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Draft:Melantha Tenebrae

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charcoal drawing of Tenebrae - draft one

Melantha Tenebrae




Melantha (mɪˈlænðə - 'melas' from Greek roots for black and 'anthos' for flower) Tenebrae (tɛnəbreɪ, -bri—Latin for 'darkness') . Also known as Photographer, artist and scultper who turned her interest towards Archtiecture. Her practice is rooted in nature and geometry, where nature is a key collaborator and a tool to create spaces which breathe. However often tired, mentally frayed,limited by the hours of the day which other people are awake to collaborate with her works are scattered across the lands like fragments of dreams, that eventually fade from memory.

By day, Melantha retreats into the sanctuary of her own mind, resting in preparation for another night's voyage into the unknown. What once was just insomnia has evolved into a fear of if she did she may not reawaken or become trapped in a nightmare. Often citing Hemingway's alter ego in 'Now I Lay Me':

"I myself did not want to sleep because I had been living for a long time with the knowledge that if I ever shut my eyes in the dark and let myself go, my soul would go out of my body."[1]

Rarely seen, She takes the yearly pilgrimage to Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway from late October to mid-February to celebrate the night and darkness as here the sun sets and does not rise again until the end of this period. Tenebrae enjoys this trip as it is a time when she can socialize more easily and often feels less of a need to mask her true self.

Early Life


Born under a moonless sky, Melantha’s life has always been entwined with the mysteries of the nocturnal world. As an artist, photographer, and architect, she draws inspiration from the shadows and the quiet that only night can bring. Her insomnia, often seen as a curse by others, is her greatest gift; it grants her uninterrupted hours to conceive, create, and capture the world in ways unseen by those bound to the day.

Tenebrae spent her early years plagued by nightmares and insecurities. Unable to sleep due to insomnia from a young age her thoughts rapidly spiraled into a negative chaos overwhelming her mind and gradually took a physical toll as her earthly body often phases out of this realm and back into darkness as her life forces diminishes.

From a young age it was clear that Tenebrae was part of a small percentage of the human population that are Tetrachromats, a condition where instead of three types, there are four types of cone cells giving the ability to be able to receive a wider range of spectral wavelengths of light within a four dimensional sensory color space.

Fashioning her life around the dark and with no friends her main source of contact with outside world through literature. Impacted deeply by her readings of Emil Cioran (1911-1995) a philosopher and fellow insomniac, whose writings in his book 'On the heights of despair' she strongly resonated with. Simarly, the eventuall comfort that she found from the dark of the night led her to become interesed and one of the many to gain inspiration from Nyx, the priomordial goddess of the night.


drawing in darkness- charcoal landscape

Tenebrae's education was as unique and unorthodox as her creations. She never set foot in traditional academic institutions. Instead, she roamed, travelling the world to see ancient libraries by moonlight, absorbing architectural treatises, artistic philosophies, and photographic techniques.

Her mentors were the timeless masters: she studied Gaudí’s organic structures, delved into the haunting photography of Diane Arbus, and dissected the surreal compositions of Dali. The night became her classroom, the stars her guides. Melantha honed her craft through solitary exploration and relentless experimentation, shaping her into the unparalleled visionary she is today.

Her education was an endless journey, as boundless as the night sky itself.



Tenebrae's work is motivated by nature and social outreach, reuse and recycling of materials where possible. Working with nature rather than nature being a force that the design tries to contain and inhibit. Her architectural designs, blending fantasy with reality, creating spaces that seem to breathe and change with the phases of the moon.

night photography- outside long exposre

Clients and collaborators , whilst Tenebrae lives a relatively solitary lifestyle, fellows willing to socialize and collaborate at night being few and far between, Tenebrae is an active member within a vast community of designers and creatives connected by a shared interest in analogue design processes such as dark room photography as well as utilizing modern design tools.

Tenebraes practice focusses on collage, traditional drawing techniques and has a particular distate for premature rendering prefering to only utilize them towards the end of her project.

A long standing member of ARTICA a non profit arts and culture organization and a key contributor to their environmental policy and action plan. A strong believer in the Gaia Theory it can be said that her utopian obsession is linked to her belief that people and their connection to the planet is has been lost and that the future ecology of the built world should be based upon the lost cultures and wisdoms found when nature and men work in harmony to create a a synergetic and self-regulating system where te living, organic beings interact with the surrounding inorganic environment.

Significant projects - Converting disused concrete buildings into botanical gardens and working with local communities to create communal libraries and workshop spaces.


  1. ^ Hemingway, Ernest (1927). Now I lay me. United States.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link) CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)