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Insertion time

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In nuclear weaponry, insertion time is the interval required to rearrange a subcritical mass of fissile material into critical mass.[1]

Appropriate insertion time is one of the three main requirements to create a working fission atomic bomb. The need for a short insertion time with plutonium-239 is the reason the implosion method was chosen for the first plutonium bomb, while with uranium-235 it is possible to use a gun design.

The basic requirements[of what?] are:

  • Start with a subcritical system
  • Create a super prompt critical system
  • Switch between these two states in a length of time (insertion time) shorter than the time between the random appearance of a neutron in the fissile material through spontaneous fission or by other random processes.
  • At the right moment, neutrons must be injected into the fissile material to start the fission process. This can be done by several methods.


  1. ^ "4.1 Elements of Fission Weapon Design". nuclearweaponarchive.org. Retrieved 2024-11-28.