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Draft:Milena Mondini de Focatiis

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Milena Mondini de Focatiis

Milena Mondini de Focatiis (Naples, April 27th 1977) is an Italian manager. Since January 1st 2021, she is the Group CEO of Admiral Group plc (LSE: ADM), an Insurance Group whose headquarter is in Cardiff, Galles. Quoted at the London Stock exchange, Admiral Group plc it is constituent of the FTSE 100 index.

Early life

MIlena Mondini was born in Naples, Italy on April 27th 1977 from Francesco Mondini de Focatiis and Concetta Pane. She has two brother Marcello and Fabio She moved to MIlan, Italy at the age of two to then return to Naples five years later, where she has completed middle school and high school and his Telecommunication Engineering diploma at the Federico II University with an exchange program at EPFL university in Lausanne, Switzerland. In her exchange program at EPFL and in her thesis Milena has contributed, under the guidance of dr. Werner Almesberger, to the Linux programming language.


After a brief experience in Accenture, Milena Mondini worked in Bain & Company on various international projects before attending her MBA at INSEAD where she graduated in 2006. At INSEAD MIlena met Henry Engelhardt, founder of Admiral that in 1993 has launched Admiral Group plc and in 1999 has led a management buy out. She liked immediately the company culture and joined as Business Development Manager to then in 2008 return to Rome, Italy to launch ConTe.it, the Italian direct motor insurance part of Admiral Group pls. ConTe.it has quickly become the largest international business of Admiral Group and the first to turn profitable. In 2016 she takes the role of Head of European Insurance to then in 2019 take the responsibility of UK insurance as well. In March 2020 MIlena Mondini has become Group CEO designate, a role she has formally taken on Janusray 1st 2021.
