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Draft:Who is Magellan

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Fedinand Magellan is a Portoguese explorer,was borned on feb 4, 1480 and a man who is credetid with masterminding.The first expedition to circumnavigate the world,he began to travel at the age of 25.Magellan was sponsordby Spain to travel west across the atlantic in search of the East Indies..Next what did magellan do to the Philipines or what is he doing there,Magellan's expedition was undertaken because the Spaniards were looking for alternate routes to the east ; wanted to discover Lands ; spices,and Gold and , wanted to expand Spanish Teritory and Spread Christianity.

Magellan's travel was long and arduous,and only two ship Survived it.On March 16, 1521 Ferdinand Magellan's fleet reached in the Visayan Islands - Spain's debut in the Philipines - where they finally found a safe place to land and get food after three deadly months at the Sea. The fleet chanced upon Guam after week earlier,but wound up figthing with the chamorro there.

Before Magellan died after round 14 weeks they reached and island,probably Guam , in Western Pacific . They then sailed on to the Philipines.On 27 April 1521 , Magellan was killed there after becoming involved in a battle between two rival local chieftains.During the expedition ,he also dicovered the Strait Magellan,allowing his fleet to pass from the Atlantic into the Pacific Ocean and perform the first European navigation to Asia via the Pacific.Magellan died on the philipines during his voyage,and his crewcompleted to return trip to Spain in 1522. the trip;which took more than three years,was not completed by Magellan,who died on the island of Mactan,Philipines in a scuffle with the locals.

As reported in Magellan's voyage journal written by Pigafetta,Magellan died after reiceiving a poisoned arrow in his right leg.He died on the exact date which is April 27,1521.Little is known about Maria other than that they marry in 1517 and had two children who died young.Maria and Ferdinandboth died in 1521,her in Seville from unknown causes and he died in a violent altercation with the mactan in the Philipines.