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Draft:RO-Kea N0 escape (Roblox Game)

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You enter the Ro-kea store destined to purchase some furniture for your new house however, after purchasing items, you struggle to find the exit. After a long search for the exit, you accept that you are trapped in a store, lost. You walk around and find an OP broken revolver. You pick up the revolver for an inspection. Simultaneously, an employee spots you and gets threatened. The employee calls all the other nearby employees and attempt to trace you and end your existence. You drop the revolver and surrender but the employees are still trying to eliminate you. You pick up the revolver and start sprinting away as far as possible. You are now trying to survive.


Ro-Kea N0 escape (4/12/2023) is a survival game based on 3008 where you build shelter to defend yourself from attackers, shoot attackers with firearms and run around searching for food to avoid starvation. Unfortunately, there is no escape. The map consist of 56*64 small blocks each of them containing pieces of furniture. There are rarer furniture pieces that are harder to discover. In each day, there are 20 minutes divided into 10 minutes of daylight and 10 minutes of night time. You will be given 100HP and an OP Revolver to survive.


Employee type 2[edit]

Employee type 2 is a slow running piece of garbage that can't jump however does a decent amount of damage to players. Employee type 2 is also recognized as a beautiful creature featuring an exquisite face and fresh hair. Additionally, they attempt to murder you but most of the time they fail because they get tired. Consequently, they become embarrassed when they fail.

Walk Speed 12.5sps
Health 1000HP
Jump Power 0
Attack Damage -1/touch
Respawn Time 10sec
Detection Distance 500s
Population 48
Walk Speed 8.75sps
Health 1000HP
Jump Power 0
Attack Damage -1/touch
Respawn Time 10sec
Detection Distance 500s
Population 24

Employee type 2 v2[edit]

Employee type 2 v2 is yet another piece of trash that can not jump however also deals a reasonable amount of damage to the players. Employee type 2 v2 is known for being unreflective featuring a fabric textured body that is sharp and sleek. Furthermore, they have the same/similar beauty to employee type 2. They also may be able to track you down or follow you more easily.

Walk Speed 12.5sps
Health 1000HP
Jump Power 0
Attack Damage -6.66/ses
Respawn Time 20sec
Detection Distance 550s
Population 24

Employee type 1[edit]

Employee type 1 is an ugly disgusting filth featuring yucky eye balls and overdone lipstick however obviously an intelligent secret mastermind that traces you down easily as they are able to jump and walk faster than many others. Unfortunately, Employee type 1 can't detect players at far distances as they become overwhelmed and possibly confused. Likewise, they assume that others think ugliness may define themselves as idiots and so they use it as a tactic to trick players.

Walk Speed 18sps
Health 1000HP
Jump Power 50
Attack Damage -1/touch
Respawn Time 10sec
Detection Distance 150s
Population 32
Walk Speed 17sps
Health 1000HP
Jump Power 35
Attack Damage -1/touch
Respawn Time 10sec
Detection Distance 150s
Population 16

Employee type 1 v2[edit]

Employee type 1 v2 is unfortunately just another traumatic interference to your vision however is obviously an intelligent creature, so intelligent they become tired and ill featuring a greenish shade and a rough icy texture. It is also an advantage that employee type 1 v2 can jump or else it would simply throw up if the contents in the stomach stay still for too long therefore they have a more weaker immune system. Moreover, they usually pay more attention to mid range distances as they have a more generous detection distance compared to employee type 1.

Walk Speed 12.5sps
Health 700HP
Jump Power 60
Attack Damage -1/touch
Respawn Time 40sec
Detection Distance 300s
Population 24

Silver Manager[edit]

Silver manager is the king and shall never be dethroned by other fellow employees. The silver managers are an ambitious and small group of leaders. They try as hard as they could to eliminate every single player with their sleek swingy sword arms that severe. Yes they are silver and highly reflective meaning they could camouflage similar to majority of other employees. Additionally, the silver manager is one of a kind featuring dull poker face with dull hair and sharp edges. Furthermore, they are the most intelligent fast and smart however take a long time to respawn and are bad at tracking players when it comes to long distances. They have a higher health rating and are able to jump.

Walk Speed 24sps
Health 2500HP
Jump Power 50
Attack Damage -6.66/sec
Respawn Time 400sec
Detection Distance 80s
Population 4



The executioner is mainly semi firing featuring a slow fire rate and small attack damage however MANY bullets in 1 round and for free! Some may say it is kind of broken and I kind of agree.

Weapon type Revolver
Damage -250HP
Fire Rate 3
Clip size 15
Reload time 2.5sec
Range 400
Cost 0

Mac 10[edit]

The Mac 10 is a free automatic firearm featuring an impressive fire rate and poor attack damage however storing a decent quantity of bullets in one round. You can only find it in the larger canteens.

Weapon type PDW
Damage -190HP
Fire Rate 12
Clip size 30
Reload time 2.5sec
Range 300
Cost 0

Stoner 96[edit]

The Stoner 96 is an automatic gun costing some robux. It is mainly known for its YUGE bullet count in a single round and the impressive damage consequently taking a generous amount of time to reload.

Weapon type LMG
Damage -600HP
Fire Rate 7.5
Clip size 100
Reload time 10sec
Range 300
Cost 30

Aug HBAR[edit]

The Aug HBAR is another automatic gun costing robux featuring a fast fire rate and the highest attack damage while taking a small amount of time to reload. The amount of bullets in one round is slightly more than the Mac10.

Weapon type LMG
Damage -2000HP
Fire Rate 12
Clip size 45
Reload time 2.5sec
Range 300
Cost 50


Medicine (RED LIQUID)[edit]

Only found in canteens


Energy Drink (ORANGE LIQUID)[edit]

Only found in canteens


Water (BLUE LIQUID)[edit]

Found in canteens and Marble Counters



Only found in canteens



Found in canteens and Marble Counters
