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Sudarević (Serbian Cyrillic: Сударевић; also Sudarović, Sudar, Sudarev) is a surname common among the people called Bunjevci. It was recorded for the first time in Subotica in 1686..[1]

Among the more or less known bearers of this surname are:

Gaja Sudarević, Austrian border ensign in Čurug, to whom, as well as his wife (Šimleni) and their son (Ilija), on 1 March 1751, the Hungarian nobility certificate and coat of arms presented in Vienna. Nobility was proclaimed Sudarević in Bačka County in 1752[2].

Painters Atanasije Sudarević[3] and Nikola Sudarević[4] are mentioned in 18th-century Serbian painting. There are also two other Serbian painters Vuko Sudarević and Konstantin Sudarević both commissioned as icon painters at different periods for the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Polača and the Church of St. Nikola in Ervenik in Dalmatia[5]

Marko Sudarović and Vranje Sudarević, who, among others, were born in Subotica on 2 May 1896. A signed a petition for the right of the national language in schools and the municipality, which Ivan Malagurski, Kalor Đukić and their associates forwarded to Budapest to the then Minister of Education Vlašić.[6]


  1. ^ „Презимена буњевачких родова“, у: Јован Ердељановић, О пореклу Буњеваца, Београд 1930, стр. 163.
  2. ^ Mirko Stojnić, „Heraldika plemena bunjevačkog“, Bunjevačke novine. Informativno-političko glasilo Archived 2011-10-05 at the Wayback Machine, god. IV, novembar 2008, br. 41, pp. 25.
  3. ^ Sveske. Društvo istoričara umetnosti SR Srbije. 1977.
  4. ^ Сликарство у српским црквама сјеверне Далмације: од XIV краја до почетка XX вијека. Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства. 2000. ISBN 978-86-17-08297-8.
  5. ^ "Hierarchal Divine Liturgy in Ervenik | Serbian Orthodox Church [Official web site]". arhiva.spc.rs.
  6. ^ „Bunjevački jezik prid ministarstvom“, Neven. Zabavno-poučni misečnik za Bunjevce i Šokce, XIII, 1. libnja 1896, br. 6, pp. 82.