List of fishes of Indiana
This article includes a list of general references, but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations. (May 2020) |
The state of Indiana is home to 208 species[1] of fishes that inhabit its rivers, lakes, and streams that make up five watersheds. Indiana is the state with the most fish species of any state[2] north of the Ohio River and includes Great Lakes species.
Native fishes taxa
Status is determined from IUCN data in a global context. Classifications include critically endangered CR, endangered EN, vulnerable VU, near-threatened NT, and least concern LC.
Common name | Scientific name | Picture | Status |
Lampreys |
Petromyzontiformes (order)[edit] |
Petromyzontidae (family)[edit] |
Chestnut lamprey | Icthyomyzon castaneus | LC | |
Northern brook lamprey | Icthyomyzon fossor | LC | |
American brook lamprey | Lampetra appendix | LC | |
Sturgeons and paddlefish |
Acipenseriformes (order)[edit] |
Acipenseridae (family)[edit] |
Lake sturgeon | Acipenser fulvescens | LC | |
Shovelnose sturgeon | Scaphirhynchus platorynchus | VU | |
Polyodontidae (family)[edit] |
American paddlefish | Polyodon spathula | VU | |
Bowfin |
Amiiformes (order)[edit] |
Amiidae (family)[edit] |
Bowfin | Amia calva | LC | |
Mooneyes |
Hiodontiformes (order)[edit] |
Hiodontidae (family)[edit] |
Goldeye | Hiodon alosoides | LC | |
Mooneye | Hiodon tergisus | LC | |
Eels |
Anguilliformes (order)[edit] |
Anguillidae (family)[edit] |
American eel | Anguilla rostrata | EN | |
Carps, minnows, and relatives |
Cypriniformes (order)[edit] |
Cyprinidae (family)[edit] |
Southern redbelly dace | Chrosomus erythrogaster | LC | |
Gizzard shad | Dorosoma cepedianum | LC | |
Cypress minnow | Hybognathus hayi | N/A | LC |
Bigeye chub | Hybopsis amblops | LC | |
Golden shiner | Notemigonus crysoleucas | LC | |
Striped shiner | Luxilus chrysocephalus | LC | |
Blackchin shiner | Notropis heterodon | LC | |
Silverjaw minnow | Notropis buccatus | LC | |
Bigeye shiner | Notropis boops | N/A | LC |
Pallid shiner | Hybopsis amnis | N/A | LC |
Shoal chub | Macrhybopsis hyostoma | LC | |
Pugnose shiner | Notropis anogenus | N/A | LC |
Emerald shiner | Notropis atherinoides | LC | |
Ghost shiner | Notropis buchanani | LC | |
Ironcolor shiner | Notropis chalybaeus | LC | |
Rosyface shiner | Notropis rubellus | LC | |
Weed shiner | Notropis teanus | N/A | LC |
Mimic shiner | Notropis volucellus | LC | |
Popeye shiner | Notropis ariommus | LC | |
Suckermouth minnow | Phenacobius mirabilis | LC | |
Bluntnose minnow | Pimphales notalus | LC | |
Pugnose minnow | Opsopoedus emiliae | LC | |
Fathead minnow | Pimephales promelas | LC | |
Bullhead minnow | Pimephales vigilax | LC | |
Western blacknose dace | Rhinichthys obtusus | LC | |
Longnose dace | Rhinichthys cataractae | LC | |
Catostomidae (family)[edit] |
White sucker | Catostomus commersonii | LC | |
Blue sucker | Cycleptus elongatus | LC | |
Bigmouth buffalo | Ictiobus cyprinellus | LC | |
Smallmouth buffalo | Ictiobus bubalus | LC | |
Black buffalo | Ictiobus niger | LC | |
Spotted sucker | Minytrema melanops | LC | |
River redhorse | Moxostoma carinatum | LC | |
Harelip sucker | Moxostoma lacerum | N/A | Extinct |
Catfishes |
Siluriformes (order)[edit] |
Ictaluridae (family)[edit] |
Blue catfish | Ictalurus furcatus | LC | |
Channel catfish | Ictalurus punctatus | LC | |
Black bullhead | Ameiurus melas | LC | |
Yellow bullhead | Ameirus natalis | LC | |
Stonecat | Notorus flavus | LC | |
Flathead catfish | Pylodicitis olivaris | LC | |
Pikes and Mudminnows |
Esociformes (order)[edit] |
Esocidae (family)[edit] |
Muskellunge | Esox masquinongy | LC | |
Northern pike | Esox lucius | LC | |
Salmon, Trout, Chars. Freshwater
Whitefishes, Graylings |
Salmoniformes (order)[edit] |
Salmonidae (family)[edit] |
Chinook salmon | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | ||
Atlantic salmon | Salmo salar | LC | |
Brown trout | Salmo trutta | LC | |
Brook trout | Salvelinus fontinalis | LC | |
Lake trout | Salvelinus namaycush | ||
Toothcarps |
Cyprinodontiformes (order)[edit] |
Fundulidae (family)[edit] |
Banded killifish | Fundulus diaphanus | LC | |
Blackstrip topminnow | Fundulus notatus | N/A | LC |
Northern studfish | Fundulus catenatus | LC | |
Mail-cheeked fishes |
Scopaeniformes (order)[edit] |
Cottidae (family)[edit] |
Banded sculpin | Cottus carolinae | LC | |
Mottled sculpin | Cottus bairdii | LC | |
Slimy sculpin | Cottus cognatus | LC | |
Deepwater sculpin | Myoxocephalus thompsonii | LC | |
Sunfishes and perches |
Perciformes (order)[edit] |
Centrarchidae (family)[edit] |
Green sunfish | Lepomis cyanellus | LC | |
Orangespotted sunfish | Lepomis humilis | LC | |
Bluegill | Lepomis macrochirus | LC | |
Redspotted sunfish | Lepomis microlophus | N/A | LC |
Northern sunfish | Lepomis peltastes | N/A | |
Smallmouth bass | Micropterus dolomieu | LC | |
Largemouth bass | Micropterus salmoides | LC | |
Black crappie | Pomoxis nigromaculatus | LC | |
White crappie | Pomoxis annularis | LC | |
Percidae (family)[edit] |
Walleye | Sander vitreus | LC | |
Sauger | Sander canadensis | LC | |
Yellow perch | Perca flavescens | LC | |
Logperch | Percina caprodes | LC | |
Stargazing darter | Percina uranidea | N/A | NT |
Channel darter | Percina copelandi | LC | |
Gilt darter | Percina evides | LC | |
Dusky darter | Percina sciera | LC | |
River darter | Percina shumardi | LC | |
Tippecanoe darter | Etheostoma tippecanoe | NT | |
Spottail darter | Etheostoma squamiceps | LC | |
Banded darter | Etheostoma zonale | LC | |
Johnny darter | Etheostoma nigrum | LC | |
Iowa darter | Etheostoma exile | LC | |
Western sand darter | Ammocrypta clara | N/A | VU |
Eastern sand darter | Ammocrypta pellucida | LC | |
Mud darter | Etheostoma asprigene | LC | |
Rainbow darter | Etheostoma caeruleum | LC | |
Fantail darter | Etheostoma flabellare | LC | |
Harlequin darter | Etheostoma histrio | LC | |
Least darter | Etheostoma microperca | LC | |
Cypress darter | Etheostoma proeliare | N/A | LC |
Bluebreast darter | Etheostoma camurum | LC | |
Bluntnose darter | Etheostoma chlorosoma | N/A | |
Orangethroat darter | Etheostoma spectabile | LC | |
Variegate darter | Etheostoma variatum | LC | |
Moronidae (family)[edit] |
Yellow bass | Morone mississippiensis | LC | |
White bass | Morone chrysops | LC | |
Gobies |
Gobiiformes (order)[edit] |
Gobiidae (family)[edit] |
Round goby | Neogobius melanostomus | LC |
Exotic or introduced taxa
[edit]Common name | Scientific name | Picture | Status |
Lamprey |
Petromyzontiformes (order)[edit] |
Petromyzontidae (family)[edit] |
Sea lamprey | Petromyzon marinus | LC | |
Herring |
Clupeiformes (order)[edit] |
Clupeidae (family)[edit] |
Alewife | Alosa pseudoharengus | LC | |
Threadfin shad | Dorosoma petenense | LC | |
Carps, minnows,
and relatives |
Cypriniformes (order)[edit] |
Cyprinidae (family)[edit] |
Goldfish | Carassius auratus | LC | |
Grass carp | Ctenopharyngodon idella | ||
Red shiner | Cyprinella lutrensis | LC | |
Carp | Cyprinus carpio | ||
Silver carp | Hypophthalmichthys molitrix | NT | |
Bighead carp | Hypophthalmichthys nobilis | ||
Rudd | Scardinius erythrophthalmus | N/A | EN |
Catfish |
Siluriformes (order)[edit] |
Ictaluridae (family)[edit] |
White catfish | Ameiurus catus | LC | |
Salmon, trout, chars. freshwater
Whitefishes, graylings |
Salmoniformes (order)[edit] |
Osmeridae (family)[edit] |
Rainbow smelt | Osmerus mordax | LC | |
Salmonidae (family)[edit] |
Coho salmon | Oncorhyncus kitsutch | ||
Rainbow trout | Oncorhyncus mykiss | ||
Chinook salmon | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | ||
Atlantic salmon | Salmo salar | LC | |
Brown trout | Salmo trutta | LC | |
Silversides |
Atheriniformes (order)[edit] |
Atherinidae (family)[edit] |
Inland silverside | Menidia beryllina | LC | |
Mullets |
Mugiliformes (order)[edit] |
Mugilidae (family)[edit] |
Striped mullet | Mugil cephalus | LC | |
Sticklebacks |
Gasterosteiformes (order)[edit] |
Gasterosteidae (family)[edit] |
Threespine stickleback | Gasterosteus aculeatus | LC | |
Sunfishes and Perches |
Perciformes (order)[edit] |
Moronidae (family)[edit] |
White perch | Morone americana | LC | |
Striped bass | Morone saxatilis | LC | |
Gobies |
Gobiiformes (order)[edit] |
Gobiidae (family)[edit] |
Round goby | Neogobius melanostomus | LC |
[edit]- Hay, Oliver Perry. "The lampreys and fishes of Indiana." William B. Burford, Contractor for State Printing and Binding, 1894.
- Jacquemin, Stephen J., and Mark Pyron. "Fishes of Indiana streams: current and historic assemblage structure." Hydrobiologia 665.1 (2011): 39–50.
- Jordan, David S. "On the fishes of northern Indiana." Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (1877): 42–82.
- “Native Fish of Indiana.” Indiana Wildlife Federation, 2020,
- Nelson, Joseph S., and Shelby Delos Gerking. Annotated key to the fishes of Indiana. Department of Zoology, Indiana University, 1968.
- Simon, Thomas P. Fishes of Indiana: a field guide. Indiana University Press, 2011.
- Simon, T.P., Whitaker Jr., J.O., Castrale, J.S. and S.A. Minton. 2002. Revised checklist of the vertebrates of Indiana. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science.
- 111(2): 182–214.
- “The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.” IUCN Red List of Threatened Species,
- “USFWS National Digital Library.” USFWS,