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Draft:The Angler

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!This is supposed to be an enemy from a video game, This entity is fictional and not real!


General Information.


The Angler or "Z-283" has been classified as a Rush-down entity.

It has a dark, grey, and terrifying appearance which resembles that of an Angler fish, It has three beady, glowing, eyes, two on the right side of it's face, one on the left side of it's face. It appears to keep it's mouth open at all times revealing a flurry of sharp and long teeth, it's unknown what it's teeth are made of, or how long they are since it's too dangerous to get close or you'd put yourself in severe risk.

The Angler fish also emits a screech which it uses to find its victims, this screech can disrupt signals and cause the lights to flicker, When the Angler fish's screeches hit a person, it bounces off of them creating a reaction where the Angler fish moves-in for the kill.

Anomalous features.

  • The Angler fish's screech can disrupt the power grid causing the lights to flicker.
  • The Angler fish appears to always face your corresponding direction even if multiple persons in different directions are said to observe it.
  • The Angler fish also leaves behind a dark trail, this can be easily observed from afar.

Signals or signs that it is about to appear.

  • When the lights flicker.
  • When you hear shrieking.

How to survive.

  • Look for any of the light's flicker.
  • Hide in a locker.
  • Hide Behind an object that obscures the Angler's perspective so its echoes don't bounce off you.
  • Walk into a room that isn't on the Angler's set path.
  • Stand or crouch in a corner, most commonly if you're in a T-shaped, L-shaped, or Straight room.

(Works if you're not in the path of the Angler).

Cause of death.


If caught, the way the Angler fish kills it's victims is interesting, it simply has to pass through a victim and they drop dead on the floor without any evidence of physical damage or harm towards the body.

Though, autopsy on the victims seems to show that they suffered from neurotrauma, It is speculated that the victims have all their neurons sucked up off their body.