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Gordon A. McKay Award

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Gordon A. McKay Award
Awarded forbest oral student presentation at society's annual meeting
Presented byMeteoritical Society
Reward(s)$1,000 and certificate
First award2009

The Gordon A. McKay Award is an annual prize given by the Meteoritical Society to the student who gives the best oral presentation at its annual meeting.[1] This award honors the memory of Gordon A. McKay (1945–2008), a NASA planetary scientist specializing in lunar and Martian geochemistry. It was established in 2008 and comes with a prize of $1,000 and a certificate.

Gordon A. McKay Award Winners


Source: Previous Winners, Meteoritical Society

Gordon A. McKay Award Winners
Year Name
2009 Julia Ann Cartwright
2010 Rachel Smith
2011 Dennis Harries
2012 Maartje Hamers
2013 Nicole Lunning
2014 Romy Hanna
2015 Carolyn A. Crow
2016 Danielle N. Simkus
2017 Jennika Greer
2018 Timothy Gregory
2019 Dara Laczniak

See also



  1. ^ "Awards". The Meteoritical Society. Retrieved 2017-06-08.