In the early days of MTV, the first and most popular musictelevision network in the U.S., many of the more successful musicians featured on the channel could be seen doing station identification spots for the network, exclaiming the signature line, I want my MTV!, and other phrases. Over the years, MTV would gather a large list of slogans that would become embedded in popular culture.
"You'll never look at music the same way again" (The first slogan; appeared on the original blue MTV shirt.)
"I want my MTV!" (Originally intended as a promotional tool encouraging subscribers to ask their cable providers to add the MTV network; later became the iconic slogan for MTV for more than a decade, even being featured in the Dire Straits song Money for Nothing)
"Too much is never enough"
"Turn it on, leave it on"
"See the music you want to see"
"Army MTV" (Tina Cousins's lyrical spoofs from ABC's America's Watching and visuals spoofs from NBC's Let's All Be There)
"The Number One Music Channel" (slogan used for MTV UK from 2000 to 2002. As the channel broadcasts on digital cable and satellite, the slogan was discontinued in 2003. The decline in music related programming on MTV may have also played a part as to why this slogan was dropped.)
"Nongkrong di MTV" (Slogan in MTV Asia for MTV Indonesia before MTV Indonesia aired (1997-2001)