Jerzy Łojek
Jerzy Łojek (3 September 1932 – 7 October 1986) was a Polish historian and opposition activist in People's Republic of Poland. He specialized in European, Polish and Russian history of 17th to 20h centuries. Some of his works were first published underground. The communist government prevented him from receiving professorship.
His wife was historian Bożena Mamontowicz-Łojek who served as President of the Polish Katyn Foundation.
Key works
[edit]- “Szanse powstania listopadowego” (The Chances of the November Uprising)
- “Dzieje pięknej Bitynki” (The History of Beautiful Bitina)
- “Agresja 17 września 1939. Studium aspektów politycznych” (The Aggression of September 17, 1939: A Study of Political Aspects)
- “Dzieje sprawy Katynia” (The History of the Katyn Affair)
- “Ku naprawie Rzeczypospolitej. Konstytucja 3 maja” (Towards the Reconstruction of the Republic: The Constitution of May SOURCES:
- Paweł Janowski, Łojek Jerzy, 1932-1986, historyk, publicysta, [w:] Encyklopedia Katolicka, Lublin 2006, t. XI, kol. 493.