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Draft:The Big Bang Theory

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The Big Bang Theory is:

FAULS! Just think about it. How could an EXPLOSION, you know one of those things that destroys things, create a whole living perfectly constructed world! IT MAKES NO SENCE! Plus you do know about all things scientists found that proved against the earth being “billions” of years old, right? Scientists found LIVING tissue on a t-rex bone which could not still be living if that t-rex were alive “56 million years ago”! They also found a human footprint UNDERNEATH a dinosaur footprint! ALSO it would take an astroid 100km (or 62.1371 miles) long to kill everything on the planet, where as the “astroid that killed the dinosaurs” was only 10-15 km (or 6.21371- 9.32057 miles) long! So listen to me. IT’S A LIE. To control people and over power them. It is quite obvious that the earth has a Creator. Just think about that for a second. Now give me a SINGLE piece of proof that the earth is millions or billions of years old or what ever nonsense you guys believe! Place your proof here and see If I don’t have proof against it:

