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Draft:United Kingdom of Atlantis

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The United Kingdom of Atlantis[edit]

The United Kingdom of Atlantis (UKA) is an offshoot of the historic Altantian City's offspring, recorded in Plato's writing, that existed some 9,200 years before Plato's lifetime and represents the birthplace of Western civilization. This history was passed down to Plato by his grandfather CRITIAS, who in turn heard it from his grandfather Dropidas, and Dropidas from Solon the famous Athenian statesman, who also heard it from an Egyptian priest[1].[2]. Atlantis, often regarded as a myth or work of fiction, is one of human history's most enduring and captivating stories. The legendary island originated from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato's[3] dialogue "Timaeus[4]" and "kratius (Critias)" two of his much written around 360 BCE. In these texts, Plato describes Atlantis as a powerful and advanced civilization that existed around 9,200 years before his time.

Plato describes Atlantis as a wealthy and technologically advanced society, boasting impressive architecture, engineering feats, and a prosperous economy. The Atlanteans were said to have constructed grand buildings, temples, and canals, utilizing their knowledge of science and engineering. They were also depicted as a militaristic society, expanding their empire through conquest. According to Plato, Atlantis was a maritime empire in the Atlantic Ocean, located beyond the "Pillars of Hercules," often associated with the Strait of Gibraltar. Atlantis is said to be larger than Libya and Asia combined[5]


Atlantis was founded ages ago by King Atlan, and eventually, the empire grew to become the most technologically advanced and most powerful nation of the time under his great leadership[6]. As the Atlanteans grew in power and strength, their moral principles weakened. Their armies expanded their dominion, reaching as far as Egypt in Africa and Tyrrhenia (Etruscan Italy) in Europe, before encountering resistance from an alliance led by Athens. Following this, the island suffered divine punishment in the form of earthquakes and floods, eventually sinking into a muddy sea. [7]

It is important to note, that; Atlantis is not a lost course. Former U.S. congressman Ignatius L. Donnelly in 1882 published “Atlantis The Antediluvian World[8]" he called it an advanced Civilization, whose immigrants had populated much of ancient Europe, Africa & America, whose Heroes had inspired Greeks, Hindus, and Scandinavian Mythology. Others like Francis Bacon (an English philosopher & Scientist) like Plato called it a politically & Scientifically advanced society on an unknown oceanic Island.

The United Kingdom of Atlantis: Atlantis Today[edit]

Some Africans have woken up to the understanding that; they have roots in the ancient kingdom of Atlantis, for it’s not a myth and they are determined to restore its Origin & introduce a modern face of Altantis civilization, called; the United Kingdom of Atlantis[9]. a decentralized Smart City with its Capital city known as the promised land. The United Kingdom of Atlantis (UKA) is a Smart, Peaceful, Crime-Free Democratic Monarchy Kingdom, designed with Climate Change Solutions, to be governed by a constitution fully embedded with the implementation of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with Tax-Free and Properly Educated Citizens[10].


The United Kingdom of Atlantis government is made up of one global government, seven continental governments, 197 national governments, and 10 kings.[11] Although a monarchical system of government, major decisions are made by the Board of Governors (BOG).


On the monumental day of 18th November 2022, after a relentless struggle, the United Kingdom of Atlantis proudly declared its independence, marking the dawn of a decentralized sovereign kingdom.[12][13] His Imperial Majesty, Dr. Solomon Wining, a Nigerian by birth yet an Atlantian descendant was on the same 18th November 2022 crowned the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom of Atlantis after a joint resolution of the board of governors to reign and oversee the emergence of the United Kingdom of Atlantis.

Enlisting into the Moorish Empire on March 24th, 2023, under the banner of the First Republic Register Foundation, the United Kingdom of Atlantis (UKA) embarked on a journey toward international recognition. Notably, the kingdom gained membership in the International Police Commission, securing acknowledgment and recognition from various organizations worldwide.[14]

Leadership and Government[edit]

The kingdom prides it’s Government as a Monarchical, Democratic system of Government. Where the king is the head of the kingdom and the prime minister is the head of Government.[15] It adopted the 17 SDG Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations (UN). The United Kingdom of Atlantis has since inaugurated a functional government cabinet of qualified individuals to help manage and restore the Ideology of the Atlantian Kingdom. The functioning Governments include, descendants of Atlantis and non-descendants of Atlantis have been adopted as citizens of Atlantis based on their various contributions to the realization of the Visionary United Kingdom of Atlantis.

This government structure includes:

  • The prime minister
  • Secretory to the UKA Government
  • Minister of Interior
  • Minister of Justice
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Minister of Defense
  • Minister of Aviation
  • Minister of Education
  • Minister Youths & sports
  • among several other ministers & ministries.
Certificate of Soveriegn State of United Kingdom of Atlantis
Certificate of Soveriegn State of United Kingdom of Atlantis
United Kingdom of Atlantis Independence Deed Declaration in the presence of the Board of Governors
United Kingdom of Atlantis Independence Deed Declaration in the presence of the Board of Governors
United Kingdom of Atlantis Independence Deed Declaration
United Kingdom of Atlantis Independence Deed Declaration

Vision and Mission of United Kingdom of Atlantis[edit]


A Smart, Peaceful, Crime-Free Democratic Monarchy Kingdom, designed with Climate Change Solutions, to be governed by a Constitution fully embedded with the implementation of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with Tax-Free and Properly Educated Citizens.


To achieve the vision of UKA, below are the mission statements that help us to navigate the path towards creating a utopian state for all:

  • To create an enabling environment towards alleviation of poverty and hunger in every form.
  • To create an enabling environment in such a way that our Citizens and Youths can discover, understand, and maximize their God-given potential in dignity and equality
  • To create a Country with prosperous and thriving Social, Digital, Circular, and Climate Economies.
  • To create an enabling environment for peaceful co-existence void of corruption and high crime among the Citizens
  • To create an enabling environment with a dynamic aerobic equilibrium rate of O2/CO2 void of climate change disaster thereby implementing the latest Climate Change Solution Technologies.
  • To create an enabling smart and secure environment for Global Tourism and Global investment attraction
  • To exercise a complete Democratic Monarchy Government System thereby implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Flag and Coat of Arm[edit]

The flag of the United Kingdom of Atlantis features a prominent hue known as deep sky blue, chosen for its rich symbolism and profound significance. This distinctive color, reminiscent of tranquil waters and clear skies, encapsulates the essence of the utopian society. It represents a serene and harmonious environment, mirroring the peaceful coexistence of its citizens. Deep sky blue also symbolizes stability, reflecting the strong foundation upon which the nation is built. It signifies reliability and security, instilling a sense of trust among its populace. Moreover, this vibrant hue embodies creativity and inspiration, serving as a catalyst for innovation and progress within Atlantis. As a beacon of hope and optimism, deep sky blue heralds a bright future filled with endless possibilities. Through the unfurling of this flag, the United Kingdom of Atlantis proudly showcases its shared values and aspirations, guiding its people toward a prosperous and harmonious existence.

The coat of arms of the United Kingdom of Atlantis features two majestic lions, each adorned with a crown, holding onto the symbol of the nation. This striking imagery carries profound symbolism, reflecting the core values and aspirations of the nation. The lions, iconic symbols of strength and sovereignty, stand proudly as guardians of the nation, embodying its resilience and power. Positioned on opposite sides, they symbolize unity and partnership, representing the collaborative efforts of all within the kingdom. The crowns atop their heads signify royalty and authority, underscoring the regal status of Atlantis. By grasping the symbol of the United Kingdom of Atlantis, the lions proudly declare their allegiance, encapsulating a deep sense of pride and identity in the nation's heritage and achievements. Together, these elements form a compelling emblem that embodies the spirit of strength, unity, protection, and pride that define the United Kingdom of Atlantis.


UKA has since adopted (Atlantian Crown) as its modern currency, this is currently serving as a means of exchange between the various Atlantian citizens. The Atlantian crown is widely accepted by the citizens and have become the nation’s legal tender and means of transactions. And we encourage all to adopt it also, as we keep working to ensure that the currency is globally accepted and utilized.[16]

Atlantean Crown Digital Currency[edit]

Atlantian Crown (ATC) is the official cryptocurrency of the United Kingdom of Atlantis. Atlantean Crown Coin is a digital cryptocurrency built on a decentralized blockchain network. It aims to provide a secure, transparent, and accessible means of conducting transactions globally.[17] Atlantean Coin operates on a decentralized blockchain network, free from the control of any single authority. This ensures transparency, security, and immutability of transactions, giving you full control over your financial assets. ATC coin is committed to empowering individuals with the tools and resources they need to thrive in the digital age. Whether through educational initiatives, investment opportunities, or community support, we are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of the crypto landscape and unlock the full potential of ATC.[18]


United Kingdom of Atlantis Atlantian Crown Back
United Kingdom of Atlantis Atlantian Crown Back

In January 2023, the officials of the United Kingdom of Atlantis launched the 5,000,000 Atlantean citizenship nominee program worldwide hoping to create a powerful System that prioritizes safety, equality, and the rule of law.[19] Those who meet the requirements will then be given a national identity card and certificate of origin. [20]


United Kingdom of Atlantis Atlantian Crown
United Kingdom of Atlantis Atlantian Crown

The United Kingdom of Atlantis though an emerging nation prioritizes education, with the vision to make learning accessible to everyone around the world, they have created and partnered with notable Universities, such as United Kingdom of Atlantis Royal University

[21], Grassroots Global University[22], Fabcwa Global Christian University[23], World Leadership University[24]

United Kingdom of Atlantis Coat of Arm
United Kingdom of Atlantis Coat of Arm
Flag of the United Kingdom of Atlantis
Flag of the United Kingdom of Atlantis

  1. ^ "Atlantis". HISTORY. 21 August 2018. Retrieved April 26, 2024.
  2. ^ "About Us". The United Kingdom of Atlantis. Retrieved 2024-04-26.
  3. ^ "Plato", Wikipedia, 2024-04-25, retrieved 2024-04-26
  4. ^ "Timaeus of Locri", Wikipedia, 2024-03-21, retrieved 2024-04-26
  5. ^ "Plato, Timaeus 24e translated by W.R.M. Lamb. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1925".
  6. ^ "Kingdom of Atlantis". DC Extended Universe Wiki. Retrieved 2024-04-26.
  7. ^ "Atlantis". HISTORY. 2018-08-21. Retrieved 2024-04-26.
  8. ^ "Atlantis: The Antediluvian World", Wikipedia, 2024-02-15, retrieved 2024-04-26
  9. ^ "About Us". The United Kingdom of Atlantis. Retrieved 2024-04-27.
  10. ^ "The United Kingdom of Atlantis".
  11. ^ "Government". The United Kingdom of Atlantis. Retrieved 2024-05-01.
  12. ^ "Home". The United Kingdom of Atlantis. Retrieved 2024-05-01.
  13. ^ Peter (2023-12-18). "Embracing a New Era: United Kingdom of Atlantis Achieves Sovereignty, global recognition". Champion Newspapers LTD. Retrieved 2024-05-01.
  14. ^ Champion News (18 December 2023). "United Kingdom of Atlantis New Era". Champion News.
  15. ^ Admin, U. K. A. (2023-12-06). "Discovering the Lost Kingdom of Atlantis". The United Kingdom of Atlantis. Retrieved 2024-05-01.
  16. ^ "Royal Bank". The United Kingdom of Atlantis. Retrieved 2024-05-01.
  17. ^ "Atlantean Crown - Simple, Quick, Secure". atlanteancrown.com. Retrieved 2024-05-01.
  18. ^ Admin, U. K. A. (2024-04-14). "Unveiling the Future: The Emergence of ATC Digital Currency in the UKA". The United Kingdom of Atlantis. Retrieved 2024-05-01.
  19. ^ "Citizenship". The United Kingdom of Atlantis. Retrieved 2024-05-01.
  20. ^ "United Kingdom of Atlantis Immigration – UKA Immigration". www.ukaimmigration.com. Retrieved 2024-05-01.
  21. ^ "UKAUNIV – United Kingdom of Atlantis University". Retrieved 2024-05-01.
  22. ^ "Home". Grassroot Global University. Retrieved 2024-05-01.
  23. ^ "Fabcwa Global Christian University".
  24. ^ UNIVERSITY, WORLD LEADERSHIP. "WORLD LEADERSHIP UNIVERSITY in Karoi". wlu. Retrieved 2024-05-01.