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List of masses, passions and oratorios by Johann Sebastian Bach

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Masses, Passions, Oratorios is the subject of the second series of the Neue Bach-Ausgabe (NBA, New Bach Edition),[1] a publication of Johann Sebastian Bach's music from 1954 to 2007. In the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (BWV, catalogue of Bach's compositions) masses, passions and oratorios refers to two chapters:

  • Chapter 3: Messen, Messensätze, Magnificat (Masses, Mass movements, Magnificat), original range: BWV 232–243
  • Chapter 4: Passionen, Oratorien (Passions, Oratorios), original range: BWV 244–249

In the BWV, as in Series II of the NBA, the group thus also includes Bach's Magnificat and separate mass movements.

Further the second series of the NBA and/or the 1998 updated edition of the BWV (BWV2a) group some new additions to the BWV catalogue with the masses, passions and oratorios (e.g. Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083, Bach's adaptation of Pergolesi's Stabat Mater), and regroup some compositions that were formerly associated with other genres in the masses, passions and oratorios group (e.g. BWV 11, published as a cantata in the 19th century, added to the group as an oratorio).

Also various items in the BWV Anhang (BWV Anh., annex to the BWV), or even unmentioned in the BWV (BWV deest, lacking a BWV number) are associated with this group, for instance the motet Der Gerechte kömmt um, BC C 8, arranged, probably by Bach, from the Tristis est anima mea motet attributed to Johann Kuhnau. Such compositions or movements usually have a Bach Digital Work (BDW) page at the www.bach-digital.de website.

Masses, mass movements and Magnificat


Mass with all usual sections


Kyrie–Gloria masses


Cantata based on BWV 232I


Separate mass movements


Latin Magnificat


German Magnificat cantatas




Passions and oratorios


Passions composed by Bach

  • BWV 244 – St Matthew Passion (Matthäus-Passion)
    • BWV 244b – St Matthew Passion, early version(s)
  • BWV 245 – St John Passion (Johannes-Passion), various versions, including:[24]
    • St. John Passion, 2nd version, with opening chorus "O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß" (1725), BDW 00308, containing:
      • BWV 245a – Aria "Himmel reiße, Welt erbebe"
      • BWV 245b – Aria "Zerschmettert mich, ihr Felsen und ihr Hügel"
      • BWV 245c – Aria "Ach, windet euch nicht so, geplagte Seelen"
    • St. John Passion, Bach's last revision (1749), BDW 00310
  • BWV 247 – St Mark Passion (Markus-Passion) (libretto is extant; although the music is lost much of it is reconstructable based on associated compositions)
  • BWV deest – Weimarer Passion (lost, music partially recuperated in other compositions), BDW 01533

Passions by other composers with movements by Bach

  • BWV 246 – St Luke Passion (Lukas-Passion) by an unknown composer and librettist, includes one movement by Bach:
    • BWV 246/40a – Chorale "Aus der Tiefen rufe ich", BDW 00312
  • BWV deest – St Mark Passion (attributed to Keiser), surviving in various (pasticcio) versions, with three movements associated with Bach:
    • BWV 500a – Chorale "So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin", BDW 00571
    • BWV 1084 – Chorale "O hilf Christe, Gottes Sohn", BDW 01270, and earlier version BDW 01677
    • BWV deest – Chorale "O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid", BDW 01679, and earlier version BDW 01678
  • BWV deest – Passion oratorio Wer ist der, so von Edom kömmt (pasticcio), with three movements associated with Bach:
    • BWV 127/1 (variant) – Chorus "Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott", BDW 00155
    • BWV 1088 – Arioso "So heb ich denn mein Auge sehnlich auf", BDW 01274
    • BWV deest – Chorus "Der Gerechte kömmt um", also as separate motet (BC C 8),[25] BDW 01532

Other vocal compositions associated with Passion music



  • BWV Anh. 169 – Passion text Erbauliche Gedanken auf den Grünen Donnerstag und Charfreitag über den Leidenden Jesum by Picander, not set by Bach (apart from some movements of the St Matthew Passion)

Oratorios and associated cantatas


Compositions in the third and fourth chapters of the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (1998)

Legend to the table
column content
01 BWV Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (lit.'Bach-works-catalogue'; BWV) numbers. Anhang (Annex; Anh.) numbers are indicated as follows:
  • preceded by I: in Anh. I (lost works) of BWV1 (1950 first edition of the BWV)
  • preceded by II: in Anh. II (doubtful works) of BWV1
  • preceded by III: in Anh. III (spurious works) of BWV1
  • preceded by N: new Anh. numbers in BWV2 (1990) and/or BWV2a (1998)
02 2a Section in which the composition appears in BWV2a:
  • Chapters of the main catalogue indicated by Arabic numerals (1-13)
  • Anh. sections indicated by Roman numerals (I–III)
  • Reconstructions published in the NBE indicated by "R"
03 Date Date associated with the completion of the listed version of the composition. Exact dates (e.g. for most cantatas) usually indicate the assumed date of first (public) performance. When the date is followed by an abbreviation in brackets (e.g. JSB for Johann Sebastian Bach) it indicates the date of that person's involvement with the composition as composer, scribe or publisher.
04 Name Name of the composition: if the composition is known by a German incipit, that German name is preceded by the composition type (e.g. cantata, chorale prelude, motet, ...)
05 Key Key of the composition
06 Scoring See scoring table below for the abbreviations used in this column
07 BG Bach Gesellschaft-Ausgabe (BG edition; BGA): numbers before the colon indicate the volume in that edition. After the colon an Arabic numeral indicates the page number where the score of the composition begins, while a Roman numeral indicates a description of the composition in the Vorwort (Preface) of the volume.[27]
08 NBE New Bach Edition (‹See Tfd›German: Neue Bach-Ausgabe, NBA): Roman numerals for the series, followed by a slash, and the volume number in Arabic numerals. A page number, after a colon, refers to the "Score" part of the volume. Without such page number, the composition is only described in the "Critical Commentary" part of the volume. The volumes group Bach's compositions by genre:[28]
  1. Cantatas (Vol. 1–34: church cantatas grouped by occasion; Vol. 35–40: secular cantatas; Vol. 41: Varia)
  2. Masses, Passions, Oratorios (12 volumes)
  3. Motets, Chorales, Lieder (4 volumes)
  4. Organ Works (11 volumes)
  5. Keyboard and Lute Works (14 volumes)
  6. Chamber Music (5 volumes)
  7. Orchestral Works (7 volumes)
  8. Canons, Musical Offering, Art of Fugue (3 volumes)
  9. Addenda (approximately 7 volumes)
09 Additional info may include:
  • "after" – indicating a model for the composition
  • "by" – indicating the composer of the composition (if different from Johann Sebastian Bach)
  • "in" – indicating the oldest known source for the composition
  • "pasticcio" – indicating a composition with parts of different origin
  • "see" – composition renumbered in a later edition of the BWV
  • "text" – by text author, or, in source

Provenance of standard texts and tunes, such as Lutheran hymns and their chorale melodies, Latin liturgical texts (e.g. Magnificat) and common tunes (e.g. Folia), are not usually indicated in this column. For an overview of such resources used by Bach, see individual composition articles, and overviews in, e.g., Chorale cantata (Bach)#Bach's chorale cantatas, List of chorale harmonisations by Johann Sebastian Bach#Chorale harmonisations in various collections and List of organ compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach#Chorale Preludes.

10 BD Bach Digital Work page
Legend for abbreviations in "Scoring" column
Voices (see also SATB)
a A b B s S t T v V
alto (solo part) alto (choir part) bass (solo part) bass (choir part) soprano (solo part) soprano (choir part) tenor (solo part) tenor (choir part) voice (includes parts for unspecified voices or instruments as in some canons) vocal music for unspecified voice type
Winds and battery (bold = soloist)
Bas Bel Cnt Fl Hn Ob Oba Odc Tai Tbn Tdt Tmp Tr
bassoon (can be part of Bc, see below) bell(s) (musical bells) cornett, cornettino flute (traverso, flauto dolce, piccolo, flauto basso) natural horn, corno da caccia, corno da tirarsi, lituo oboe oboe d'amore oboe da caccia taille trombone tromba da tirarsi timpani tromba (natural trumpet, clarino trumpet)
Strings and keyboard (bold = soloist)
Bc Hc Kb Lu Lw Org Str Va Vc Vdg Vl Vne
basso continuo: Vdg, Hc, Vc, Bas, Org, Vne and/or Lu harpsichord keyboard (Hc, Lw, Org or clavichord) lute, theorbo Lautenwerck (lute-harpsichord) organ (/man. = manualiter, without pedals) strings: Vl I, Vl II and Va viola(s), viola d'amore, violetta violoncello, violoncello piccolo viola da gamba violin(s), violino piccolo violone, violone grosso
Background colours
Colour Meaning
green extant or clearly documented partial or complete manuscript (copy) by Bach and/or first edition under Bach's supervision
yellow extant or clearly documented manuscript (copy) or print edition, in whole or in part, by close relative, i.e. brother (J. Christoph), wife (A. M.), son (W. F. / C. P. E. / J. C. F. / J. Christian) or son-in-law (Altnickol)
orange-brown extant or clearly documented manuscript (copy) by close friend and/or pupil (Kellner, Krebs, Kirnberger, Walther, ...), or distant family member
Compositions in Chapters 3 and 4 of BWV2a
BWV 2a Date Name Key Scoring BG NBE Additional info BD
3. Masses, Mass movements, Magnificat (see also: List of Masses, Mass movements and Magnificats by Johann Sebastian Bach) Up ↑
232 3. Aug. 1748 – Oct. 1749 (compilation, completion) Mass a.k.a. Hohe Messe, Mass in B minor B min. ssatbSSAATB 3Tr Tmp Hn 2Fl 3Ob 2Oba 2Bas Vl Str Bc 6 II/1
rev 1
after BWV 232I e. v., II e. v., III e. v., 171/1, 12/2, 120/2, Anh. 11/1, Anh. 196/3; text after Ordinarium Missae 00289
232I e. v. 3. 1733-07-27 Kyrie–Gloria Mass for the Dresden court (Mass in B Minor, Part I: Missa; early version) B min. ssatbSSATB 3Tr Tmp Hn 2Fl 2Oba 2Bas Vl Str Bc II/1a after BWV 29/1, 46/1; text from Ordinarium Missae; → BWV 191, 232I 00290
233 3. 1738–1739? Kyrie–Gloria Mass F maj. sabSATB 2Hn 2Ob Bas Str Bc 8: 1 II/2: 197 after BWV 233a, 102/3, /5, 40/1; text from Ordinarium Missae 00291
233a 3. 1708-04-06? Kyrie "Christe, du Lamm Gottes" F maj. SSATB Bc 41: 187 II/2: 285 text after Ordinarium Missae; → BWV 233/1 00292
234 3. c.1738 Kyrie–Gloria Mass A maj. sabSATB 2Fl Str Bc 8: 51 II/2: 1 after BWV 67/6, 138/5, 179/5, 79/2; text from Ordinarium Missae 00293
235 3. 1738–1739? Kyrie–Gloria Mass G min. atbSATB 2Ob Str Bc 8: 99 II/2: 127 after BWV 102/1, 72/1, 187/4, /3, /5, /1; text from Ordinarium Missae 00294
236 3. 1738–1739? Kyrie–Gloria Mass G maj. satbSATB 2Ob Str Bc 8: 155 II/2: 61 after BWV 179/1, /3, 79/1, /5, 138/5, 17/1; text from Ordinarium Missae 00295
1081 3. c.1747 – Aug. 1748 Credo intonation for Mass No. 5 in F major of G. B. Bassani's Acroama Missale F maj. SATB Bc II/2 BNB I/B/48; text from Credo 01267
237 3. 1723-06-24? Sanctus C maj. SATB 3Tr Tmp 2Ob Str Bc 111: 67 II/2: 311 text from Sanctus 00296
238 3. 1723-12-25
Sanctus D maj. SATB Cnt Str Bc 111: 79 II/2: 325 text from Sanctus 00297
240 3. 1742 (JSB) Sanctus G maj. SATB 2Ob Str Bc 111: 93 II/9: 3 text from Sanctus 00299
241 3. Jul. 1747 – Aug. 1748 (JSB) Sanctus of Missa superba D maj. 2SATB 2Oba 2Vl 3Va Bas Vc Vne Bc 41: 177 II/9: 45 after Kerll; text from Sanctus 00300
242 3. 1727–1732 (JSB) Christe eleison for a Kyrie-Gloria Mass in C minor by F. Durante G min. SA Bc 41: 197 II/2: 295 text from Kyrie; → BWV Anh. 26/2 00301
243.2 3. 1733-07-02?
Magnificat (2nd version: Visitation?) D maj. ssatbSSATB 3Tr Tmp 2Fl 2Ob 2Oba Str Bas Vc Vne Bc 111: 1 II/3: 65 after BWV 243.1 (same text) 00302
243.1 3. 1723-07-02
Magnificat (1st version:Visitation, and with 4 laudes added: Christmas) E♭ maj. ssatbSSATB 3Tr Tmp 2Fl 2Ob Str Bc 111: 103 II/3: 1 after Magnificat peregrini toni (/10); text: Magnificat; → BWV 243.2 00303
1082 3. 1740–1742 (JSB) Suscepit Israel from a Magnificat by A. Caldara E min. SATB 2Vl Bc II/9: 59 after Caldara (BNB I/C/1); text from Magnificat 01268
1083 3. 1745–1747 (JSB) Cantata Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden sa 2Vl Str Vne Vc Bc I/41: 169 after Pergolesi (Stabat Mater); text after Ps. 51 01269
4. Passions, Oratorios (see also: List of Passions and Oratorios by Johann Sebastian Bach) Up ↑
244.2 4. 1736-03-30
Passion St Matthew Passion (later versions; Good Friday) E min. 2satb2SATB 2Fl 4Fl 4Ob 4Oba 2Odc 2Str 2Vdg 2Bc 4
44: 58
II/5 after BWV 244.1, 245.2 (/29); text by Picander, Decius (/1), Heermann (/3, /19, /46), Gerhardt (/10, /15, /17, /37, /44, /54, /62), Albert of Prussia (/25), Heyden (/29), Reusner (/32), Rist (/40), after Mt 2627, Sng 6:1 (/30) 00304

see BWV 1143 00305
244.1 4. 1727-04-11 Passion St Matthew Passion (early version; Good Friday) E min. satb2SATB 4Fl 4Ob 4Oba 2Odc 2Str Lu Bc II/5a
after Z 4361a (/1), 983 (/3, /19, /46), 2293b (/10, /37), 5385a (/15, /17, /44, /54, /62), 7568 (/25), 3449 (/29), 2461c (/32), 6551 (/40); text by Picander, Heermann (/3, /19, /46), Gerhardt (/10, /15, /17, /37, /44, /54, /62), Albert of Prussia (/25), Keymann (/29), Reusner (/32), Rist (/40), after Mt 2627, Sng 6:1 (/30); ↔ BWV 198, 1143; → BWV 244.2 00306
244/3 chorale setting "Herzliebster Jesu" (s. 1) B min. SATB 4: 23 III/2.2: 43 after Z 983; text by Heermann 11349
244/10 chorale setting "O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben" (s. 5) A♭ maj. SATB 4: 42 III/2.2: 66 after Z 2293b; text by Gerhardt 11351
chorale setting "Nun ruhen alle Wälder"
244/15 chorale setting "O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden" (s. 5) E maj.
D maj.
SATB 4: 51 III/2.2: 55 after Z 5385a; text by Gerhardt 11358
244/17 chorale setting "O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden" (s. 6; in BWV 244.1: s. 7?) E♭ maj.
D maj.
4: 53
244/25 chorale setting "Was mein Gott will, das gscheh allzeit" (s. 1) B min. SATB 4: 83 III/2.2: 64 after Z 7568; text by Albert of Prussia 11353
244/32 chorale setting "In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr" (s. 5) B♭ maj. SATB 4: 151 III/2.2: 66 after Z 2461c; text by Reusner 11354
244/37 chorale setting "O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben" (s. 3) F maj. SATB 4: 164 III/2.2: 29 after Z 2293b; text by Gerhardt 11352
chorale setting "In allen meinen Taten" after Z 2293b; text by Fleming
244/40 chorale setting "Werde munter, mein Gemüte" (s. 6) A maj. SATB 4: 173 III/2.1: 95
III/2.2: 68
after Z 6551; text by Rist 11254
chorale setting "Jesu, meiner Seelen Wonne" after Z 6551; text by Janus
244/44 chorale setting "Befiehl du deine Wege" (s. 1) D maj. SATB 4: 186 III/2.2: 49 after Z 5385a; text by Gerhardt 11355
chorale setting "O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden"
244/46 chorale setting "Herzliebster Jesu" (s. 4) B min. SATB 4: 192 III/2.2: 59 after Z 983; text by Heermann 11350
244/54 chorale setting "O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden" (ss. 1–2) F maj. SATB 4: 214 III/2.2: 41 after Z 5385a; text by Gerhardt 11356
244/62 chorale setting "O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden" (s. 9) A min.
B min.
SATB 4: 248 III/2.2: 50 11357
245.1 4. 1724-04-07 Passion St John Passion (1st version; Good Friday) G min. satbSATB (2Fl?) 2Ob 2Odc Str 2Va Vdg Lu Bc 121
44: 26
II/4: 40 after Z 983 (/3, /17), 2561 (/5), 2293b (/11), 6288a–b (/14, /28, /32), 6283b (/15, /37), 2383 (/22), 5404a (/26), 8326 (/40); text after Jh 1819, Mt 26:75 (/12), Mk 15:38 (/33), by Heermann (/3, /17), Luther (/5), Brockes (/7, /19, /20, /24, /32, /34, /35, /39), Gerhardt (/11), Weise (/13), Stockmann (/14, /28, /32), Weiße (/15, /37), Postel (/19, /22, /30), Herberger (/26), Schalling (/40); → BWV 245.2–5 00307
245.1/3 chorale setting "Herzliebster Jesu" (s. 7) G min. SATB III/2.1: 93 after Z 983; text by Heermann 11255
245/3 c. 1740 121: 17 III/2.2: 33
245.1/5 1724-04-07 chorale setting "Vater unser im Himmelreich" (s. 4) D min. SATB III/2.1: 94
III/2.2: 27
after Z 2561; text by Luther after Mt 6:9–13; ↔ BWV 416 11256
245/5 c. 1740 121: 18 after Z 2561; text by Luther after Mt 6:9–13
245/11 1724-04-07 chorale setting "O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben" (ss. 3–4) A maj. SATB 121: 31 III/2.1: 94
III/2.2: 35
after Z 2293b; text by Gerhardt; → BWV 395 11257
chorale setting "Nun ruhen alle Wälder"
245/14 chorale setting "Jesu Leiden, Pein und Tod" (s. 10) A maj. SATB 121: 39 III/2.2: 46 after Z 6288a–b; text by Stockmann 11273
245/15 chorale setting "Christus, der uns selig macht" (s. 1) A min. SATB 121: 43 III/2.2: 44 after Z 6283b; text by Weiße after "Patris sapientia" 11274
245/17 chorale setting "Herzliebster Jesu" (ss. 8–9) A min. SATB 121: 52 III/2.1: 95
III/2.2: 62
after Z 983; text by Heermann 11258
245/22 chorale setting "Durch dein Gefängnis Gottes Sohn" E maj. SATB 121: 74 III/2.2: 181 after Z 2383; text by Postel 11275
chorale setting "Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Güt" after Z 2383; text by Schein
245/26 chorale setting "Valet will ich dir geben" (s. 3) E♭ maj. SATB 121: 95 III/2.1: 96
III/2.2: 60
after Z 5404a; text by Herberger 11259
245/28 chorale setting "Jesu Leiden, Pein und Tod" (s. 20) A maj. SATB 121: 103 III/2.2: 59 after Z 6288a–b; text by Stockmann 11276
245/37 chorale setting "Christus, der uns selig macht" (s. 8) B♭ min. SATB 121: 121 III/2.2: 63 after Z 6283b; text by Weiße after "Patris sapientia" 11277
245/40 chorale setting "Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr" (s. 3) E♭ maj. SATB 121: 131 III/2.2: 60 after Z 8326; text by Schalling 11278
245.2 4. 1725-03-30 Passion St John Passion (2nd version; Good Friday) E♭ maj. satbSATB 2Fl 2Ob 2Odc Str Vdg Bc 121 II/4: 167 after Z 8303 (/1), BWV 245.1, 23/4 (/40); text by Heyden (/1), Heermann (/3, /17), Luther (/5, /40), Brockes (/7, /24, /32, /34, /35, /39), Gerhardt (/11), Birkmann (a, b, c) Stockmann (a, /14, /28, /32), Weiße (/15, /37), Postel (/22, /30), Herberger (/26), after Jh 1819, Mt 26:75 (/12), Mt 27:51 (/33); → BWV 245.3; /1 → BWV 244.2/29, 00308
245.3 4. 1730-04-07 Passion St John Passion (3rd version; Good Friday) satbSATB 2Fl 2Ob Str Vdg Org Bc 121
44: 26
II/4: 206 after BWV 245.1–.2; text after Jh 1819, by Heermann (/3, /17), Luther (/5), Brockes (/7, /19, /20, /24, /32, /39), Gerhardt (/11), Stockmann (/14, /28, /32), Weiße (/15, /37), Postel (/19, /22, /30), Herberger (/26); → BWV 245.4–5 00309
245.4 4. 1739 Passion St John Passion (incomplete revision) satbSATB Fl 2Ob Str Bc 121
44: 26
II/4 after BWV 245.1–.3; text by Heyden (/1), Heermann (/3), Luther (/5), after Jh 18; → BWV 245.5 11076
245.5 4. 1749-04-04 Passion St John Passion (4th version; Good Friday) satbSATB 2Fl 2Ob 2Oba Odc Bas Str Vdg Hc Bc 121
44: 26
II/4 after BWV 245.1–4; text after Jh 1819, Mt 26:75 (/12), Mt 27:51 (/33), by Heermann (/3, /17), Luther (/5), Brockes (/7, /19, /24, /32, /34, /35, /39), Gerhardt (/11), Weise (/13), Stockmann (/14, /28, /32), Weiße (/15, /37), Postel (/19, /22, /30), Herberger (/26), Schalling (/40) 00310
246/40a 4. 1743–1745 (JSB) Chorale Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, No. 40 of St Luke Passion t Str Bc (?) II/9: 65 after BWV 246/40 00312
247 4. 1731-03-23
Passion St Mark Passion (Good Friday; music lost but in part reconstructable) satbSATB 2Fl 2Ob 2Oba 2Vl 2Va (2Vdg 2Lu) Org Bc (?) II/5 text by Picander, Jonas, Reusner, Gerhardt, Rist, Kritzelmann [de], Schein, Stockmann, Franck, J., Homburg [de], Luther, Spee; after BWV 198/1, /5, /3, /8, /10 (or 244a/7), 54/1, 248/28?, /45, 7/2? 00313
1088 4. c.1750? Arioso So heb ich denn mein Auge sehnlich auf, No. 20 in Passion Oratorio Wer ist der, so von Edom kömmt (Good Friday) b 2Bas Bc (?) I/41: 125 01274
248 4. 1734-12-25 – 1735-01-06 Oratorio Christmas Oratorio (Christmastide) D maj. satbSATB 3Tr 2Hn Tmp 2Fl 2Ob 2Oba 2Odc Str Bc 51
44: 125
II/6 after BWV 214 (/1, /8, /15, /24), 213 (/4, /19, /29, /36, /39, /41), 215 (/47), 248VIa (/54, /56–/57, /61–/64), Z 5385a (/5, /64), 1947 (/7, /28), 346 (/9, /17, /23), 5741b (/12), 6462 (/33), 2072 (/35), 2461c (/46), 3614b (/53), 4429a (/59); text by Picander?, Gerhardt (/5, /17, /23, /33, /59), Luther (/7, /9, /28), Rist (/12, /38, /40, /42), Runge [s:de] (/35), Weissel (/46), Franck, J. (/53), Werner (/64), after Lk 2:1–21, Mt 2:1–12 00314
248I 4. 1734-12-25 Cantata Jauchzet, frohlocket, auf, preiset die Tage (Christmas Oratorio, Part I; Christmas) D maj. satbSATB 3Tr Tmp 2Fl 2Ob 2Oba Str Bc 51: 2
44: 125
II/6: 1 after BWV 214/1 & /7 (/1 & /8), 213/9 (/4), Z 5385a (/5), 1947 (/7), 346 (/9); text by Picander?, Gerhardt (/5), Luther (/7, /9), after Lk 2:1, 3–7 11385
248/5 chorale setting "Wie soll ich dich empfangen" (s. 1) A min. SATB 51: 36 III/2.2: 199 after Z 5385a; text by Gerhardt 11279
chorale setting "O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden"
248/9 chorale setting "Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her" (s. 13) D maj. SATB 51: 47 III/2.2: 26 after Z 346; text by Luther 11280
248II 4. 1734-12-26 Cantata Und es waren Hirten in derselben Gegend (Christmas Oratorio, Part II; Christmas 2) G maj. satbSATB 2Fl 2Oba 2Odc Str Bc 51: 50
44: 126
II/6: 55 after Z 5741b (/3), 346 (/8, /14), BWV 214/5 (/6), 213/3 (/10); text by Picander?, Rist (/3), Gerhardt (/8, /14), after Lk 2: 8–14 11386
248/12 chorale setting "Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist" (s. 9) G maj. SATB 51: 59 III/2.1: 83, 92
III/2.2: 7, 207
after Z 5741b; text by Rist 11260
chorale setting "Du Lebensfürst, Herr Jesu Christ"
248/17 chorale setting "Schaut, schaut, was ist für Wunder dar" (s. 8) C maj. SATB 51: 66 III/2.1: 84 after Z 346; text by Gerhardt 11261
chorale setting "Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her" after Z 346; text by Luther
248/23 chorale setting "Wir singen dir, Immanuel" (s. 2) G maj. SATB 51: 90 III/2.2: 198 after Z 346; text by Gerhardt 11281
chorale setting "Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her" after Z 346; text by Luther
248III 4. 1734-12-27 Cantata Herrscher des Himmels, erhöre das Lallen (Christmas Oratorio, Part III; Christmas 3) D maj. satbSATB 3Tr Tmp 2Fl 2Ob 2Oba Str Bc 51: 94 II/6: 107 after BWV 214/9 (/1=/13), 213/11 (/6), Z 1947 (/5), 6462 (/10), 2072 (/12); text by Picander?, Luther (/5), Gerhardt (/10), Runge [s:de] (/12), after Lk 2: 15–20 11387
248/28 chorale setting "Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ" (s. 7) D maj. SATB 51: 110 III/2.1: 85 after Z 1947; text by Luther 11262
248/33 chorale setting "Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen" (s. 15) G maj. SATB 51: 124 III/2.1: 86
III/2.2: 81
after Z 6462; text by Gerhardt 11264
chorale setting "Warum sollt ich mich denn grämen"
248/35 chorale setting "Laßt Furcht und Pein" (s. 4) F♯ min. SATB 51: 126 III/2.1: 86
III/2.2: 206
after Z 2072; text by Runge [s:de] 11263
chorale setting "Wir Christenleut" after Z 2072; text by Füger
248IV 4. 1735-01-01 Cantata Fallt mit Danken, fallt mit Loben (Christmas Oratorio, Part IV; New Year) F maj. satbSATB 2Hn 2Ob Str Bc 51: 128 II/6: 143 after BWV 213/1, /5, /7 (/1, /4, /6); text by Picander?, Rist (/3, /5, /7), after Lk 2: 21 11388
248/42 chorale setting "Hilf, Herr Jesu, laß gelingen" (s. 15) SATB 51: 166 III/2.1: 99
III/2.2: 211
text by Rist 11266
chorale setting "Jesu, meiner Seelen Wonne" text by Janus
248V 4. 1735-01-02 Cantata Ehre sei dir, Gott, gesungen (Christmas Oratorio, Part V; New Year I) A maj. satbSATB 2Oba Str Bc 51: 172 II/6: 199 after BWV 247/39b (/3), 215/7 (/5), Z 2461c (/4), 3614b (/11); text by Picander?, Weissel (/4), Franck, J. (/11), after Mt 2:1–6 11389
248/46 chorale setting "Nun, liebe Seel, nun ist es Zeit" (s. 5) SATB 51: 190 III/2.1: 87
III/2.2: 43
after Z 2461c; text by Weissel 11265
chorale setting "In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr" after Z 2461c; text by Reusner
248/53 chorale setting "Ihr Gestirn, ihr hohlen Lüfte" (s. 9) SATB 51: 208 III/2.1: 100
III/2.2: 21
after Z 3614b; text by Franck, J. 11267
chorale setting "Gott des Himmels und der Erden" after Z 3614b; text by Albert
248VI 4. 1735-01-06 Cantata Herr, wenn die stolzen Feinde schnauben (Christmas Oratorio, Part VI; Epiphany) D maj. satbSATB 3Tr Tmp 2Ob 2Oba Str Bc 51: 210 II/6: 243 after BWV 248VIa (/1, /3, /4, /8–/11), Z 4429a (/6), 5385a (/11); text by Picander?, Gerhardt (/6), Werner (/11), after Mt 2:7–12 11390
248/59 chorale setting "Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier" (s. 1) G maj. SATB 51: 245 III/2.1: 84
III/2.2: 208
after 4429a; text by Gerhardt 11268
chorale setting "Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit" after 4429a; text by Ringwaldt
248/64 chorale setting "Ihr Christen auserkoren" (s. 4) D maj. SATB 51: 256 III/2.1: 85 after 5385a; text by Werner 11269
chorale setting "Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder" after 5385a; text by Schneegaß
248VIa 4. 1734 or earlier Cantata model for BWV 248VI D maj. satbSATB 3Tr Tmp 2Ob 2Oba Str Bc II/6 after BWV Anh. 10/1; → 248/54, /56–/57, /61–/64 00315
249.5 4. 1743–1746
Oratorio Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio; Easter) satbSATB 3Tr Tmp Fl 2Fl 2Ob Oba Str Bc 213 II/7: 1 after BWV 249.4; text by Picander? 00316
249.4 4. c. 1738 Oratorio Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio, middle version; Easter) satbSATB 3Tr Tmp Fl 2Fl 2Ob Oba Str Bc II/7 after BWV 249.3; text by Picander?; → BWV 249.5 11392
249.3 4. 1725-04-01
Cantata Kommt, fliehet und eilet (Easter Oratorio, early versions: first version as cantata; Easter) satbSATB 3Tr Tmp Fl 2Fl 2Ob Oba Vl Str Bc II/7: 97 after BWV 249.1; text by Picander?; → BWV 249.4 00317
249.1 4. 1725-02-23 Secular cantata Entfliehet, verschwindet, entweichet, ihr Sorgen, a.k.a. Shepherd Cantata (birthday of Christian of Saxe-Weissenfels; music lost but in part reconstructable) satbSATB 3Tr Tmp Fl 2Fl 2Ob Str Bc I/35 text by Picander; → BWV 249.3/1–/3, /5, /7, /9, /11; 249.2 00318
249.2 4. 1726-08-25 Secular cantata Verjaget, zerstreuet, zerrüttet, ihr Sterne a.k.a. Die Feier des Genius (dramma per musica; birthday of Joachim Friedrich von Flemming [de]; music lost but in part reconstructable) I/39 after BWV 249.1/1–/3, /5, /7, /9, /11; text by Picander 00319
11 4. 1738-05-15 Oratorio Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen (Ascension Oratorio; Ascension) D maj. satbSATB 3Tr Tmp 2Fl 2Ob Str Bc 2: 1 II/8: 1 after Z 5741b (/6), 5264b (/9); text by Picander?, Rist (/6), Sacer (/9), after Lk 24:50ff., Acts 1:9–12, Mk 16:19 00013
11/6 chorale setting "Nun lieget alles unter dir" (= "Du Lebensfürst, Herr Jesu Christ", s. 4) SATB 2: 32 III/2.2: 198 after Z 5741b; text by Rist 11299


  1. ^ The New Bach Edition, Series II: Masses, Passions, Oratorios at the Bärenreiter website
  2. ^ Bach Digital Work 00298
  3. ^ "Work 0299". Bach Digital. Leipzig: Bach Archive; et al.
  4. ^ Boyd, Malcolm (1999). Oxford Composer Companions: J.S. Bach. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 299. ISBN 0-19-866208-4.
  5. ^ Cantata BWV 189 Meine Seele ruhmt und preist at www.bach-cantatas.com
  6. ^ Georg Melchior Hoffmann: Meine Seele rühmt und preist at www.carus-verlag.com
  7. ^ Spitta 1884, p. 374 ff.
  8. ^ Frederick Hudson and Alfred Dürr. "An Investigation into the Authenticity of Bach's 'Kleine Magnificat'" in Music and Letters XXXVI (3), 1955 – pp. 233-236
  9. ^ Andreas Glöckner. "Die Leipziger Neukirchenmusik und das 'Kleine Magnificat' BWV Anh. 21" in Bach-Jahrbuch 1982, pp. 97-102
  10. ^ a b c d e f Kirsten Beißwenger (ed.) Werke zweifelhafter Echtheit, Bearbeitungen fremder Kompositionen (Volume 9 of Series II: Masses, Passions, Oratorios from the New Bach Edition). Bärenreiter, 2000.
  11. ^ Mass, a BWV Anh. 24 / Anh. III 167‑>; BNB I/P/6 at www.bach-digital.de
  12. ^ Missa (Kyrie and Gloria), C BWV Anh. 25; BNB I/An/1 at www.bachdigital.de
  13. ^ Mass, c BWV Anh. 29; BNB I/An/2 at www.bach-digital.de
  14. ^ Magnificat in C BWV Anh. 30; BNB I/An/7 at www.bach-digital.de
  15. ^ Magnificat in C major BWV Anh 30 at www.bach-cantatas.com
  16. ^ a b c Mass in E minor, BWV Anh 166 at www.bach-cantatas.com
  17. ^ Geiringer, Karl and Irene. The Bach Family: Seven Generations of Creative Genius, footnote p. 117. New York: Oxford University Press, 1954.
  18. ^ Missa (Kyrie and Gloria), e JLB 38; BWV Anh. 166; BNB I/B/18 at www.bachdigital.de
  19. ^ Missa, G BWV Anh. 167; BNB I/An/3 at www.bach-digital.de
  20. ^ D-B Mus. ms. Bach P 659 at www.bach-digital.de
  21. ^ Alfred Dörffel. "Statistik der Concerte im Saale des Gewandhauses zu Leipzig" p. 3, in Geschichte der Gewandhausconcerte zu Leipzig vom 25. November 1781 bis 25. November 1881: Im Auftrage der Concert-Direction verfasst. Leipzig, 1884.
  22. ^ Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Missa sine nomine a 6 at www.bach-cantatas.com
  23. ^ Missa sine nomine (arr. of Kyrie and Gloria, copy of the following movements) at www.bach-digital.de
  24. ^ The New Bach Edition – Revised Edition
  25. ^ Morton, Wyant (1992). Questions of authenticity in three motets attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach (Thesis) (PDF). University of Arizona. pp. 11–25.
  26. ^ Bach Digital Work 00315
  27. ^ Bach-Gesellschaft Ausgabe, .../Prefaces, .../Thematic Catalogue: documentation and facsimiles at the International Music Score Library Project
  28. ^ Neue Bach-Ausgabe: documentation at the International Music Score Library Project