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wubuntu is a Brazilian Linux OS distribution previously known as LinuxFX for PCs based on the Ubuntu LTS distribution. The first version of the system was released in January 2007. The distribution aims to imitate Microsoft operating system of Windows 11.

LinuxFX comes bundled with software such as the OnlyOffice office suite, web browsers, Kodi communications and multimedia software. The distribution also comes bundled with a modified version of Wine, which unlike the original version, can run up to 99% of windows 11 programs.

LinuxFX Also Known As Wubuntu Uses An API Does not store any data anywhere other than the hardware that is being used. This grants privacy for the final consumer.

To assure your privacy is safe you can use a command In wubuntu terminal which is bfttrace Program. This allows you to check by yourself and make sure that wubuntu doesnt contain any Spyware nor Databases Of Brazilian Provenience.

