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Draft:Mauro Giovanni Carta

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Mauro Giovanni Carta (Fluminimaggiore, 8 July 1956) is a Medical Doctor and Psychiatrist, Professor of Translational Medicine and Quality of Care at the University of Cagliari, Italy, and an activist in the field of Human Rights and Psychosocial Disability.[1][2][3]

Biography and Academic work


Since 2005, he has been an associate professor of Psychiatry[4] at the University of Cagliari, Italy, then became a full professor of advanced biomedical technologies and translational medicine at the same University in 2015.[5] Furthermore, he currently directs the Capacities Building in Global Health Ph.D Program (jointly carried out by the Universities of Cagliari, Ferrara, Palermo, and Salerno).[6][7][8] In 2014 and 2015, he was a Visiting Professor at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University.[9] Atturally he is listed in the World's Top 2% Scientists[10] and on the Mental Health steering committeee of the EUPHA European Public Health Association.[11] He is currently listed on the Editorial Board of several international scientific journals.[12][13][14][15]

Human rights


From 2015, he strictly cooperate with WHO on the QualityRights program about mental health and human rights.[16][17][18] In this context, he coordinates projects on human rights in mental health in Lebanon, Armenia, Ghana, funded by the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), in collaboration with WHO and United Nations.[18][19] On the topic of human rights and mental health, he has been a speaker at numerous international congresses, author of an extensive scientific production as well as of invited editorials in prestigious scientific journals such as the British Journal of Psychiatry,[20] and International Journal of Social Psychiatry,[21] In 2022 he was named an honorary member of the Academy of Medicine of Brazil for his work on human rights and action against stigma in mental health.[22][23]


  1. ^ "Mauro Giovanni Carta". www.wikidata.org.
  2. ^ https://www.unipa.it/amministrazione/arearisorseumane/settorereclutamentoeselezioni/.content/2022/curricula/cv-prof.-carta.pdf
  3. ^ https://web.unica.it/unica/protected/399114/0/def/ref/SHD30244/
  4. ^ "Mauro Carta / Centro Psichiatria di Consultazione e Psicosomatica". Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Cagliari.
  5. ^ "Mauro Carta". unica.it.
  6. ^ "Capacities Building for Global Health". unica.it.
  7. ^ "Mauro Carta". unica.it.
  8. ^ Cirronis, Giampaolo (March 23, 2024). "Da lunedì 25 a venerdì 29 marzo, il Palazzo Bellavista, sede del Consorzio AUSI, ospiterà il modulo di formazione intensivo in Metodologia della Ricerca Epidemiologica nella prospettiva One Health - Global Health".
  9. ^ Carta, Mauro Giovanni; Norcini-Pala, Andrea; Moro, Maria Francesca; Balestrieri, Matteo; Caraci, Filippo; Dell’Osso, Liliana; Sciascio, Guido Di; Faravelli, Carlo; Hardoy, Maria Carolina; Aguglia, Eugenio; Roncone, Rita; Nardi, Antonio Egidio; Drago, Filippo (September 1, 2015). "Does Mood Disorder Questionnaire identify sub-threshold bipolarity? Evidence studying worsening of quality of life". Journal of Affective Disorders. 183: 173–178. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2015.04.058. PMID 26021966 – via ScienceDirect.
  10. ^ https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/6
  11. ^ https://eupha.org/section_page.php?section_page=254
  12. ^ "Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health - Editorial Board". clinical-practice-and-epidemiology-in-mental-health.com.
  13. ^ "Editorial Board: International Journal of Social Psychiatry: Sage Journals".
  14. ^ "Journal of Clinical Medicine". www.mdpi.com.
  15. ^ "Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry". www.bjp.org.br.
  16. ^ Marcassa, Gioia (July 7, 2024). "Invito a partecipare al programma Quality Rights su "Salute mentale, recovery e inclusione nella comunità" dell'OMS". FNO TSRM e PSTRP.
  17. ^ "Al Senato si parla di QualityRights". unica.it.
  18. ^ a b "Disabilità sociali e diritti umani, al via il progetto". unica.it.
  19. ^ "La Provincia del Sulcis Iglesiente".
  20. ^ Moro, Maria Francesca; Pathare, Soumitra; Zinkler, Martin; Osei, Akwasi; Puras, Dainius; Paccial, Rodelen C.; Carta, Mauro Giovanni (February 24, 2022). "The WHO QualityRights initiative: building partnerships among psychiatrists, people with lived experience and other key stakeholders to improve the quality of mental healthcare". The British Journal of Psychiatry. 220 (2): 49–51. doi:10.1192/bjp.2021.147 – via Cambridge University Press.
  21. ^ "From stigma to forgetfulness: The rights of people with psychosocial disabilities in the new Middle Ages of the Covid era - Mauro Giovanni Carta, Dinesh Bhugra, 2022". doi:10.1177/0020764020972429. PMID 33176528.
  22. ^ "Mauro Carta membro onorario dell'Accademia di medicina del Brasile". unica.it.
  23. ^ Padilha, Paula (October 6, 2021). "ANM - Academia Nacional de Medicina - Mauro Giovanni Carta".