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List of Arabic star names: Difference between revisions

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Dancowan (talk | contribs)
m word needed a capital letter because it is a name
Dancowan (talk | contribs)
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Line 464: Line 464:
|[[Thuban]] || Ath-Thu'ban || The snake||الثعبان
|[[Thuban]] || Ath-Thu'ban || The snake||الثعبان
|Tom Craik || Muhammad || The Suicide bomber||الثعبان
|[[Tom Craik|Tom Craik ]]|| muhammad || The Suicide bomber||الثعبان

Revision as of 19:46, 8 June 2010

This is a list of traditional Arabic names for stars. In Western astronomy, most of the accepted star names are Arabic, a few are Greek and some are of unknown origin. Typically only bright stars have names.[1]

History of Arabic star names

Very old star names originated among people who lived in the Arabian Peninsula more than a thousand years ago, before the rise of Islam. However, many Arabic language star names sprang up later in history, as translations of ancient Greek language descriptions. The astronomer Claudius Ptolemy, who lived almost two thousand years ago in Alexandria, Egypt, collected ancient descriptions of 1,025 stars in a book called The Great System of Astronomy, published around the year 150 A.D. Ptolemy's book was translated into Arabic in the 8th and 9th centuries and became famous under its shortened Arabic title, the Almagest. Many of the Arabic-language star descriptions in the Almagest came to be used widely as names for stars.

Later Muslim astronomers introduced the use of observatories in the observation of the stars, and discovered many more stars, which they recorded in various Zij treatises. The most notable of these is the Book of Fixed Stars written by Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (known as Azophi in the West), who thoroughly illustrated all the stars known to him along with their observations, descriptions, positions, magnitudes, brightness, and color.

In Europe, during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, many ancient star names were copied or translated incorrectly by various writers, some of whom did not know the Arabic language very well. As a result, the history of a star's name can be complicated.[2]

The following tables are taken from the Islamic Crescents' Observation Project (ICOP) website from: http://www.icoproject.org/star.html


  • The following list does not contain all documented Arabic star names
  • Some stars may have more than one Arabic name
  • Some star names may be composites of Arabic and Latin words


English Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Acamar Akhir an-Nahr End of the river اخر النهر
Achernar Akhir an-Nahr End of the river اخر النهر
Acrab Al-'Aqrab The scorpion عقرب
Acubens Az-Zubana the claw الزبانى
Adhafera Ad-Dafirah The curl الضفيره
Adhara Al-'Adhara The maidens العذارى
Adib Al-dhi’b The wolf الذئب
Adhil Al-Dhayl The tail الذيل
Ain 'Ain the "eye" of the Bull عين
Albali Al-Bali' The swallower البالع
Alchibah Al-Khiba' The tent الخباء
Aldebaran Al-Dabaran "The follower" of the Pleiades الدبران
Alderamin Adh-Dhira' al-Yamin The right arm الذراع الايمن
Alfirk Al-Firq The flock الفرق
Algedi Al-Jady The goat الجدي
Algenib Al-Janb The flank الجنب
Algieba Al-Jabhah "The forehead" of the lion الجبهة
Algebar Al-Jabbar The giant الجبّار
Algol Al-Ghul The ghoul رأس الغول
Algorab Al-Ghurab The raven الغراب
Alhena Al-Han'ah The mark of the brand الهنعه
Alioth Al-Jawn The black horse الجون
Alkaid Al-Qa'id "The leader" of the mourning maidens القائد
Alkes Al-Ka's The cup الكأس
Almak 'Anaq al-Ard The caracal عناق الأرض
Almeisan Al-Maisan The shining one الميسان
Alnair An-Nayyir The bright one النّيّر
Alnilam An-Nidham The string of pearls النّظم
Alnitak An-Nitaq The belt النطاق
Alnasl Al-nasl The arrowhead النصل
Alphard Al-Fard The solitary one الفرد
Alphecca Al-Fakkah "The broken" ring of stars الفكه
Alpheratz Surrat al-Faras The navel of the stallion سرة الفرس
Alrescha Al-Risha' The ropes الرشاء
Alsafi Al-Athafi The tripods for cooking on Sigma الأثافي
Alsuhail Suhail Untranslatable سهيل
Altair Al-Nasr At-Ta'ir "The flying" eagle النّسر الطّائر
Altais At-Tais The great serpent التيس
Alterf At-Tarf "The glance" of the lion الطرف
Aludra Al-'Udhrah The maidenhead العذره
Alula Australis Al-Qafzah al-Ula "the first leap" القفزةالأولى
Alula Borealis Al-Qafzah al-Ula "the first leap" القفزةالأولى
Alya Al-Alyah The fatty tail of a sheep الألية
Angetenar 'Arjat an-Nahr Curve of the river عرجة النهر
Ankaa Al-'Anka' Phoenix العنقاء
Arkab Al-'Urqub The heel-tendon العرقوب
Arneb Al-Arnab The hare الأرنب
Arrakis Ar-Raqis The dancer الراقص
Atik Al-'Atiq "The shoulder" of the Pleiades عاتق الثّريّا
Auva Al-'Awwa' The barker العوّاء
Azha Al-Udhi The hatching-place اشيانة


English Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Baham Al-Biham The livestock سعد البهام
Baten Kaitos Batn Qaytus Belly of Cetus بطن قيطس
Beid Al-Baid The eggs بيض
Benetnash Banat Na'sh Daughters of the bier بنات النعش
Betelgeuse Yad al-Jauza' Hand of Orion يد الجوزاء
Birdun Al-Birdhaun the packhorse البرذون
Botein Al-Butayn The little belly بطين


English Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Caph Al-Kaff "The palm" of the Pleiades الكـــف الخضيب
Celbalrai Kalb ar-Ra'i The shepherd's dog كلب الراعي
Chort Al-Kharat The rib الخرت
Cursa Al-Kursi The chair الكرسي


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Dabih Sa'd adh-dhabih The lucky star of "the slaughterer" سّعد الذّابح
Deneb Dhanab ad-Dajajah Tail of the fowl ذنب الدجاجة
Deneb Dulfim Dhanab ad-Dulfin Tail of the Dolphin ذنب الدّلفين
Deneb Algedi Dhanab al-Jady Tail of the goat ذنب الجدي
Deneb Kaitos Dhanab Qaytus Tail of Cetus ذنب قيطس
Denebola Dhanab al-Asad Tail of the lion ذنب الاسد
Diphda Ad-Difda' Al-awwal The frog الضّفدع الأوّل
Dschubba Al-Jabhah "The forehead" of the scorpion الجبهة
Dubhe Kahil Ad-Dubb The back of the bear كاهل الدّب
Dziban Adh-Dhi'ban The two wolves الذئبان


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Edasich Adh-Dhikh The hyena الذّيخ
El Nath An-Nath The butting النطح
Eltanin At-Tinnin The great serpent التنين
Enif Al-Anf The nose الأنف
Errai Ar-Ra'i The shepherd الراعي


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Fomalhaut Fam al-Hut Mouth of the fish فم الحوت
Furud Al-Furud "Individual" stars الفرد


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Gienah Al-Janah The wing الجناح
Gomeisa Al-Ghumaisa' The bleary-eyed one الغميصاء


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Hadar Hadar Civilization حضار
Hamal Al-Hamal The ram نيّر الحمل
Heka Al-Haq'ah The white spot الهقعة
Homam Sa'd al-humam The lucky star of "the high-minded سعد الهمام


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Izar Al-Izar The girdle, or, The loin-cloth الإزار


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Jabbah Al-Jabhah "The forehead" of the scorpion الجبهة


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Kabdhilinan Qabd Al-E'nan The rein hold قبض العنان
Kaffaljidhma Al-Kaff al-Jadhma' The cut-short hand الكف الجذماء
Kaus Australis Al-Qaus The southern one of "the bow" القوس
Kaus Borealis Al-Qaus The northern one of "the bow" القوس
Kaus Media Al-Qaus The middle one of "the bow" القوس
Keid Al-Qaid The broken egg-shells القيض
Kitalpha Qit'at al-Faras Part of the horse قطعة الفرس
Kochab Al-Kaukab Planet كوكب
Kurhah Al-Qurhah "The blaze" on a horse's brow القرحة


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Lesath Al-Las'ah The sting اللسعة
Luh-Denebola dhanab al-asad the lion's tail ذنب الليث


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Maasym Al-Mi'sam The wrist معصم الثّريّا
Maaz Al-Ma'z The he-goat المعز
Marfik Al-Mirfaq The elbow المرفق
Markab Mankib al-Faras "The shoulder" of the horse منكب الفرس
Matar Sa'd Matar The lucky star of "the rain" سعد مطر
Mebsuta Al-Mabsutah "The outstretched" paw الذّراع المبسوطه
Megrez Al-Maghriz "The insertion-point" of the Bear's مغرز
Meissa Al-Maisan The shining one الميسان
Mekbuda Al-Maqbudah "The pulled-in" paw الذّراع المقبوضة
Menkalinan Mankib Dhi-al-'Inan Shoulder of the rein-holder منكب ذي العنان
Menkar Al-Minkhar The nostril المنخر
Menkib Al-Mankib "The shoulder" of the Pleiades منكب الثّريّا
Merak Al-Maraqq The loins المراق
Mintaka Al-Mintaqah The belt المنطقة
Mirak Al-Mi'zar The loin-cloth المراق
Mirfak Al-Mirfaq "The elbow" of the Pleiades مرفق الثّريّا
Mizar miʾzar apron المئزر
Mothallah Al-Muthallath The triangle المثلث
Muphrid Al-Mufrid The solitary one المفرد
Murzim Al-Murzim The roarer المرزم


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Nashira Sa'd Nashirah The lucky star of Nashirah سعد ناشرة
Nekkar Al-Baqqar The cattleman البقار
Nasl An-Nasl The arrowhead النصل
Nihal An-Nihal The camels quenching their thirst النهال
Nusakan An-Nasaqan The two series النسقان


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Okda Al-'Uqdah The knot العقدة


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Phact Al-Fakhitah The dove فاخثة
Phad Al-Fakhidh The thigh فخذ
Pherkad Al-Farqad The calf فرقد


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Rasalased Ra's al-Asad Head of the lion رأس الأسد
Rasalgethi Ra's al-Jathi Head of the kneeling one رأس الجاثي
Rasalhague Ra's al-Hawwa' Head of the snake-man رأس الحوّاء
Rastaban Ra's ath-Thu'ban Head of the snake رأس الثعبان
Rigel Ar-Rijl The foot رجل الجبّار
Rigilkent Rijl Qanturus Foot of the centaur رجل قنطورس
Risha Ar-Risha' The rope الرشاء
Rukbah Ar-Rukbah The knee الركبة
Rukbat Ar-Rukbah The knee ركبة الرامي


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Sabik As-Sabiq The preceding سابق
Sadachbia Sa'd al-Akhbiyah Lucky star of the tents سعد الاخبية
Sadalbari Sa'd al-Bari' Lucky star of the excellent one سعد بارع
Sadalmelik Sa'd al-Malik Lucky star of the king سعد الملك
Sadalsuud Sa'd as-Su'ud Luck of lucks سعد السعود
Sadr As-Sadr The breast الصدر
Saiph As-Saif The sword سيف
Scheat As-Sa'id The shoulder الساعد
Shaula Ash-Shaulah The raised tail of the scorpion الشولة
Shedir As-Sadr The breast الصدر
Sheratan Ash-Sharatan The two signs الشرطان
Sirrah Surrat al-Faras Belly-button of the female horse سرة الفرس
Skat As-Saq The leg الساق
Sulafat As-Sulhafat The tortoise السلحفاة
Sheliak Alshelaiyak - الشلياق
Sirius Alsheraa Alyamaniyah - الشعرى اليمانية


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Tania Australis Ath-Thaniyah The southern one of "the second" leap القفزة الثّانية
Tania Borealis Ath-Thaniyah The northern one of "the second" leap القفزة الثّانية
Talitha Australis Athalitha The southern one of the third leap القفزة الثّالثة
Talitha Borealis Ath-Thalithah The northern one of the third leap القفزة الثّالثة
Tarf At-Tarf "The glance" of the lion الطرف
Thuban Ath-Thu'ban The snake الثعبان
Tom Craik muhammad The Suicide bomber الثعبان


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Unukalhai 'Unuq al-Hayyah Neck of the snake عنق الحية


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Wasat Wasat as-Sama' "Middle" of the sky وسط
Wazn Al-Wazn The weight الوزن
Wezen Al-Wazn The weight الوزن


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Yed Prior Al-Yad The preceding one of the Snake Man's hand مقدّم يدالحوّاء
Yed Posterior Al-Yad The succeeding one of the Snake Man's hand مؤخّر يدالحوّاء


Proper Name Arabic Name Meaning بالعربية
Zaniah Az-Zawiyah The angle الزاوية
Zaurac Az-Zawraq The boat زورق
Zavijava Zawiyat al-'Awwa' The angle of al awa زاوية العواء
Zubenelgenubi Az-Zuban al-Janubi "Southern Claw" زبانى/الزبان الجنوبي
Zubeneshamali Az-Zuban ash-Shamali "Northern Claw" زبانى/الزبان الشمالي



See also