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Fructoselysine-6-kinase (sometimes also called fructoselysine kinase) is a kinase enzyme.

It phosphorylates fructoselysine on the fructose residue's 6-carbon to form fructoselysine-6-phosphate, as the first step to breaking it down to glucose-6-phosphate and lysine for use as a food source. The second step is accomplished by the enzyme fructoselysine-6-phosphate deglycase.[1]

In E. coli, both enzymes are located on the frl (fructoselysine) operon in order to be transcribed simultaneously. In this context it is known as gene 'frlD' and fructoselysine 6-phosphate deglycase as 'frlB'.[2]


  1. ^ Wiame, E; Van Schaftingen, E (15 March 2004). "Fructoselysine 3-epimerase, an enzyme involved in the metabolism of the unusual Amadori compound psicoselysine in Escherichia coli". The Biochemical Journal. 378 (Pt 3): 1047–52. doi:10.1042/bj20031527. PMC 1224009. PMID 14641112.
  2. ^ "Fructoselysine kinase P45543". UniProt. Retrieved 17 January 2016.