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Übel Blatt is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Etorouji Shiono . It began serialization in the semi-monthly Young Gangan in December 2004. It returned from a two-year hiatus in Monthly Big Gangan on December 24, 2011.[ 1] The manga finished on March 25, 2019.[ 2] Publisher Square Enix collected the chapters in 24 tankōbon volumes, beginning with volume 0 on July 25, 2005, and ending with volume 23 on June 25, 2019.
A side-story titled Übel Blatt Gaiden was published in Young Gangan Big on August 25, 2011.[ 3] In February 2014, Yen Press announced they had licensed Übel Blatt for English release in North America.[ 4] They published the series in omnibus format of two volumes in one, with volume 0 (Japanese volumes 0 and 1) released in October 2014, and the last (Japanese volumes 22 and 23) on December 17, 2019.[ 5] The manga was published in France by Ki-oon , who released the first volume on May 24, 2007 and the last one on October 3, 2019.[ 6] [ 7]
A sequel, titled Übel Blatt II: The Knights of the Deceased King (ユーベルブラットII 死せる王の騎士団 , Yūberu Buratto II: Shiseru Ō no Kishidan ) , began serialization in Monthly Big Gangan on February 24, 2024.[ 8] Its chapters have been collected in two tankōbon volumes as of March 25, 2025. The sequel is published digitally in North America by Square Enix via their Manga Up! Global app.[ 9]
Original release date
Original ISBN
English release date
English ISBN
0 July 25, 2005[ 10] 978-4-7575-1479-9 October 28, 2014[ 11] 978-0-316-33616-1
001. "Black Sword"
002. "Blade of Lies"
003. "Cost of Deception"
Extra: "Auxiliary Chronicle: Blade Master I"
Extra: "Auxiliary Chronicle: Blade Master II"
End Notes
1 July 25, 2005[ 12] 978-4-7575-1480-5 October 28, 2014[ 11] 978-0-316-33616-1
004. "Breaking Through I"
005. "Breaking Through II"
006. "Breaking Through III"
007. "Breaking Through IV"
008. "Breaking Through V"
009. "Breaking Through VI"
010. "Breaking Through VII"
011. "Breaking Through VIII"
End Notes
2 November 25, 2005[ 13] 978-4-7575-1575-8 January 20, 2015[ 14] 978-0-316-38048-5
012. "Under the Cruel Moon I"
013. "Under the Cruel Moon II"
014. "Unrelenting Rain I"
015. "Unrelenting Rain II"
016. "Unrelenting Rain III"
017. "Unrelenting Rain IV"
018. "Unrelenting Rain V"
019. "Unrelenting Rain VI"
020. "Night I"
End Notes
3 March 25, 2006[ 15] 978-4-7575-1643-4 January 20, 2015[ 14] 978-0-316-38048-5
021. "Night II"
022. "Night III"
023. "Köinzell"
024. "The Castle of Heroes I"
025. "The Castle of Heroes II"
026. "The Castle of Heroes III"
027. "The Castle of Heroes IV"
028. "The Castle of Heroes V"
029. "The Castle of Heroes VI"
End Notes
4 September 25, 2006[ 16] 978-4-7575-1780-6 May 19, 2015[ 17] 978-0-316-34039-7
030. "The Castle of Heroes VII"
031. "Schtemwölech I"
032. "Schtemwölech II"
033. "Schtemwölech III"
034. "Schtemwölech IV"
035. "Schtemwölech V"
036. "Into the Darkness"
037. "Heaven's Coffin I"
038. "Heaven's Coffin II"
End Notes
5 March 24, 2007[ 18] 978-4-7575-1970-1 May 19, 2015[ 17] 978-0-316-34039-7
039. "Hero Killer I"
040. "Hero Killer II"
041. "Hero Killer III"
042. "Hero Killer IV"
043. "Hero Killer V"
044. "Hero Killer VI"
045. "Hero Killer VII"
046. "Hero Killer VIII"
047. "For My Hero"
End Notes
6 September 25, 2007[ 19] 978-4-7575-2121-6 September 22, 2015[ 20] 978-0-316-34040-3
048. "Der Schatten des Blatts (The Sword's Shadow)"
049. "Junge Blätter (Young Blade) I"
050. "Junge Blätter (Young Blade) II"
051. "Herz des Kämpfers (Warrior's Heart)"
052. "Gegenangriff (Counterattack)"
053. "Schlag (Blow)"
054. "Unordnung (Confusion)"
055. "Gefühl zu... (Before Feelings)"
056. "Belohnung für die tapferen Männer (Reward of the Hero)"
End Notes
7 March 25, 2008[ 21] 978-4-7575-2242-8 September 22, 2015[ 20] 978-0-316-34040-3
057. "Keil (Wedge)"
058. "Barestar I"
059. "Barestar II"
060. "Neues Schwert (New Sword) I"
061. "Neues Schwert (New Sword) II"
062. "Neues Schwert (New Sword) III"
063. "Fahne (Flag)"
064. "Die Faust (The Fist)"
065. "Flamme (Flame)"
End Notes
8 September 25, 2008[ 22] 978-4-7575-2386-9 January 26, 2016[ 23] 978-0-316-34041-0
066. "Wasserscheide (Watershed Peak) I"
067. "Wasserscheide (Watershed Peak) II"
068. "Wasserscheide (Watershed Peak) III"
069. "Ein Kleines Blatt (A Tiny Blade)"
070. "Das Schwert des Feenminerals (Fairy Stone Blade)"
071. "Ein geheimer Kurs (Hidden Path)"
072. "Belagerung (Siege)"
073. "Heftiger Angriff (Onslaught)"
074. "Das Kommen (Arrival)"
End Notes
9 March 25, 2009[ 24] 978-4-7575-2514-6 January 26, 2016[ 23] 978-0-316-34041-0
075. "Der Verlust (The Loss)"
076. "Mein Herr (My Lord)"
077. "Versprechen (Promise)"
078. "Singstimme (Melodious Voice)"
079. "Tabu (Taboo)"
080. "Die Wahrheit (The Truth)"
081. "Die Morgensonne (Morning Sun)"
082. "Der Gedanke, der damit geschnitzt wurde (The Thought, that was Engraved)"
083. "Grabsteine (Tombstone)"
End Notes
10 September 25, 2009[ 25] 978-4-7575-2685-3 May 24, 2016[ 26] 978-0-316-34043-4
084. "Erosion (Erosion) I"
085. "Erosion (Erosion) II"
086. "Erosion (Erosion) III"
087. "Erosion (Erosion) IV"
088. "Erosion (Erosion) V"
089. "Erosion (Erosion) VI"
090. "Erosion (Erosion) VII"
091. "Erosion (Erosion) VIII"
092. "Erosion (Erosion) IX"
End Notes
11 February 9, 2012[ 27] 978-4-7575-3004-1 May 24, 2016[ 26] 978-0-316-34043-4
093. "Sturz (Collapse) I"
094. "Sturz (Collapse) II"
095. "Sturz (Collapse) III"
096. "Sturz (Collapse) IV"
097. "Sturz (Collapse) V"
098. "Sturz (Collapse) VI"
099. "Die Träume (The Dreams)"
End Notes
12 September 25, 2012[ 28] 978-4-7575-3740-8 September 20, 2016[ 29] 978-0-316-34044-1
100. "Die Unbesiegte (The Undefeated)"
101. "Die Brüder (The Brothers)"
102. "Die Brüder (The Brothers) II"
103. "Fellunglogahe"
104. "The Dragon's Corridor"
105. "Spear of the Heavens"
End Notes
13 March 25, 2013[ 30] 978-4-7575-3910-5 September 20, 2016[ 29] 978-0-316-34044-1
106. "Die Helden (The Heroes) I"
107. "Die Helden (The Heroes) II"
108. "Die Helden (The Heroes) III"
109. "Die Helden (The Heroes) IV"
110. "Die Helden (The Heroes) V"
End Notes
14 October 25, 2013[ 31] 978-4-7575-4100-9 December 20, 2016[ 32] 978-0-316-26169-2
111. "Die Helden (The Heroes) VI"
112. "Die Helden (The Heroes) VII"
113. "Die Helden (The Heroes) VIII"
114. "Die Helden (The Heroes) IX"
115. "Die Helden (The Heroes) X"
End Notes
15 April 25, 2014[ 33] 978-4-7575-4258-7 December 20, 2016[ 32] 978-0-316-26169-2
116. "Mein Vater (My Father)"
117. "Winterende (The End of Winter)"
118. "Neuer König (The New King)"
119. "Sohn eines Königs (Son of a King)"
120. "Loyalität (Loyalty)"
121. "Mein Meister (My Master)"
End Notes
16 November 25, 2014[ 34] 978-4-7575-4478-9 March 21, 2017[ 35] 978-0-316-43564-2
122. ”Hände des Ärgers (The Hands of Anger)”
123. “Ein großer Wohltäter (A Great Benefactor)”
124. “Versuchung der Macht (The Temptation of Power)”
125. “Stelle alter Leute (The Land of our Ancestors)”
126. “Jagd (Hunting)”
127. “Meister (Master)”
End Notes
17 May 25, 2015[ 36] 978-4-7575-4648-6 March 21, 2017[ 35] 978-0-316-43564-2
128. “Helligkeit des Schwertes (Brightness of the Sword)”
129. “Eine Burg und eine Burg (A Castle and a Castle)”
130. “Eine Burg und eine Burg (A Castle and a Castle) II”
131. “Eine Burg und eine Burg (A Castle and a Castle) III”
132. “Eine Burg und eine Burg (A Castle and a Castle) IV”
133. “Eine Burg und eine Burg (A Castle and a Castle) V”
18 May 25, 2016[ 37] 978-4-7575-4989-0 August 22, 2017[ 38] 978-0-316-43565-9
134. “Schwert des Reiches (Sword of the Empire)”
135. “Schwert des Reiches (Sword of the Empire) II”
136. “Die Rückkehr (Return)”
137. “Das Kleine Verbrechen (Insignificant Sin)”
138. “Neue Welt (A New World)”
139. “Doppelte Blattmeister (Double Blatt Master)”
140. “Flugelzerstorer (Wings Destroyer)”
19 December 24, 2016[ 39] 978-4-7575-5192-3 August 22, 2017[ 38] 978-0-316-43565-9
141. “Mission vom Kaiser (Word from the Emperor)”
142. “Fahnen der Helden (The Flags of The Heroes I)”
143. “Fahnen der Helden (The Flags of The Heroes II)”
144. “Fahnen der Helden (The Flags of The Heroes III)”
145. “Fahnen der Helden (The Flags of The Heroes IV)”
146. “Fahnen der Helden (The Flags of The Heroes V)”
20 July 25, 2017[ 40] 978-4-7575-5420-7 September 18, 2018[ 41] 978-0-316-41410-4
147. "Blut und Blut (Blood and Blood)"
148. "Meine Hoffnung (My Hope)"
149. "Könige (Kings)"
150. "Schwarz Gekleidetes Mädchen (Girl in Black)"
151. "Das Tor zur Hauptstadt des Koenigs I (The Gateway to the King’s Capital I)"
152. "Das Tor zur Hauptstadt des Koenigs II (The Gateway to the King's Capital II)"
21 February 24, 2018[ 42] 978-4-7575-5635-5 September 18, 2018[ 41] 978-0-316-41410-4
153. "Das Tor zur Hauptstadt des Koenigs III (The Gateway to the King's Capital III)"
154. "Das Tor zur Hauptstadt des Koenigs IV (The Gateway to the King’s Capital IV)"
155. "Alter Freund I (Old Friend I)"
156. "Alter Freund II (Old Friend II)"
157. "Alter Freund III (Old Friend III)"
158. "Alter Freund IV (Old Friend IV)"
22 September 25, 2018[ 43] 978-4-7575-5857-1 December 17, 2019[ 44] 978-1-975-30614-4
159. "Alter Freund V (Old Friend V)"
160. "Das Schloß des neuen Königs I (The Fortress of the new King I)"
161. "Das Schloß des neuen Königs II (The Fortress of the new King II)"
162. "Das Schloß des neuen Königs III (The Fortress of the new King III)"
163. "Das Schloß des neuen Königs IV (The Fortress of the new King IV)"
164. "Das Ende der Welt I (The End of the World I)"
23 June 25, 2019[ 45] 978-4-7575-6171-7 December 17, 2019[ 44] 978-1-975-30614-4
165. "Das Ende der Welt II (The End of the World II)"
166. "Das Ende der Welt III (The End of the World III)"
167. "Das Ende der Welt IV (The End of the World IV)"
168. "Das Ende der Welt V (The End of the World V)"
169. "Das Ende der Welt VI (The End of the World VI)"
170. "Eine Neue Ära (A New Era)"
Übel Blatt II: The Knights of the Deceased King [ edit ]
Original release date
Original ISBN
English release date
English ISBN
1 December 24, 2024[ 46] 978-4-7575-9588-0 — —
001. "Säbeltanz (Saber Dance)"
002. "Abfahrt (Departure)"
003. "Dämonenbestienberge (Demon-Beast Mountains)"
004. "Schwert des Totenkönigs (Sword of the Fallen King)"
2 March 25, 2025[ 47] 978-4-7575-9772-3 — —
^ "Übel Blatt Fantasy Manga's Main Series Returns" . Anime News Network . 2011-11-27. Retrieved 2013-11-30 .
^ Ressler, Karen (February 25, 2019). "Übel Blatt Manga Ends in March" . Anime News Network . Retrieved February 26, 2019 .
^ "Übel Blatt Manga Returns After 2 Years in Side Story" . Anime News Network . 2011-07-11. Retrieved 2011-07-14 .
^ "Yen Press Adds Accel World, Übel Blatt, Barakamon Manga" . Anime News Network . 2014-02-14. Retrieved 2014-02-14 .
^ "Yen Press Licenses "Übel Blatt," "Barakamon" and "Accel World" Manga" . Crunchyroll . 2014-02-15. Retrieved 2014-02-21 .
^ "Übel Blatt T00 - Éditions Ki-oon" (in French). Ki-oon . Retrieved 2015-04-27 .
^ "Übel Blatt T23 collector - Éditions Ki-oon" (in French). Ki-oon . Retrieved 2025-01-18 .
^ Pineda, Rafael Antonio (January 25, 2024). "Etorouji Shiono's Übel Blatt Dark Fantasy Manga Gets Sequel on February 24" . Anime News Network . Retrieved January 25, 2024 .
^ Hazra, Adriana (December 24, 2024). "Manga Up! Global Adds Blue Archive: The Great Adventure of Game Development Department!, Übel Blatt II" . Anime News Network . Retrieved December 25, 2024 .
^ Ubel Blatt 0 (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757514794 .
^ a b Shiono, Etorouji (28 October 2014). Ubel Blatt, Vol. 0 . ISBN 978-0316336161 .
^ Ubel Blatt 1 (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757514808 .
^ Ubel Blatt 2 (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757515758 .
^ a b Shiono, Etorouji (20 January 2015). Ubel Blatt, Vol. 1 . ISBN 978-0316380485 .
^ ユーベルブラット 3 (ヤング ガンガン コミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757516436 .
^ Ubel Blatt 4 (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757517807 .
^ a b Shiono, Etorouji (19 May 2015). Ubel Blatt, Vol. 2 . ISBN 978-0316340397 .
^ Ubel Blatt 5 (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757519702 .
^ Ubel Blatt 6 (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757521219 .
^ a b Shiono, Etorouji (22 September 2015). Ubel Blatt, Vol. 3 . ISBN 978-0316340403 .
^ ユーベルブラット 7 (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757522428 .
^ ユーベルブラット 8 (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757523866 .
^ a b Ubel Blatt, Vol. 4 . ISBN 0316340413 .
^ ユーベルブラット 9 (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757525141 .
^ ユーベルブラット 10 (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757526857 .
^ a b Shiono, Etorouji (24 May 2016). Ubel Blatt, Vol. 5 . ISBN 978-0316340434 .
^ ユーベルブラット(11) (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757530048 .
^ ユーベルブラット(12) (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757537409 .
^ a b Shiono, Etorouji (27 September 2016). Ubel Blatt, Vol. 6 . ISBN 978-0316340441 .
^ ユーベルブラット(13) (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 475753910X .
^ ユーベルブラット (14) (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757541007 .
^ a b Shiono, Etorouji (20 December 2016). Ubel Blatt, Vol. 7 . ISBN 978-0316261692 .
^ ユーベルブラット (15) (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757542585 .
^ ユーベルブラット(16) (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757544782 .
^ a b Shiono, Etorouji (21 March 2017). Ubel Blatt, Vol. 8 . ISBN 978-0316435642 .
^ ユーベルブラット(17) (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757546483 .
^ ユーベルブラット(18) (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 475754989X .
^ a b Shiono, Etorouji (22 August 2017). Ubel Blatt, Vol. 9 . ISBN 978-0316435659 .
^ ユーベルブラット(19) (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757551924 .
^ ユーベルブラット(20) (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757554206 .
^ a b Shiono, Etorouji (18 September 2018). Ubel Blatt, Vol. 10 . ISBN 978-0316414104 .
^ ユーベルブラット(21) (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757556357 .
^ ユーベルブラット(22) (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757558570 .
^ a b Shiono, Etorouji (24 December 2019). Ubel Blatt, Vol. 11 . ISBN 978-1975306144 .
^ ユーベルブラット(23) (ヤングガンガンコミックス) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757561717 .
^ Übel Blatt~ユーベルブラット~Ⅱ 死せる王の騎士団 1 (in Japanese). ASIN 4757595883 .
^ Übel Blatt~ユーベルブラット~Ⅱ 死せる王の騎士団 2 (in Japanese). ASIN 475759772X .