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Draft:Sheila Mannes-Abbott

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Sheila Mannes-Abbott (Frewin) – 1939–2014 – British nature artist and ecologist, thanks to whom it was possible to protect the ancient forest in Warren Copse. The author of a series of works for "Wildlife of the British Countryside Collection" ROYAL KENDAL and numerous botanical illustrations for books, magazines and botanical collections.

Winner of numerous awards for artistic creativity. Fellow of The Linnaen Society from 2000.


   Berkshire County Council
   Dr Shirley Sherwood
   Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation Pittsburgh U.S.A.
   Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Archives
   Royal Horticultural Society Lindley Library


   Fellow of The Linnaen Society: 2000
   Founder Member Society of Botanical Artists: 1986
   R.H.S. Grenfell Silver Gilt Medals: 1974, 1978
   R.H.S. Gold Medals: 1997, 1999, 2010
   S.B.A. Medalife Award: 1990
   S.B.A. Joyce Cuming Award for Botanical Excellence: 1998

Books: - Mannes-Abbott, Sheila and Phil Drabble. 1981 “Four Seasons” - Asser, Michael ed. “The Royal County”- Silver Jubilee H.M. Queen Elizabeth II "Contemporary Botanical Masterworks" - A Passion for Plants, Shirley Sherwood "Arte y Botanica" - Selección de Ilustraciones The S.B.A.,Marta Chirino - Margaret Stevens




"The Barren Future Of Warren Copse", Carolyn Chapman, The Sunday Times on January 15th 1978

Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting of the Waltham St Lawrence Parish Council https://wsl.link/images/stories/documents/councilminutes/annualparishmeeting2016.pdf

Watchet Conservation Matters Issue 39 March/April 2015 http://www.watchetconservationsociety.co.uk/newsletters/WCS_Newsletter39.pdf

Watchet Conservation Matters Issue 48 September/October 2016 https://www.wmmsk.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/WCS_Newsletter48.pdf
