List of Greek and Latin roots in English/G
Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:
[edit]Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
galact-[1] (ΓΛΑΚ)[2] | milk | Greek | γάλα, γάλακτος (gála, gálaktos) | galactagogue, galactic, galactorrhea, lactose, polygala, polygalactia, galaxy |
gam-[3] | marriage, wedding | Greek | γάμος (gámos), γαμεῖν (gameîn), γαμέτης (gamétēs), γαμετή (gametḗ) | agamic, agamogenesis, agamospermy, agamy, allogamy, anisogamete, anisogamy, apogamy, autogamy, cleistogamous, cleistogamy, cryptogam, deuterogamist, deuterogamy, digamous, digamy, endogamous, endogamy, exogamous, exogamy, gamete, gametic, gametocyte, gametogenesis, gametophyte, geitonogamy, heterogametic, heterogamous, heterogamy, homogametic, karyogamy, misogamy, monogamous, monogamy, oogamy, planogamete, plasmogamy, polygamist, polygamy |
gamb- | leg | Latin | gamba | gam, gambit, gambol, gammon |
gamm-[4] | G, g | Greek | Γ, γ, γάμμα (gámma) | gamma |
gar- (GAR)[5] | chatter | Latin | garrire | gargantuan, gargle, gargoyle, garrulous, jargon |
gargal- | tickle | Greek | γαργαλίζειν (gargalízein), γαργαλιζόμενον (gargalizómenon), γαργαλισμός (gargalismós) | gargalesis, gargalesthesia, hypergargalesthesia |
gargar- | gargle | Greek | γαργαρίζειν (gargarízein), γαργαρισμός (gargarismós), γαργαρεών | gargarize |
gastr-[6] | stomach | Greek | γαστήρ, γαστρός (gastḗr, gastrós) | epigastric, epigastrium, gasteroid, gastric, gastrin, gastritis, gastroenterologist, gastroenterology, gastrolith, gastronomic, gastronomy, gastroparesis, gastropod, gastroptosis, gastroschisis, gastrotrich, mesogastric, Myxogastria |
ge-, geo-[7] | earth | Greek | γῆ (gê), γαῖα, γαίας (gaîa, gaías), γεω- (geō-) | apogee, biogeography, epigeous, Gaia, geocentric, geocentrism, geode, geodesy, geodetic, geography, geoid, geology, geomancy, geometry, geomorphology, geophysicist, geophysics, georgic, Georgics, geosphere, geostatic, geostrophic, geosynchronous, geosyncline, hypogeous, hypogeum, Pangea, perigee |
geiton-[8] | neighbor | Greek | γείτων, γείτονος (geítōn, geítonos), γειτόνημα | geitonogamy |
gel- | icy cold | Latin | gelum | congeal, congelation, gel, gelati, gelatin, gelatinous, gelation, gelato, gelée, gelid, gelifluction, gelignite, jellification, jelly |
gen-, gon-[9] (ΓΕΝ)[10] | birth, beget, race, kind | Greek | γίγνεσθαι (gígnesthai), and related γένος (génos), γενετικός (genetikós), γένεσις (génesis); see also γενεά (geneá) | allergen, anagenesis, antigen, autogenesis, autogenous, biogenesis, dysgenic, endogen, endogenous, epigene, epigenesis, epigenetics, epigone, erogenous, Eugene, eugenic, eugenics, exogenous, gametogenesis, gene, genealogy, genesis, genetic, genocide, genotype, genophobia, gonad, heterogeneous, homogenesis, homogenetic, homogeneous, hydrogen, hypogene, hypogenesis, hypogenic, hypogenous, monogenic, oogenesis, paragenesis, pathogen, polygenous, progenesis, pseudogene, spermatogenesis |
gen- (GEN)[11] | beget | Latin | gignere, genitus, genus (genitive generis), see also generare | congenial, engender, gender, generate, generation, genial, genius, genital, genitive, genteel, gentle, genuine, genus, indigenous, ingenious, ingenuous, primogenitor, progeny |
gephyr-[12] | bridge | Greek | γέφυρα (géphura), γεφυρόω | gephyrophobia |
ger-[13] | old | Greek | γέρων, γέροντος (gérōn, gérontos) "old man", γηράσκω "grow old" | erigeron, gerascophobia, geriatric, geriatrics, gerontocracy, gerontology, gerontophile, gerontophilia, gerontophobia, gerontoplast, gerousia, progeria, progeroid |
ger-, gest- (GES)[14] | bear, carry | Latin | gerere, gestus | agger, congest, digest, gerundive, gestation, register, suggest, vicegerent |
geran-[15] | crane | Greek | γέρανος (géranos), γεράνιον (geránion), γερανώδης | Geranium |
germ- | sprout | Latin | germen, germinis | germ, German, germane, germicide, germinal, germinate, germination, nongermane, regerminate |
geu-[16] (ΓΕΥΣ)[17] | taste | Greek | γεύειν (geúein), γεύεσθαι (geúesthai), γεῦσις, γευόμενον | ageusia, dysgeusia, hypergeusia, hypogeusia, parageusia |
glabr- | hairless | Latin | glaber | glabella, glabellar, glabrate, glabrescent, glabrous |
glaci- | ice | Latin | glacies | glacé, glacial, glaciation, glacier, glacious, glacis, glance |
gladi- | sword | Latin | gladius | gladiator, gladiolus |
glauc-[18] | gray | Greek | γλαυκός (glaukós), γλαυκότης, γλαύξ, γλαῦκος | glaucophane, Glaucopsyche, glaucophobia |
glia-[19] | glue | Greek | γλία (glía) | glial, glioblastoma, glioma, gliosis, microglia, neuroglia |
glob- | sphere | Latin | globus | global, globate, globe, globose, globosity, globular, globule, globulin, inglobate |
glori- | glory | Latin | gloria | gloriation, glorification, glorify, gloriole, glorious, glory, inglorious, vainglorious, vainglory |
gloss-, glot-[20] | tongue | Greek | γλῶσσα (glôssa), γλωττίς (glōttís) | aglossia, anthropoglot, aryepiglottic, diglossia, epiglottis, gloss, glossary, glossophobia, glottis, heterogloss, heteroglossia, idioglossia, isogloss, monoglot, monoglottism, polyglot, polyglottism |
glut-[21] | rump | Greek | γλουτός (gloutós) | gluteus |
glutin- | glue | Latin | gluten, glutinis | agglutinant, agglutinate, agglutination, agglutinative, glue, glutelin, gluten, glutinosity, glutinous, nonagglutinative |
glyc-[22] | sweet | Greek | γλυκύς (glukús) | glycogen, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, glycolipid, glycophyte, glycoprotein, glycoside, glycosidic, hypoglycaemia |
glyph-[23] | carve | Greek | γλύφειν (glúphein), γλυφή (gluphḗ), γλυπτός (gluptós), γλυπτικός (gluptikós) | aglyphous, anaglyph, ditriglyph, ditriglyphic, glyph, glyptic, Glyptodon, glyptograph, hieroglyph, hieroglyphic, monotriglyph, opisthoglyphous, petroglyph, proteroglyphous, solenoglyphous |
gnath-[24] | jaw | Greek | γνάθος (gnáthos), γναθμός | Agnatha, agnathous, chilognath, compsognathus, endognathion, epignathous, exognathion, gnathic, gnathophyma, hypognathous, hystricognath, mesognathion, mesognathous, prognathism |
gno-[25] (ΓΝΩ)[26] | know | Greek | γιγνώσκειν (gignṓskein), γνῶναι, γνωτός (gnônai, gnōtós), γνωστός (gnōstós), γνωστικός (gnōstikós), γνῶσις (gnôsis), γνῶσμα, γνώμη (gnôsma, gnṓmē), γνώμων (gnṓmōn) | agnosia, agnostic, agnosticism, anagnorisis, diagnosis, dysanagnosia, gnomic, gnomon, gnomonic, gnosia, gnosis, Gnostic, gnosticism, pathognomonic, physiognomy, prognosis, telegnosis |
gnosc-, -gnit- | know | Latin | gnoscere | acquaint, acquaintance, agnition, agnize, cognition, cognitional, cognitive, cognitivity, cognizable, cognizance, cognizant, cognize, cognoscence, cognoscenti, cognoscible, cognovit, connoisseur, ennoble, ennoblement, ignoble, ignorant, ignoscible, incognito, nobiliary, nobilitate, nobilitation, nobility, noble, note, notice, noticeable, notion, notional, notionality, notoriety, notorious, precognition, quaint, reacquaint, recognition, recognize, reconnaissance, reconnoiter, reconnoitre |
gon-[27] | corner, angle, knee | Greek | γωνία (gōnía), γόνυ (gónu) | goniometer, gonion, gonioscope, gonitis, gonyaulax, gonycampsis, hexagon, pentagon, polygon, trigon, trigonometry |
grad-, gred-, gress- (GRAD)[28] | walk, step, go | Latin | gradi, gressus "to step", from gradus "step" | aggradation, aggression, antegrade, anterograde, centigrade, degrade, degree, egress, gradation, grade, gradient, gradine, gradual, graduality, graduate, graduation, gree, ingress, multigrade, nongraduate, postgraduate, progradation, prograde, progress, regress, retrogradation, retrograde, saltigrade, tardigrade, transgress |
gramm- | letter, writing | Greek | γράφειν (gráphein), γράμμα, γράμματος (grámma, grámmatos), γραμματικός (grammatikós) | anagram, anagrammatic, diagram, diagrammatic, engram, epigram, epigrammatic, grammar, grammatic, grammaticist, hologram, lipogram, monogram, pangrammatic, pentagram, program, programmatic, telegram, telegramme, tetragram, tetragrammaton, trigram |
gran- | grain | Latin | grānum | degranulation, engrain, filigree, garner, garnet, grain, granary, grange, granger, granite, granivore, granivorous, granivory, granola, granular, granularity, granulate, granulation, granule, grenade, grogram, grosgrain, ingrain, multigrain, pomegranate |
grand- | grand | Latin | grandis | aggrandisement, grandee, grandeur, grandific, grandiloquent, grandiloquous, grandiose, grandiosity, grandioso, grandity |
graph-[29] | draw, write | Greek | γράφειν (gráphein), γραφικός (graphikós), γραφή (graphḗ), γραφία (graphía), γραφεῖον (grapheîon) | allograft, anepigraphic, autograft, autograph, digraph, epigraphic, epigraphy, graft, graph, grapheme, graphemics, graphene, graphic, graphite, graphology, graphomania, graphospasm, heterograph, hexagraph, holography, homograph, isograft, logographic, micrograph, monograph, orthography, paragraph, photograph, photographic, photomicrograph, polygraph, pseudepigraphy, syngraft, telegraph, telegraphy, tetragraph, trigraph |
grat- | thank, please | Latin | grātus, see also gratia | aggrace, agree, agreeable, agreeance, agreement, congratulant, congratulate, congratulatory, congree, disagree, disagreeable, disagreement, disgrace, grace, graciosity, gracioso, gracious, gratification, gratify, gratis, gratitude, gratuitous, gratuity, gratulant, gratulate, gratulation, gratulatory, grazioso, gree, ingrate, ingratiate, ingratiation, ingratitude, maugre, noncongratulatory, nongratuitous |
grav- | heavy | Latin | gravis | aggravate, aggravation, aggravative, aggravator, aggrieve, aggrievement, degravation, gravamen, grave, gravid, gravida, gravidity, gravitas, gravitate, gravitation, gravitational, gravity, grief, grieve, grievance, grievant, grievous, ingravescence, ingravescent, multigravida, multigravidity, nongravitational, nulligravida, primigravida, reaggravate, supergravity |
greg- | flock, herd | Latin | grex, gregis | aggregate, aggregation, aggregator, congregant, congregate, congregation, congregational, desegregate, desegregation, disaggregate, disgregate, disgregation, egregious, gregarian, gregarine, gregarious, intercongregational, segregate, segregation |
gryp-[30] | hooked | Greek | γρυπός (grupós), γρυπότης, γρύπωσις (grupótēs, grúpōsis) | arthrogryposis, Grypoceras, Gryposaurus |
gubern-, gov- | govern, pilot | Latin | gubernare | governor government, govern, gubernatorial, |
gust- | taste | Latin | gustus | disgust, gustatory, gusto, gustoso |
gutt- | drop | Latin | gutta | gout, gutta, guttate, guttifer, guttiform |
guttur- | throat | Latin | guttur | goitre, guttural |
gymn-[31] | nude | Greek | γυμνός (gumnós) | gymnasium, gymnast, gymnastics, gymnophobia, gymnoplast, gymnosophist, gymnosperm, gymnospore |
gyn-, gynaec-[32] | woman | Greek | γυνή, γυναικός, (gunḗ, gunaikós) | acrogynous, androgyne, androgynous, androgyny, epigyne, epigynous, epigynum, gymnogynous, gynaeceum, gynaecocracy, gynarchy, gyne, gynecocracy, gynecology, gynecomastia, gynodioecious, gynoecium, gynoid, gynophobia, heterogynous, hypogynous, misogynist, monogyny, oligogyny, philogyny, polygynist, polygyny |
gyr-[33] | ring | Greek | γῦρος (gûros), γυρός (gurós) | agyria, autogyro, gyre, gyrectomy, gyrencephalic, gyrodyne, gyroid, gyromagnetic, gyromancy, gyroscope, gyrosphere, gyrostat, gyrostatic gyrotropic, gyrus, microgyrus, micropolygyria, pachygyria, polygyria, polymicrogyria, ulegyria |
gyrin- | tadpole | Greek | γυρός, γυρῖνος (gurós, gurînos), γυρινώδης (gurinṓdēs) | Gyrinophilus |
[edit]- ^ γάλα in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γάλα in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ^ γάμος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γάμμα in Liddell and Scott
- ^ garriō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ γαστήρ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γῆ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γείτων in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γίγνομαι in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γίγνομαι in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ^ gīgnō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ γέφυρα in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γέρων in Liddell and Scott
- ^ gerō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ γέρανος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γεύω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γεύω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ^ γλαυκός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γλία in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γλῶσσα in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γλουτός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γλυκύς in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γλύφω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γνάθος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γιγνώσκω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γιγνώσκω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ^ γόνυ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ gradus. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ γράφω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γρυπός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γυμνός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γυνή in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γῦρος in Liddell and Scott