The Saga of Tanya the Evil, known in Japan as Yōjo Senki (幼女戦記, lit. The Military Chronicles of a Little Girl), is a Japanese light novel series written by Carlo Zen and illustrated by Shinobu Shinotsuki. It was initially serialized on the web novel hosting website Arcadia, before Enterbrain's acquisition. The first volume was released on October 31, 2013, and fourteen volumes have been released.[1] A manga adaptation with art by Chika Tōjō began serialization in Kadokawa Shoten's Comp Ace magazine from April 26, 2016, and has been collected into 31 volumes.
"The Elinium Type 95" (工レ二ウム九五式, Erenium 95-shiki)
"Guarding the Rhine I" (ラインの護りI, Rain no Mamori I)
In June 1923, a young Empire soldier, Tanya, has a flash back to when she was a salaryman in 2013. She recalls the first conversation she has with a deity claiming to be God, Tanya dubs the deity Being X. She was subsequently reincarnated as a young girl into another world. She grows up and after discovering her aptitude for magic, joins the Imperial Army. On her first training deployment she is targeted by an unexpected enemy counterattack and is forced to engage alone. Unable to withstand, she blows herself and surrounding enemies up in an attempted suicide attack. In the capital Berun, Erich von Rerugen broods over Tanya's military record, contemplating whether she is a monster or a hero. After her first mission, Tanya is ordered to test an experimental operation orb, the Type 95 Elinium Operation Orb. After many experiments with the orb, it was deemed unsuccessful and its development discontinued. However, just before the project is discontinued, Tanya is sent to test the orb again with a promise of success. In the midst of the test, the operation orb is about to explode and kill her. However, an intervention by Being X prevents this and makes the Type 95 function, thereby creating a miracle. Using the orb forces her to pray or praise god involuntarily. At the boarding house of the Imperial Army Cadet Corps, Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov is having breakfast while discussing her new platoon leader (Tanya). Tanya has received her reassignment from the technology department and will depart to the frontline against the Republic of François. She is named leader of a flight in the 205th Assault Mage Squadron under the command of the Squadron Commander Lieutenant Iren Schwarzkopf. After a short briefing of the Rhine front situation she went to greet her new squadron consisting of two volunteers and a conscript Visha (Serebryakov) to which she expresses some respect for performing her duties as a citizen.
"War College II - Total War Theory" (軍大学II 総力戦理論, Gundaigaku II - Sōryokusen Riron)
"War College III - Creating the Quick Reaction Mage Battalion" (軍大学III 即応魔導大隊構想, Gundaigaku III - Sokuō Madō Daitai Kōsō)
"Andrew's Report: On the Mysteries of the Eleventh Goddess and V600" (アンドリューレポート:「十一番目の女神」と「V600」についての謎, Andoryū Repōto: "11-banme no Megami" to "V600" Nitsuite no Nazo)