List of Heroes of the Soviet Union (B)
The Hero of the Soviet Union was the highest distinction of the Soviet Union. It was awarded 12,775 times. Due to the large size of the list, it has been broken up into multiple pages.
This color, along with the † (dagger), indicates that the title was awarded posthumously.
Military personnel
[edit]Name | Unit | Rank | Date of award | Notes |
Fedir Babachenko Ukrainian: Федір Захарович Бабаченко |
323rd Artillery Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 11 April 1940 | —
Hamazasp Babadzhanian Armenian: Համազասպ Բաբաջանյան |
3rd Mechanized Brigade | Chief marshal of the armored troops | 26 April 1944 | —
Aleksandr Ivanovich Babaev Russian: Александр Иванович Бабаев |
410th Artillery Regiment | Major | 31 May 1945 | —
Aleksandr Ivanovich Babaev Russian: Александр Иванович Бабаев |
16th Air Army | Colonel-General of Aviation | 21 February 1978 | —
Nikolai Babaev Russian: Николай Архипович Бабаев |
53rd Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Senior Sergeant | 27 June 1945 | —
Pavel Babailov Russian: Павел Константинович Бабайлов |
163rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 23 February 1945 † | Killed in action on 14 October 1944 |
Demid Babak Ukrainian: Демид Іванович Бабак |
924th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 17 May 1944 † | Killed in action on 1 November 1943 |
Ivan Babak Ukrainian: Іван Ілліч Бабак |
100th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Junior Lieutenant | 1 November 1943 | —
Oleg Babak Ukrainian: Олег Якович Бабак |
Political division of the 21st Special Forces Brigade (Ministry of Internal Affairs) | Senior Lieutenant | 23 September 1991 † | Killed in the First Nagorno-Karabakh War |
Pyotr Babak Ukrainian: Петро Корнійович Бабак |
479th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | 23 September 1944 | —
Kalistrat Babakhin Russian: Калистрат Иванович Бабахин |
30th Guards Separate Battalion | Guards Senior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Nikolai Babanakov Russian: Николай Петрович Бабанаков |
87th Separate Motorized Battalion | Sergeant | 29 June 1945 | —
Ivan Babanin Russian: Иван Акимович Бабанин |
305th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Junior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Nikolai Babanin Russian: Николай Андреевич Бабанин |
5th Guards Mechanized Brigade | Guards Captain | 3 June 1944 | —
Dmitry Babanov Russian: Дмитрий Васильевич Бабанов |
868th Rifle Regiment | Major | 10 April 1945 | —
Ivan Babanov Russian: Иван Дмитриевич Бабанов |
1st Guards aviation regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 5 November 1944 | —
Yuri Babansky Russian: Юрий Васильевич Бабанский |
57th Frontier Detachment | Lance Sergeant | 21 March 1969 | —
Aghvan Babayan Armenian: Աղվան Բաբայան |
647th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Grant Babayan Armenian: Գրանտ Բաբայան |
400th Rifle Regiment | Major | 15 May 1946 | —
Hmayak Babayan Armenian: Հմայակ Բաբայան |
35th Mechanized Brigade | Major-General | 31 May 1945 † | Killed in the Battle of Berlin on 21 April 1945 |
Yakiv Babenko Ukrainian: Яків Олексійович Бабенко |
333rd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 10 April 1945 | —
Vladimir Babi Russian: Владимир Зиновьевич Баби |
117th Tank Brigade | Major | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 6 October 1944 |
Pyotr Babichev Russian: Пётр Алексеевич Бабичев |
116th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Victor Babichev Russian: Виктор Алексеевич Бабичев |
125th Separate Anti-tank Fighter Battalion | Sergant-Major | 24 March 1945 | —
Vladimir Babichev Russian: Владимир Данилович Бабичев |
109th Separate Engineer Battalion | Staff Sergant | 20 December 1943 | —
Vasyl Babij Ukrainian: Василь Васильович Бабій |
663rd artillery regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 3 June 1944 | —
Makar Babikov Russian: Макар Андреевич Бабиков |
140th Separate Reconnaissance Detachment | Chief Sergeant | 14 September 1945 | —
Ivan Babin Russian: Иван Васильевич Бабин |
5th Guards Cavalry Regiment | Guards Junior Sergeant | 10 April 1945 † | Killed in action on 13 September 1944 |
Ivan Babkin Russian: Иван Васильевич Бабкин |
328th Guards Fighter and Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 9 February 1944 | —
Mikhail Babkin Russian: Михаил Николаевич Бабкин |
198th Aviation Assault Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 18 August 1945 | —
Vasyl Babkov Ukrainian: Василь Петрович Бабков |
434th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Captain | 23 November 1942 | —
Victor Baboshin Russian: Виктор Николаевич Бабошин |
218th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 15 January 1944 | —
Aleksandr Babushkin Russian: Александр Васильевич Бабушкин |
10th Separate Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment | Captain | 19 April 1945 | —
Leonid Babushkin Russian: Леонид Георгиевич Бабушкин |
609th Rifle Regiment | Lance Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Roman Babushkin Russian: Роман Романович Бабушкин |
550th Rifle Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 19 April 1945 | —
Vasily Badanin Russian: Василий Иванович Баданин |
78th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 19 March 1944 | —
Fyodor Badin Russian: Фёдор Степанович Бадин |
8th Separate Flamethrower Battalion | Red Army Man | 15 May 1946 | —
Vladimir Badin Russian: Владимир Иванович Бадьин |
671st Artillery Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 26 October 1943 | —
Erentsen Badmaev Russian: Эренцен Лиджиевич Бадмаев |
785th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 5 May 1990 | —
Minulla Badrutdinov Tatar: Миңнулла Бәдретдинов |
78th Guards Regiment | Guards Sergeant | 19 March 1944 † | Killed in Action on 29 September 1943 |
Mikhail Badyuk Russian: Михаил Михайлович Бадюк |
9th Guards Mine Torpedo Aviation Regiment | Guards Sergeant-Major | 22 February 1944 | —
Georgy Baevsky Russian: Георгий Артурович Баевский |
5th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 4 February 1944 | —
Gilmi Bagautdinov Tatar: Гыйльми Баһаветдинов |
1259th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Semyon Bagdasaryan Armenian: Սեմյոն Բաղդասարյանը |
400th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Museyib Baghirov Azerbaijani: Müseyib Bağırov |
206th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 22 February 1944 | —
Ruben Bagirov Armenian: Ռուբեն Բագիրովը |
1176th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 23 September 1944 | —
Ivan Bagramyan Armenian: Հովհաննես Բաղրամյան |
1st Baltic Front Ministry of Defense of the USSR |
Marshal of the Soviet Union | 29 July 1944 1 December 1977 |
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union |
Grigory Bagyan Armenian: Գրիգոր Բաղյան |
71st Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | 29 June 1945 | —
Grigory Baibarenko Ukrainian: Григорій Миколайович Байбаренко |
268th Separate Engineering Battalion | Staff Sergant | 29 October 1943 | —
Georgiy Baikov Russian: Георгий Иванович Байков |
9th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 29 June 1945 | —
Semyon Baikov Russian: Семён Григорьевич Байков |
50th Separate Motorized Engineering Battalion | Junior Lieutenant | 16 March 1942 † | Killed in action on 8 July 1941 |
Matai Baisov Kazakh: Матай Бәйісов |
342nd Rifle Regiment | Red Army man | 10 January 1944 | —
Alim Baisultanov Russian: Алим Юсуфович Байсултанов |
4th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 23 October 1942 | —
Mikhail Bakalov Russian: Михаил Ильич Бакалов |
309th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Sergeant | 19 March 1944 | —
Dmitry Bakanov Russian: Дмитрий Евстигнеевич Баканов |
74th Guards Rifle Division | Guards Major-General | 29 May 1945 | —
Sergei Bakanov Russian: Сергей Семёнович Баканов |
696th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Mikhail Bakirov Russian: Михаил Максимович Бакиров |
9th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Captain | 16 May 1944 † | Killed in action on 8 April 1944 |
Vasily Baklakov Russian: Василий Ильич Баклаков |
218th Rifle Division | Guards Colonel | 23 September 1944 | —
Andrey Baklan Ukrainian: Андрій Якович Баклан |
434th Fighter Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 23 November 1942 | —
Gleb Baklanov Russian: Глеб Владимирович Бакланов |
34th Guards Rifle Corps | Guards Major-General | 29 May 1945 | —
Leonid Baklanov Russian: Леонид Владимирович Бакланов |
2nd separate regiment | Red Army man | 23 September 1944 | —
Aleksei Baksov Russian: Алексей Иванович Баксов |
67th Guards Rifle Division | Guards Major-General | 22 July 1944 | —
Mikhail Bakulin Russian: Михаил Фёдорович Бакулин |
1129th Rifle Regiment | Major | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 5 October 1944 |
Dmitry Bakurov Russian: Дмитрий Алексеевич Бакуров |
229th Rifle Regiment | Captain | 16 October 1943 | —
Oleksandr Balabaev Ukrainian: Олександр Васильович Балабаєв |
105th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 13 September 1944 † | Died of wounds sustained in battle and buried in Odessa |
Anatoli Balabanov Russian: Анатолий Иванович Балабанов |
135th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment | Guards Major | 29 June 1945 | —
Yuri Balabin Russian: Юрий Михайлович Балабин |
144th Guards Ground Attack Air Regiment | Guards Captain | 27 June 1945 | —
Juzek Balabukh Ukrainian: Юзеф Іванович Балабух |
399th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 27 June 1945 | —
Dmitry Balakhanov Russian: Дмитрий Александрович Балаханов |
609th Rifle Regiment | Commissar | 26 January 1940 † | Killed in action on 12 December 1939 during the Winter War |
Nikolai Balakin Russian: Николай Пименович Балакин |
120th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Vasily Balakin Russian: Василий Никитич Балакин |
67th Guards Separate Battalion | Guards Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Nikolai Balakirev Russian: Николай Михайлович Балакирев |
218th Assault Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 1 July 1944 | —
Aleksei Balaluev Russian: Алексей Андреевич Балалуев |
Fighter pilot instructor | Major | 18 August 1945 | —
Grigory Balamutkin Russian: Григорий Васильевич Баламуткин |
431st Assault Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 26 October 1944 | —
Mikhail Balandin Russian: Михаил Фокич Баландин |
1065th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 21 July 1944 | —
Vasily Balandin Russian: Василий Максимович Баландин |
30th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Vladimir Balandin Russian: Владимир Александрович Баландин |
18th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 19 April 1945 † | Killed in action on 30 December 1944 |
Nikifor Balanov Russian: Никифор Федотович Баланов |
Spanish Civil War | Captain | 27 June 1937 | —
Aleksandr Balashov Russian: Александр Иванович Балашов |
22nd Fighter Aviation Regiment | Captain | 29 August 1939 † | Died of wounds in Choibalsan during the Battles of Khalkhin Gol on 13 July 1939 |
Anatoli Balashov Russian: Анатолий Николаевич Балашов |
34th Separate Tank Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 22 February 1944 | —
Evgeniy Balashov Russian: Евгений Иванович Балашов |
95th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 27 June 1945 | —
Georgiy Balashov Russian: Георгий Сергеевич Балашов |
402nd Fighter Aviation Regiment | Captain | 1 July 1944 | —
Ivan Balashov Russian: Иван Филиппович Балашов |
6th Long-Range Bomber Aviation Regiment | Major | 7 April 1940 | —
Mikhail Balashov Russian: Михаил Ефимович Балашов |
28th Guards Separate Battalion | Red Army Guard | 19 March 1944 † | Killed in action on 26 September 1943 |
Vasily Balashov Russian: Василий Дмитриевич Балашов |
8th Separate Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment | Captain | 24 August 1943 | —
Vyacheslav Balashov Russian: Вячеслав Павлович Балашов |
24th Mine-Torpedo Aviation Regiment | Captain | 24 July 1943 | —
Garegin Balayan Armenian: Գարեգին Բալայան |
1st Motorized Rifle Battalion | Captain | 23 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 25 September 1943 |
Anatoli Baldin Russian: Анатолий Михайлович Балдин |
92nd Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guard Lieutenant | 13 April 1944 | —
Ilya Baldynov Buryat: Илья Балдынов |
109th Guards Rifle Division | Guards Colonel | 8 September 1945 | —
Vasily Balebin Russian: Василий Алексеевич Балебин |
1st Guards Mine-Torpedo Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 22 February 1943 | —
Irbayhan Baybulatov Chechen: Ирбайхан Адылханович Байбулатов |
690th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 1 November 1943 | —
Mariya Bayda Russian: Мария Карповна Байда |
514th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 20 June 1942 | —
Sultan Baimagambetov Kazakh: Сұлтан Біржанұлы Баймағамбетов |
147th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergant | 21 February 1944 † | Killed in action on 25 July 1943 |
Gayaz Baymurzin Bashkir: Баймырҙин Ғаяз Исламетдин улы |
13th Guards Aviation Regiment | Guards Major | 5 November 1944 | —
Ismayil Bayramov Azerbaijani: İsmayıl Bayramov |
243rd Rifle Regiment | Sergeant-Major | 10 April 1945 † | Killed in action on 10 February 1945 |
Musa Baymuhanov Kazakh: Мұса Баймұханұлы Баймұханов |
538th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 10 April 1945 | —
Tagan Bayramdurdyyev Turkmen: Tagan Baýramdurdyýew |
54th Guards Cavalry Regiment | Red Army Guard | 27 February 1945 | —
Mulki Bayramov Turkmen: Mülki Baýramow |
60th Guards Cavalry Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 15 January 1944 | —
Nikolai Bazakin Russian: Николай Николаевич Базакин |
346th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Ivan Bazanrov Russian: Иван Фёдорович Базаров |
247th Fighter Regiment | Captain | 2 September 1943 | —
Pyotr Bazanov Russian: Пётр Васильевич Базанов |
3rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 26 October 1944 | —
Grigory Bazdyrev Russian: Григорий Афанасьевич Баздырёв |
7th Guards Mechanized Brigade | Guards Senior Sergeant | 3 June 1944 | —
Nikolai Bazdyrev Russian: Николай Дмитриевич Баздырев |
1054th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 27 February 1945 | —
Aleksandr Bazhanov Russian: Александр Васильевич Бажанов |
68th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 22 August 1944 † | Killed in action on 29 June 1944 |
Anatoli Bazhanov Russian: Анатолий Васильевич Баженов |
270th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Sergeant | 20 December 1943 | —
Gleb Bazhanov Russian: Глеб Фёдорович Баженов |
19th Guards Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 19 August 1944 | —
Grigory Bazhanov Russian: Григорий Сергеевич Бажанов |
1st Guards Mine-torpedo Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 22 June 1944 | —
Pyotr Bazhin Russian: Пётр Яковлевич Бажин |
136th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Captain | 29 October 1943 | Mistakenly believed to be posthumous |
Fyodor Bazhora Russian: Фёдор Максимович Бажора |
376th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Ivan Bazylev Russian: Иван Кириллович Базылев |
10th Separate Guards Battalion | Red Army Guard | 4 June 1944 † | Killed in action on 12 May 1943 |
Dadash Bobojonov Uzbek: Dadash Bobojonov |
1369th Rifle Regiment | Red Army man | 24 March 1945 | —
Botir Boboyev Uzbek: Botir Davronovich Boboyev |
118th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 31 May 1945 | —
Tadzhali Boboyev Uzbek: Tojiali Boboyev |
1006th Rifle Regiment | Lance Sergeant | 31 May 1945 | —
Oleksandr Balenko Ukrainian: Олександр Олексійович Баленко |
22nd Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 5 November 1944 | —
Nikolai Balenko Ukrainian: Микола Пилипович Баленко |
6th Independent Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 18 August 1945 | —
Leonid Balitsyki Ukrainian: Леонід Маркович Балицький |
424th Tank Battalion | Guard Senior Sergeant | 10 January 1944 | —
Maqash Balmagambetov Kazakh: Мақаш Балмағамбетов |
73rd Guards Rifle Division | Guards Sergeant | 22 February 1944 | —
Vasily Balmat Russian: Василий Семёнович Балмат |
60th Mixed Aviation Division | Lieutenant | 26 June 1991 † | Killed in action on 2 December 1941 |
Imangali Baltabanov Kazakh: Иманғали Тәукешұлы Балтабанов |
289th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 10 April 1945 | —
Eduard Balin Russian: Эдуард Дмитриевич Балтин |
41st Division of Northern Submarine Fleet | Captain | 9 October 1981 | —
Nikolai Balukov Russian: Николай Михайлович Балуков |
529th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 29 October 1943 | —
Ivan Balychev Russian: Иван Моисеевич Балычев |
957th Rifle Regiment | Red Army man | 23 October 1943 | —
Mykola Bal Ukrainian: Микола Васильович Баль |
315th Tank Battalion | Senior Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 | —
Ivan Baliuk Ukrainian: Іван Федорович Балюк |
54th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 24 August 1943 | —
Asyim Balyaev Tatar: Асыйм Баляев |
78th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 19 March 1944 | —
Yakov Balyaev Russian: Яков Илларионович Баляев |
355th Separate Marine Corps Battalion | Red Navy man | 14 September 1945 † | Killed in action on 14 August 1945 |
Leonid Balyakin Russian: Леонид Николаевич Балякин |
Vladivostok 1st Battalion Division | Lieutenant Captain | 14 August 1945 | —
Aleksandr Balyasnikov Russian: Александр Михайлович Балясников |
4th Tank Company | Guards Senior Sergeant | 18 December 1956 | —
Aleksei Balyasnikov Russian: Алексей Иванович Балясников |
181st Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 23 February 1945 | —
Sergei Bamburov Russian: Сергей Никонорович Бамбуров |
65th Rifle Regiment | Junior political instructor | 25 October 1938 | —
Ivan Banifatov Russian: Иван Сергеевич Банифатов |
35th Aviation Assault Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 6 March 1945 | —
Anatoli Bankuzau Belarusian: Анатоль Іванавіч Банкузаў |
17th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 5 May 1945 | —
Boris Bannikov Russian: Борис Фёдорович Банников |
42nd Rifle Regiment | Red Army man | 30 October 1945 † | Killed in action on 15 October 1943 |
Pavel Bannov Russian: Павел Илларионович Баннов |
79th Tank Brigade | Sergeant | 27 August 1943 | —
Vasily Bantsekin Russian: Василий Николаевич Банцекин |
109th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 15 January 1944 † | Went missing in action in November 1943 and presumed dead. |
Aleksandr Barabanov Russian: Александр Кузьмич Барабанов |
5th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guards Corporal | 20 December 1943 | —
Pyotr Vasilyevich Barabanov Russian: Пётр Васильевич Барабанов |
616th Rifle Regiment | Corporal | 24 March 1945 | —
Pyotr Ivanovich Barabanov Russian: Пётр Иванович Барабанов |
28th Tank Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 24 May 1944 | —
Opanas Barabash Ukrainian: Опанас Семенович Барабаш |
22nd Guards Independent | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 16 May 1944 | —
Dmitro Barabolkin Ukrainian: Дмитро Федорович Бараболкин |
291st Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 19 April 1945 | —
Mykhailo Barabolyko Ukrainian: Михайло Петрович Бараболько |
355th Separate Marine Corps Battalion | Major | 14 September 1945 | —
Tatyana Baramzina Russian: Татьяна Николаевна Барамзина |
252nd Rifle Regiment | Corporal | 24 March 1945 † | Captured, tortured, and executed on 5 July 1944 |
Vladimir Baranenko Russian: Владимир Яковлевич Бараненко |
947th Aviation Assault Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Vasily Barannikov Russian: Василий Фёдорович Баранников |
299th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guard Senior Sergeant | 24 March 1943 | —
Ardalyon Baranov Russian: Ардальон Вениаминович Баранов |
93rd Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 31 May 1945 | —
Vasily Baranov Russian: Василий Андреевич Баранов |
1st Guards Mechanized Brigade | Guards Captain | 29 June 1945 | —
Viktor Ilyich Baranov Russian: Виктор Ильич Баранов |
13th Light Tank Brigade | Colonel | 21 March 1940 | —
Viktor Kirillovich Baranov Russian: Виктор Кириллович Баранов |
1st Guards Cavalry Corps | Lieutenant-General | 29 May 1945 | —
Volodymyr Baranov Ukrainian: Володимир Петрович Баранов |
111th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 15 January 1944 | —
Ivan Egorovich Baranov Russian: Иван Егорович Баранов |
135th Separate Reconnaissance Company | Senior Lieutenant | 27 February 1945 | —
Ivan Efimovich Baranov Russian: Иван Ефимович Баранов |
807th Aviation Assault Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 23 February 1945 | —
Ivan Mikhailovich Baranov Russian: Иван Михайлович Баранов |
487th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 27 February 1945 | —
Mikhail Dmitrievich Baranov Russian: Михаил Дмитриевич Баранов |
183rd Fighter Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 12 August 1942 | —
Mikhail Pavlovich Baranov Russian: Михаил Павлович Баранов |
239th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Junior Sergeant | 15 January 1944 | —
Mikhail Semyonovich Baranov Russian: Михаил Семёнович Баранов |
157th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 24 August 1943 | —
Nikolai Andreevich Baranov Russian: Николай Андреевич Баранов |
213th Rifle Division | Lieutenant Colonel | 26 October 1943 | —
Nikolai Artemovich Baranov Russian: Николай Артёмович Баранов |
1st Separate Detachment | Senior Seaman | 31 May 1945 | —
Nikolai Vasilievich Baranov Russian: Николай Васильевич Баранов |
1372nd Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | 24 March 1945 | —
Pyotr Aleksandrovich Baranov Russian: Пётр Александрович Баранов |
139th Tank Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 22 February 1944 | —
Pyotr Grigorievich Baranov Russian: Пётр Григорьевич Баранов |
5th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment | Guards Junior Lieutenant | 31 December 1942 | —
Vasily Baranyuk Ukrainian: Василь Никифорович Баранюк |
108th Tank Brigade | Colonel | 31 May 1945 | —
Aleksandr Barayulin Russian: Александр Адамович Бараулин |
22nd Guards Artillery Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 1 November 1943 | —
Dmitry Barashev Russian: Дмитрий Иванович Барашев |
752nd Bomber Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 25 March 1943 | —
Feoktist Barabasov Russian: Феоктист Александрович Барбасов |
1178th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | 23 September 1944 | —
Pyotr Barbashev Russian: Пётр Парфёнович Барбашев |
34th Motorized Rifle Regiment | Lance Sergeant | 13 December 1942 † | Killed in action on 9 November 1942 after using body as human shield to cover a bunker |
Mikhail Barbashinov Russian: Михаил Никанорович Барбашинов |
37th Assault Aviation Regiment | Major | 14 September 1945 | —
Nikolai Barbolin Russian: Николай Степанович Барболин |
115th Guards Fighter and Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 26 October 1943 | —
Oleksiy Barvinsky Ukrainian: Олексій Дмитрович Барвінський |
691st Artillery Regiment | Lieutenant | 24 December 1943 | —
Aleksandr Bardanov Russian: Александр Иванович Барданов |
39th Artillery Cannon Brigade | Senior Lieutenant | 9 October 1943 | —
Aleksandr Bardeev Russian: Александр Петрович Бардеев |
366th Close-range Bomber Aviation Regiment | Major | 13 December 1942 | —
Pavlo Bardjukov Ukrainian: Павло Лаврентійович Бардуков |
305th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 24 March 1945 | —
Evgeny Barilovich Russian: Евгений Алексеевич Барилович |
Soviet Black Sea Fleet | Captain | 10 January 1979 | —
David Barinov Russian: Давид Маркович Баринов |
26th Guards Mechanized Brigade | Guards Major-General | 17 October 1943 | —
Ivan Barinov Russian: Иван Михайлович Баринов |
101st Mortar Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 24 August 1944 |
Nikolai Barinov Russian: Николай Михайлович Баринов |
95th Rifle Regiment | Junior platoon commander | 25 October 1938 | —
Mikhail Barkov Russian: Михаил Иванович Барков |
73rd Guards Separate Anti-tank Battalion | Red Army Guard | 22 July 1944 | —
Nikolai Barkov Russian: Николай Фёдорович Барков |
1050th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 31 May 1945 | —
Sergey Barkov Russian: Сергей Егорович Барков |
111th Separate Reconnaissance Company | Senior Sergeant | 13 September 1944 | —
Viktor Barkovsky Russian: Виктор Антонович Барковский |
591st Fighter Aviation Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 14 February 1943 † | Killed in action on 20 May 1942 |
Ilya Barmin Russian: Илья Елизарович Бармин |
23rd Tank Brigade | Junior Political Instructor | 12 April 1942 | —
Andrey Barsky Russian: Андрей Иванович Барский |
12th Guards Dive Bomber Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 15 May 1946 | —
Aleksandr Barsukov Russian: Александр Яковлевич Барсуков |
8th Guards Independent Motorized Battalion | Guard Lieutenant | 31 May 1945 | —
Vasily Barsukov Russian: Василий Николаевич Барсуков |
18th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 19 April 1945 | —
Ivan Barsukov Russian: Иван Петрович Барсуков |
35th Border Detachment | Major | 11 August 1983 | —
Mikhail Barsukov Russian: Михаил Михайлович Барсуков |
3rd Belorussian Front | Colonel-General | 19 April 1945 | —
Makar Bartashou Belarusian: Макар Уласавіч Барташоў |
12th Assault Air Division | Colonel | 14 September 1945 | —
Razhen Bartsits Russian: Ражден Михайлович Барциц |
Azov Naval Flotilla | Red Navy Man | 16 May 1944 | —
Daniil Barchenkov Russian: Даниил Гаврилович Барченков |
897th Fighter Regiment | Major | 29 June 1945 | —
Ivan Barchenko-Yemelyanov Russian: Иван Павлович Барченко-Емельянов |
Reconnaissance Detachment of the Northern Fleet | Captain | 5 November 1944 | —
Abrek Barsht Russian: Абрек Аркадьевич Баршт |
118th Separate Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment | Major | 10 April 1945 | —
Georgiy Barykin Russian: Георгий Филиппович Барыкин |
144th Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Captain | 4 June 1944 | —
Gennadi Barykov Russian: Геннадий Иванович Барыков |
753rd Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 29 June 1945 | —
Arkadi Baryshev Russian: Аркадий Фёдорович Барышев |
300th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 21 July 1944 | —
Nikolai Baryshev Russian: Николай Герасимович Барышев |
1007th Light Artillery Regiment | Red Army man | 29 March 1944 | —
Bator Basanov Russian: Батор Манджиевич Басанов |
93rd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Senior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Pyotr Basyankou Belarusian: Пётр Харытонавіч Басянкоў |
326th Tank Battalion | Senior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Vladimir Basinsky Russian: Владимир Лукьянович Басинский |
165th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 18 August 1945 | —
Vladimir Baskov Russian: Владимир Сергеевич Басков |
291st Fighter Regiment | Major | 23 February 1948 | —
Mikhail Baskov Russian: Михаил Николаевич Басков |
51st Separate Motorized Battalion | Corporal | 13 September 1944 | —
Sergei Baskov Russian: Сергей Павлович Басков |
562nd Rifle Regiment | Major | 29 June 1945 | —
Vladimir Basmanov Russian: Владимир Иванович Басманов |
2nd Engineering Company | Senior Lieutenant | 29 June 1945 | —
Gavriil Basmanov Russian: Гавриил Иванович Басманов |
360th Rifle Regiment | Red Army man | 16 October 1943 | —
Ivan Basov Russian: Иван Сидорович Басов |
26th Anti-tank Artillery Brigade | Colonel | 23 September 1944 | —
Fyodor Basov Russian: Фёдор Евсеевич Басов |
1893rd Separate Artillery Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | 10 January 1944 | —
Mihran Bastanjyan Armenian: միհրան Բոստանջյան |
1118th Rifle Regiment | Red Army man | 22 February 1944 | —
Ivan Basteev Russian: Иван Васильевич Бастеев |
89th Rifle Regiment | Colonel | 25 October 1943 | —
Arsenti Bastrakov Russian: Арсентий Михайлович Бастраков |
191st Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Sergeant-Major | 5 October 1944 † | Committed suicide in action with last grenade on 17 February 144 |
Georgiy Bastrakov Russian: Георгий Фёдорович Бастраков |
15th Guards Airborne Regiment | Guard Lieutenant | 17 October 1943 | —
Evgeni Basulin Russian: Евгений Дмитриевич Басулин |
239th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Captain | 28 September 1943 | —
Pyotr Batavin Russian: Пётр Фёдорович Батавин |
126th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 24 March 1945 | —
Ryhor Batalau Belarusian: Рыгор Міхайлавіч Баталаў |
229th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Major | 26 October 1943 | —
Fyodor Batalov Russian: Фёдор Алексеевич Баталов |
437th Rifle Regiment | Captain | 9 August 1941 | —
Mikhail Batarov Russian: Михаил Фёдорович Батаров |
611th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Major | 18 August 1945 | —
Gilyfan Batarshin Tatar: Гыйльфан Батыршин |
NKVD | Junior Commander | 25 October 1938 | —
Nikolai Batashev Russian: Николай Иванович Баташев |
128th Mortar Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 10 January 1944 | —
Vasil Bateha Ukrainian: Василь Афанасійович Батеха |
282nd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 22 February 1944 | —
Oleksiy Batievsky Ukrainian: Олексій Михайлович Батиевский |
35th Aviation Assault Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 6 March 1945 | —
Sergei Batinkov Russian: Сергей Алексеевич Батиньков |
208th Aviation Assault Regiment | Captain | 29 June 1945 | —
Pavel Batitsky Ukrainian: Павло Федорович Батицький |
Chief of Staff | General | 7 May 1965 | —
Vladimir Batov Russian: Владимир Васильевич Батов |
734th Rifle Regiment | Captain | 24 March 1945 | —
Pavel Batov Russian: Павел Иванович Батов |
65th Army | Lieutenant-General; Colonel-General |
3 October 1943 2 June 1945 |
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union |
Matvei Batrakov Russian: Матвей Степанович Батраков |
765th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant-Colonel | 11 September 1941 | —
Mikhail Batrakou Belarusian: Міхаіл Рыгоравіч Батракоў |
120th Separate Tank Brigade | Senior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Mariya Batrakova Russian: Мария Степановна Батракова |
463rd Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 19 March 1944 | —
Mikhail Batukov Russian: Михаил Сергеевич Батуков |
104th Separate Battalion | Senior Sergeant | 22 February 1944 | —
Aleksandr Baturin |
71st Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 23 October 1942 | —
Nikolai Baturin |
36th Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Pyotr Batyrev |
163rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 23 February 1945 † | Killed in action on 30 September 1944 |
Sergei Batyshev |
545th Rifle Regiment | Major | 23 September 1944 | —
Vasily Batyaev |
53rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Captain | 15 May 1946 | |
Stepan Bakhaiev Russian: Степан Антонович Бахаев |
523rd Fighter Aviation Regiment | Captain | 13 November 1951 | —
Vasily Bakharev Russian: Василий Никифорович Бахарев |
42nd Rifle Regiment | Red Army man | 29 October 1943 | —
Ivan Bakharev Russian: Иван Иванович Бахарев |
267th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 20 December 1943 † | Killed in action on 30 September 1943 |
Pyotr Bakharev Russian: Пётр Михайлович Бахарев |
239th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 15 January 1944 | —
Georgi Bakhvalov Russian: Георгий Павлович Бахвалов |
11th Separate Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment | Captain | 4 February 1940 | —
Valentin Bakhvalov Russian: Валентин Николаевич Бахвалов |
12th Guards Rifle Division | Guards Major | 31 May 1945 | —
Vasily Bakhvalov Russian: Василий Петрович Бахвалов |
2nd Bomber Aviation Regiment | Junior Commander | 15 January 1940 | —
Vladimir Bakhirev Russian: Владимир Николаевич Бахирев |
176th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Captain | 3 June 1944 † | Killed self and surrounding enemy forces with last grenade on 9 February 1944 |
Ivan Bakhmetev Russian: Иван Андреянович Бахметьев |
120th Rifle Regiment | Colonel | 30 October 1943 | —
Grigory Bakhtadze Georgian: გიორგი ბახტაძე |
1038th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 3 June 1944 | —
Aleksandr Bakhtin Russian: Александр Егорович Бахтин |
615th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 | —
Ivan Bakhtin Russian: Иван Павлович Бахтин |
190th Aviation Assault Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | 18 August 1945 | —
Mikhail Bakhtin Russian: Михаил Иванович Бахтин |
43rd Guards Ground Attack Air Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 23 February 1945 | —
Semyon Bakhtin Russian: Семён Алексеевич Бахтин |
667th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 3 June 1944 | —
Dmitro Bachinsky Ukrainian: Дмитро Григорович Бачинський |
3rd Artillery Division | Captain | 10 April 1945 | —
Vasily Bachurin Russian: Василий Иванович Бачурин |
384th Separate Marine Rifle Battalion | Starshina 1st class | 20 April 1945 † | Killed in action on 27 March 1944 |
Fedor Bachurin Russian: Фёдор Игнатьевич Бачурин |
3rd Tank Battalion | Guard Lieutenant | 29 June 1945 † | Killed in action on 11 January 1945 |
Ivan Basharin Russian: Иван Васильевич Башарин |
810th Assault Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 19 August 1944 | —
Aleksandr Bashkin Russian: Александр Иванович Башкин |
436th Separate Anti-tank Fighter Battalion | Senior Sergeant | 18 November 1944 | —
Fedor Bashkirov Russian: Фёдор Андреевич Башкиров |
62nd Attack Aviation Regiment | Captain | 1 July 1944 | —
Ivan Bashkirov Russian: Иван Сергеевич Башкиров |
487th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 27 February 1945 | —
Viktor Bashkirov Russian: Виктор Андреевич Башкиров |
519th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Captain | 4 February 1944 | —
Vyacheslav Bashkirov Russian: Вячеслав Филиппович Башкиров |
788th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Political Instructor | 8 February 1943 | —
Ivan Bashmanov Russian: Иван Андреевич Башманов |
1052nd Rifle Regiment | Captain | 15 May 1946 | —
Andrey Bashtyrkov Russian: Андрей Андреевич Баштырков |
24th Mine-Torpedo Aviation Regiment | Captain | 22 February 1943 † | Killed in action on 14 January 1943 |
Oleksandr Bashchenko Ukrainian: Олександр Петрович Бащенко |
1st tank battalion | Lieutenant | 24 March 1944 † | Killed in action on 10 October 1944 |
Pyotr Bajuk Ukrainian: Петро Ксенофонтович Баюк |
229th Rifle Regiment | Captain | 5 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 5 October 1943 |
Nikolai Bevs Russian: Николай Сидорович Бевз |
201st Mortar Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 | —
Talgat Bigeldinov Kazakh: Талғат Жақыпбекұлы Бигелдинов |
44th Guards Ground Attack Air Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant, Guards Captain | 26 October 1944 27 June 1945 |
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union |
Madi Begenov Kazakh: Мәди Қайбиұлы Бегенов |
619th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 19 March 1944 | —
Valentin Beglov Russian: Валентин Алексеевич Беглов |
959th Rifle Regiment | Captain | 27 June 1945 † | Killed in action 7 March 1945 |
Boris Begoulev Russian: Борис Петрович Бегоулев |
120th Rifle Regiment | Medic | 25 October 1938 | —
Leonid Beda Ukrainian: Леонід Гнатович Біда |
5th Guards Ground Attack Air Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant, Guards Major | 26 October 1944 29 June 1945 | Twice Hero of the Soviet Union |
Efim Bedin Russian: Ефим Васильевич Бедин |
253rd Rifle Division | Major-General | 23 October 1943 | —
Ivan Bedin Russian: Иван Петрович Бедин |
1372nd Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment | Major | 10 April 1945 | —
Stepan Bidnenko Ukrainian: Степан Петрович Бідненко |
51st Guards Tank Regiment | Guard Lieutenant | 27 June 1945 | —
Nikolai Bedrenko Russian: Николай Васильевич Бедренко |
7th Guards Airborne Regiment | Guard Corporal | 28 April 1945 | —
Mikhail Bedrishev Russian: Михаил Александрович Бедрышев |
1140th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 10 January 1944 | —
Vladimir Bezbokov Russian: Владимир Михайлович Безбоков |
7th Guards Aviation Regiment | Guard Captain | 29 June 1945 | —
Vasily Bezborodov Russian: Василий Петрович Безбородов |
64th Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Major | 31 May 1945 | —
Oleksei Bezverkhy Ukrainian: Олексій Гнатович Безверхий |
156th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 27 June 1945 | —
Vitaliy Bezgalosov Russian: Виталий Мефодьевич Безголосов |
227th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant-Major | 15 May 1946 † | Killed in action 30 April 1945 |
Anatoliy Bezdvorny Ukrainian: Анатолій Андрійович Бездворный |
1972nd Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Red Army Man | 24 March 1945 | —
Vasil Bezmenov Ukrainian: Василь Іванович Безменов |
915th Artillery Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 31 March 1943 † | Killed in action on 4 January 1943 |
Vasily Bezmenov Russian: Василий Иванович Безменов |
49th Guards Tank Brigade | Guard Sergeant-Major | 27 February 1945 | —
Ivan Beznoskov Russian: Иван Захарович Безносков |
333rd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Captain | 10 April 1945 | —
Grigory Bezobrazov Russian: Григорий Иванович Безобразов |
10th Guards Aviation Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 18 September 1943 | —
Grigory Bezrodnyh Ukrainian: Григорій Михійович Безродних |
1075th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 21 July 1942 † | Killed in action 16 November 1941 |
Nikolai Bezrukov Russian: Николай Григорьевич Безруков |
1st Tank Battalion | Major | 17 October 1943 | —
Filipp Bezrukov Russian: Филипп Иванович Безруков |
10th Separate Guards Battalion | Red Army Guard | 4 June 1944 † | Killed in action 12 May 1943 |
Grigory Bezuglov Ukrainian: Григорій Вікторович Безуглов |
60th Guards Cavalry Regiment | Guard Captain | 15 January 1944 | —
Vladimir Bezuglyi Russian: Владимир Андреевич Безуглый |
310th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 16 October 1943 | —
Vladimir Bezukladnikov Russian: Владимир Николаевич Безукладников |
1118th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 22 February 1944 | —
Mikhail Bezukh Russian: Михаил Иванович Безух |
565th Assault Aviation Regiment | Major | 1 July 1944 | —
Viktor Beztsinnyi Ukrainian: Віктор Миколайович Безцінний |
685th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 30 October 1943 | —
Ivan Beida Ukrainian: Іван Мартинович Бейда |
178th Tank Brigade | Junior Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 | —
Mikhail Bekashonok Russian: Михаил Васильевич Бекашонок |
129th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guard Captain | 27 June 1945 | —
Serikqazi Bekbosinov Kazakh: Серікқазы Бекбосынов |
300th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 27 July 1944 | —
Vasily Beketov Russian: Василий Семёнович Бекетов |
170th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Mikhail Beketov Russian: Михаил Иванович Бекетов |
733rd Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 7 April 1940 | —
Nikolai Belevin Russian: Николай Иванович Белавин |
33rd Guards Ground Attack Air Regiment | Guard Captain | 26 October 1944 | —
Sergei Belan Russian: Сергей Абрамович Белан |
74th Separate Motoroized Battalion | Senior Sergeant | 13 September 1944 | —
Nikolai Belashev Russian: Николай Никонорович Белашев |
1075th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 21 July 1942 † | Killed in action 16 November 1941 |
Fedor Belevich Russian: Фёдор Николаевич Белевич |
738th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 31 May 1945 | —
Vasil Bilenko Ukrainian: Василь Данилович Біленко |
282nd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Junior Sergeant | 22 February 1944 | —
Yuri Belenogov Russian: Юрий Сергеевич Беленогов |
119th Tank Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 3 June 1944 † | Killed in action 2 September 1943 |
Vera Belik Ukrainian: Віра Лук'янівна Білик |
46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment | Guard Lieutenant | 23 February 1944 † | Killed in action on 25 August 1944 |
Pyotr Belik Ukrainian: Петро Олексійович Білик |
8th Separate Motorized Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | 14 February 1943 | —
Vasily Belikov Russian: Василий Иванович Беликов |
1st Motorized Rifle Battalion | Guard Sergeant | 24 April 1944 | —
Viktor Belikov Russian: Виктор Матвеевич Беликов |
109th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 27 June 1945 | —
Oleh Belykov Ukrainian: Олег Степанович Бєліков |
19th Separate Fighter Aviation Regiment | Captain | 19 August 1944 | —
Pyotr Belykov Ukrainian: Петро Васильович Бєліков |
240th Separate Reconnaissance Aviation Squadron | Senior Lieutenant | 21 July 1942 | —
Sergei Belikov Russian: Сергей Иосифович Беликов |
341st Separate Sapper Battalion | Major | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 12 November 1944 |
Zakariya Belibayev Kazakh: Закария Белібаев |
18th Separate Pontoon-and-Bridge Battalion | Red Army Man | 17 October 1943 | —
Efim Belinsky Russian: Ефим Семёнович Белинский |
113th Artillery Regiment | Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 16 December 1944 |
Aleksandr Belkin Russian: Александр Никитович Белкин |
164th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 4 February 1944 | —
Afanasy Beloborodov Russian: Афанасий Павлантьевич Белобородов |
Commander of the 43rd Army | Lieutenant-General | 22 July 1944 19 April 1945 | Twice Hero of the Soviet Union |
Aleksandr Kuzmich Belov Russian: Александр Кузьмич Белов |
1124th Rifle Regiment | Starshina | 22 July 1944 | —
Aleksandr Fyodorovich Belov Russian: Александр Фёдорович Белов |
346th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Aleksei Efimovich Belov Russian: Александр Фёдорович Белов |
667th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 3 June 1944 | —
Aleksei Ivanovich Belov Russian: Алексей Ефимович Белов |
29th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Corporal | 15 January 1944 | —
Arkady Belov Russian: Аркадий Степанович Белов |
931st Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 13 November 1943 | —
Vasily Mikhailovich Belov Russian: Василий Михайлович Белов |
11th Motorized Rifle Brigade | Red Army Man | 23 October 1943 | —
Vasily Timofeevich Belov Russian: Василий Тимофеевич Белов |
1292nd Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 3 June 1944 † | Killed in action on 25 March 1944 |
Grigory Belov Russian: Григорий Андреевич Белов |
16th Guards Chernigov Cavalry Division | Guards Colonel | 15 January 1944 | —
Yevtikhy Belov Russian: Евтихий Емельянович Белов |
10th Guards Tank Corps | Guard Lieutenant-General | 29 May 1945 | —
Ivan Leonovich Belov Russian: Иван Леонович Белов |
631st Rifle Regiment | Captain | 24 March 1945 | —
Ivan Mikhailovich Belov Russian: Иван Михайлович Белов |
5th Mixed Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant | 5 February 1940 | —
Mikhail Belov Russian: Михаил Алексеевич Белов |
965th Rifle Regiment | Major | 24 March 1945 | —
Nikolai Belov Russian: Николай Максимович Белов |
424th Tank Battalion | Guard Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 | —
Pavel Belov Russian: Павел Алексеевич Белов |
61st Army of the Central Front | Lieutenant-General | 15 January 1944 | —
Fedor Belov Russian: Фёдор Иванович Белов |
683rd Artillery Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 10 April 1945 | —
Yuri Belov Russian: Юрий Николаевич Белов |
68th Mechanized Brigade | Senior Sergeant | 29 June 1945 | —
Oleksandr Belygurov Ukrainian: Олександр Іванович Бєлогуров |
57th High-Speed Bomber Aviation Regiment | Sergeant-Major | 7 February 1940 | —
Aleksandr Belodedov Russian: Александр Иванович Белодедов |
1042nd Rifle Regiment | Major | 31 May 1945 † | Killed in action on 12 March 1945 |
Vasily Belozertsev Russian: Василий Дмитриевич Белозерцев |
29th Rifle Regiment | Lance Sergeant | 16 October 1943 | —
Nikolai Belozertsev Russian: Николай Александрович Белозерцев |
955th Rifle Regiment Reconnaissance Squadron | Senior Sergeant | 10 January 1944 | —
Ivan Belozerov Russian: Иван Павлович Белозёров |
6th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 16 May 1944 | —
Mykhailo Biloivanenko Ukrainian: Михайло Іванович Білоіваненко |
133rd Separate Guards Communication Battalion | Guard Sergeant | 26 October 1943 | —
Kumza Bilokin Ukrainian: Кузьма Филимонович Білокінь |
103rd Assault Aviation Regiment | Captain | 26 October 1944 | —
Pyotr Belokon Russian: Пётр Ксенофонтович Белоконь |
117th Anti-Tank Fighter Battalion | Senior Sergeant | 21 February 1945 | —
Dmitry Belokopytov Russian: Дмитрий Иванович Белокопытов |
592nd Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 19 March 1944 | —
Vladimir Belomestnykh Russian: Владимир Корнилович Беломестных |
12th Separate Sapper Battalion | Sergeant-Major | 30 October 1943 | —
Grigory Belomutov Russian: Григорий Тихонович Беломутов |
705th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 17 October 1943 | —
Mark Bilonozhko Ukrainian: Марк Миколайович Білоножко |
42nd Separate Sapper-Engineer Battalion | Captain | 17 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 26 September 1943 |
Ivan Belopolsky Russian: Иван Павлович Белопольский |
529th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 29 October 1943 | —
Yevstrat Belopukhov Russian: Евстрат Степанович Белопухов |
1033rd Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 17 October 1943 | —
Vladimir Belorossov Russian: Владимир Александрович Белороссов |
181st Panzer Brigade | Junior Lieutenant | 10 March 1944 | —
Anton Bilous Ukrainian: Антон Іванович Білоус |
810th Attack Air Regiment | Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Volodymyr Bilous Ukrainian: Володимир Микитович Білоус |
142nd Cannon Artillery Brigade | Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Vasily Ignatievich Belousov Russian: Василий Игнатьевич Белоусов |
15th Separate Motorized Pontoon-Bridge Battalion | Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 | —
Vasily Savelievich Belousov Russian: Василий Савельевич Белоусов |
212th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 17 January 1943 | —
Vitaly Belousov Russian: Виталий Фёдорович Белоусов |
666th Artillery Regiment | Major | 31 May 1945 | —
Vladimir Belousov Russian: Владимир Игнатьевич Белоусов |
9th Assault Aviation Regiment | Captain | 21 March 1940 | —
Leonid Belousov Russian: Леонид Георгиевич Белоусов |
4th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guard Major | 10 April 1957 | —
Mikhail Ignatievich Belousov Russian: Михаил Игнатьевич Белоусов |
1179th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 26 October 1943 | —
Nikolai Belousov Russian: Николай Петрович Белоусов |
193rd Fighter Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant | 1 July 1944 | —
Pavel Belousov Russian: Павел Александрович Белоусов |
269th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 10 January 1944 | —
Stepan Belousov Russian: Степан Мартынович Белоусов |
233rd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Captain | 26 October 1943 † | Killed in action 17 October 1943 |
Ivan Bilousko Russian: Іван Васильович Білоусько |
45th Guards Tank Brigade | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 31 May 1945 | —
Klavdi Beloshapkin Russian: Клавдий Флегонтович Белошапкин |
196th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guards Junior Lieutenant | 20 December 1943 | —
Andrej Bjely Belarusian: Андрэй Анісімавіч Белы |
685th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 30 October 1943 | —
Danylo Bilyj Ukrainian: Данило Микитович Білий |
8th Guards Mechanized Brigade | Guard Colonel | 25 October 1943 | —
Spiridon Belyj Russian: Спиридон Ефимович Белый |
150th Guards Fighter and Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment | Guard Lieutenant | 19 March 1944 | —
Josip Bіlih Ukrainian: Йосип Назарович Білих |
2nd Guards Cavalry Division | Guards Colonel | 27 June 1945 | —
Andrey Belgin Russian: Андрей Антонович Бельгин |
214th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Captain | 1 November 1943 † | Killed in action on 6 July 1943 |
Aleksi Belsky Russian: Алексей Ильич Бельский |
273rd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Major | 27 February 1945 | —
Iosif Belskih Russian: Иосиф Михайлович Бельских |
145th Separate Fighter and Anti-tank Battalion | Senior Sergeant | 3 June 1944 | —
Feodosij Bilchenko Ukrainian: Феодосій Лукич Більченко |
218th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Senior Sergeant | 27 February 1945 | —
Vitalij Belyuzhenko Ukrainian: Віталій Степанович Белюженко |
KGB | Colonel of the State Security of the USSR | 24 November 1980 | —
Evel Belyavin Russian: Евель Самуилович Белявин |
80th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 4 February 1944 | —
Boris Belyavsky Russian: Борис Васильевич Белявский |
19th Guards Mortar Brigade | Guard Sergeant | 10 April 1945 | —
Nikolai Belyavsky Russian: Николай Иванович Белявский |
147th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Senior Sergeant | 3 June 1944 | —
Semyon Belyavsky Russian: Семён Логвинович Белявский |
100th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Aleksandr Belyaev Chuvash: Александр Филиппович Беляев |
41st Guards Rifle Division | Guard Lieutenant Colonel | 20 December 1943 | —
Boris Belyaev Russian: Борис Владимирович Беляев |
246th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Major | 24 March 1945 | —
Vasily Belyaev Russian: Василий Александрович Беляев |
61st Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Junior Lieutenant | 29 June 1945 | —
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Belyaev Russian: Владимир Александрович Беляев |
120th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Captain | 22 February 1944 | —
Vladimir Maksimovich Belyaev Russian: Владимир Максимович Беляев |
282nd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Senior Sergeant | 20 December 1943 | —
Vladimir Prokofievich Belyaev Russian: Владимир Прокофьевич Беляев |
78th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Senior Sergeant | 22 February 1944 | —
Vyacheslav Belyaev Russian: Вячеслав Васильевич Беляев |
1st Guards Tank Brigade | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 27 February 1945 | —
Ivan Belyaev Russian: Иван Потапович Беляев |
685th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Irinei Belyaev Russian: Ириней Фёдорович Беляев |
27th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guard Captain | 5 May 1991 † | Killed in action on 8 July 1943 |
Lavrentiy Belyaev Russian: Лаврентий Семёнович Беляев |
280th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Junior Lieutenant | 22 February 1944 † | Killed in action on 1 October 1943 |
Pyotr Belyaev Russian: Пётр Михайлович Беляев |
22nd Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade | Guard Major | 27 June 1945 | —
Yakov Belyaev Russian: Яков Дмитриевич Беляев |
69th Separate Reconnaissance Battalion | Sergeant | 31 August 1941 † | Killed in action on 6 July 1941 |
Aleksandr Belyakov Russian: Александр Васильевич Беляков |
Special-Purpose Army No.1 | Military Engineer 1st Class | 24 July 1936 | —
Ivan Dementevich Belyakov Russian: Иван Дементьевич Беляков |
793rd Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 26 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 15 October 1943 |
Ivan Fedorovich Belyakov Russian: Иван Фёдорович Беляков |
37th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 31 May 1945 | —
Ivan Yakovlevich Belyakov Russian: Иван Яковлевич Беляков |
594th Assault Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 18 August 1945 | —
Nikolai Belyakov Russian: Николай Александрович Беляков |
386th Separate Marine Battalion | Captain | 17 November 1943 | —
Vasily Belyandra Russian: Василий Яковлевич Беляндра |
23rd Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade | Guard Junior Lieutenant | 17 November 1943 | —
Pyotr Belyanik Russian: Петро Никифорович Белясник |
126th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Captain | 28 April 1943 | —
Vasily Benberin Russian: Василий Митрофанович Бенберин |
44th Guards Tank Brigade | Guard Junior Lieutenant | 27 February 1945 | —
Fedir Bendeberya Ukrainian: Федір Кузьмич Бендеберя |
1st Rifle Battalion | Guard Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Chichiko Bendeliani Georgian: ჭიჭიკო კაიაროვიჩი ბენდელიანი |
54th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guard Major | 24 August 1943 | —
Stepan Bendikov Ukrainian: Степан Михайлович Бендиков |
107th Artillery Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | 31 May 1945 | —
Aleksei Benevolensky Russian: Алексей Павлович Беневоленский |
558th Howitzer Artillery Regiment | Lieutenant | 18 November 1944 | —
Nikolai Benesh Russian: Николай Алексеевич Бенеш |
205th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Lieutenant | 16 October 1943 | —
Viktor Benke Russian: Виктор Владимирович Бенке |
9th Guards Tank Brigade | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 27 February 1945 | —
Ivan Berbetov Russian: Иван Петрович Бербетов |
20th Panzer Brigade | Senior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Aleksandr Berbeshkin Russian: Александр Андреевич Бербешкин |
203rd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Major | 16 October 1943 | —
Geli Berdin Bashkir: Ғәли Иркәбай улы Бирҙин |
280th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Captain | 22 February 1944 | —
Leonid Berdichevsky Russian: Леонид Афанасьевич Бердичевский |
64th Guards Independent Tank Regiment | Guard Lieutenant Colonel | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 31 July 1944 |
Gavriil Berdnikov Russian: Гавриил Васильевич Бердников |
100th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Nikolai Berdnikov Russian: Николай Анфимович Бердников |
328th Artillery Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 15 May 1946 | —
Dmitry Berdov Russian: Дмитрий Михайлович Бердов |
78th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 25 August 1944 † | Killed in action on 4 January 1944 |
Vasily Berdyshev Russian: Василий Архипович Бердышев |
696th Separate Sapper Battalion | Corporal | 30 October 1943 | —
Georgy Beregovoy Ukrainian: Гео́ргій Тимофі́йович Берегови́й |
90th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment Soyuz 3 |
Guard Captain Cosmonaut |
26 October 1944 1 November 1968 |
Both soldier and cosmonaut |
Nikolai Berezhkov Russian: Николай Борисович Бережков |
807th Assault Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant | 18 August 1945 | —
Ivan Berezhnoy Ukrainian: Іван Михайлович Бережной |
261st Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Junior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 10 April 1944 |
Mykola Berezhnyj Ukrainian: Микола Іванович Бережний |
398th Artillery Regiment | Sergeant-Major | 23 September 1944 | —
Grigory Berezhok Ukrainian: Григорій Карпович Бережок |
33rd Howitzer Artillery Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 20 May 1940 | —
Andrey Berezin Russian: Андрей Арсентьевич Березин |
5th Heavy Motorized Pontoon-bridge Regiment | Red Army Man | 29 June 1945 | —
Ivan Berezin Russian: Иван Николаевич Березин |
975th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 26 June 1944 |
Semyon Berezin Russian: Семён Петрович Березин |
252nd Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 21 March 1940 | —
Vadim Berezovsky Ukrainian: Вадим Леонідович Березовський |
31st Submarine Division | Captain 1st Class | 30 March 1970 | —
Efim Berezovsky Hebrew: יפים ברזובסקי |
692nd Artillery Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 | —
Ivan Berezutsky Russian: Иван Михайлович Березуцкий |
63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guard Major | 23 February 1945 | —
Nikolai Berendeev Russian: Николай Михайлович Берендеев |
160th Artillery Regiment | Red Army Man | 11 April 1940 | —
Grigory Beresnev Russian: Григорий Ефимович Береснев |
975th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 26 June 1944 |
Pavel Berestnev Russian: Павел Максимович Берестнев |
45th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 24 May 1943 | —
Pyotr Berestov Russian: Пётр Филиппович Берестов |
331st Rifle Division | Major-General | 27 June 1945 | —
Fyodor Berestov Russian: Фёдор Сергеевич Берестов |
201st Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Sergeant | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 27 October 1944 |
Mihailo Berestovenko Ukrainian: Михайло Порфирович Берестовенко |
1063rd Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 21 July 1944 | —
Vasily Berestovoi Russian: Василий Степанович Берестовой |
823rd Artillery Regiment | Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Boris Berestovsky Ukrainian: Борис Іванович Берестовський |
332nd Tank Battalion | Senior Sergeant | 10 January 1944 | —
Mikhail Beryozkin Russian: Михаил Яковлевич Берёзкин |
435th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 29 June 1945 | —
Sergei Beryozkin Russian: Сергей Дмитриевич Берёзкин |
242nd Separate Anti-tank Fighter Battalion | Senior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Nikolai Berzarin Russian: Николай Эрастович Берзарин |
5th Shock Army | Lieutenant-General | 6 April 1945 | —
Janis Berzins Latvian: Jānis Bērziņš |
6th Pontoon-bridge Brigade | Lieutenant Colonel | 23 September 1944 | —
Nikolai Beriya Georgian: ნიკოლოზ ბერია |
6th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 17 November 1943 | —
Aleksandr Berkutov Russian: Александр Максимович Беркутов |
101st Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guard Major | 2 August 1944 | —
Ibrahim Berkutov Tatar: Ибраһим Билал улы Беркутов |
616th Separate Sapper Battalion | Junior Lieutenant | 13 November 1943 | —
Dmitry Berlinsky Russian: Дмитрий Михайлович Берлинский |
288th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Lieutenant Colonel | 27 February 1945 | —
Dmitry Bernatsky Russian: Дмитрий Васильевич Бернацкий |
38th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Captain | 27 June 1945 † | Killed in action on 23 January 1945 |
Mikhail Bernikov Russian: Михаил Михайлович Берников |
809th Assault Aviation Regiment | Major | 15 May 1946 | —
Vaclovas Bernotenas Lithuanian: Vaclovas Bernotėnas |
156th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 4 June 1944 | —
Vladimir Beroshvili Georgian: ვლადიმერ ბეროშვილი |
205th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Junior Lieutenant | 16 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 4 October 1943 |
Giorgi Beruashvili Georgian: გიორგი ბერუაშვილი |
132nd Separate Sapper Battalion | Red Army Man | 10 January 1944 | —
Aleksandr Besedin Russian: Александр Васильевич Беседин |
936th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 22 February 1944 | —
Nikolai Besedin Russian: Николай Фёдорович Беседин |
957th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 23 October 1943 | —
Israel Beskin Russian: Израиль Соломонович Бескин |
70th Army | Lieutenant-General | 31 May 1945 | —
Aleksandr Bespalov Russian: Александр Иванович Беспалов |
578th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 29 June 1945 | —
Georgiy Bespalov Russian: Георгий Иванович Беспалов |
272nd Guards Mortar Regiment | Guard Captain | 9 February 1944 | —
Ivan Bespalov Russian: Иван Антонович Беспалов |
65th Guards Tank Brigade | Guard Captain | 31 May 1945 | —
Mikhail Bespalov Russian: Михаил Гаврилович Беспалов |
1st Brigade of the Pacific Fleet | Captain 3rd Class | 14 September 1945 | —
Aleksei Bespyatov Russian: Алексей Иванович Беспятов |
935th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | 22 July 1944 | —
Aleksandr Bessonov Russian: Алексей Иванович Беспятов |
18th Panzer Corps Reconnaissance Squad | Senior Sergeant | 10 March 1944 † | 18 October 1943 |
Vsevolod Bessonov Russian: Всеволод Борисович Бессонов |
Soviet submarine K-8 | Captain 2nd Class | 26 June 1970 † | Died in the sinking of K-8 |
Sergei Beschastny Ukrainian: Сергій Арсентійович Бесчастний |
235th Assault Aviation Regiment | Captain | 15 May 1946 | —
Georgi Beshnov Russian: Георгий Степанович Бешнов |
360th Rifle Regiment | Captain | 24 March 1945 | —
Kamchari Bzhigakov Russian: Камчари Барокович Бжигаков |
7th Guards Cavalry Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 27 June 1945 | —
Georgiy Bzarov Russian: Георгий Николаевич Бзаров |
32nd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Lieutenant Colonel | 15 January 1944 † | Killed in action on 23 November 1943 |
Aleksandr Bibilashvili Georgian: ალექსანდრე ბიბილაშვილი |
80th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Captain | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 10 October 1944 |
Ivan Bibishev Russian: Иван Фролович Бибишев |
285th Assault Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant | 24 August 1943 † | Killed in action on 18 January 1943 |
Nikifor Biganenko Ukrainian: Никифор Ілліч Біганенко |
124th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guard Lieutenant Colonel | 31 May 1945 | —
Oleksandr Bіdnenko Ukrainian: Олександр Іванович Бідненко |
961st Rifle Regiment | Major | 27 February 1945 | —
Volodymyr Bizhko Ukrainian: Володимир Єгорович Біжко |
92nd Guards Ground Attack Air Regiment | Guard Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Dmitry Bizyaev Russian: Дмитрий Иванович Бизяев |
173rd Guards Ground Attack Air Regiment | Guard Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Ivan Biema Russian: Іван Спиридонович Бійма |
66th Guards Tank Brigade | Guard Major | 31 May 1945 | —
Yevgeniy Bikbov Tatar: Евгений Бикбов |
25th Guards Tank Brigade | Guard Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Soltan Bikaev Bashkir: Солтан Хәмит улы Бикәев |
586th Tank Battalion | Captain | 20 December 1943 | —
Ivan Biketov Russian: Иван Владимирович Бикетов |
48th Rifle Regiment | Major | 23 October 1943 | —
Salman Biktimerov Bashkir: Сәлмән Ғәлиәхмәт улы Биктимеров |
60th Guards Cavalry Regiment | Guard Senior Sergeant | 15 January 1944 | —
Giorgi Bilanishvili Georgian: გიორგი ბილანიშვილი |
343rd Rifle Regiment | Major | 10 January 1944 | —
Pavel Bilonov Russian: Павел Семёнович Билаонов |
681st Rifle Regiment | Major | 13 September 1944 | —
Kumza Bilibin Russian: Кузьма Яковлевич Билибин |
International Tank Brigade | Junior Commander | 4 July 1937 † | Killed in action on 6 March 1937 |
Aleksandr Bilyukin Russian: Александр Дмитриевич Билюкин |
196th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Captain | 2 November 1944 | —
Kondraty Bilyutin Russian: Кондратий Васильевич Билютин |
78th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Colonel | 19 June 1943 | —
Yevgeniy Birbraer Russian: Евгений Абрамович Бирбраер |
225th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 26 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 6 October 1943 |
Yakov Birenboim Russian: Яков Абрамович Биренбойм |
15th Guards Aviation Regiment | Guard Lieutenant Colonel | 17 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 6 October 1943 |
Ivan Birtsev Russian: Иван Фёдорович Бирцев |
257th Rifle Regiment | Medic | 11 April 1940 † | Killed in action on 22 February 1943 |
Ivan Birchenko Ukrainian: Іван Кузьмич Бірченко |
172nd Tank Brigade | Senior Lieutenant | 8 September 1945 | —
Sergey Biryuzov Russian: Сергей Семёнович Бирюзов |
Soviet Air Forces | Marshal of the Soviet Union | 1 February 1958 | —
Aleksandr Biryukov Russian: Александр Иванович Бирюков |
105th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Sergeant | 13 September 1944 | —
Boris Vasilevich Biryukov Russian: Борис Васильевич Бирюков |
92nd Fighter Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant | 20 November 1941 | —
Vasili Nikolaevich Biryukov Russian: Василий Николаевич Бирюков |
723rd Assault Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 23 February 1945 | —
Vasili Yakovlevich Biryukov Russian: Василий Яковлевич Бирюков |
52nd Guards Cavalry Regiment | Guard Major | 27 February 1945 | —
Grigory Biryukov Russian: Григорий Иванович Бирюков |
1001st Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Ivan Biryukov Russian: Иван Семёнович Бирюков |
199th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 22 July 1944 † | Killed in action on 25 June 1944 |
Konstantin Biryukov Russian: Константин Михайлович Бирюков |
71st Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 25 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 2 October 1943 |
Nikolai Biryukov Russian: Николай Иванович Бирюков |
20th Guards Rifle Corps | Guards Major-General | 28 April 1945 | —
Serafim Biryukov Russian: Серафим Кириллович Бирюков |
42nd Aviation Regiment | Captain | 20 June 1942 | —
Konstantin Biryulya Russian: Константин Пименович Бирюля |
355th Separate Marines Battalion of the Pacific Fleet | Sergeant | 14 September 1945 | —
Kumza Biserov Russian: Кузьма Фёдорович Бисеров |
207th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Corporal | 8 September 1945 | —
Prokopi Bityukov Russian: Прокопий Семёнович Битюков |
241st Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Sergeant-Major | 17 October 1943 | —
Pyotr Bityutsky Russian: Пётр Семёнович Битюцкий |
66th Assault Aviation Regiment | Commissar | 5 November 1942 † | Killed in action on 13 August 1941 |
Sergei Bitsaev Russian: Сергей Владимирович Бицаев |
845th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant | 18 August 1945 | —
Vasily Blagov Russian: Василий Иванович Благов |
249th Separate Sapper Battalion | Sergeant | 27 February 1945 | —
Aleksei Blagoveshchensky Belarusian: Аляксей Сяргеевіч Благавешчанскі |
Soviet Volunteer Fighter Pilots in China | Captain | 14 November 1938 | —
Konstantin Blagodarov Russian: Константин Владимирович Благодаров |
8th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 20 April 1945 | —
Pavel Blagadeetev Russian: Павел Сергеевич Благодетелев |
467th Guards Mortar Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 10 April 1945 | —
Ivan Blazhevich Lithuanian: Jonas Blaževičius |
99th Guards Rifle Division | Guard Major-General | 28 April 1945 † | Killed in action on 24 April 1945 |
Andri Blazhkun Ukrainian: Андрій Федорович Блажкун |
202nd Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 24 March 1945 | Killed in action on 27 November 1944 |
Aleksandrs Blaus Latvian: Aleksandrs Blaus |
572nd Rifle Regiment | Captain | 24 March 1945 | —
Sergei Blinnikov Russian: Сергей Александрович Блинников |
23rd Motorized Assault Aapper Brigade | Major | 10 April 1945 | —
Aleksei Blinov Russian: Алексей Павлович Блинов |
177th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 23 February 1948 | —
Vladimir Blinov Russian: Владимир Карпович Блинов |
170th Separate Engineer-Sapper Battalion | Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Ivan Blinov Russian: Иван Алексеевич Блинов |
9th Guards Cavalry Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 31 May 1945 | —
Konstantin Blinov Russian: Константин Минаевич Блинов |
119th Tank Battalion | Junior Lieutenant | 17 April 1943 | —
Nikita Blinov Russian: Никита Павлович Блинов |
6th Guards Tank Brigade | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 5 November 1942 † | Killed in action on 2 April 1942 |
Pavel Blinov Russian: Павел Фёдорович Блинов |
141st Guards Ground Attack Air Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 10 April 1945 | —
Viktor Blokhin Russian: Виктор Алексеевич Блохин |
173rd Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 21 July 1944 † | Killed in action on 14 June 1944 |
Ivan Blokhin Russian: Иван Иванович Блохин |
239th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Major | 28 September 1943 | —
Fyodor Blokhin Russian: Фёдор Тимофеевич Блохин |
875th Rifle Regiment | Staff Sergeant | 24 March 1943 | —
Aleksandr Bluvshtein Russian: Александр Абрамович Блувштейн |
5th Guards Airborne Brigade | Guard Major | 24 April 1944 | —
Nikolai Bobin Russian: Николай Алексеевич Бобин |
7th Aviation Regiment | Captain | 31 December 1942 | —
Valentin Bobkov Russian: Валентин Васильевич Бобков |
106th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guard Captain | 27 June 1945 | —
Viktor Bobkov Russian: Виктор Николаевич Бобков |
609th Rifle Regiment | Corporal | 24 March 1945 † | Died of wounds on 17 October 1944 |
Grigory Bobkov Russian: Григорий Евдокимович Бобков |
43rd Rifle Regiment | Sergeant-Major | 30 October 1943 | —
Nikolai Bobkov Russian: Николай Ефимович Бобков |
1077th Rifle Regiment | Commissar and Senior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Vitali Boborykin Russian: Виталий Николаевич Боборыкин |
126th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Ivan Boborykin Russian: Иван Павлович Боборыкин |
345th Tank Battalion | Sergeant | 10 January 1944 | —
Kostantin Boboshko Russian: Костянтин Матвійович Бобошко |
26th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guard Captain | 4 June 1944 | —
Tukhtasin Boboyev Uzbek: Toʻxtasin Boboyev |
154th Separate Reconnaissance Unit | Lance Sergeant | 1 January 1944 | —
Mikola Bobro Ukrainian: Микола Макарович Бобро |
95th Rifle Regiment | Staff Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Vladimir Bobrov (pilot) Russian: Владимир Иванович Бобров |
104th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guard Lieutenant Colonel | 20 March 1991 | —
Ivan Bobrov Russian: Иван Яковлевич Бобров |
409th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 15 January 1944 † | Killed in action on 9 September 1943 |
Leonid Bobrov Russian: Леонід Миколайович Бобров |
134th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment | Guard-Major | 19 April 1945 | —
Mikhail Bobrov Russian: Михаил Иванович Бобров |
609th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 24 April 1945 | —
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bobrov Russian: Николай Александрович Бобров |
44th Separate High-speed Bomber Aviation Regiment | Staff Sergeant | 10 February 1943 † | Killed in action on 12 July 1942 |
Nikolai Galaktionovich Bobrov Russian: Николай Галактионович Бобров |
956th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 22 February 1944 † | Killed in action on 4 October 1943 |
Fyodor Bobrov Russian: Фёдор Александрович Бобров |
42nd Guards Rifle Division | Guards Major-General | 28 April 1945 † | Killed in action on 25 September 1944 |
Aleksandr Bobrovsky Russian: Александр Андреевич Бобровский |
880th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment | Guard Captain | 18 December 1956 † | Killed in action on 7 November 1956 |
Sergey Bobruk Belarusian: Сяргей Антонавіч Бабрук |
47th Guards Rifle Division | Guard Colonel | 19 March 1944 | —
Yefim Bova Russian: Ефим Ермолаевич Бова |
58th Separate Sapper Battalion | Corporal | 4 June 1944 † | Killed in action on 20 July 1943 |
Vasiliy Bovt Russian: Василий Афанасьевич Бовт |
180th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Sergeant | 15 May 1946 | —
Stepan Bogaychuk Russian: Степан Романович Богайчук |
369th Artillery Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 16 November 1943 | —
Vladimir Bogatkin Russian: Владимир Владимирович Богаткин |
1st Separate Anti-tank Artillery Battalion | Guard Captain | 29 June 1945 † | Killed in action on 30 August 1944 |
Nikolai Bogatov Russian: Николай Павлович Богатов |
237th Tank Brigade | Sergeant-Major | 23 September 1944 | —
Pavel Bogatov Russian: Павел Михайлович Богатов |
210th Separate Communications Company | Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 | —
Pyotr Bogatov Russian: Пётр Антонович Богатов |
399th Howitzer Artillery Regiment | Lieutenant | 23 September 1944 | —
Vasily Bogatyrev Russian: Василий Васильевич Богатырёв |
364th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guard Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 † | Killed in action on 3 April 1945 |
Kharun Bogatyrev Russian: Харун Умарович Богатырёв |
51st Guards Tank Brigade | Guard Major | 17 November 1943 | —
Ivan Bogatyr Russian: Иван Иванович Богатырь |
56th Rifle Regiment | Corporal | 20 June 1942 | —
Pyotr Bogatyr Russian: Пётр Устинович Богатырь |
136th Rifle Regiment | Junior Commissar | 7 April 1940 | —
Yegor Bogatsky Russian: Егор Петрович Богацкий |
48th Guards Tank Brigade | Guard Captain | 31 May 1945 | —
Aleksandr Bogachev Russian: Александр Александрович Богачёв |
51st Tallinn Mine-torpedo Aviation Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 6 March 1945 | —
Vasiliy Bogachev Russian: Василий Гаврилович Богачёв |
10th Tank Regiment | Captain | 27 December 1941 † | Killed in action on 29 September 1941 |
Aleksandr Bogashev Russian: Александр Иннокентьевич Богашев |
529th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 13 September 1944 | —
Dmitry Bogdan Russian: Дмитрий Филиппович Богдан |
565th Separate Sapper Battalion | Captain | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 20 March 1944 |
Viktor Bogdanenko Russian: Виктор Александрович Богданенко |
530th Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Sergeant | 27 June 1945 | —
Grigory Bogdanenko Russian: Григорий Иванович Богданенко |
45th Guards Tank Brigade | Guard Sergeant-Major | 26 April 1944 | —
Aleksandr Bogdanov Russian: Александр Петрович Богданов |
Military advisor in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan | Major | 21 June 1984 † | Killed in action on 18 May 1984 |
Anatoli Bogdanov Russian: Анатолий Сергеевич Богданов |
58th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Viktor Bogdanov Russian: Виктор Иванович Богданов |
828th Assault Aviation Regiment | Captain | 18 August 1945 | —
Grigory Bogdanov Russian: Григорий Богданович Богданов |
385th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 17 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 1 October 1943 |
Ivan Bogdanov Russian: Иван Васильевич Богданов |
122nd Guards Separate Anti-tank Fighter Battalion | Guard Senior Sergeant | 18 November 1944 | —
Nikolai Vasilievich Bogdanov Russian: Николай Васильевич Богданов |
18th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guard Colonel | 8 October 1942 | —
Nikolai Dmitrievich Bogdanov Russian: Николай Дмитриевич Богданов |
34th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guard Major | 16 October 1943 | —
Pyotr Dmitrievich Bogdanov Russian: Пётр Дмитриевич Богданов |
1069th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 27 February 1945 | —
Pyotr Moiseevich Bogdanov Russian: Пётр Моисеевич Богданов |
108th Separate Motorized Assault Sapper Battalion | Senior Lieutenant | 10 April 1945 † | Killed in action on 1 February 1945 |
Pyotr Nikolaevich Bogdanov Russian: Пётр Николаевич Богданов |
66th Rifle Regiment | Staff Sergeant | 27 June 1945 | —
Semyon Bogdanov Russian: Семён Ильич Богданов |
2nd Tank Army 2nd Guards Tank Army |
Lieutenant-General Guards Colonel-General |
11 March 1944 6 April 1945 |
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union |
Khamzya Bogdanov Tatar: Хәмзә Богданов |
22nd Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade | Guards Colonel | 31 May 1945 | —
Pyotr Bogdanovich Russian: Пётр Константинович Богданович |
49th Rifle Division | Major-General | 6 April 1945 | —
Aleksandr Bogolyubov Russian: Александр Николаевич Боголюбов |
2nd Byelorussian Front | Colonel-General | 29 May 1945 | —
Aleksei Bogomaz Russian: Алексей Лукич Богомаз |
281st Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Grigory Bogomazov Russian: Григорий Иванович Богомазов |
158th Fighter Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 2 September 1945 | —
Aleksandr Bogomolov Russian: Александр Фёдорович Богомолов |
1050th Rifle Regiment | Captain | 27 February 1945 | —
Aleksei Bogomolov Russian: Алексей Максимович Богомолов |
6th Guards Aviation Regiment | Guard Major | 18 September 1943 | —
Ivan Bogomolov Russian: Иван Григорьевич Богомолов |
931st Rifle Regiment | Staff Sergeant | 13 November 1943 | —
Konstantin Bogomolov Russian: Константин Иванович Богомолов |
69th Mechanized Brigade | Sergeant | 17 November 1943 | —
Nikolai Bogomolov Russian: Николай Тимофеевич Богомолов |
142nd Rifle Regiment | Staff Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Semyon Bogomolov Russian: Семён Иванович Богомолов |
7th Separate Motorized Pontoon-and-Bridge Battalion | Sergeant | 20 December 1943 | —
Sergei Bogomolov Russian: Сергей Александрович Богомолов |
12th Mortar Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 3 June 1944 | —
Samuil Bogorad Russian: Самуил Нахманович Богорад |
Submarine of the Baltic Fleet | Captain 3rd Class | 8 July 1945 | —
Vladimir Boguslavsky Russian: Владимир Григорьевич Богуславский |
67th Guards Rifle Division | Commissar and Guard Captain | 22 July 1944 | —
Viktor Bogutsky Russian: Виктор Степанович Богуцкий |
99th Independent Guards Intelligence Aviation Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 18 August 1945 † | Killed in action on 23 February 1945 |
Ivan Bagushevich Belarusian: Іван Міхайлавіч Багушэвіч |
161st Separate Guards Cannon Artillery Regiment | Guard Lieutenant Colonel | 26 October 1943 | —
Afanasi Bodakov Russian: ru: |
224th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | 29 June 1945 | —
Vasiliy Bodnya Russian: Василий Григорьевич Бодня |
35th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Sergeant | 27 June 1945 | —
Aleksei Bodrov Russian: Алексей Федотович Бодров |
1st Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Junior Lieutenant | 27 February 1945 † | Killed in action on 16 January 1945 |
Aleksandr Bodryashov Russian: Александр Тимофеевич Бодряшов |
145th Separate Anti-tank Fighter Battalion | Sergeant | 3 June 1944 | —
Ivan Boev Russian: Иван Капитонович Боев |
553rd Separate Sapper Battalion | Staff Sergeant | 17 October 1943 | —
Dmitry Boenko Russian: Дмитрий Петрович Боенко |
Intelligence Department of the 23rd Rifle Corps | Captain | 3 June 1944 † | Killed in action on 20 October 1943 |
Aleksandr Bozhenko Russian: Александр Гаврилович Боженко |
344th tank battalion | Guard Sergeant-Major | 10 January 1944 | —
Vasiliy Boiko Russian: Василий Романович Бойко |
4th Rifle Division | Senior Political Instructor | 7 April 1940 | —
Grigory Boiko Russian: Григорий Евдокимович Бойко |
514th Separate Dive Bomber Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 21 July 1942 † | Killed in action on 7 June 1942 |
Dmitry Boiko Russian: Дмитрий Дмитриевич Бойко |
759th Rifle Regiment | Major | 13 September 1944 | —
Ivan Ivanovich Boiko Russian: Иван Иванович Бойко |
84th Guards Separate Sapper Battalion | Guard Senior Sergeant | 26 October 1943 | —
Ivan Nikiforovich Boiko Russian: Иван Никифорович Бойко |
69th Guards Tank Regiment 64th Guards Tank Brigade |
Guard Lieutenant Colonel | 10 January 1944 26 April 1944 |
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union |
Nikolai Boiko Russian: Николай Павлович Бойко |
34th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 16 October 1943 | —
Saveli Boiko Russian: Савелий Иванович Бойко |
17th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Sergeant-Major | 29 June 1945 | —
Ivan Boikov Russian: Иван Тимофеевич Бойков |
155th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 27 June 1945 | —
Nikolai Boikov Russian: Николай Сафронович Бойков |
78th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 16 October 1943 † | Missing in action and presumed dead on 3 October 1943 |
Aleksandr Boitsov Russian: Александр Герасимович Бойцов |
218th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Lieutenant Colonel | 15 January 1944 | —
Arkadi Boitsov Russian: Аркадий Сергеевич Бойцов |
16th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Major and Commissar | 14 July 1953 | —
Yevgeni Boitsov Russian: Евгений Васильевич Бойцов |
289th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 10 April 1945 | —
Ivan Boitsov Russian: Иван Никитович Бойцов |
278th Motorized Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 7 April 1940 † | Killed in action on 27 February 1940 |
Igor Boitsov Russian: Игорь Михайлович Бойцов |
96th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant | 13 February 1944 † | Killed in action on 16 January 1944 |
Filipp Boitsov Russian: Филипп Степанович Бойцов |
74th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 23 February 1945 | —
Viktor Boichenko Russian: Виктор Кузьмич Бойченко |
496th Separate Reconnaissance Company | Corporal | 1 November 1943 | —
Aleksei Bokanev Russian: Алексей Михайлович Боканев |
498th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 24 March 1945 | —
Nikolai Bokiy Russian: Николай Андреевич Бокий |
2nd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Junior Lieutenant | 24 July 1943 | —
Aleksandr Bolbas Russian: Александр Карпович Болбас |
11th Motorized Rifle Brigade | Captain | 10 January 1944 | —
Sergei Bolgarin Russian: Сергей Иванович Болгарин |
86th Cavalry Regiment | Corporal | 24 March 1945 | —
Ivan Boldun Russian: Иван Корнеевич Болдун |
1323rd Rifle Regiment | Sergeant-Major | 15 January 1944 | —
Aleksandr Boldrev Russian: Александр Иванович Болдырев |
347th Guards Self-propelled Artillery Regiment | Guards technician-lieutenant | 31 May 1945 | —
Ivan Bolesov Russian: Иван Егорович Болесов |
62nd Tank Regiment | Junior Platoon Commander | 21 March 1940 † | Killed in action on 12 March 1940 |
Ivan Bolodurin Russian: Иван Петрович Болодурин |
234th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Sergeant | 15 January 1944 † | Killed in action on 29 September 1943 |
Pyotr Boloto Russian: Пётр Осипович Болото |
84th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Junior Sergeant | 5 November 1942 | —
Andrey Bolotov Russian: Андрей Иванович Болотов |
467th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 15 January 1944 | —
Vasiliy Bolotov Russian: Василий Гаврилович Болотов |
61st Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 12 April 1942 | —
Pavel Bolotov Russian: Павел Васильевич Болотов |
108th Tank Brigade | Captain | 27 February 1945 | —
Pavel Bolsunovsky Russian: Павел Филиппович Болсуновский |
791st Artillery Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | 27 June 1945 † | Killed in action on 26 April 1945 |
Georgy Boltaev Russian: Георгий Семёнович Болтаев |
172nd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Captain | 31 May 1945 | —
Pyotr Boltenkov Russian: Пётр Михайлович Болтенков |
270th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 22 February 1944 | —
Aleksandr Boltushkin Russian: Александр Павлович Болтушкин |
78th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 18 May 1943 † | Killed in action on 2 March 1943 |
Ivan Bolkhovitin Russian: Иван Григорьевич Болховитин |
576th Artillery Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 13 November 1943 | —
Dmitry Bolshakov Russian: Дмитрий Иванович Большаков |
140th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Junior Sergeant | 31 May 1945 | —
Nikifor Bolshakov Russian: Никифор Григорьевич Большаков |
301st Howitzer Artillery Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 15 January 1940 | —
Sergei Bolshakov Russian: Сергей Петрович Большаков |
426th Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 23 May 1945 | —
Aleksandr Bondarev Russian: Александр Митрофанович Бондарев |
520th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 | —
Andrey Bondarev Russian: Андрей Леонтьевич Бондарев |
17th Guards Rifle Corps | Guards Lieutenant-General | 16 October 1943 | —
Dmitry Bondarev Russian: Дмитрий Иванович Бондарев |
955th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 23 October 1943 | —
Ivan Bondarev Russian: Иван Иванович Бондарев |
49th Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Senior Sergeant | 27 February 1945 | —
Matvei Bondarev Russian: Матвей Арсентьевич Бондарев |
32nd Guards Artillery Regiment | Guards Captain | 10 April 1945 † | Killed in action on 24 January 1945 |
Vasili Yemelyanovich Bondarenko Russian: Василий Емельянович Бондаренко |
487th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 27 February 1945 | —
Vasili Yefimovich Bondarenko Russian: Василий Ефимович Бондаренко |
16th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 27 June 1945 | —
Vladimir Pavlovich Bondarenko Russian: Владимир Павлович Бондаренко |
694th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 16 May 1944 | —
Ivan Antonovich Bondarenko Russian: Иван Антонович Бондаренко |
1041st Rifle Regiment | Major | 3 June 1944 † | Killed in action on 26 March 1944 |
Ivan Maksimovich Bondarenko Russian: Иван Максимович Бондаренко |
459th Rifle Regiment | Captain | 24 March 1945 | —
Mikhail Grigorevich Bondarenko Russian: Михаил Григорьевич Бондаренко |
9th Minesweepder Division of the Baltic Fleet | Lieutenant Captain | 22 January 1944 † | Killed in action on 8 November 1943 |
Mikhail Zakharovich Bondarenko Russian: Михаил Захарович Бондаренко |
198th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant Major |
6 June 1942 24 August 1943 |
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union |
Mikhail Ivanovich Bondarenko Russian: Михаил Иванович Бондаренко |
981st Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment | Red Army Man | 24 December 1943 † | Killed in action on 22 October 1943 |
Pyotr Bondarenko Russian: Пётр Николаевич Бондаренко |
115th Guards Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Guards Junior Sergeant | 26 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 7 October 1943 |
Yakov Bondarenko Russian: Яков Александрович Бондаренко |
1075th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 21 July 1942 † | Killed in action on 16 November 1941 |
Filipp Bondarchuk Russian: Филипп Яковлевич Бондарчук |
132nd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Junior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 22 August 1944 |
Aleksandr Bondar Russian: Александр Алексеевич Бондарь |
866th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 19 August 1944 | —
Aleksandr Bondar Russian: Александр Афанасьевич Бондарь |
59th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 13 April 1944 † | Killed in action on 28 October 1943 |
Anton Bondar Russian: Антон Филиппович Бондарь |
4th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 23 September 1944 | —
Vladimir Bondar Russian: Владимир Павлович Бондарь |
1672nd Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 23 May 1945 | —
Georgiy Bondar Russian: Георгий Герасимович Бондарь |
957th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 23 October 1943 | —
Ivan Bondar Russian: Иван Калистратович Бондарь |
87th Rifle Division | Lieutenant Colonel | 23 May 1945 † | Killed in action on 16 April 1944 |
Anatoli Bonin Russian: Анатолий Петрович Бонин |
358th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 | —
Viktor Bonin Russian: Виктор Егорович Бонин |
108th Tank Brigade | Junior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Grigory Bordakov Russian: Григорий Фокович Бордаков |
904th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 10 April 1945 | —
Aleksey Bordunov Russian: Алексей Николаевич Бордунов |
1344th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 19 April 1945 | —
Viktor Bordunov Russian: Виктор Никитович Бордунов |
664th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Andrey Bordyugov Russian: Андрей Алексеевич Бордюгов |
955th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 18 August 1945 | —
Nikolai Boreev Russian: Николай Ильич Бореев |
1958th Anti-tank Fighter Artillery Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 9 February 1944 | —
Arkadi Boreiko Russian: Аркадий Александрович Борейко |
9th Guards Rifle Corps | Guards Major-General | 15 January 1944 | —
Sergei Borzenko Russian: Сергей Александрович Борзенко |
18th Army Newspaper | Major | 17 November 1943 | —
Ivan Borzov Russian: Иван Иванович Борзов |
1st Guards Mine-torpedo Aviation Regiment | Guards Major | 22 July 1944 | —
Fyodor Boridyko Russian: Фёдор Петрович Боридько |
44th Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Major | 27 February 1945 | —
Ivan Borin Russian: Иван Андрианович Борин |
7th Guards Cavalry Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 27 June 1945 | —
Ivan Borisevich Russian: Иван Андреевич Борисевич |
971st Artillery Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 22 August 1944 | —
Vasiliy Borisenko Russian: Василий Павлович Борисенко |
42nd Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 | —
Vladimir Borisenko Russian: Владимир Александрович Борисенко |
1428th Light Artillery Regiment | Major | 1 July 1944 | —
Grigory Borisenko Russian: Григорий Яковлевич Борисенко |
207th Separate Reconnaissance Battalion | Captain | 17 November 1939 | —
Ivan Borisenko Russian: Иван Иванович Борисенко |
73rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guard Captain | 15 May 1946 | —
Mikhail Borisenko Russian: Михаил Петрович Борисенко |
881st Self-propelled Artillery Regiment | Captain | 13 September 1944 | —
Stepan Borisenko Russian: Степан Григорьевич Борисенко |
655th Artillery Regiment | Sergeant | 31 May 1945 † | Killed in action on 15 February 1945 |
Anatoly Borisky Russian: Анатолий Васильевич Борискин |
106th Guards Separate Reconnaissance Company |
Guards Senior Sergeant | 22 February 1944 | —
Pyotr Boriskin Russian: Пётр Никитович Борискин |
87th Separate Tank Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 27 June 1945 | —
Fyodor Boriskin Russian: Фёдор Иванович Борискин |
1129th Rifle Regiment | Corporal | 13 November 1943 | —
Aleksandr Borisov Russian: Александр Михайлович Борисов |
1st Tank Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 22 July 1941 | —
Boris Borisov Russian: Борис Степанович Борисов |
184th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Captain | 20 December 1943 | —
Vasili Aleksandrovich Borisov Russian: Василий Александрович Борисов |
750th Aviation Regiment | Major | 31 December 1942 | —
Vasili Dmitrievich Borisov Russian: Василий Дмитриевич Борисов |
8th Separate Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment |
Captain | 23 February 1945 | —
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Borisov Russian: Владимир Александрович Борисов |
44th Guards Rifle Division | Guards Major-General | 6 April 1945 | —
Vladimir Ivanovich Borisov Russian: Владимир Иванович Борисов |
10th Guards Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 19 August 1944 | —
Georgiy Borisov Russian: Георгий Алексеевич Борисов |
130th Independent Reconnaissance Company | Senior Sergeant | 27 June 1945 | —
Ivan Grigorevich Borisov Russian: Иван Григорьевич Борисов |
9th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 1 November 1943 | —
Ivan Dmitrievich Borisov Russian: Иван Дмитриевич Борисов |
5th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 7 February 1940 † | Killed in action on 25 December 1939 |
Ivan Fyodorovich Borisov Russian: Иван Фёдорович Борисов |
36th Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Junior Lieutenant | 28 April 1945 | —
Leonid Borisov Russian: Леонид Николаевич Борисов |
228th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 27 June 1945 † | Killed in action on 1 February 1945 |
Mikhail Alekseevich Borisov Russian: Михаил Алексеевич Борисов |
62nd Fighter Aviation Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 6 May 1965 † | Killed in action on 10 August 1942 |
Mikhail Alekseevich Borisov Russian: Михаил Алексеевич Борисов |
42nd Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 † | Killed in action on 13 October 1943 |
Mikhail Vladimirovich Borisov Russian: Михаил Владимирович Борисов |
51st Mine-torpedo Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant | 6 March 1945 | —
Mikhail Ivanovich Borisov Russian: Михаил Иванович Борисов |
957th Rifle Regiment | Captain | 23 October 1943 | —
Mikhail Pavlovich Borisov Russian: Михаил Павлович Борисов |
18th Separate Motorized Pontoon-and-Bridge Battalion |
Corporal | 10 April 1945 | —
Mikhail Semyonovich Borisov Russian: Михаил Семёнович Борисов |
212th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Colonel | 17 October 1943 | —
Mikhail Fyodorovich Borisov Russian: Михаил Фёдорович Борисов |
58th Motorized Rifle Brigade | Guards Senior Sergeant | 10 January 1944 | —
Nikolai Borisovich Borisov Russian: Николай Борисович Борисов |
215th Rifle Regiment | Major | 22 July 1944 | —
Nikolai Denisovich Borisov Russian: Николай Денисович Борисов |
2nd Guards Mechanized Brigade | Red Army Guard | 29 June 1945 | —
Nikolai Ivanovich Borisov Russian: Николай Иванович Борисов |
177th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Captain | 15 May 1946 | —
Pyotr Pavlovich Borisov Russian: Пётр Павлович Борисов |
11th Rifle Division | Brigade Commander | 20 May 1940 † | Killed in action on 5 February 1940 |
Pyotr Sergeevich Borisov Russian: Пётр Сергеевич Борисов |
686th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Aleksandr Borisyuk Russian: Александр Евстафьевич Борисюк |
588th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Ivan Borisyuk Russian: Иван Иванович Борисюк |
676th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 7 August 1943 | —
Sergey Borisyuk Russian: Сергей Фёдорович Борисюк |
797th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 13 September 1944 | —
Artem Borichevsky Russian: Артём Иванович Боричевский |
190th Rifle Regiment | Captain | 24 March 1945 | —
Andrey Borovikov Russian: Андрей Евстигнеевич Боровиков |
59th Aviation Squadron | Senior Lieutenant | 25 October 1938 † | Killed in action on 6 August 1938 |
Mariya Borovichenko Russian: Мария Сергеевна Боровиченко |
32nd Guards Artillery Regiment | Guards Sergeant | 6 May 1965 † | Killed in action on 14 July 1943 |
Orest Borovkov Russian: Орест Николаевич Боровков |
3rd Long-Range Bomber Aviation Corps | Major | 22 February 1939 | —
Pavel Borovkov Russian: Павел Игнатьевич Боровков |
76th Separate Assault Sapper Battalion | Junior Sergeant | 10 April 1945 | —
Andrey Borovykh Russian: Андрей Егорович Боровых |
157th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Junior Lieutenant Captain |
24 August 1943 23 February 1945 † |
Ilya Borodavkin Russian: Илья Сергеевич Бородавкин |
330th Guards Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 24 December 1943 | —
Viktor Borodatchev Russian: Виктор Иванович Бородачёв |
40th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 1 July 1944 | —
Aleksei Borodin Russian: Алексей Иванович Бородин |
504th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 1 May 1943 | —
Viktor Borodin Russian: Виктор Петрович Бородин |
565th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 18 August 1945 | —
Georgiy Borodin Russian: Георгий Демьянович Бородин |
12th Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 16 May 1944 | —
Ivan Borodin Russian: Иван Фёдорович Бородин |
7th Guards Cavalry Regiment | Red Army Guard | 27 June 1945 | —
Leonid Borodin Russian: Леонид Григорьевич Бородин |
1137th Light Artillery Regiment | Junior Sergeant | 31 May 1945 | —
Nikolai Vasilievich Borodin Russian: Николай Васильевич Бородин |
43rd Fighter Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 23 February 1945 | —
Nikolai Ivanovich Borodin Russian: Николай Иванович Бородин |
171st Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Sergei Borodulin Russian: Сергей Дмитриевич Бородулин |
3rd Guards Mortar Regiment | Red Army Guard | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 26 June 1944 |
Stepan Borozenets Russian: Степан Николаевич Борозенец |
569th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant | 18 August 1945 | —
Ivan Boronin Russian: Иван Константинович Боронин |
366th Bomber Aviation Regiment | Major | 13 December 1942 | —
Mikhail Boronin Russian: Михаил Петрович Боронин |
9th Guards Mine-torpedo Aviation Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 22 February 1944 | —
Nikifor Boronin Russian: Никифор Данилович Боронин |
215th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 22 July 1944 | —
Vladimir Borsoev Russian: Владимир Бузинаевич Борсоев |
7th Guards Anti-tank Artillery Brigade | Guards Colonel | 6 May 1965 † | Killed in action on 8 March 1945 |
Roman Bortnik Russian: Роман Иосифович Бортник |
965th Rifle Regiment | Colonel | 24 March 1945 | —
Matvey Bortovsky Russian: Матвей Нестерович Бортовский |
9th Tank Regiment | Major | 31 May 1945 | —
Sergey Borshchev Russian: Сергей Тимофеевич Борщёв |
79th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guard Lieutenant Colonel | 15 May 1946 | —
Ivan Borshchik Russian: Иван Владимирович Борщик |
239th Artillery Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 21 August 1944 |
Aleksei Bosov Russian: Алексей Петрович Босов |
8th Motorized Brigade | Senior Lieutenant | 17 November 1939 | —
Vasiliy Botylev Russian: Василий Андреевич Ботылёв |
393rd Independent Marines Battalion | Lieutenant Captain | 18 September 1943 | —
Maksim Bocharikov Russian: Максим Петрович Бочариков |
132nd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Arkadi Bocharnikov Russian: Аркадий Николаевич Бочарников |
533rd Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Corporal | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 25 October 1944 |
Georgiy Bocharnikov Russian: Георгий Алексеевич Бочарников |
823rd Artillery Regiment | Sergeant-Major | 15 May 1946 | —
Ivan Bocharnikov Russian: Иван Петрович Бочарников |
21st Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 25 August 1944 † | Killed in action on 11 November 1943 |
Pyotr Bocharnikov Russian: Пётр Степанович Бочарников |
429th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 13 September 1944 | —
Vladimir Bocharov Russian: Владимир Михайлович Бочаров |
Spanish Civil War Aviation Detachment | Captain | 31 December 1936 † | Captured, tortured, and executed on 13 November 1936 |
Ivan Ivanovich Bocharov Russian: Иван Иванович Бочаров |
481st Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 3 June 1944 | —
Ivan Kirillovich Bocharov Russian: Иван Кириллович Бочаров |
222nd Separate Sapper Battalion | Junior Sergeant | 31 May 1945 | —
Maksim Bocharov Russian: Максим Георгиевич Бочаров |
705th Rifle Regiment | Junior Sergeant | 17 October 1943 | —
Nikolai Bocharov Russian: Николай Павлович Бочаров |
280th Rifle Regiment | Commissar | 12 January 1942 | —
Sergei Bocharov Russian: Сергей Иванович Бочаров |
538th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 10 April 1945 | —
Yakov Bocharov Russian: Яков Васильевич Бочаров |
76th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 22 February 1944 † | Killed in action on 2 October 1943 |
Pyotr Bochek Russian: Пётр Семёнович Бочек |
76th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Vasiliy Bochenkov Russian: Василий Тимофеевич Боченков |
172nd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Captain | 31 May 1945 | —
Ivan Bochenkov Russian: Иван Андреевич Боченков |
61st Separate Motorized Pontoon-Bridge Battalion | Senior Sergeant | 30 October 1943 | —
Pyotr Bochin Russian: Пётр Антонович Бочин |
10th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 1 November 1943 | —
Aleksandr Bochkarev Russian: Александр Григорьевич Бочкарёв |
47th Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Sergeant-Major | 27 February 1945 † | Killed self with grenade to avoid capture on 17 January 1945 |
Vasiliy Bochkarev Russian: Василий Никифорович Бочкарёв |
1140th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 10 January 1944 | —
Mikhail Bochkarev Russian: Михаил Степанович Бочкарёв |
95th Rifle Regiment | Captain | 25 October 1938 | —
Pyotr Bochkarev Russian: Пётр Васильевич Бочкарёв |
1959th Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Captain | 26 October 1944 | —
Ivan Bochkov Russian: Иван Васильевич Бочков |
19th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Captain | 1 May 1943 | —
Kirill Bochkovich Russian: Кирилл Васильевич Бочкович |
384th Independent Marines Battalion | Starshina 2nd Class | 20 April 1945 † | Killed in action on 24 August 1944 |
Vladimir Bochkovsky Russian: Владимир Александрович Бочковский |
1st Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Captain | 26 April 1944 | —
Grigory Boyarinov Russian: Григорий Иванович Бояринов |
Spetsnaz | Colonel | 28 April 1980 † | Killed in action in Afghanistan on 27 December 1979 |
Vladimir Boyarintsev Russian: Владимир Сергеевич Бояринцев |
359th Separate Communications Battalion | Senior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Timofei Boyarintsev Russian: Тимофей Алексеевич Бояринцев |
109th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 16 October 1943 | —
Boyarkin Vasili Russian: Василий Илларионович Бояркин |
60th Guards Cavalry Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 15 January 1944 | —
Vasiliy Boyarshinov Russian: Иванович Бояршинов Василий |
627th Artillery Regiment | Junior Sergeant | 10 January 1944 | —
Aleksei Bragin Russian: Алексей Васильевич Брагин |
825th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Vasili Yefimovich Bragin Russian: Василий Ефимович Брагин |
854th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Vasili Petrovich Bragin Russian: Василий Петрович Брагин |
491st Rifle Regiment | Junior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Nikolai Bragin Russian: Николай Михайлович Брагин |
90th Tank Battalion | Commissar | 21 March 1940 † | Killed in action on 7 March 1940 |
Nikolai Braginets Russian: Николай Григорьевич Брагинец |
63rd High-Speed Bomber Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 19 May 1940 | —
Terentiy Bragonin Russian: Терентий Иванович Брагонин |
156th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 16 November 1943 | —
Aleksandr Brazhnikov Russian: Александр Николаевич Бражников |
237th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 23 February 1945 | —
Ivan Brazhnikov Russian: Иван Моисеевич Бражников |
132nd High-Speed Bomber Aviation Regiment | Sergeant | 27 March 1942 | —
Anatoli Brandis Ukrainian: Анатолій Якович Брандис |
75th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guard Senior Lieutenant Guard Captain |
23 February 1945 29 June 1945 |
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union |
Ivan Bratus Ukrainian: Іван Іванович Братусь |
297th Separate Anti-tank Division | Senior Sergeant | 16 October 1943 | —
Gennadiy Bratchikov Russian: Геннадий Иванович Братчиков |
"Ovin" Intelligence Department | Major | 24 March 1945 | —
Nikolai Bratsyuk Russian: Николай Захарович Брацюк Ukrainian: Брацюк Микола Захарович |
305th Tank Battalion | Major | 15 January 1944 † | Killed in action on 23 July 1943 |
Nikolai Alekseevich Bredikhin Russian: Николай Алексеевич Бредихин |
62nd Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Sergeant-Major | 10 April 1945 | —
Nikolai Fyodorovich Bredikhin Russian: Николай Фёдорович Бредихин |
60th Tank Regiment | Major | 15 January 1944 | —
Anatoliy Bredov Russian: Анатолий Фёдорович Бредов |
155th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 24 March 1945 † | Killed self with grenade to avoid capture on 11 October 1944 |
Stepan Breus Russian: Степан Лаврентьевич Бреус |
32nd Artillery Regiment | Corporal | 13 September 1944 | —
Yakov Breus Russian: Яков Георгиевич Бреус Ukrainian: Бреус Яків Георгійович |
161st Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 10 February 1942 | —
Vladimir Breusoc Russian: Владимир Ефимович Бреусов |
960th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 1 November 1943 | —
Stepan Breusov Russian: Степан Тихонович Бреусов |
1126th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 22 July 1944 | —
Konstantin Brekhov Russian: Константин Владимирович Брехов |
62nd Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Captain | 1 May 1943 | —
Georgiy Brik Russian: Григорий Евдокимович Брик |
42nd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Captain | 10 April 1945 | —
Pavel Brikel Russian: Павел Порфирьевич Брикель |
6th Guards Cavalry Division | Guards General-Major | 29 May 1945 | —
Timofei Brilev Russian: Тимофей Ефимович Брилёв |
276th Guards Light Artillery Regiment | Guards Sergeant-Major | 16 November 1943 | —
Pavel Brilin Russian: Павел Тимофеевич Брилин |
71st Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Red Army Man | 19 April 1945 | —
Pyotr Brinko Russian: Пётр Антонович Бринько |
13th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant | 17 July 1941 | —
Aleksei Brintkov Russian: Алексей Петрович Бритиков |
85th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guard Captain | 15 May 1946 | —
Vladimir Brovarets Russian: Владимир Тимофеевич Броварец |
248th Cadet Brigade | Lieutenant | 17 October 1943 | —
Nikolai Brovtsev Russian: Николай Михайлович Бровцев |
923rd Rifle Regiment | Captain | 29 June 1945 † | Killed in action on 15 April 1945 |
Ivan Brovchenko Russian: Иван Никонович Бровченко Ukrainian: Бровченко Іван Никонович |
936th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 13 September 1944 | —
Vladimir Brodyuk Russian: Владимир Владимирович Бродюк |
12th Independent Marine Corps Brigade | Junior Lieutenant | 5 November 1944 | —
Nikolai Brozgol Russian: Николай Израилевич Брозголь |
24th Separate Guards Heavy Cannon Artillery Brigade | Guards Colonel | 16 May 1944 | —
Ivan Bronets Russian: Иван Иванович Бронец Ukrainian: Бронець Іван Іванович |
6th Light Tank Brigade | Junior Commander | 17 November 1939 † | Killed in action on 24 August 1939 |
Yulian Bronitsky Russian: Юлиан Марьянович Броницкий |
899th Artillery Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | 29 October 1943 | —
Mikhail Bronnikov Russian: Михаил Максимович Бронников |
67th Guards Rifle Division | Guard Colonel | 22 July 1944 | —
Aleksandr Brosalov Russian: Александр Никанорович Бросалов |
436th Artillery Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 27 June 1945 | —
Fyodor Brui Russian: Фёдор Филиппович Бруй Belarusian: Бруй Фёдар Піліпавіч |
520th Rifle Regiment | Major | 29 October 1943 | —
Ivan Brusov Russian: Иван Никифорович Брусов |
1995th Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment | Junior Sergeant | 10 April 1945 † | Killed in action on 25 January 1945 |
Ivan Bryzgalov Russian: Иван Иванович Брызгалов |
1452nd Self-propelled Artillery Regiment | Junior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 7 August 1944 |
Pavel Bryzgalov Russian: Павел Александрович Брызгалов |
178th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Aleksei Brykin Russian: Алексей Александрович Брыкин |
1360th Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment | Major | 10 April 1945 | —
Nikolai Bryl Russian: Николай Харлампиевич Брыль |
89th Guards Separate Communications Company | Guards Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Vasiliy Bryn Russian: Василий Мартынович Брынь |
89th Guards Separate Sapper Battalion | Guards Corporal | 26 October 1943 | —
Fyodor Brysev Russian: Фёдор Яковлевич Брысев Ukrainian: Брысев Федір Якович |
109th Aviation Regiment | Captain | 19 August 1944 | —
Aleksei Bryukhanov Russian: Алексей Иванович Брюханов |
320th Separate Reconnaissance Company | Sergeant | 30 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 17 October 1943 |
Stepan Bryukhanov Russian: Степан Степанович Брюханов |
996th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 29 June 1945 | —
Pavel Bryakin Russian: Павел Константинович Брякин |
202nd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Corporal | 10 January 1944 | —
Grigory Buachidze Georgian: ბუაჩიძე გრიგოლ |
115th Guards Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 26 October 1943 | —
Vitaly Bubenin Russian: Виталий Дмитриевич Бубенин |
Border Guard Service | Senior Lieutenant | 21 March 1969 | —
Leonid Buber Russian: Леонид Ильич Бубер |
212th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 7 April 1940 | —
Pavel Bubliy Russian: Павел Семёнович Бублий |
1164th Rifle Regiment | Major | 24 March 1945 | —
Fyodor Bublikov Russian: Фёдор Борисович Бубликов |
70th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 2 August 1944 | —
Nikolai Bubnov Russian: Николай Матвеевич Бубнов |
11th Separate Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Colonel | 4 November 1943 † | Killed in action on 2 August 1943 |
Boris Buvin Russian: Борис Петрович Бувин |
Detachment of the Azov Flotilla | Lieutenant | 16 May 1944 | —
Ivan Buvin Russian: Иван Иванович Бувин |
339th Separate Anti-Tank Fighter Battalion | Senior Lieutenant | 26 October 1944 | —
Aleksandr Bugaev Russian: Александр Лаврентьевич Бугаев |
345th Separate Sapper Battalion | Senior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Viktor Bugaev Russian: Виктор Елисеевич Бугаев |
332nd Tank Battalion | Guards Sergeant | 10 January 1944 | —
Gadzhi Buganov Russian: Гаджи Османович Буганов |
23rd Shock Assault Rifle Battalion | Captain | 24 March 1945 | —
Feoktist Budanov Russian: Феоктист Андреевич Буданов |
63rd Guards Rifle Division | Guard Colonel | 13 February 1944 | —
Viktor Budaragin Russian: Виктор Александрович Бударагин |
1st Guards Mine-Torpedo Aviation Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 19 August 1944 | —
Nikolai Budarin Russian: Николай Петрович Бударин |
241st Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 17 October 1943 | —
Mikhail Budenkov Russian: Михаил Иванович Буденков |
59th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Semyon Budyonny Russian: Семён Михайлович Будённый |
1st Cavalry Army | Marshall of the Soviet Union | 1 February 1958 24 April 1963 22 February 1968 |
Ivan Budilin Russian: Иван Михайлович Будилин |
685th Rifle Regiment | Junior Sergeant | 30 October 1943 | —
Gavril Budnik Russian: Гавриил Дмитриевич Будник |
151st Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 16 October 1943 | —
Nikolai Budylin Russian: Николай Васильевич Будылин |
10th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 16 October 1943 | —
Konstantin Budykov Russian: Константин Александрович Будьков |
1071st Rifle Regiment | Major | 27 February 1945 | —
Mikola Budyuk Ukrainian: Микола Васильович Будюк |
953rd Light Self-propelled Artillery Regiment | Captain | 24 March 1945 | —
Semyon Buzdalin Russian: Семён Григорьевич Буздалин |
132nd Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Junior Lieutenant | 29 October 1943 | —
Fyodor Buzikov Russian: Фёдор Петрович Бузиков |
74th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 13 April 1944 † | Killed in action on 14 January 1944 |
Vadim Buzinov Russian: Вадим Николаевич Бузинов |
148th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Captain | 18 August 1945 | —
Mikhail Buzinov Russian: Михаил Васильевич Бузинов |
274th Guards Light Artillery Regiment | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 24 December 1943 | —
Ivan Buzytskov Russian: Иван Дмитриевич Бузыцков |
Border Guard Service | Junior Sergeant | 26 August 1941 | —
Pyotr Buiko Russian: Пётр Михайлович Буйко |
4th Medical Battalion | Military Physician 2nd Class | 7 August 1944 † | Burned alive by the Gestapo on 15 October 1943 |
Pavel Buinevich Belarusian: Павел Мікалаевіч Буйневіч |
447th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 27 February 1945 | —
Nikolai Buinov Russian: Николай Васильевич Буйнов |
7th Guards Mechanized Brigade | Guards Junior Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Ivan Bukaev Russian: Иван Прокофьевич Букаев |
78th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 18 May 1943 | —
Ivan Bukanov Russian: Иван Александрович Буканов |
308th Artillery Regiment | Lieutenant | 3 June 1944 | —
Malgajdar Bokenbayev Kazakh: Малғаждар Бөкенбаев |
1081st Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 27 February 1945 | —
Akakiy Bukiya Georgian: აკაკი ბუკია |
745th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment | Major | 24 March 1945 | —
Fyodor Buklov Russian: Фёдор Григорьевич Буклов |
139th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Yefim Bukotkin Russian: Ефим Егорович Букоткин |
931st Rifle Regiment | Sergeant-Major | 15 May 1946 † | Killed in action on 26 April 1945 |
Viktor Bulavsky Russian: Виктор Константинович Булавский |
402nd Artillery Regiment | Lieutenant | 15 January 1940 † | Killed in action on 26 December 1939 |
Aleksandr Bulaev Russian: Александр Дмитриевич Булаев |
159th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Major | 2 September 1943 † | Killed in plane crash on 17 May 1943 |
Ivan Bulaenko Russian: Иван Савельевич Булаенко |
11th Guards Airborne Regiment | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 28 April 1945 | —
Aleksei Bulanov Russian: Алексей Парфёнович Буланов |
334th Bomber Aviation Regiment | Captain | 15 May 1946 | —
Vladimir Bulat Russian: Владимир Андреевич Булат |
175th Guards Artillery-Mortar Regiment | Guard Sergeant | 31 May 1945 | —
Vasil Bulatov Tatar: Васил Булатов |
40th Rifle Regiment | Junior Lieutenant | 23 August 1944 | —
Mikhail Bulatov Russian: Михаил Алексеевич Булатов |
369th Separate Sapper Battalion | Senior Sergeant | 19 April 1945 | —
Khozat Bulatov Bashkir: Хоҙат Сәлимйән улы Булатов |
58th Guards Cavalry Regiment | Guards Sergeant | 9 February 1944 | —
Aleksei Bulakhov Russian: Алексей Анисимович Булахов |
97th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 24 March 1945 | —
Aleksandr Bulgakov Russian: Александр Герасимович Булгаков |
20th Tank Brigade | Captain | 26 September 1944 | —
Andrei Alekseevich Bulgakov Russian: Андрей Алексеевич Булгаков |
106th Guards Separate Reconnaissance Company | Red Army Guard | 22 February 1944 | —
Andrei Panteleevich Bulgakov Russian: Андрей Пантелеевич Булгаков |
265th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 18 August 1945 | —
Pyotr Bulgakov Russian: Пётр Семёнович Булгаков |
1035th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 17 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 29 September 1943 |
Stepan Bulda Russian: Степан Константинович Булда |
129th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 13 September 1944 | —
Mikhail Buldakov Russian: Михаил Григорьевич Булдаков |
146th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Captain | 27 June 1945 | —
Vladimir Bulychev Russian: Владимир Константинович Булыгин |
Soviet Navy Radiation Safety Training Center | Captain 1st Class | 27 July 1990 | —
Viktor Bulychev Russian: Виктор Алексеевич Булычев |
393rd Guards Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment | Guard Lieutenant | 27 February 1945 | —
Sergei Bulychev Russian: Сергей Сергеевич Булычев |
6th Army Komsomol Department | Captain | 22 February 1944 | —
Iosif Bumagin Russian: Иосиф Романович Бумагин |
396th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 27 June 1945 † | Killed in action on 24 April 1945 |
Yuri Bunimovich Russian: Юрий Эммануилович Бунимович |
1st Guards Mine-Torpedo Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 22 January 1944 | —
Ziya Bunyadov Azerbaijani: Ziya Bünyadov |
123rd Separate Rifle Company | Captain | 27 February 1945 | —
Vasiliy Buntovskikh Russian: Василий Васильевич Бунтовских |
33rd Separate Sapper Battalion | Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 | —
Aleksandr Burak Russian: Александр Кондратьевич Бурак |
208th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 29 June 1945 | —
Andrey Burak Russian: Андрей Матвеевич Бурак |
198th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 13 November 1943 | —
Vasiliy Burakov Russian: Василий Николаевич Бураков |
712th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 17 October 1943 | —
Vladimir Burba Russian: Владимир Трофимович Бурба |
220th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 7 August 1944 after throwing self under enemy tank with bag of grenades and detonating them |
Aleksandr Burda Russian: Александр Фёдорович Бурда |
64th Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 24 April 1944 † | Killed in action on 25 January 1944 |
Vladimir Burdasov Russian: Владимир Леонтьевич Бурдасов |
102nd Guards Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 23 August 1944 |
Aleksei Burdeinei Russian: Алексей Семёнович Бурдейный |
2nd Guards Tank Corps | Guards Lieutenant-General | 19 April 1945 | —
Vasiliy Burenko Russian: Василий Иванович Буренко |
128th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guards Junior Lieutenant | 26 October 1944 | —
Nikolai Burka Russian: Николай Лукьянович Бурка |
836th Rifle Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 29 October 1943 | —
Mikhail Burkin Russian: Михаил Иванович Буркин |
52nd Mine-Torpedo Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel | 14 September 1945 | —
Valery Burkov Russian: Валерий Анатольевич Бурков |
50th Mixed Aviation Regiment | Colonel | 17 October 1991 | —
Anatoly Burkovsky Russian: Анатолий Трофимович Бурковский |
935th Rifle Regiment | Major | 24 March 1945 | —
Ivan Burkut Russian: Иван Сидорович Буркут |
42nd Separate Sapper Battalion | Sergeant | 13 November 1943 † | Killed in action on 2 October 1943 |
Ivan Burlak Russian: Иван Емельянович Бурлак |
897th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Isak Burlaka Russian: Исак Ефимович Бурлака |
1176th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 23 September 1944 | —
Ivan Burlakov Russian: Иван Семёнович Бурлаков |
66th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 31 May 1945 | —
Stepan Burlachenko Russian: Степан Филиппович Бурлаченко |
47th Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Junior Sergeant | 27 February 1945 | —
Anton Burlachuk Russian: Антон Игнатьевич Бурлачук |
601st Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 31 May 1945 † | Killed after detonating grenades on self when fully surrounded by German troops on 17 February 1945 |
Pavel Burlutsky Russian: Павел Иванович Бурлуцкий |
26th Guards Aviation Regiment | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 19 August 1944 | —
Grigory Burmak Russian: Григорий Васильевич Бурмак |
21st Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Vasily Burmaka Russian: Василий Антонович Бурмака |
809th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Ivan Burmakov Russian: Иван Дмитриевич Бурмаков |
31st Guards Rifle Division | Guards Major-General | 19 April 1945 | —
Vladimir Burmatov Russian: Владимир Александрович Бурматов |
255th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 31 May 1944 | —
Vilen Burmistrov Russian: Вилен Иванович Бурмистров |
22nd Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade | Guards Sergeant-Major | 10 January 1944 † | Killed in action on 24 September 1943 |
Ivan Alekseevich Burmistrov Russian: Иван Алексеевич Бурмистров |
S-1 Submarine of the Spanish Navy | Captain 3rd Class | 14 November 1938 | —
Ivan Nikolaevich Burmistrov Russian: Иван Николаевич Бурмистров |
225th Guards Rifle Regiment | Red Army Guard | 26 October 1943 | —
Mikhail Burmistrov Russian: Михаил Фёдорович Бурмистров |
150th High-Speed Bomber Aviation Regiment | Major | 17 November 1939 † | Killed in action on 25 August 1939 |
Yuri Burmistrov Russian: Юрий Васильевич Бурмистров |
5th Guards Mechanized Regiment | Guards Private | 18 December 1956 † | Killed self with grenade to avoid capture on 24 October 1956 in Budapest |
Sergei Burnazyan Armenian: Սերգեյ Բուռնազյան |
866th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 2 August 1944 † | Killed in action on 15 April 1943 |
Aleksandr Burnashov Russian: Александр Анфиногенович Бурнашов |
457th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 25 September 1944 | —
German Burov Russian: Герман Петрович Буров |
15th Division of the Azov Flotilla | Starshina 2nd Class | 16 May 1944 | —
Dmitry Burtsev Russian: Дмитрий Петрович Бурцев |
34th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guard Sergeant | 16 October 1943 | —
Kirill Burtsev Russian: Кирилл Максимович Бурцев |
493rd Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Red Army Man | 21 February 1945 † | Killed in action on 17 August 1944 |
Sergei Burchenkov Russian: Сергей Васильевич Бурченков |
34th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 10 April 1945 | —
Josef Buršík Czech: Josef Buršík |
1st Separate Czechoslovak Rifle Brigade | Junior Lieutenant | 21 December 1943 | —
Andrey Buryndin Russian: Андрей Александрович Бурындин |
16th Guards Cavalry Regiment | Guards Sergeant-Major | 31 May 1945 | —
Yevgeni Burykhin Russian: Евгений Иннокентьевич Бурыхин |
6th Guards Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Guards Senior Sergeant | 19 April 1945 | —
Mikhail Buryak Russian: Михаил Иванович Буряк |
997th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 9 May 1944 |
Nikolai Buryak Russian: Николай Васильевич Буряк |
247th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 4 February 1944 | —
Nikolai Busargin Russian: Николай Матвеевич Бусаргин |
932nd Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Ivan Buslayev Russian: Иван Ефимович Буслаев |
213th Rifle Division | Colonel | 26 October 1943 | —
Fyodor Buslov Russian: Фёдор Васильевич Буслов |
136th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 29 June 1945 | —
Georgiy Butaev Russian: Георгий Данилович Бутаев |
712th Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 17 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 5 October 1943 |
Semyon Butenin Russian: Семён Иванович Бутенин |
5th Separate Tank Battalion | Senior Sergeant | 31 March 1943 | —
Ivan Butenko Russian: Иван Ефимович Бутенко |
25th Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Lieutenant | 10 January 1944 | —
Leonid Butkevich Belarusian: Леанід Уладзіміравіч Буткевіч |
1331st Rifle Regiment | Lieutenant | 25 October 1943 | —
Aleksandr Andreevich Butko Russian: Александр Андреевич Бутко |
167th Guards Light Artillery Regiment | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 17 October 1943 | —
Aleksandr Sergeevich Butko Russian: Александр Сергеевич Бутко |
667th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 4 February 1944 | —
Pyotr Butko Russian: Пётр Клементьевич Бутко |
1010th Rifle Regiment 266th Rifle Division | Junior Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Vasiliy Butkov Russian: Василий Васильевич Бутков |
1st Tank Corps | Lieutenant-General | 19 April 1945 | —
Leontiy Butkov Russian: Леонтий Анисифорович Бутков |
164th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 16 May 1944 | —
Pavel Butov Russian: Павел Григорьевич Бутков |
1339th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 17 November 1943 † | Died of wounds on 3 November 1943 |
Viktor Butorin Russian: Виктор Васильевич Буторин |
62nd Guards Cavalry Regiment | Guard Senior Sergeant | 15 January 1944 | —
Nikolai Butorin Russian: Николай Васильевич Буторин |
25th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Sergeant | 16 October 1943 | —
Viktor Butylkin Russian: Виктор Васильевич Бутылкин |
118th Artillery Regiment 69th Rifle Division | Lieutenant | 30 October 1943 | —
Ivan Butyrin Russian: Иван Ульянович Бутырин |
1st Tank Battalion | Guards Lieutenant | 26 October 1943 † | Killed in action on 5 July 1943 |
Sergei Butyakov Russian: Сергей Николаевич Бутяков |
398th Tank Battalion | Junior Lieutenant | 7 April 1940 † | Killed in action on 11 February 1940 |
Vasiliy Bufetov Russian: Василий Иванович Буфетов |
121st Separate High-Powered Artillery Brigade | Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Sergei Bufetov Russian: Сергей Игнатьевич Буфетов |
96th Artillery Regiment | Captain | 18 November 1944 † | Died of wounds on 22 June 1944 |
Aleksei Bukhanov Russian: Алексей Дмитриевич Буханов |
36th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 27 June 1945 | —
Filipp Bukhnin Russian: Филипп Петрович Бухнин |
783rd Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Lieutenant | 18 August 1945 | —
Pyotr Bukhonka Russian: Пётр Николаевич Бухонка |
350th Separate Engineer Battalion | Red Army Man | 19 March 1944 | —
Vasiliy Bukhtiyarov Russian: Василий Прохорович Бухтияров |
1238th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment | Lieutenant | 24 March 1945 | —
Mikhail Bukhtyev Russian: Михаил Артемьевич Бухтуев |
15th Guards Tank Brigade | Guards Sergeant | 22 August 1944 † | Killed on 25 June 1944 while committing the first known ramming of an armoured train with a tank |
Pyotr Bukhtulov Russian: Пётр Харитонович Бухтулов |
1431st Light Artillery Regiment | Sergeant | 15 May 1946 | —
Andrey Buts Russian: Андрей Фёдорович Буц |
929th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 13 September 1944 | —
Iosip Butsky Ukrainian: Йосип Іванович Буцький |
515th Rifle Regiment | Major | 24 March 1945 | —
Ivan Butsykov Russian: Иван Иванович Буцыков |
34th Guards Artillery Regiment | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 16 October 1943 | —
Valentin Buchavi Russian: Валентин Романович Бучавый |
34th Bomber Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 15 May 1946 | —
Boris Buchin Russian: Борис Владимирович Бучин |
136th Guards Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 19 April 1945 | —
Mikhail Bushilov Russian: Михаил Иванович Бушилов |
67th Guards Tank Regiment | Guards Sergeant-Major | 10 January 1944 | —
Aleksei Bushmakin Russian: Алексей Петрович Бушмакин |
16th Guards Mechanized Brigade | Guards Major | 10 April 1945 | —
Daniil Bushtruk Russian: Даниил Иванович Буштрук |
200th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Lieutenant Colonel | 23 October 1943 | —
Anton Buyuly Russian: Антон Ефимович Буюклы |
165th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 6 May 1965 † | Killed in action on 14 August 1945 |
Ivan Buyunkov Russian: Иван Иванович Буянков |
86th Rifle Regiment | Captain | 29 October 1943 | —
Viktor Buyanov Russian: Виктор Николаевич Буянов |
146th Fighter Aviation Regiment | Major | 2 September 1943 | —
Mikhail Buyanov Russian: Михаил Кондратьевич Буянов |
609th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 24 March 1945 | —
Nikolai Bykasov Russian: Николай Владимирович Быкасов |
156th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 10 April 1945 | —
Aleksei Bykov Russian: Алексей Васильевич Быков |
568th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 30 October 1943 | —
Boris Bykov Russian: Борис Иванович Быков |
1176th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 23 September 1944 | —
Vasiliy Bykov Russian: Василий Иванович Быков |
3rd Torpedo Brigade of the Northern Fleet | Senior Lieutenant | 5 November 1944 | —
Vladimir Byakov Russian: Владимир Иванович Быков |
439th Anti-tank Artillery Regiment | Major | 10 April 1945 † | Killed in action on 31 January 1945 |
Yegor Bykov Russian: Егор Иванович Быков |
39th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Corporal | 10 April 1945 † | Killed in action on 25 January 1945 |
Ivan Bykov Russian: Иван Михайлович Быков |
32nd Guards Artillery Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 2 June 1942 | —
Ivan Bykov Russian: Иван Михайлович Быков |
446th Rifle Regiment | Senior Sergeant | 27 February 1945 | —
Leonid Bykov Russian: Леонид Тимофеевич Быков |
28th Tank Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 10 April 1945 | —
Mikhail Ivanovich Bykov Russian: Михаил Иванович Быков |
17th Motorized Rifle Division | Lieutenant | 7 April 1940 † | Killed in action on 26 February 1940 |
Mikhail Nikiforovich Bykov Russian: Михаил Никифорович Быков |
28th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade | Guards Major | 26 September 1944 | —
Mikhail Semyonovich Bykov Russian: Михаил Семёнович Быков |
571st Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Captain | 15 May 1946 | —
Nikolai Ivanovich Bykov Russian: Николай Иванович Быков |
215th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guard Colonel | 24 March 1945 | —
Nikolai Petrovich Bykov Russian: Николай Петрович Быков |
237th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 1 July 1944 | —
Yuri Bykov Russian: Юрий Михайлович Быков |
691st Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 16 May 1944 | —
Leonid Bykovets Russian: Леонид Александрович Быковец |
28th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Senior Lieutenant | 18 August 1945 | —
Viktor Bykovsky Russian: Виктор Иванович Быковский |
224th Guards Rifle Regiment | Guards Lieutenant | 26 October 1943 | —
Yevgeny Bykovsky Russian: Евгений Власович Быковский |
5th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment | Guards Junior Lieutenant | 14 May 1965 † | Killed in action on 27 April 1943 |
Mikhail Bykovsky Russian: Михаил Иванович Быковский |
467th Rifle Regiment | Captain | 15 January 1944 | —
Vasily Bystrov Russian: Василий Александрович Быстров |
74th Guards Rifle Division | Guards Sergeant-Major | 6 April 1945 | —
Nikolai Bystrov Russian: Николай Игнатьевич Быстров |
996th Ground Attack Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 29 June 1945 | —
Pavel Bystrov Russian: Павел Дмитриевич Быстров |
252nd Tank Regiment | Major | 24 March 1945 † | Killed in action on 25 August 1944 |
Sergei Bystrov Russian: Сергей Михайлович Быстров |
Spanish Civil War Т-26 tank Unit | Junior Commander | 31 December 1936 † | Killed in action on 9 November 1936 |
Boris Bystrykh Russian: Борис Степанович Быстрых |
99th Bomber Aviation Regiment | Senior Lieutenant | 5 November 1942 | —
Nikolai Bychkov Russian: Николай Васильевич Бычков |
685th Rifle Regiment | Sergeant | 30 October 1943 | —
Oleg Bychkovsky Russian: Олег Анатольевич Бычковский |
130th Separate Anti-tank Regiment | Lieutenant | 22 February 1944 † | Killed in action on 8 October 1943 |
Aleksey Byakov Russian: Алексей Иванович Бяков |
725th Rifle Regiment | Red Army Man | 21 March 1940 | —
[edit]Name | Area | Date of award | Notes |
David Bakradze Georgian: დავით ბაქრაძე |
Bryansk and Sumy resistance | 7 August 1944 | —
Ivan Bakulin Russian: Иван Иванович Бакулин |
Kharkiv underground | 8 May 1965 † | Tortured to death on 24 September 1942 |
Grigory Balitsky Ukrainian: Григорій Васильович Балицький |
Bryansk underground | 7 March 1943 | —
Ivan Banov Russian: Иван Николаевич Банов |
Partisan organizer | 4 February 1944 | —
Yemelyan Barykin Russian: Емельян Игнатьевич Барыкин |
Gomel underground | 1 January 1944 | —
Yakov Batyuk |
Partisan | 8 May 1965 † | —
Ivan Bevs Russian: Иван Васильевич Бевз |
Vinnitsa underground | 8 May 1965 † | Killed in action on 13 January 1943 |
Iosif Belsky Belarusian: Іосіф Аляксандравіч Бельскі |
Minsk ungerground | 15 August 1945 | —
Anastasiya Biseniek Russian: Анастасия Александровна Бисениек |
Dno resistance organization | 8 May 1965 † | Executed on 13 October 1943 |
Ivan Bovkun Ukrainian: Іван Михайлович Бовкун |
Chernigov resistance | 4 January 1944 | —
Aleksei Bondarenko Russian: Алексей Дмитриевич Бондаренко |
Bryansk underground | 1 September 1942 | —
Vladimir Illarionovich Bondarenko Russian: Владимир Илларионович Бондаренко |
Gomel and Chernigov underground | 2 May 1945 † | Killed in action on 6 November 1943 |
Hubertas Borisa Lithuanian: Hubertas Borisa |
Kanaus underground | 1 July 1958 † | Tortured to death by the Gestapo on 27 April 1944 |
Aleksei Borovikov Russian: Алексей Алексеевич Борканюк |
Carpathian Mountains resistance | 8 May 1965 † | Executed on 3 October 1942 |
Aleksei Borodi Russian: Алексей Демьянович Бородий |
Zhytomyr underground | 8 May 1965 † | Executed on 30 May 1943 |
Timofei Borodin Russian: Тимофей Степанович Бородин |
Gomel underground | 8 May 1965 † | Executed on 20 June 1942 |
Petr Braiko Ukrainian: Петро Овсійович Брайко |
Sydir Kovpak partisan unit | 7 August 1944 | —
Anton Brinsky Russian: Антон Петрович Бринский |
Interstate partisan organizer | 4 February 1944 | —
Ivan Bugaichenko Russian: Иван Федотович Бугайченко |
Zhytomyr underground | 8 May 1965 † | Buried alive on 14 January 1943 |
Boris Bulat Russian: Борис Адамович Булат |
Belarusian resistance | 15 August 1944 | —
Tikhan Bumazhkov Belarusian: Ціхан Піменавіч Бумажкоў |
"Red October" partisan detachment in Belarus | 6 August 1941 | —
Oleg Bychok Russian: Олег Сергеевич Бычок Ukrainian: Бичок Олег Сергійович |
Minsk Resistance | 5 November 1944 † | Killed in action on 7 May 1944 |
Arctic explorers
[edit]Name | Accomplishment | Date of award |
Oleksiy Babenko Ukrainian: Олексій Федорович Бабенко |
First to land a Mi-4 helicopter at the North Pole | 29 August 1955 |
Mikhail Babushkin Russian: Михаил Сергеевич Бабушкин |
Co-pilot of the first airplane to land at the North Pole | 27 June 1937 |
Konstantin Badygin Russian: Константин Сергеевич Бадигин |
Second in Command of the Icebreaker Georgiy Sedov | 2 March 1940 |
Nikolai Bekasov Russian: Николай Михайлович Бекасов |
Radio operator of the Icebreaker Georgiy Sedov | 3 February 1944 |
Mikhail Prokofievich Belousov Russian: Михаил Прокофьевич Белоусов |
Captain on the icebreaker Joseph Stalin | 3 February 1940 |
Viktor Borovkov Russian: Виктор Дмитриевич Боровков |
North-2 Expedition pilot | 6 December 1949 |
Viktor Buinitsky Russian: Виктор Харлампиевич Буйницкий |
Crew member of the Icebreaker Georgiy Sedov | 3 February 1940 |
Dmitry Butorin Russian: Дмитрий Прокопьевич Буторин |
Crew member of the Icebreaker Georgiy Sedov | 3 February 1940 |
Test pilots
[edit]Name | Mission | Date of award |
Aleksandr Balandin Russian: Александр Николаевич Баландин |
Soyuz TM-9 | 11 August 1990 |
Pavel Belyayev Russian: Павел Иванович Беляев |
Voskhod 2 | 23 March 1965 |
Anatoly Berezovoy Russian: Анатолий Николаевич Березовой |
Soyuz T-5 | 10 December 1982 |
Valery Bykovsky Russian: Валерий Фёдорович Быковский |
Vostok 5 Soyuz 22 |
22 June 1963 28 September 1976 |
National leaders
[edit]Name | Role | Date of award | Notes |
Ahmed Ben Bella Arabic: أحمد بن بلّة |
President of Algeria | 30 April 1964 | Socialist Revolutionary from the National Liberation Front |
Leonid Brezhnev Russian: Леонид Ильич Брежнев |
General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union | 18 December 1966 18 December 1976 19 December 1978 18 December 1981 |
All four were birthday gifts |
[edit]- Shkadov, Ivan (1987). Герой Советского Союза I, Абаев - Любичев (in Russian). Moscow: Voenizdat.