparberg County
William Nisser   independent 1867–1872 Kopparberg County
William Nisser   Rightist Party 1938–1943 Kopparberg County
Erik Norberg   Social Democratic Party 1969–1970 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Josef Nord   People's Party 1952–1962 Skaraborg County
Carl Nordenfalk   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1898–1906 Halland County
Johan Nordenfalk the Younger   independent 1867–1875 Kalmar County Northern
Olof Nordenfeldt   independent 1867–1870
Värmland County
Carl Nordenfelt   independent 1885–1892 Värmland County
Enar Nordenfelt   independent 1867–1868 Blekinge County
Leonard Nordenfelt   independent 1868–1885 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Harald Nordenson   Rightist Party 1938–1953 City of Stockholm
Jonas Nordenson   Rightist Party 1962–1963 City of Stockholm
Daniel Nordlander   independent 1884–1885 Västerbotten County
Johan Jacob Nordström   independent 1867–1874 Norrbotten County
Margareta Nordström   People's Party 1960–1963 City of Stockholm
Per Norin   Social Democratic Party 1919–1928 Gävleborg County
Nils Norling   Social Democratic Party 1919–1936 Gävleborg County
David Norman   Social Democratic Party 1929–1955 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Uno Norman   National Party 1916–1917 Västerbotten County
Torsten Nothin   Social Democratic Party 1922–1928 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Jöns Nyberg   National Party 1919–1919 Malmöhus County
Axel Nylander   Rightist Party 1930–1937 Älvsborg County
Sven Nyman   People's Party 1961–1970 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Yngve Nyquist   Social Democratic Party 1968–1970 Kopparberg County
Carl Nyström   Protectionist Party 1891–1899
Gothenburg and Bohus County
Hjalmar Nyström   Social Democratic Party 1949–1963 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Johan Fredrik Nyström   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
Uppsala County, City of Stockholm
Johan Erik Nyström   independent 1880–1889 Norrbotten County
Thomas Nyström   independent 1894–1902 Blekinge County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Axel Odelberg   Conservative Group
1867–1883 Stockholm County
Theodor Odelberg   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1892–1918 Kalmar County Northern, Gävleborg County
Wilhelm Odelberg   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1885–1910 Stockholm County
Thor Hartwig Odencrants   independent 1873–1875 Jönköping County
Jonas Otto Ödlund   Social Democratic Party 1917–1920 Gävleborg County
Petrus Ödström   Free-minded National Association 1912–1912 Kalmar County Northern
Charles von Oelreich   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1902–1910 Kronoberg County
Bertil Ohlin   People's Party 1938–1944 City of Stockholm
Sven Ohlon   People's Party 1948–1958 City of Gothenburg
Ebbe Ohlsson   Rightist Party 1951–1970 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Lilly Ohlsson   Social Democratic Party 1966–1970 Malmöhus County
Ola Ohlsson   independent 1880–1883 Kristianstad County
Gunnar Öhman   Communist Party 1946–1953 City of Stockholm
Ivar Öhman   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
City of Malmö, Malmöhus County
Henric Öhngren   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
1919–1924 Västernorrland County, Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
David Ollén   People's Party 1954–1961 City of Stockholm
Johan Olofsson i Digernäs   Free-minded National Association 1919–1921 Jämtland County
Per Olofsson   Social Democratic Party 1942–1961 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Uno Olofsson   People's Party 1955–1962 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Carl Olsén   Social Democratic Party 1952–1964 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Gottfried Olsén   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
Värmland County
Åhlmans Olof Olsson   Farmers' League 1919–1921 Kopparberg County
Anders Olsson   independent 1875–1876 Älvsborg County
Christoffer Olsson   independent 1874–1878 Malmöhus County
Elvy Olsson   Centre Party 1964–1970 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Erik Olsson   Social Democratic Party 1954–1970 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Ernst Olsson   Centre Party 1959–1963
Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Johan A. Olsson   Centre Party 1965–1970 Gävleborg County
K. J. Olsson   Social Democratic Party 1938–1953 Älvsborg County
Karl Olsson   Farmers' League 1922–1923 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Lars Olsson i Vallsta   Free-minded National Association 1912–1918 Gävleborg County
Manne Olsson   Social Democratic Party 1962–1962
Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Martin Olsson   Social Democratic Party 1931–1931 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Nils Olsson   Social Democratic Party 1941–1948 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Olof Olsson   Social Democratic Party 1912–1939 Malmöhus County
Oscar Olsson   Social Democratic Party 1925–1948 Östergötland County
Peter Magnus Olsson   National Party 1914–1920 Kronoberg County
Petter Olsson   Upper House branch of the Lantmanna Party
  Protectionist Party
Malmöhus County
Valerius Olsson   National Party 1912–1917 Kalmar County Southern
William Olsson   Social Democratic Party 1945–1947
Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Ivar Öman   Rightist Party 1938–1940 City of Stockholm
Axel Örbom   Protectionist Party 1889–1889 City of Stockholm
Anders Örne   Social Democratic Party 1927–1934 Örebro County
John Örwall   independent 1888–1890 Östergötland County
Fredrik Östberg   United Right Party
  National Party
1911–1916 Stockholm County
Gustaf Fredrik Östberg   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1897–1910 Stockholm County
Johan Östberg   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1909–1910 Gävleborg County
Johan Östberg   National Party 1912–1921 City of Stockholm
Gustaf Österberg   Free-minded National Association 1914–1918 Södermanland County
Sven-Otto Österdahl   People's Party 1968–1970 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
August Östergren   Protectionist Party 1890–1898 Gotland County
Theodor Östergren   Social Democratic Party 1924–1933 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Ivar Österström   Free-minded People's Party 1925–1932 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
John Östling   Free-minded National Association 1914–1917 Jämtland County
Hugo Osvald   People's Party 1948–1963 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Ingrid Osvald   People's Party 1947–1950 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Carl von Otter   independent 1867–1872 Jönköping County
Fredrik von Otter   independent 1892–1899
Blekinge County
Holge Ottosson   Rightist Party 1964–1970 Jönköping County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Sture Palm   Social Democratic Party 1959–1970 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Olof Palme 1927–1986 minister   Social Democratic Party 1958–1968 Jönköping County
Henrik Palmstierna   independent 1867–1868
Södermanland County
Hjalmar Palmstierna   Protectionist Party 1900–1909 Jönköping County
Jöns Pålsson   Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
  People's Party
1918–1936 Malmöhus County
Olof Pålsson   Farmers' League 1949–1960 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Ivan Pauli   Social Democratic Party 1922–1949 Jönköping County
Paul Paulson   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
Malmöhus County
John Pehrsson   independent
  Protectionist Party
1887–1900 Kristianstad County
Jöns Pehrsson   Upper House branch of the Lantmanna Party 1878–1882 Kronoberg County
Ola Pehrsson   independent 1876–1885 Kristianstad County
Pehr Pehrsson   United Right Party 1911–1911 Blekinge County
Anders Pers   Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
  People's Party
1911–1935 Kopparberg County
Einar Persson   Social Democratic Party 1944–1967 Kopparberg County
Fritz Persson   Social Democratic Party 1961–1970 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Helmer Persson   Communist Party 1949–1962 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Ivar Persson   Farmers' League 1939–1958 Malmöhus County
Johan Persson i Östervåla   People's Party 1953–1960 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Karl Persson   Farmers' League 1946–1955 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Nils Persson   Protectionist Party 1898–1902 Malmöhus County
Nils Persson   Social Democratic Party 1917–1919
City of Malmö, Malmöhus County
Nils Persson   People's Party 1969–1969 Malmöhus County
Ragnar Persson   Social Democratic Party 1951–1966 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Yngve Persson   Social Democratic Party 1952–1952 Malmöhus County
Yngve Persson   Social Democratic Party 1964–1970 City of Stockholm
Gösta af Petersens   United Right Party 1910–1911 Kronoberg County
Eric Peterson   People's Party 1961–1970 Östergötland County
Gustaf Peterson   independent 1876–1884 Blekinge County
Alfred Petersson   Free-minded National Association 1911–1920 Gävleborg County, Jönköping County, Stockholm County
Bertil Petersson   Social Democratic Party 1957–1970 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Emil Petersson   People's Party 1940–1951 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Erik Petersson   People's Party 1963–1968 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Hans Petersson   People's Party 1970–1970 Malmöhus County
Johannes Petersson   independent 1875–1881 Älvsborg County
Knut Petersson   People's Party 1935–1945 City of Gothenburg
Lorents Petersson   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1903–1911 Kopparberg County
Per Petersson   Rightist Party 1963–1964 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Peter Petersson   independent 1905–1906 Västmanland County
Casimir Petre   independent 1867–1877 Gävleborg County
Alfred Petrén   Social Democratic Party 1912–1935 Kopparberg County
Bror Petrén   Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
Kristianstad County, Malmöhus County, Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Folke Petrén   People's Party 1948–1952 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Axel Petri   Protectionist Party 1903–1906 Jönköping County
Malkolm Petterson   Free-minded National Association 1916–1921 Jönköping County
Anton Pettersson   Farmers' League 1922–1923
Södermanland and Västmanland Counties, Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Arne Pettersson   Social Democratic Party 1965–1970 Malmöhus County
August Pettersson   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1907–1910 Stockholm County
Carl Pettersson   Protectionist Party 1892–1901 Kopparberg County
Carl Johan Pettersson   independent 1880–1882 Östergötland County
David Pettersson   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1933–1940 Östergötland County
Fredrik Pettersson   Protectionist Party 1892–1907
Gothenburg and Bohus County, Jönköping County
Georg Pettersson   Social Democratic Party 1949–1970 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Gunnar Pettersson   People's Party 1965–1966 Örebro County
Johannes Pettersson   Social Democratic Party 1940–1943 Värmland County
Karl Pettersson   Moderate Party 1969–1970 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Olaus Pettersson   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
1912–1930 Älvsborg County
Per Pettersson   independent 1884–1888 Kopparberg County
Adolph Peyron   independent 1870–1888 City of Stockholm
Gustaf Oscar Peyron   independent 1867–1873 Malmöhus County
John Philipson   Protectionist Party 1891–1899 City of Norrköping
Alfred Piper   Scanian Party
  Minority Party
1883–1899 Malmöhus County
Charles Piper   Conservative Group
Östergötland County
Fritz Piper   independent
  Scanian Party
1867–1875 Malmöhus County
Baltzar von Platen (politician, born 1804)   independent 1867–1873 Uppsala County
Carl von Platen   independent 1874–1882 Malmöhus County
Philip von Platen   independent 1879–1886 Kristianstad County
Emil Poignant   Protectionist Party 1894–1895 Gotland County
Arvid Posse   independent 1882–1890 Kalmar County Southern
Gösta Posse   independent
  Upper House branch of the Lantmanna Party
1869–1884 Skaraborg County, Kristianstad County
Knut Posse   Protectionist Party 1894–1906 Kronoberg County
Knut Knutsson Posse   independent 1876–1877
Kronoberg County
Nils Posse   United Right Party
  National Party
1910–1918 Skaraborg County
Ludvig von Post   independent 1892–1892 Västmanland County
Victor von Post   independent
  Protectionist Party
1880–1898 Östergötland County




Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Adam Christian Raab   independent 1867–1872 Kalmar County Southern
Carl Raab   independent 1867–1873 Kalmar County Northern
Bengt Rääf   independent 1880–1886 Östergötland County
Pehr Rabe   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1905–1906 City of Stockholm
Albert Ramberg   Social Democratic Party 1943–1955 Värmland County
Hans Ramel   National Party 1918–1918 Malmöhus County
Otto Ramel   independent 1874–1889 Malmöhus County
Dagmar Ranmark   Social Democratic Party 1953–1970 Värmland County
Adolf Rappe   independent 1878–1886 Blekinge County
August Rappe   Protectionist Party 1892–1893
Kronoberg County
Christopher Rappe   Protectionist Party 1902–1906 Kalmar County Southern
Wilhelm von Rehausen   independent 1878–1878 Gävleborg County
Anton Rettig   independent 1867–1870 Gävleborg County
John Rettig   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1894–1907 City of Gävle
Robert Rettig   independent 1871–1879 Gävleborg County
Adam Reuterskiöld   independent 1876–1880 Östergötland County
Carl Reuterskiöld   independent 1873–1881 Uppsala County
Carl Axel Reuterskiöld   independent
  Farmers' League
1919–1938 Uppsala County, Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Patric Reuterswärd   independent
  Protectionist Party
1867–1899 Kopparberg County, Västmanland County
Carl Rhodin   independent 1875–1882 Värmland County
Carl Ribbing   independent 1871–1879 Jönköping County
Sigurd Ribbing   independent 1875–1879 Norrbotten County
Gunnar Richardson   People's Party 1969–1970 Skaraborg County
Gustaf Richert   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1907–1909 City of Stockholm
Fredrick Richter   independent 1883–1891 Kronoberg County
Fredrik Ridderbielke   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
Uppsala County
Per-Eric Ringaby   Rightist Party 1958–1963 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Bo Risberg   Rightist Party 1964–1965 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Albert Robson   independent 1879–1884 Örebro County
Edvard Herman Rodhe   independent 1895–1902 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Herman Rogberg   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
1908–1909 Västerbotten County, Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Harald Röhss   independent 1894–1899 Skaraborg County
Gottfrid Roman   Free-minded National Association 1912–1917 Jämtland County
Julius Roman   Minority Party 1889–1896 Jämtland County
Carl Romanus   Social Democratic Party 1919–1921 City of Stockholm
Gunnar Rönnberg   Social Democratic Party 1963–1970 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Adolf Roos   United Right Party 1911–1919 Kronoberg County
Adolf Wilhelm Roos   independent 1875–1889 Norrbotten County
Axel Roos   People's Party 1937–1944 Malmöhus County
Gustaf Roos   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1928–1935 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Axel Rooth   National Party 1913–1928 Kronoberg County, Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Axel Ros   independent 1883–1891 Värmland County
Gustaf Ros   independent
  Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1902–1910 Kopparberg County
Gustaf Rosander   Social Democratic Party 1945–1950 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Fredrik von Rosen   independent
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1903–1911 Södermanland County
Gustaf von Rosen   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1910–1911 City of Stockholm
Gustav Rosén   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
1912–1932 Västerbotten County, Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Ragnar Rosenberg   Social Democratic Party 1943–1952 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Henrik Rosensvärd   independent 1871–1884 Värmland County
Karl Rosling   Social Democratic Party 1919–1920 Jönköping County
Anna Rosvall   Rightist Party 1964–1964 Malmöhus County
Gustaf Rudebeck   Protectionist Party 1892–1902 Värmland County
Abraham Rundbäck   Protectionist Party 1888–1890 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Axel Rune   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
Kalmar County Northern, Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Bernhard Rutqvist   independent 1919–1920 Norrbotten County
Carl Rydberg   Protectionist Party 1902–1906 Östergötland County
Wilhelm Rydberg   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1931–1937 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Gustaf Rydén   independent 1874–1874 Jönköping County
Värner Rydén   Social Democratic Party 1919–1920
City of Malmö, Malmöhus County
Herman Rydin   independent 1867–1875 Västerbotten County
Gustaf Ryding   Minority Party 1892–1893 Västernorrland County
Carl Rydqvist   independent 1870–1878 Älvsborg County
Johan Rylander   Protectionist Party 1901–1907 Älvsborg County
Olof Rylander   independent 1877–1883 Älvsborg County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Christoffer Sahlin   independent 1867–1867
Älvsborg County
Johan Gustaf Samuelson   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1909–1911 Skaraborg County
Oskar Samuelson   Socialist Party 1930–1930 City of Stockholm
Per Samzelius   independent
  Protectionist Party
Kristianstad County, Kalmar County Southern
Johan Sandberg   independent
  Protectionist Party
1884–1901 Kalmar County Southern
John Sandberg   Social Democratic Party 1942–1954 Jönköping County
Nils Sandberg   independent 1878–1879 Älvsborg County
Karl Sandegård vicar   Social Democratic Party 1930–1937 Älvsborg County
John Sandén   Social Democratic Party 1926–1947 Värmland County
Johan Sandler   Free-minded National Association 1913–1918 Västernorrland County
Rickard Sandler   Social Democratic Party 1919–1964 City of Gävle, Gävleborg County
Svante Sandqvist   Protectionist Party 1898–1906 Gävleborg County
Gustaf Sandström   Rightist Party 1940–1945 City of Stockholm
Pontus Sandström   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1931–1938 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Alfred Sandwall   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1904–1911 Älvsborg County
Gunnar Sanne   Rightist Party 1935–1937 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Johan Sanne   Protectionist Party 1888–1902 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Bernhard Santesson   independent 1871–1872 Halland County
Adolf Säve   independent 1868–1868 Skaraborg County
Teofron Säve   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1892–1910 Värmland County
Frans Schartau   Conservative Group 1867–1869 City of Stockholm
Carl Schedin   Farmers' League 1922–1927
Kopparberg County, Gävleborg County
Karl Schlyter   Social Democratic Party 1919–1920
Blekinge County, Värmland County
Carl Schmidt   People's Party 1958–1964 City of Gothenburg
Henrik Schönbeck   Upper House branch of the Lantmanna Party
  Minority Party
1876–1888 Malmöhus County
Lars Schött   Rightist Party 1960–1970 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Axel Schotte   Free-minded National Association 1919–1921 Västerbotten County
Gustaf Victor Schotte   independent
  Protectionist Party
1886–1888 Södermanland County
Hildebrand Schröder   independent 1894–1899 Örebro County
Carl Werner von Schultzenheim   independent 1889–1891 Örebro County
Jules von Schwerin   independent
  Scanian Party
1867–1875 Malmöhus County
Werner von Schwerin   independent
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1903–1911 Malmöhus County
Alexander Emanuel Schyller   National Party 1918–1919 Kalmar County Southern
Edward Sederholm   independent
  Protectionist Party
1883–1902 Södermanland County
Gustaf Sederholm   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1919–1939 Södermanland County, Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Ingrid Segerstedt Wiberg   People's Party 1959–1970 City of Gothenburg
Carl Sehlin   Free-minded National Association 1912–1913 Jämtland County
Jonas Selggren   independent 1867–1867 Gävleborg County
Bo Siegbahn   Social Democratic Party 1957–1961 City of Stockholm
Nils Sigfrid   Free-minded National Association 1920–1920 Kristianstad County
August Silfverschiöld   Minority Party 1867–1869 Älvsborg County
Carl Otto Silfverschiöld   independent 1869–1872 Halland County
Otto Silfverschiöld   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1909–1919 Älvsborg County
Gösta Siljeström   Rightist Party 1942–1945 City of Stockholm
Anton Sjö   Social Democratic Party 1946–1950 Malmöhus County
Per Henning Sjöblom   Social Democratic Party 1926–1929 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Pehr Sjöbring   independent 1876–1879 Östergötland County
Cornelius Sjöcrona   independent
  Protectionist Party
Skaraborg County
Axel Sjögreen   independent 1890–1892 Jönköping County
Albert Sjöholm   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1899–1911 Södermanland County
Åke Sjölin   Minority Party 1892–1895 Malmöhus County
Bengt Sjönell   People's Party 1961–1961 City of Stockholm
Anna Sjöström-Bengtsson   Social Democratic Party 1943–1958 City of Gothenburg
Gunnar Skagerlund   People's Party 1966–1966
Örebro County
Bo Skårman   People's Party 1964–1970 Älvsborg County
Waldemar Skarstedt   Free-minded National Association 1912–1914 Kopparberg County
Carl Skogman   independent 1869–1877 Blekinge County
Karl Ivar Sköldén   Farmers' League 1934–1941 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Göran Skytte   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1908–1911 Jämtland County
Herman Smedh   Social Democratic Party 1936–1936 Kopparberg County
Lars Smith   independent 1886–1891 Blekinge County
Axel von Sneidern   Free-minded National Association
  Liberal Party of Sweden
1921–1927 Älvsborg County
Gustaf Snoilsky   independent 1892–1894 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Gustaf Snygg   Social Democratic Party 1950–1960 Kopparberg County
Ernst Söderberg   Social Democratic Party 1917–1919 Stockholm County
Magnus Söderberg   independent
  Protectionist Party
1883–1907 Jönköping County
Sten Söderberg   Social Democratic Party 1956–1967 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Frithiof Söderbergh   Free-minded National Association 1911–1916 Blekinge County
Karl Söderdahl   Social Democratic Party 1943–1948 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Wilhelm Söderhjelm   independent 1880–1897 Gävleborg County
Verner Söderkvist   Social Democratic Party 1938–1948 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Martin Söderquist   People's Party 1950–1962 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Joel Sörenson   People's Party 1964–1970 City of Stockholm
Per Sörensson   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1896–1911 Malmöhus County
Thore Sörlin   Social Democratic Party 1955–1970 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Emil Spånberg   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1909–1911 Jönköping County
Wilhelm Spånberg   independent
  Minority Party
1884–1892 Jönköping County
Erik Sparre   Conservative Group 1867–1869 Älvsborg County
Gustaf Adolf Vive Sparre   independent 1867–1875 Kopparberg County
Gustaf Sparre   independent
  Scanian Party
  Centre of the Upper House
  Minority Party
1871–1888 Skaraborg County
Knut Sparre   independent 1900–1902 Jämtland County
Harald Spens   independent
  Protectionist Party
Östergötland County, Kronoberg County
Jacob Spens   United Right Party
  National Party
1910–1933 Jönköping County
Gunnar Spetz   People's Party 1950–1961 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Jacob Wilhelm Sprengtporten   Conservative Group
1867–1874 Södermanland County
Sam Stadener   Free-minded National Association 1912–1917 Malmöhus County
Otto Stadling   Social Democratic Party 1965–1970 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Fabian Staël von Holstein   independent 1867–1869 Kristianstad County
Nils Ståhle   Social Democratic Party 1956–1970 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
August Stålberg   National Party 1916–1919 Södermanland County
Jon Stålhammar   independent 1867–1870 Jönköping County
Isidor von Stapelmohr   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
Jämtland County
Alfred Stärner   Free-minded National Association 1912–1918 Västernorrland County
Stig Stefanson   People's Party 1960–1970 Kopparberg County
Gustaf Steffen   Social Democratic Party
1911–1916 Stockholm County
Uno Steinholtz   National Party 1919–1920 Kalmar County Northern
Hemming Sten   Social Democratic Party 1937–1954 Gävleborg County
Gunvor Stenberg   Rightist Party 1963–1970 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Johan Algot Stenberg   National Party 1918–1919
Västerbotten County, Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Lars Stendahl   United Right Party
  National Party
1910–1912 Halland County
Sten Stendahl   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1919–1937 City of Stockholm
Widar Stener   Rightist Party 1949–1950 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Karl Stenström   Free-minded National Association 1918–1919 Kalmar County Southern
Josef Stephens   independent
  Protectionist Party
1887–1909 Kronoberg County
Harald Sternhagen   independent 1905–1905 City of Gothenburg
Henrik Stiernspetz   independent 1880–1887 Jönköping County
Jules Stjernblad   Minority Party
  Scanian Party
1867–1877 Malmöhus County
Bo von Stockenström   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
  People's Party
1923–1942 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Carl von Stockenström   independent 1870–1878
Västmanland County, Gothenburg and Bohus County
Carl Storckenfeldt   independent 1867–1872
Skaraborg County
Holdo Stråle   independent 1879–1887 Västmanland County
Wilhelm Stråle   independent 1870–1896 Stockholm County
Axel Strand   Social Democratic Party 1938–1970 City of Stockholm
Bertil Strandberg   Rightist Party 1965–1970 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Nils Strandler   Social Democratic Party 1953–1960 Östergötland County
Gunnar Sträng   Social Democratic Party 1946–1953 Älvsborg County
Ernst Stridsberg   Protectionist Party 1888–1897 Älvsborg County
Fredrik von Strokirch   independent
  Protectionist Party
Jönköping County
Fredrik Ström   Social Democratic Party
  Social Democratic Left Party
City of Stockholm, Norrbotten County
Torsten Ström   Social Democratic Party 1922–1943 Skaraborg County
Gustaf Strömberg   Social Democratic Party 1919–1940 Värmland County
Otto Strömberg   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1905–1922 Uppsala County
Fredrik Knut Harald Strömfelt   Protectionist Party 1888–1890 City of Norrköping
Oskar Strutz   Free-minded National Association 1921–1923 Södermanland County, Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Anton Niklas Sundberg   independent 1877–1892 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Axel Sundberg   National Party 1926–1934 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Carl Sundberg   Rightist Party 1938–1951 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Hugo Sundberg   Social Democratic Party 1947–1956 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
August Sundblad   United Right Party 1910–1911 Gotland County
Gustaf Sundelin   People's Party 1943–1964 Örebro County
Erik Mauritz Sundell   independent 1873–1875
Kopparberg County
Roland Sundgren   Social Democratic Party 1970–1970 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Nils Sundin   independent 1875–1878 Örebro County
Sven Sundin   Farmers' League 1957–1970 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Oscar Sundström   independent 1885–1889 Värmland County
Anders Sundvik   Social Democratic Party 1937–1955 Kopparberg County
Johan Sunne   People's Party 1949–1960 Östergötland County
Conrad Svanberg   independent 1875–1883 Älvsborg County
Eli Svänsson   Social Democratic Party 1924–1927 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Ivan Svanström   Centre Party 1960–1970 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Gunnar Svärd   Rightist Party 1958–1963 Jönköping County
Erik Svedberg   Social Democratic Party 1953–1970 Gävleborg County
Lage Svedberg   Social Democratic Party 1939–1970 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Theodor Svedberg   independent 1875–1877 Kopparberg County
Axel Svedelius   independent
  Protectionist Party
1889–1907 Värmland County, Örebro County
Anton Svensson   Farmers' League 1938–1941 Jönköping County
Axel Svensson   Social Democratic Party 1953–1965 Malmöhus County
Carl Svensson   Social Democratic Party 1918–1935 City of Gothenburg, Södermanland County, Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Erik Svensson i Västerås   Social Democratic Party 1968–1970 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Ernst Svensson i Eskhult, see Ernst Eskhult
Gärda Svensson   Farmers' League 1945–1963 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Gustaf Svensson i Tomelilla   Free-minded National Association 1914–1914 Kristianstad County
Isak Svensson   Free-minded National Association 1919–1930 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Martin Svensson i Kompersmåla   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1922–1942 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Nils Svensson   Social Democratic Party 1939–1939 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Rikard Svensson   Social Democratic Party 1954–1970 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Arne Svenungsson   Rightist Party 1966–1970 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Nils Swartling   Rightist Party 1935–1939 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Carl Swartz   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
1900–1926 City of Norrköping, Östergötland County
Carl Fredric von Sydow   independent 1889–1891 Halland County
Fredrik von Sydow   independent 1871–1874 Kristianstad County
Hjalmar von Sydow   National Party 1916–1919
City of Stockholm
Hakon Sylvan   Farmers' League 1937–1938 Malmöhus County
Eilif Sylwan   Rightist Party 1937–1944 Malmöhus County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
August Tamm   Minority Party 1900–1905 Södermanland County
Gösta Tamm   Free-minded National Association 1912–1914 Södermanland County
Gustaf Tamm 1838–1925   independent
  Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
Gävleborg County, City of Stockholm
Gustaf Tamm   Protectionist Party 1894–1897
Uppsala County
Gustaf Tamm   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1929–1942 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Hugo Tamm   independent
  Minority Party
  Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1885–1907 Uppsala County, Jämtland County
Carl Taube   Minority Party
  Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1899–1911 Norrbotten County
Axel Tengvall   National Party 1917–1919 Blekinge County
Wilhelm Tersmeden   Conservative Group
1867–1874 Västmanland County
Erik Testrup   National Party 1929–1929 City of Stockholm
Henric Sebastian Tham   independent 1879–1879 Västmanland County
Sebastian Tham   Protectionist Party 1895–1897
Halland County
Vollrath Tham   independent 1900–1905 Örebro County
Volrath Tham   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
Gävleborg County
Wilhelm Tham   independent 1887–1891 Jönköping County
Arvid Thelin   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1928–1935 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Robert Themptander   independent 1884–1888 Kristianstad County
Arvid Thorberg   Social Democratic Party 1922–1930 City of Stockholm
William Thorburn   independent 1867–1869 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Carl Thorén   Free-minded People's Party 1927–1934 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Viktor Thörnberg   Social Democratic Party 1940–1942 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Gustaf Thornérhjelm   independent 1890–1902 Malmöhus County
Einar Thulin   Social Democratic Party 1919–1932
Östergötland County
Edvin Thun   Social Democratic Party 1951–1962 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Fritjof Thun   Social Democratic Party 1947–1954 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Johan Thyrén   independent 1912–1917 Uppsala County
Carl Johan Thyselius   independent 1869–1886 Kronoberg County
Knut Tillberg   Protectionist Party 1897–1908 Kalmar County Northern
Eskil Tistad   People's Party 1966–1970 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Leonard Tjällgren   Farmers' League 1922–1956 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Olof Tonning   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1908–1911 Malmöhus County
Gustaf Torelius   Protectionist Party 1892–1900 Älvsborg County
Ragnar Törnebladh   independent
  Minority Party
  Ministerial Group
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
Kalmar County Northern, City of Stockholm
Axel Törner   Protectionist Party 1900–1904 Kronoberg County
Rudolf Tornérhjelm   independent 1867–1884 Malmöhus County
Axel Träff   Social Democratic Party 1919–1921 Östergötland County
Henning Trägårdh   independent 1892–1895 Örebro County
Carl af Trampe   independent 1879–1879 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Erik Trana   United Right Party
  National Party
1910–1916 City of Gothenburg
Oscar Trapp   Moderate Party of the Upper House
  National Party
1908–1916 Malmöhus County
Curry Treffenberg   Protectionist Party 1889–1897 Kopparberg County
Troed Troedsson   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1908–1911 Kristianstad County
Carl Oscar Troilius   independent 1867–1875 Örebro County
Carl Axel Trolle   Conservative Group
1867–1873 Malmöhus County
Nils Trolle   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1895–1913 Malmöhus County
Carl Trolle-Bonde   Upper House branch of the Lantmanna Party
Kristianstad County, Malmöhus County
Axel Knut Trolle-Wachtmeister   independent 1867–1871 Kristianstad County
Ernst Trygger   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1898–1937 Kopparberg County, City of Stockholm


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Carl Gustaf Uggla   independent 1867–1871 Värmland County
Gustaf af Ugglas   Minority Party
  Ministerial Group
1867–1893 Östergötland County, City of Stockholm
Ludvig af Ugglas   Minority Party
1867–1880 Stockholm County
Axel Uhlén   Social Democratic Party 1945–1952 Malmöhus County
Gustaf Ulfsparre   independent 1876–1882 Kalmar County Southern
Östen Undén   Social Democratic Party 1934–1965 Värmland County
Adolf Unger   independent 1887–1890 Älvsborg County
Magnus Unger   Protectionist Party 1886–1892
Örebro County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Emil Vasseur   National Party 1917–1919 Stockholm County
Mauritz Västberg   Social Democratic Party 1933–1940 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Ernst von Vegesack   independent 1879–1887 Gotland County
Gustaf Velander   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1933–1956 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Axel Vennersten   Rightist Party 1930–1936 Älvsborg County
Ivar Vennerström   Social Democratic Party 1928–1936 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Axel Vindahl   Free-minded National Association
  Free-minded People's Party
1919–1925 Örebro County
Erik Vrang   Rightist Party 1922–1927 Skaraborg County


Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Nils Erik Wååg   Social Democratic Party 1964–1970 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Axel Fredrik Wachtmeister   independent
  Scanian Party
1867–1875 Kristianstad County
Axel Hansson Wachtmeister   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1905–1926 Blekinge County, Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Axel Knut Wachtmeister, see Axel Knut Trolle-Wachtmeister
Carl Fredrik Wachtmeister   independent 1882–1889 Södermanland County
Fredrik Wachtmeister   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
1895–1916 Södermanland County
Hans Wachtmeister   independent 1867–1877 Blekinge County
Hans Hansson Wachtmeister   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1892–1910 Blekinge County
Henning Wachtmeister   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
Uppsala County
Hugo Hansson Wachtmeister   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1905–1908 Blekinge County
Wilhelm Waern   independent 1876–1876 Älvsborg County
Carl Wærn   independent 1867–1899 City of Gothenburg
Lennart Wærn   independent 1879–1887 Gävleborg County
Ruben Wagnsson   Social Democratic Party 1928–1947 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Gustaf Wahl   Social Democratic Party 1922–1924 City of Stockholm
Nils Wahlberg   Social Democratic Party 1939–1939 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Sten Wahlund 1901–1976 professor   Farmers' League 1944–1958 Skaraborg County
Primus Wahlmark   Social Democratic Party 1923–1950 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Gustaf Walin   Protectionist Party 1896–1907 Kalmar County Southern
Isak Wallberg   independent
  Protectionist Party
Halland County, Älvsborg County
Wilhelm Wallberg   Protectionist Party 1891–1892 Halland County
Wilhelm Walldén   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1894–1906 City of Stockholm
Knut Agathon Wallenberg   independent
  National Party
1907–1919 City of Stockholm
Oscar Wallenberg   Ministerial Group
1867–1885 City of Stockholm
Anders Wallenius   independent 1874–1881
Skaraborg County
Annie Wallentheim   Social Democratic Party 1952–1970 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Janne Walles   Social Democratic Party 1922–1940 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Wilhelm Wallin   independent 1892–1898 Skaraborg County
Gunnar Wallmark   Rightist Party 1963–1970 Stockholm and Uppsala Counties
Lennart Wanhainen   Social Democratic Party 1964–1970 Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Erik Wärnberg   Social Democratic Party 1957–1970 Östergötland County
Edvard Wavrinsky   Social Democratic Party 1912–1921 Västmanland County
Ernst Wehtje   Rightist Party 1945–1955 Malmöhus County
Gunnar Weibull   Rightist Party 1964–1964 Malmöhus County
Josef Weijne   Social Democratic Party 1951–1951 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Hjalmar Weiland   People's Party 1948–1957 Jönköping County
August Weinberg   independent 1891–1908 Skaraborg County
Per Welander   Free-minded National Association 1918–1919 Jämtland County
Carl Wennberg   Protectionist Party 1907–1909 Jönköping County
Gunnar Wennerberg   independent
  Protectionist Party
1876–1901 Kronoberg County
Lars Werner   Left Party-Communists 1965–1970 City of Stockholm
Oscar Werner   Farmers' League 1950–1957 Värmland County
Fredrik Wester   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1894–1911 Värmland County
Adolph Westman   independent 1867–1872 Kronoberg County
Karl Allan Westman   Farmers' League 1943–1947 Östergötland County
Karl Gustaf Westman   Farmers' National Organization
  Farmers' League
1919–1943 Östergötland County
Wilhelm Westrup   National Party 1918–1919 Malmöhus County
Erik Wetter   People's Party 1945–1947 City of Gothenburg
Carl Gustaf Wickman   Social Democratic Party 1911–1921 Gävleborg County
Krister Wickman   Social Democratic Party 1967–1970 Kronoberg and Halland Counties
Ludvig Widell   National Party 1914–1933 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Martin Widén   People's Party 1961–1964 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Henrik Adolf Widmark   independent 1882–1888 Norrbotten County
Olof Widmark   independent
  Minority Party
Gävleborg County
Gustaf Widner   Social Democratic Party 1946–1949 Södermanland and Västmanland Counties
Sigfrid Wieselgren   Minority Party
  Moderate Party of the Upper House
1888–1910 City of Gothenburg
Ernst Wigforss   Social Democratic Party 1948–1953 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Erik Wijk   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1905–1910 City of Gothenburg
Hjalmar Wijk   Free-minded National Association 1918–1921 City of Gothenburg
Ivar Wijk   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
1892–1911 Skaraborg County
August Wijkander   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1908–1911 City of Gothenburg
Theodor Wijkander   independent 1868–1881 Värmland County
Knut Wijkmark   independent 1889–1891 Skaraborg County
Uno Wijkström   National Party
  National Organization of the Right
1928–1935 Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Axel Wikberg   Centre Party 1965–1968 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Olof Wiklund   Social Democratic Party 1942–1945 City of Stockholm
Valfrid Wikner   Social Democratic Party 1962–1964 Västernorrland and Jämtland Counties
Helmer Wikström   Social Democratic Party 1942–1943 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Jan-Erik Wikström   People's Party 1970–1970 City of Stockholm
Carl Winberg   Social Democratic Left Party
  Socialist Party
1919–1930 Norrbotten County, Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties
Gustaf Windahl   United Right Party 1910–1911 Kopparberg County
Lars Wingqvist   Protectionist Party 1892–1894 Älvsborg County
Rolf Wirtén   People's Party 1966–1970 Jönköping County
Karl Wistrand   Rightist Party 1937–1953 City of Stockholm
Hugo Witzell   Social Democratic Party 1940–1940 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Nils Wohlin   Farmers' National Organization
  Farmers' League
  National Party
Malmöhus County, Kalmar and Gotland Counties
Tor Wolgast   Farmers' League 1956–1959 Blekinge and Kristianstad Counties
Herman Wrangel   Protectionist Party
  United Right Party
  National Party
Blekinge County, Gothenburg and Bohus County
Johan Wolmer Wrangel von Brehmer   independent
  Protectionist Party
1887–1907 Malmöhus County
Casimir Wrede   independent 1870–1878 Kristianstad County
Henrik Wrede   Moderate Party of the Upper House 1910–1911 Jönköping County






Representative Lifespan Profession Party Years Constituency
Otto von Zweigbergk   Free-minded National Association 1915–1919 Kristianstad County