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Cover of piano-score

Dynamiden op. 173 is a Viennese Waltz composed by Josef Strauss in 1865. Its subtitle is Geheime Anziehungskräfte ('Mysterious Powers of Magnetism').

Richard Strauss drew inspiration from Dynamiden when composing the "Ohne mich" waltz in Act II of his comic opera Der Rosenkavalier.

 \relative b' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff { \key cis \minor \time 3/4
    \tempo \markup { 
     \column {
      \line { Introduction. }
      \line { Sostenuto. }
    r1\pp r2 <gis gis'>2.( <fis fis'> <e e'>2 <dis dis'>4 <cis cis'>2) <b b'>8( <cis cis'> <dis dis'>2.) <e e'>4( <bis bis'> <cis cis'> <dis dis'>2.) <e e'>4( <cis cis'> <dis dis'>) gis'-^\p\( cis,2(_\markup { \italic dolce } cis4) dis-. e-.\) e4\( \slashedGrace e8( dis4.) cisis8 dis2( dis8)\) fis fis4-^\pp( cis4. b8 b4-. cis-. dis-.) fis\( \slashedGrace fis8( e4.) dis8 e2.\)
   \new Staff { \key cis \minor \time 3/4 \clef bass
      { s2. s s s s s s s s s s s cis,2.~\( cis c2( cis8) b b2.\) fis4 e2 }
      { gis2.( gis)( gis)( gis)( gis)( gis)( gis)( gis)( gis)( gis) <dis fis gis bis>2.~ <dis fis gis b> <dis fisis ais>2.~ <dis fis a> <d fis ais>2.~ <dis fis a> <d gis b> <dis e gis b> }
Waltz 1
Waltz 1 was used in the music of the opera "Der Rosenkavalier".

 \relative b' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff { \key cis \minor \time 3/4
     b8( gis') gis2.~ gis8 r r4 b,8( fis') fis2.~ fis8 r r4 b,8( e) e2-- e4--~ e4 \slashedGrace fis8( e8.)( dis16 e8. fis16) e2( dis4) r r cis8( a') a2.~ a8 r r4 cis,8( gis') gis2.~ gis8 r r4 cis,8( fis) fis2-- fis4--~ fis4 \slashedGrace gis8( fis8.)( eis16 fis8. gis16) e2( b4-.)
      r4 r b4-.( b-. b-. b-.) r4 r b4-.( b-. b-. b-.) r r b4-.( b-. b-. b-.) r r b4-.( b-. b-. b-.) r r cis4-.( cis-. cis-. cis-.) r4 r cis4-.( cis-. cis-. cis-.) r4 r b4-.( b-. b-. b-.) r4 r b4-. b-.
   \new Dynamics {
   \new Staff { \key cis \minor \time 3/4 \clef bass
      r e,, <b' e gis> <b e gis> b, <b' e gis> <b e gis> e, <b' e gis> <b e gis> b, <b' e gis> <b e gis> e, <b' e gis> <b e gis> gis <b e gis> <b e gis> fis <b e a> <b dis a'> b, <b' dis a'> <b dis a'> fis <cis' fis a> <cis fis a> cis, <cis' fis a> <cis fis a> fis, <cis' fis a> <cis fis a> a <cis fis a> <cis fis a> b, <b' dis a'> <b dis a'> b, <b' dis a'> <b dis a'> e, <b' e gis> <b e gis>

Vienna New Year's Concert


The advent of the Vienna New Year's Concertis as follows.
