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Draft:Mihailo Boskovic

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Mihailo Bošković

Mihailo Bošković was a Serbian Chetnik freedom-fighter who participated in many battles in the Macedonian Struggle for the liberation of Serbian regions, particularly Old Serbia and Macedonia.



Little is known about him, except that he was born in a Serbian village and when the threat of the Bulgarian exarchists showed up, he immediately joined the Serbian Chetnik Organization like the rest of the young men. The times were made even more difficult with the frequent Albanian raids on village livestock and the impotent Turkish regime always sided with the Albanian Kachaks even when they were caught red-handed committing crimes the Ottoman authorities looked the other way. The Serbian provinces under the Ottoman leadership of Abdul Hamid II were literally under siege by Turks and their proxies, whether Bulgarian or Albanian?

Young Mihailo Bošković felt compelled to lend a hand in the Macedonian Struggle, the land of his forefathers who built the monasteries and churches in the surrounding landscape of his country village long ago. In 1904 he first joined the Serbian Chetnik Organization voluntarily rather than be pressed to join the VMRO and the accompanying schismatic Bulgarian Church whose priests and teachers forced people to convert from their time-tested religion to the Bulgarian one that not a single Eastern Orthodox church would recognize it at the time.

See also


