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List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1960

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Three hundred and three scholars and artists were awarded Guggenheim Fellowships in 1959.[1][2] More than $1,400,000 was disbursed.[3]

1960 U.S. and Canadian Fellows

Category Field of Study Fellow Institutional association Research topic Notes Ref
Creative Arts Choreography Pearl Lang Pearl Lang Dance Theater Also won in 1969 [4]
Drama and Performance Art Joshua Greenfeld Creative writing [5]
Fiction John Berry Writing [6][7][8][9]
John Cheever Also won in 1951 [10][9]
Mary Lee Settle Also won in 1957 [11][9]
David Derek Stacton Also won in 1966 [12]
Harvey Swados Sarah Lawrence College [2]
Donald Windham [13]
Fine Arts Harold Altman University of Wisconsin–Madison Drawing and printmaking Also won in 1961 [14][15]
David Aronson Boston University [16]
Donald S. Bloom Piscataway Schools Painting [17]
Howard Bradford Printmaking [18][19]
Byron Burford University of Iowa Painting in Holland and England [20]
Leonard Edmondson Pasadena City College Creative printmaking [6][15][21]
Elias Friedensohn Queens College Sculpting [22]
Kahlil Gibran Also won in 1959 [16]
Frank Gonzalez Painting [23]
John Paul Jones University of California, Los Angeles Lithographs [6][7][15]
Seymour Lipton Sculpture [24]
Yutaka Ohashi School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Painting Also won in 1959 [16]
William Pachner Painting [25]
George Warren Rickey Newcomb College, Tulane University Sculpting Also won in 1961 [26]
Ulfert Wilke University of Louisville Painting Also won in 1959 [27]
Music Composition Milton Babbitt Princeton University Composing [28]
Ingolf Dahl University of Southern California Also won in 1951 [6]
Paul Fetler University of Minnesota Also won in 1953 [28][19][29][30]
Andrew W. Imbrie University of California, Berkeley Also won in 1953 [31][18][19]
John La Montaine Also won in 1959 [6][7][8]
Marvin David Levy Also won in 1964 [28]
Salvatore John Martirano [28]
Robert Moffat Palmer Cornell University Also won in 1952 [32]
William Overton Smith University of Southern California Also won in 1961 [28][6]
Virgil Thomson [28]
Vladimir Alexis Ussachevsky Columbia University Also won in 1956 [33]
Hugo Weisgall Pennsylvania State University Also won in 1955, 1966 [34]
Photography Lee Friedlander Changing American scene Also won in 1962, 1977 [35]
Helen Levitt Color photography Also won in 1959, 1981 [36]
Poetry Jane Marvel Cooper Sarah Lawrence College Writing [2][9]
Jean Garrigue [9][37]
Humanities American Literature Hennig Cohen University of Pennsylvania Mark Twain's career as a Washington newspaper correspondent and its influence upon his literary development [38][39]
Philip Calvin Durham University of California, Los Angeles The hero in American literature [6][7]
William Henry Gilman University of Rochester Definitive edition of the journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson Also won in 1964 [40]
Franklin Dickerson Walker Mills College Jack London [18][19]
Architecture, Planning and Design Albert Henry Detweiler Cornell University Effect of Lombard invasions on Roman architecture [32]
Samson Lane Faison, Jr. Williams College German and Austrian architecture of the 18th century [41][16][42]
György Kepes Massachusetts Institute of Technology [16]
Henry Hope Reed Jr. Great Chicago Fair of 1893 and its impact on American life and culture [9]
Elizabeth Wood Book on urban renewal [43][44]
Bibliography Antje Bultmann Lemke (de) Syracuse University Brothers Grimm [45]
Biography Robert Cecil Bald University of Chicago John Donne Also won in 1946 [46][9][47]
Samuel Flagg Bemis Yale University Also won in 1954 [16]
William A. Swanberg Life and times of William Randolph Hearst [9][16][48]
British History George Hilton Jones, III Texas Technological College Foreign policy of James II, centering on the life of Charles, second earl of Middleton [49]
Garrett Mattingly Cooper Union Also won in 1936, 1945, 1953 [50][51]
Millicent Barton Rex Madeira School British Parliament from 1690-1948 [52]
Classics Frank Edward Brown Yale University [16]
Paul A. Clement University of California, Los Angeles Attic and South Italian vase-painting [6][7]
Phillip Howard DeLacy (de) Washington University in St. Louis Epicureanism as a systematic philosophy [38][53]
Agnes K. L. Michels Bryn Mawr College [54]
Inez Scott Ryberg Vassar College History and interpretation of certain Roman panel reliefs of the Antonine period [55]
William Pitkin Wallace University of Toronto Also won in 1951 [56]
East Asian Studies John Frank Cady Ohio University History of southeast Asia Also won in 1955 [57]
Franz Schurmann University of California, Berkeley Organizational practices of the Chinese Communists, from their formative period to the present [18][19]
English Literature Bradford Allen Booth University of California, Los Angeles Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson [6][7][8][47]
Robert Louis Haig, Jr. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Life and works of John Dunton [58][46]
Gordon Sherman Haight Yale University Also won in 1946, 1953 [16]
Joyce Hemlow McGill University Also won in 1951, 1966 [59]
Dan H. Laurence Shavian research Also won in 1961, 1972 [60]
Harry Thornton Moore Southern Illinois University Collected volume of D. H. Lawrence's works Also won in 1958 [46]
Charles Wickliffe Moorman Mississippi Southern College Augustinian earthly and heavenly cities in the works of certain contemporary Oxford Anglicans [61]
Constantinos A. Patrides University of California, Berkeley Milton's conception and presentation of the central themes of the Christian faith Also won in 1963 [19]
Charles Richard Sanders Duke University Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle Also won in 1972 [62][47]
Rolf Hans Soellner Illinois Wesleyan University Moral philosophy of the 16th century and its influence on Shakespeare's works [46][63]
Lionel Stevenson Duke University Symbolic elements in English fiction from Meredith to Conrad [62]
Joseph Anthony Ward, Jr Southwestern Louisiana University Henry James' conception of structure in the novel [64][26][47]
Fine Arts Research Jay R. Judson Smith College Venetian art in relation to Dutch and Flemish painting of the 16th and 17th centuries [16][42]
William R. Kenan, Jr. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill [16]
José López-Rey (es) Smith College Also won in 1947, 1967 [65]
Folklore and Popular Culture Wayland D. Hand University of California, Los Angeles Dictionary of American popular beliefs and superstitions Also won in 1952 [6][7][47]
French History Paul Walden Bamford University of Minnesota [29][30]
Georg Gerson Iggers Dillard University, Tulane University Idea of progress in historical thought [26]
David H. Pinkney University of Missouri The French Revolution of 1830 [53]
French Literature J. Christopher Herold Stanford University Press German Romantic movement in its European context in the late 18th and early 19th centuries [18][19]
Judd D. Hubert University of California, Los Angeles 17th-century novel of adventure [6][7]
Mark J. Temmer University of California, Santa Barbara 20th century French fables [66]
Frédéric Grover Swarthmore College Pierre Drieu La Rochelle Also won in 1959 [67]
Kurt Weinberg (de) University of British Columbia Aesthetics of Baudelaire [68]
General Nonfiction Alexander Eliot [69]
German and East European History Enno Edward Kraehe University of Kentucky Development of the German Confederation as a barrier to Russian penetration into Europe [27]
Henry Cord Meyer Pomona College Comparative study of the careers and writings of Friedrich Naumann and Walther Rathenau, as illuminating certain intellectual and social dilemmas of German society in the period 1880 to 1920 [6][8]
German and Scandinavian Literature Hans Jaeger Indiana University [70][37][71][47]
Joachim Hans Seyppel (de) Bryn Mawr College [72]
Archer Taylor University of California, Berkeley Field of historical bibliography, in particular the history of subject indexes Also won in 1927 [18][19]
Walter Silz Harvard University Also won in 1926 [73]
Stanley Newman Werbow University of Texas at Austin German syntax in the late medieval period [49]
Iberian and Latin American History John Leddy Phelan University of Wisconsin Spanish imperial bureaucracy, centering on career of Antonio de Morga [14]
Italian History Antonio Pace Syracuse University Also won in 1948 [74]
Italian Literature John Charles Nelson Harvard University [16][47]
Latin American Literature John Preston Moore Louisiana State University Life and times of Antonio de Ulloa [26]
Linguistics Morris Halle Massachusetts Institute of Technology [16][47]
Henry Kučera Brown University [16][47]
Literary Criticism Meyer H. Abrams Cornell University Role of metaphor and analogy in Western thought Also won in 1957 [32][47]
Cleanth Brooks Yale University William Faulkner Also won in 1953 [9][16]
M. L. Rosenthal New York University Also won in 1964 [47]
Maurice Valency Columbia University Also won in 1964 [47]
Medieval History John W. Baldwin University of Michigan Ethical thought and influence of the theologians in Paris of the 12th and 13th centuries Also won in 1983 [75]
Medieval Literature Vernon Judson Harward, Jr City College of New York [47]
Margaret Sinclair Ogden University of Michigan 15th century English translation of Guy de Chauliac's Chirurgia Magna [75]
Bartlett Jere Whiting Harvard University [16][47]
Music Research Barry Shelley Brook Queens College Also won in 1969 [76][77]
Philip Keppler, Jr Smith College Agostino Steffani [16][42]
Lawrence Morton Ojai Festivals Igor Stravinsky Also won in 1959 [78]
William Stein Newman University of North Carolina History of the sonata [62]
Reinhard G. Pauly (de) Lewis and Clark College Johann Ernst Eberlin's music [3][79]
Albert Seay Colorado College History of music theory during the 15th century [80]
Near Eastern Studies Ignace Gelb University of Chicago [46][9]
Moshe Greenberg University of Pennsylvania [38]
George C. Miles (fr) American Numismatic Society [81]
Philosophy Henry David Aiken Harvard University [16]
Milton K. Munitz New York University [82][83]
Religion William David Davies Union Theological Seminary Also won in 1966 [84]
Langdon Brown Gilkey Vanderbilt University Relations between the Christian concept of Providence and the secular concepts interacting with it since the 17th century Also won in 1965 [85][86]
William R. Hutchison American University Protestant thought in the United States, 1870-1914 [52]
Clyde L. Manschreck Duke University Thought of Philip Melanchthon [62]
Renaissance History Gene Adam Brucker University of California, Berkeley Politics and society in Florence, 1382-1417 [18][19]
Elisabeth Feist Hirsch Trenton State College [87]
Russian History James H. Billington Harvard University [16]
Zbigniew Brzezinski Harvard University [16]
Wacław J. Solski [88]
Slavic Literature Horace Gray Lunt Harvard University [16][47]
Spanish and Portuguese Literature Juan Bautista Avalle-Arce Ohio State University Theory and practice of Spanish Golden Age thought, 1500-1600 [57]
Raúl Alfredo Del Piero University of California, Berkeley Unpublished works of Alfonso Martinez de Toledo [18][19][71]
Allen W. Phillips (es) University of Chicago Also won in 1973 [70][46][9][71]
Theatre Arts Norris Houghton Vassar College Arts of the theatre abroad Also won in 1934, 1935 [55]
Ann Hitchcock Holmes Houston Chronicle Theatre, music and art in America at mid-20th-century [49]
United States History George Athan Billias University of Maine Biography of Elbridge Gerry [89]
Henry Steele Commager Amherst College History of American nationalism [9][16][42]
Vincent P. DeSantis University of Notre Dame Political history of the United States from 1877-1897 [37][90]
Joseph C. Kiger University of Alabama National learned societies in the United States [91]
Albert D. Kirwan University of Kentucky Life and times of John Jordan Crittenden [27]
Robert Douthat Meade Randolph-Macon Woman's College Life and times of Patrick Henry Also won in 1953 [52]
William Gerald McLoughlin Brown University The Baptist in colonial New England [16][92]
Robert Edgar Riegel Dartmouth College History of American feminism [16][93]
James Morton Smith College of William and Mary Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions with special reference to the question of the relationship between liberty and authority in free society [52]
Marion R. Tinling National Historical Publications Commission William Byrd II's letters [94]
Thurman Wilkins Columbia University [95]
Natural Sciences Applied Mathematics Chia-Chiao Lin Massachusetts Institute of Technology Also won in 1954 [96][16]
Astronomy and Astrophysics William A. Baum Palomar Observatory and Mount Wilson Observatory Factors affecting the resolution of a cascaded type of image converter [6][8][21]
Marshall H. Cohen Cornell University Generation and propagation of radio waves in the sun's atmosphere Also won in 1980 [32]
George Brooks Field Princeton University Radio astronomy [97]
Paco Lagerstrom California Institute of Technology Mathematical fluid dynamics [6][21]
Donald E. Osterbrock University of Wisconsin Magnetohydrodynamics as applied to astrophysics Also won in 1982 [14]
Hans Panofsky Pennsylvania State University Turbulence [34][98]
Zdeněk Sekera University of California, Los Angeles Effect of dust and haze particles on heat radiation in the atmosphere Also won in 1956 [6][7]
Samuel Silver University of California, Berkeley Physics of the upper atmosphere Also won in 1953 [19]
Harold Zirin University of Colorado The sun [99]
Chemistry Richard McLean Badger California Institute of Technology Molecular structure by means of infrared spectroscopy [6][8][21]
Louis Coombs Weller Baker Boston University [16]
Andre Jacques de Bethune Boston College [16]
Howard Tasker Evans, Jr. U.S. Geological Survey [100]
David Ginsburg Technion [101]
Edward David Goldberg Scripps Institution of Oceanography New ways to determine the age of rocks under oceans [102]
James Lynn Hoard Cornell University Complex crystalline structure Also won in 1946, 1966 [32]
Harold Sledge Johnston University of California, Berkeley Chlorine atom reactions [18][19]
Alexander Jerry Kresge Brookhaven National Laboratory Kinetics of acid-catalysed slow proton transfer reaction with special emphasis on aromatic substitution [103]
Ralph Livingston Oak Ridge National Laboratory Microwave and radio-frequency spectroscopy [86]
John L. Margrave University of Wisconsin Chemical reactions at high temperatures and pressures [14]
Max Smith Matheson Argonne National Laboratory [46]
Jerrold Meinwald Cornell University Application of conformational principles to the chemistry of natural products Also won in 1976 [32]
Willis Bagley Person University of Iowa Theoretical and experimental studies of molecular complexes [20]
James N. Pitts, Jr. University of California, Irvine [104]
William H. Saunders, Jr. University of Rochester Isotope effects and isotopic tracers with relation to the mechanisms of organic reactions [40]
Wolfgang Manfred Schubert University of Washington Electronic effect of molecular grouping in certain aromatic organic substances [105]
Leo Harry Sommer Pennsylvania State University [34]
Gordon Stone Harvard University [106]
Herbert Henry Uhlig Massachusetts Institute of Technology [16]
William Cooper Wildman National Heart Institute Isolation of toxic properties of the plant family amaryllidaceae for possible development of new medical drugs [107]
Earth Science William Francis Brace Harvard University [16]
Alan Judson Faller Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution [16]
James Gilluly United States Geological Survey [108][109]
Thane H. McCulloh University of California, Riverside [110][111]
George Gaylord Simpson Harvard University [16]
Lloyd William Staples University of Oregon Mineralogy and geological implications on the occurrences of zeolites [3][79]
John Verhoogen University of California, Berkeley Geodynamic processes Also won in 1953 [18][19]
Engineering Daniel Charles Drucker Brown University [16]
Earl Randall Parker University of California, Berkeley Theory of plastic flow and fracture [18][19]
Ronald F. Probstein Brown University [16]
Reinhardt Mathias Rosenberg University of California, Berkeley Field of vibrations of nonlinear bi-modal systems [18][19]
Geography and Environmental Studies Allan L. Rodgers Pennsylvania State University [34]
Mathematics David Keun Cheng Syracuse University [112]
Israel Nathan Herstein Cornell University Ring theory and the theory of finite groups Also won in 1968 [32]
Ernest A. Michael University of Washington [113]
Edgar Reich University of Minnesota [29][30]
Hartley Rogers, Jr. Massachusetts Institute of Technology [16]
P. Emery Thomas University of California, Berkeley Algebraic topology [18][19]
Hsien Chung Wang Northwestern University [46]
Medicine and Health Earl Dorchester Hanson Yale University [16]
Lester C. Mark Columbia University [114]
Wilder Penfield McGill University Neurological Institute Medical education [115]
Philip Troen Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Hospital Research at the Karolinska Institute [16][116]
Robert Lawrence Vernier University of Minnesota [29][30]
Richard Wagner Tufts College [16]
Molecular and Cellular Biology Konrad Bloch Harvard University Also won in 1953, 1975 [16]
Germaine Cohen-Bazire University of California, Berkeley Regulation of the synthesis of structural units in bacterial cells [18][19]
Dwain Douglas Hagerman Harvard University [16]
John William Kelly University of Oklahoma Chemical processes involved in the manufacture of protein by normal and cancer cells Also won in 1957 [117]
Leon Jacobs National Institutes of Health Toxoplasmosis [107]
Arthur Lindenbaum Argonne National Laboratory [46]
John Raphael Laughnan University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Botany and plant genetics in agronomy, studies of certain gene complexes in maize [58][46]
Robert Murdoch Lewert University of Chicago Immunity to the oriental blood fluke, a parasitic infection in some areas of the Philippines [85][46][9][118]
Julian B. Marsh University of Pennsylvania [38]
Hsien Chang Meng Vanderbilt University Lipid transport and metabolism [86]
John Grissim Pierce University of California, Los Angeles Chemistry of the proteins of the microsomal particles of cells Also won in 1975 [6][7]
Arnold Warren Ravin University of Rochester Chemical bases of heredity [40]
Warren S. Rehm University of Louisville School of Medicine Field of gastric acid production [27]
Archibald Frank Ross Cornell University Interaction of unrelated plant viruses [32]
Wendell Meredith Stanley University of California, Berkeley Viruses and nucleic acids to prove all cancers are caused by viruses [19]
Edward Arthur Steinhaus University of California, Berkeley United system of diagnosing insect diseases [18][19]
Knud George Swenson Oregon State College Aphid transmission of legume viruses [3][119][79]
Jui Hsin Wang Yale University Also won in 1972 [16]
Finn Wold University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Protein tertiary structure [58][46]
Ralph Stoner Wolfe University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Ecology of microbes as related to their physiology and metabolism Also won in 1975 [58][46]
Organismic Biology and Ecology Ursula Helen Knight Abbott University of California, Davis Normal avian development by analysis of malformations of diverse origin [18][19]
Robert Day Allen Princeton University Theories of amoeboid movement Also won in 1965 [97]
Richard Mitchell Bohart University of California, Davis Studies leading to a generic revision of the families Vespidae and Sphecidae in North America [18][19]
Demorest Davenport University of California, Santa Barbara Manner in which certain fishes and crabs are protected from the stinging cells and feeding reactions of the anemone among whose poisonous tentacles they live Also won in 1952 [120][66]
Charles Richard Grau University of California, Davis Nutrition of isolated animal organs [18][19]
Donald Redfield Griffin Harvard University [16]
Morgan Harris University of California, Berkeley Cell growth and population dynamics [18][19]
Hans Albert Hochbaum Delta Waterfowl Research Station [121]
James Malcolm Moulton Bowdoin College Acoustical study of marine life of the Great Barrier Reef [16][122]
John Robert "Red" Raper Harvard University [16]
William Harrison Telfer University of Pennsylvania [38]
Frank Nelson Young, Jr. Indiana University [70][37]
Physics James LeRoy Anderson Stevens Institute of Technology [123]
Peter L. Auer General Electric Research Laboratory [124]
Franz R. Brotzen Rice Institute Plastic deformation of body-centered cubic crystals [49]
George Bernard Benedek Harvard University [16]
Robert W. Birge University of California, Berkeley Theoretical high-energy particle physics [18][19]
John W. Cahn General Electric Research Laboratory [124]
Martin Deutsch Massachusetts Institute of Technology Also won in 1953 [16]
Robert Martin Eisberg University of Minnesota [30]
Paul P. Ewald Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute Historical, geographical, and factual development of the field of X-ray crystallography [16][48]
Bernard Taub Feld Massachusetts Institute of Technology Also won in 1953 [16]
Eldon Earl Ferguson University of Texas Molecular vibration intensities [49]
William Bache Fretter University of California, Berkeley Relationship of one particle to another in the nucleus of the atom [19]
Leonard Seymour Goodman Argonne National Laboratory [46]
Paul Handler University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Surfaces of solids by means of the quadrupole interaction in nuclear magnetic resonance of techniques [58][46]
James P. Hartnett University of Minnesota Heat and mass transfer [29][125]
Robert Dickson Hill University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign High energy physics [58][46]
Ralph P. Hudson Purdue University [126]
Richard Victor Jones Harvard University [16]
Robert Karplus University of California, Berkeley Theoretical physics of elementary particles Also won in 1973 [18][19]
Pieter Hendrik Keesom Purdue University Measurement of specific heat at very low temperatures [37][127]
Walter David Knight University of California, Berkeley Electronic structure of metals [18][19]
Willis Eugene Lamb, Jr. University of Arizona [128]
Dillon Edward Mapother University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Experimental properties of superconducting elements [58][46]
Henry Margenau Yale University [16]
Robert E. Marshak University of Rochester Theoretical studies in elementary particle physics Also won in 1953, 1967 [40]
Theodore Burton Novey Argonne National Laboratory [46]
Abraham Pais Princeton University [129]
David Mark Ritson Massachusetts Institute of Technology [16]
Harold Emil Rorschach, Jr. Rice Institute Properties of liquid Helium-3 [49]
Henry S. Sommers, Jr. David Sarnoff Research Center [130]
Herbert Max Steiner University of California, Berkeley High energy physics [18][19]
Frank Sargent Tomkins Argonne National Laboratory [85][46]
Shigueo Watanabe University of São Paulo [131]
Richard Wilson Harvard University Also won in 1968 [16]
Plant Sciences Robert Wayne Allard University of California, Davis Roles of direct processes vs. chance processes in the genetic populations of certain plants Also won in 1954 [18][19]
Ernest Aubrey Ball North Carolina State College Experimental plant embryology [62]
Harold H. Biswell University of California, Berkeley History of fire in the development and structure of vegetarion in areas of Mediterranean climate [18][19]
Theodore W. Bretz University of Missouri Etiology, epidemiology and control of diseases affecting coniferous plantation species in Europe [53]
James E. Canright Indiana University [70][37]
John Edward Grafius Michigan State University Statistical genetics and its application to plant breeding [75]
Terry Walter Johnson, Jr. Duke University Marine fungi [62]
Daniel Archibald Livingstone Duke University Relations between organisms and their environment in prehistoric times in the East African tropics [62]
Jacques Rousseau La Sorbonne [132]
George Ledyard Stebbins University of California, Davis Certain mutant genotypes of barley Also won in 1953 [18][19]
Howard Coombs Stutz Brigham Young University Origin of cultivated rye [133]
Statistics Z. William Birnbaum University of Washington [134]
Lincoln E. Moses Stanford University Statistical problems in epidemiology and in biological research [18][19]
Social Sciences Anthropology and Cultural Studies Ernest Stanley Dodge Peabody Essex Museum Artifacts brought back from the Pacific by Captain James Cook [16][135]
Morton H. Fried Columbia University [136]
Alice Marriott University of Oklahoma, Stovall Museum Chouteau family Also won in 1947 [117]
Economics Hollis B. Chenery Stanford University Certain governments in stimulating economic growth [18][19]
Walter D. Fisher Kansas State University Mathematical economics [137][53]
Frank Hindman Golay Cornell University Comparative studies of economic nationalism in Malaya and in the Philippines [32]
Jonathan R. T. Hughes Purdue University Interaction between industrial development and trade among the major Western industrial nations since the Napoleonic wars [127]
Stanley Reiter Purdue University Theory of economic organization, with special reference to forms of organization and the behavior of economic units [37][127]
Arthur M. Ross University of California, Berkeley European industrial conflicts with their counterparts in countries just beginning to industrialize [19]
Peter O. Steiner University of Wisconsin Governmental decision making and its effect on industry [14]
Law Charles Fairman Harvard Law School [16]
Laurens H. Rhinelander University of Virginia British Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1956 [52]
Political Science Herbert A. Deane Columbia University [138]
Wesley R. Fishel Michigan State University Japanese reparations problem and its settlement [75]
Psychology John W. Atkinson University of Michigan Theory of human motivation [75]
Leonard W. Doob Yale University [16]
Mary Henle The New School for Social Research Also won in 1950 [139][140]
Carl Pfaffmann Brown University [16]
William Edgar Vinacke University of Hawaii Effect upon human thinking of motivational and emotional conditions [141]
Sociology Vernon J. Parenton Louisiana State University Recent social and cultural changes in the French-speaking societies of Eastern Canada and Louisiana, compared to France [26]

1960 Latin American and Caribbean Fellows

Category Field of Study Fellow Institutional association Research topic Notes Ref
Creative Arts Fiction Bienvenido Santos Writing [142]
Fine Arts Rodolfo Abularach Painting Also won in 1959 [131]
Tomás Batista Encarnación Sculpting [131]
Jorge Víctor Damiani Silveira (es) Painting Also won in 1959 [131]
María Luisa Pacheco Painting Also won in 1958, 1959 [143][131]
Music Composition Mario Davidovsky Composing Also won in 1961 [131]
Héctor Tosar (es) (pt) (de) National Conservatory of Music, Montevideo (es) Also won in 1946 [131]
Poetry Agustí Bartra Lleonart (ca) Also won in 1948, 1949 [144][131]
Humanities Folklore and Popular Culture Andrew Salkey [145]
General Nonfiction Rosa Chacel Also won in 1959 [131]
Iberian and Latin American History Delfina E. López Sarrelangue National University of Mexico [131]
Literary Criticism Antonio Sánchez Barbudo (es) (de) University of Wisconsin Works of Benito Perez Galdos Also won in 1947 [146][14][74]
Natural Science Astronomy and Astrophysics Alercio Moreira Gomes (pt) University of Brazil [131]
Chemistry Oscar Luis Galmarini University of Buenos Aires [131]
Earth Science Raúl Narciso Dessanti National Geology and Mining Service, Rio de Janeiro; National University of Buenos Aires [131]
Mathematics Alexandre Augusto Martins Rodrigues (pt) University of São Paulo [131]
Gonzalo Zubieta Russi National University of Mexico [131]
Molecular and Cellular Biology Angel O. Pogo University of Buenos Aires Also won in 1959 [131]
Neuroscience Guillermo R. J. Pilar University of Buenos Aires Also won in 1962 [131]
Teresa Pinto-Hamuy University of Chile [131]
Organismic Biology and Ecology Eustorgio Méndez Gorgas Memorial Laboratory [131]
Dalcy de Oliveira Albuquerque (pt) National Museum of Brazil Also won in 1957 [131]
Genaro O. Ranit University of the Philippines Also won in 1961 [147]
Isolda Rocha e Silva Albuquerque National Council of Research, Rio de Janeiro Also won in 1959 [131]
Physics Sergio Mascarenhas Oliveira University of São Paulo [131]
Plant Science Luis A. Camargo Gutiérrez National University of Colombia Also won in 1958 [148]
Armando T. Hunziker National University of Córdoba Also won in 1978 [131]
José Ploper Tucumán Agricultural Experiment Center Also won in 1956 [131]
Oscar Tovar Serpa (es) National University of San Marcos Also won in 1959 [131]
Social Sciences Anthropology and Cultural Studies Juan Robe Munizaga Villavicencio University of Chile [131]
Political Science Hugh Worrell Springer University of the West Indies [149]

See also



  1. ^ "1960". Guggenheim Foundation. Archived from the original on 2008-05-16. Retrieved 2023-06-08.
  2. ^ a b c "Guggenheim awards to 2 at Lawrence". The Herald Statesman. Yonkers, New York, USA. 1960-04-25. p. 3. Retrieved 2023-04-10 – via newspapers.com.
  3. ^ a b c d "Guggenheim Fellowship goes to UO professor". The Eugene Guard. Eugene, Oregon, USA. 1960-04-25. p. 13. Retrieved 2023-04-10 – via newspapers.com.
  4. ^ "Pearl Lang Dance Group to Appear Here April 28". Richmond Times-Dispatch. Richmond, Virginia, USA. 1961-04-16. p. 128. Retrieved 2023-06-05 – via newspapers.com.
  5. ^ "MEMOS". Evening Star. Washington, DC, USA. 1960-05-12. p. 48. Retrieved 2023-06-04 – via newspaper.com.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q "17 in Area Selected for Guggenheim Awards". The Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, California, USA. 1960-04-25. p. 16 – via newspapers.com.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "10 Bay Area Residents Get Fellowships". The Roberts News. Los Angeles, California, USA. 1960-04-28. p. 16 – via newspapers.com.
  8. ^ a b c d e f "Guggenheim award to six in L.A. area". Los Angeles Evening Citizen News. Hollywood, California, USA. 1960-04-26. p. 11. Retrieved 2023-06-04 – via newspapers.com.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m "Fellowships for Writers". Chicago Tribune. Chicago, Illinois, USA. 1960-05-29. p. 148. Retrieved 2023-06-04 – via newspapers.com.
  10. ^ Pulver, Andrew (2005-08-06). "The deep end". The Observer. Retrieved 2022-11-06.
  11. ^ "Mary Lee Settle". Fairmont State University. Retrieved 2023-01-01.
  12. ^ Kelly, Richard T. (2013-01-26). "David Stacton: the method man". The Guardian. Retrieved 2023-06-06.
  13. ^ "Donald Windham". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2023-06-07.
  14. ^ a b c d e f "Six U.W. faculty receive Guggenheim Fellowships". The Capital Times. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. 1960-04-25. p. 10. Retrieved 2023-04-10 – via newspapers.com.
  15. ^ a b c "Angelenos win study grants". The Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, California, USAd. 1960-05-15. p. 59. Retrieved 2023-06-04 – via newspapers.com.
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc "54 Guggenheim grants given to New Englanders". The Boston Globe. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 1960-04-25. p. 17. Retrieved 2023-06-04 – via newspapers.com.
  17. ^ Brown, Doris. "Young artist plans to study abroad on Guggenheim Grant". The Central New Jersey Home News. New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. p. 42. Retrieved 2023-04-09 – via newspapers.com.
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