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The Lnug (also spelled: L’nu, Lnu’k, or L’nug) are an Algonquin subgroup of indigenous people. Their traditional territory is in the east coast of what is currently most commonly identified as Canada. This traditional territory extends from the Gaspé region in eastern Québec in their west, to the Enmigtaqamu’g, or “Nova Scotian” peninsula in the Atlantic to the east. (4)



Lnug is an endonym meaning that it is the name the Lnug derived for themselves. It is their ancient designation and some have come to view it as sacred. The name Lnug is translated in their Lnuismk language as meaning (the people, our people, or first people). While “Mi’kmaq” is an exonym first placed on the Lnug by French investor Aubert de La Chesnaye. (6) This exonym was derived from a misinterpretation of the meaning of the Lnug’s common greeting towards the French. It had been customary for the Lnug to greet foreigners with their term for the word friend, or “Ni’kmaq” which evolved into the misarticulation of the term “Mi’kmaq”. Many of the Lnug have come to accept the term “Mi’kmaq” and thus self-identify as “Mi’kmaw”. These who have done so exist as a self-segregated branch of the original stock of Lnug for complex historical, & socio-political reasons.



The traditional language of the Lnug is “Lnuismk”. This language is effectively identical to the Mi’kmaq language of “Mi’kmawi’simk”. Despite this fact there is much debate over language pronunciation, and authenticated spelling in the eastern indigenous communities. This is a result of two primary factors. Firstly the Lnuismk language was never a homogeneous language to begin with, each distinct kmitkinu harboured a slightly different accent. Secondly the Lnug language has been extremely altered by exotic influences over eleven times since the arrival and ongoing influence of the Europeans in 1603. Though the official and traditional language of the Lnug is Lnuismk the dominantly spoken language of the Lnug people today is English, and or French. Reliable linguistic demographics have yet to be collected as a result of perpetual systemic racist practices. Lnuismk is an endangered language, however today there is a concerted effort by the PLNC to revitalize the language and bring it back into daily speech despite opposition. This goal is even further hampered by the reality that there is no standardized Latin script spelling of the Lnuismk language. Fortunately a comprehensive standard dictionary has been commissioned and will be created by the PLNC. The written Lnuismk language has a long history. Due to the French Catholic confiscation of Lnuismk hieroglyphs in the 16th and 1700’s(29) this history continues to fail to be clearly understood even by anthropologists today. Though considerable and respectable efforts have been made by the likes of Heather Stevens, of Millbrook First Nation and others to advocate for an Indigenous Canadian repatriation law in Bill C-391 ultimately the vassals have misplaced their faith in their suzerain. (11) Though the pope claims to support repatriation for political reasons the Vatican held Lnuismk hieroglyphs remain sequestered under foreign lock and key. Thus the primary indigenous script of North America remains a mystery to both its rightful inheritance and the whole of humanity. This significant portion of world history continues to be denied the global population by a single religious institution. (12) Despite this what we do know of the Lnuismk written script largely comes from Abbé Pierre Antoine Simon Maillard. Lnuismk is among the world’s oldest living languages and its hieroglyphs were in large part deciphered by Abbé Pierre Antoine Simon Maillard. It is often erroneously stated that Maillard created the Lnuismk script, which is not the case. On the contrary Maillard wrote dumbfounded at the notion of the similarities between Lnuismk hieroglyphics and Kemetic (aka. Egyptian) hieroglyphics. It was Maillard who first postulated that either the Kemetians (aka. Egyptians) had their origins in America, or that the Kemetians (aka. Egyptians) had supplanted their civilization to the Lnug.(13) Maillard did however translate Lnuismk into the Latin script, which due to the racist notions of the day constituted the “creation” of the Lnuismk language by the standards of the 1700s.



The traditional territory of the Lnug is currently referred to by the PLNC as L’num’tgi (or Lnug territory) however it has also been referred to as “Mi’kma’ki”, by the Mi’kmaq political faction, and by the Acadians as “Acadia”(this term is an exonym).(7) All this nomenclature refers to the same portion of land by these three separate political entities. Other terms for these lands either in whole or in part include: Gaspésia, Gmitginu, the Dawn-lands, the 7 Star Nation, Tarrantina, & Norumbega. Additional exonyms include the “Isle of Seven cities”, “Nouvelle-Écosse”, “Alba Nuadhfor”, “Nova Scotia”, “New Brunswick”, & “Prince Edward Island” etc. The country was traditionally partitioned into seven “kmitkinu”, which have largely lost their political significance since the European incursion. These kmitkinu are from west to east: Kespe’kewa, Siknikt, Kespukwitk, Kespek, Sipekni'katik, Piktuk, and Unama’ki. (8) The traditional northern limit of L’num’tgi extends from the “Island of Anticosti” to the southern boarder of New Brunswick. In the west it extends to the east coast of the Saint Lawrence and to the Atlantic Ocean on the eastern shore. The total land area of L’num’tgi not including the water is a comprehensive 169,080 km2. Depicted is the Canadian government’s identification of the indigenous owned lands of the Maritimes.(9)



The earliest historical relics found that identify Lnug culture with their land and cosmology are the petroglyphs. Most of these petroglyphs connect early Lnug culture with complex constellations. Through these early stone drawings Lnug narrated their stories and cosmological worldview. These decorative depictions symbols include: The “Naguset (Serpent-Sun Woman)”, The “Lnug alapit gtan”, and the “Eastern” or “8-point star”. (31) Though there are many signs and symbols of the Lnug people the 8-point star is by far the most enduring, definitive, and illuminating one. As the first people living on the east coast’s ocean Lnug life had been traditionally oriented towards the east and the rising sun. The sun and its light are synonymous with “hope” and the enthusiasm of each new day. Thus the sun had become the symbol of the “People of the Dawn”

Though some have attempted to place these Lnug petroglyphs within 200 years of the arrival of European incursion this claim is both unsubstantiated, and highly unlikely, as Lnug culture had far exceeded the Stone Age both in general sophistication, and specifically within the art mediums being used by that point in time. By this era circa 1400 A.D. the Lnug had invented birch bark paper, on which they wrote the elegant Algonquin hieroglyphic script, they produced a wide variety of elaborate industrial scale beadwork, including seashell produced wampum, and intricately wove porcupine quill, as well as wicker baskets with the aptitude of being able to carry water, among many other complex arts.(32) Prior to European incursion the precision of the Algonquin-Lnug calendar had made crustacean catching, fishing, agriculture, and traditional medicine down to a science. Metallurgy had long been practiced by the Lnug on the advent of European arrival. Though The Lnug were particularly partial towards copper. Access to the Lnug “Copper, Iron, Silver and Coalmines” was what facilitated the arms trade from the French.

The Great Schism


Arguably the most significant political action in Lnug history was the Baptism of KjiSaqmaw Maupeltuk on June 24th 1610.(30) This political decision began the process of French & thus English infiltration in to L’num’tgi. It permanently altered the spiritual and ideological direction of the Lnug, it set in motion the segregation of the Lnug into three distinct political factions, which led to the segregation of Lnug ethnicity into French loyal Acadians, KjiSaqmaw Maupeltuk loyal Mi’kmaq, and Traditionalists (Ktlamsitasuti) Lnug. These three factions have ever since used various tactics to undermine each other’s authority while losing ground to the English and French in the process. The French Canadian population advocated for the Acadian distinction cementing the French Canadian entitlement claim. While still subjected the Mi’kmaq operated as a modern day vassalage, and were recognized by Canada. Mi’kmaq’s Catholicism rendered them more manageable within the format of what was becoming the Canadian federal government, while unwilling to cooperate the Lnug would remain unseemly rebels in the eyes of Canada ostracized into conformity or written out of history.

Invasion and Assimilation


Whilst the Lnug have encountered multiple civilizations in their 13,000 years of existence there are only two waves of invasion that resulted in significant cultural assimilation. The first began in 1603 when the Alliance of Tadoussac, more commonly referred to as the “Grand Tabagie” had concluded.(2) This was between KjiSaqmaw Anadabijou of the Algonquin on behalf of the indigenous confederacy, and François Gravé du Pont on behalf of what was then called the Kingdom of France. After the alliance ceremony had concluded the French departed with two Algonquin who spent the winter in France learning the French language, however when the French returned in 1604, they would be introduced to KjiSaqmaw Maupeltuk of the Lnug. The Lnug would be introduced to Samuel De Champlain by their Algonquin progenitor-nation & western counterpart. The Algonquin KjiSaqmaw, KjiSaqmaw Anadabijou was held in the highest esteem on the continent and thus referred his new ally Samuel De Champlain to the coastal trade region, which was seen as both stable and secure being far from the western war front. With translation help from one of the Mathieu da Costas,(1) Champlain was sent among the Lnug to begin the trade in arms for resources namely “copper, iron, steel, brass, silver, and other minerals” (15). Saqmaw Messamoutuk (or Messamouet) was delegated the chore of giving Champlain tour of the whole of L’num’tgi and was introduced to the rest of the Wabanaki Saqmaq. Though the tour would begin with the Lnug’s proud copper mines. (14) Tempted by the quality of life and seeking to avoid the persecution that awaited them back in France soon many of the French Huguenots would seek refugee status among the Lnug rather than face religious persecution back in France. (16) The Lnug granted this on such a hearty scale that more Catholic French officials had to be sent to enforce the edict of Nantes 1598 which barred non-Catholic religious practice in the colonies. This and the famous declaration from Samuel de Champlain “Alors nos garçons se marieront à vos filles, & nous ne ferons plus qu’un seul peuple" which encouraged the lonely French men to take Lnug wives,(27) would begin the familial-conquest tactic known as Blanqueamiento(28) which had been so successful with the Portuguese & Spanish elsewhere. This is a conquest strategy that might be boiled down to the phrase, “make love not war”. This approach, which changed the race of the Mi’kmaq, and Acadians, also changed many of their loyalties, while those Lnug who would not mix would be met with British muskets. The first large scale conflict where the Lnug are interchangeably described as “Mi’kmaq”, “Blacks”, “Natives” and or “subjects” is across various authors describing the defenders of L’uipu’lk (or Louisbourg).



Negroization in Canada was the adoption of a wide variety of coercive policies, which incentivized Lnug and other dark skin indigenous people to identify with the exonym categories of “negro”, and “Black”. These terms were adopted by the Canadian government and used to identify assimilated-indigenous, as well as to exoticize, and disassociate them from their indigenous nationality and ethnicities. This period begins with the “Oct 1st 1749 Scalping Proclamation”.(21) The negroization period climaxes from the 1790’s to the 1830’s and ends with the full enfranchisement of indigenous people on July 1st 1960.(22) The coercive policies of negroization include, but are not limited to: • 1620-1883 Catholic Mission Schools system • Oct 1st 1749 Scalping Proclamation • Oct 7th 1763 Royal Proclamation creation of Indian Affairs • April 12th 1876 Indian Act • (Indian Act) Indigenous Political reform • (Indian Act) Anti-Matrilineal indigenous status policies • 1801 Reservation creation • June 10th, 1857 An Act to encourage the gradual Civilization of the Indian Tribes (Province) • 1859 An act respecting the civilization and enfranchisement of certain Indians was passed granting the Canadian federal right to vote by those willing to disregard their Indian status • June 22, 1869, the federal government had created the “Gradual Enfranchisement Act”, which established the elective band council system that remains in the Indian Act to this day. The Gradual Enfranchisement Act also granted the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs extreme control over status Indians. • July 1st 1883- June 22, 1967 Residential school system • January 1, 1885 - The anti-potlatch proclamation was issued in 1883. • July 22, 1895 Indian Act amendment prohibits the celebration of “any Indian festival, dance or other ceremony.” Powwows, the sun dance and ghost dance are banned under this amendment. • 1942 Centralization relocated at Eskasoni and Shubenacadie • The amended Indian act banned the Indigenous from entering bars until 1951 • Disenfranchisement until 1960 All served to disassociate from Indian (or Indigenous) status and thus be registered under the default “Negro” racial/ethnic status afforded them.



Echoed by surrounding civilizations like the Powhatan, and other Algonquin, with striking similarities to the Picts, and the Egyptians, the Lnug fashioned a naturally matrilineal society.(24) The traditional Lnug government structure had been a complex combination of socio-political elements, which evolved over the years to produce a system of political equilibrium unlike any commonly used today. The primary elements included a “matrilineal hereditary title” system, a clerical-clan Matriarchal mentorship called the “Kisigui’sgaq”, and finally election by the clerics. The Kisigui’sgaq are the group of high clan mothers. Each recognized as such from within their clan. They are the heads of the clan-family, clan-culture and magistrates of clan conduct. These women also carry the responsibility of honing, and mentoring the future Saqmaq who may come from one of the seven original families of the Lnug. Like one’s clan, hereditary title has been passed through matrilineage. This means that a future potential Saqmaw was the Saqmaw’s sister’s son rather than the Saqmaw’s own son. As the Kisigui’sgaq mentor the boys morally, socially and spiritually, they also assess their character and collectively form their opinion of who should be the future Saqmaw from the eligible sons of the seven families.(25) This process would apply both to the national level electing the KjiSaqmaw and the kmitkinu (or provincial) electing the Saqmaw. (26)



The primary design of the Lnug flag was done in 2023 by a Lnug artist who chose to remain anonymous. By 2024 it had been adapted by 2 other Lnug artist to include the eight-point star & the 13 moons at its base. The design is highly symbolic featuring 7 yellow arrows encircling, and pointing into a yellow sun. This reflects a traditional spiritual lore of the Lnug, which acknowledges the sacred 7. To Lnug traditionalists this is an immutable concept in traditional Lnug spirituality. Simply put secularists might equate the number 7 to a lucky or thematic number for the Lnug. One of their origin stories states that seven Lnug families descended from the Orion constellation to earth. Another traditional acknowledgement is to the 7 sacred directions, which include and point to East, West, South, up, down and inward. The sun depicted is a rising sun symbolic of the Lnug people who are among the people of the dawn, while the moons at the bottom are representative of the 13 phases of the moon.



{{1. Mathieu da Costa: https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/mathieu-da-costa

2. The Grand Tabagie: https://alainlavallee.com/alliance-franco-amerindienne-en-amerique-1603/

3. Lnuismk & Mi’kmaq meaning https://www.omniglot.com/writing/mikmaq.htm

4. Lnug people introduction www.Lnug.ca

5. Micmac etymology https://etymologyworld.com/item/micmac

6. First use of the term Mi’kmaq -Charles Aubert de La Chesnaye Robertson, Marion (2006). Red earth: tales of the Micmac with an introduction to the customs and beliefs of the Micmac (2 ed.). Halifax: Nimbus Publisher. p. 98.

7. Lnug territory https://www.lnug.ca/copy-of-page-4

8. Peace and Friendship treaty map https://sidait-atris.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/ATRIS_ONLINE/Content/DocumentContentViewer.aspx?id=9DB886375A834A508773B783D2B63793

9. Peace and Friendship Treaties https://www.canada.ca/en/crown-indigenous-relations-northern-affairs/news/2022/08/government-of-canada-and-four-quebec-based-first-nations-announce-new-inclusive-peace-and-friendship-treaties-map.html

10. Abbé Pierre Antoine Simon Maillard https://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/maillard_pierre_3E.html

11. Indigenous repatriation law (Bill C-391) https://openparliament.ca/bills/42-1/C-391/

12. Vatican Repatriation obfuscation https://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/article-vatican-indigenous-items-repatriation/

13. Lnuismk vs. Egyptian https://www.starmythworld.com/mathisencorollary/2011/07/case-of-micmac-hieroglyphs-powerful.html

14. Voyages of Samuel de Champlain By: Samuel de Champlain, (translated Charles Pomeroy Otis, Edmund Farwell Slafter) pg.40 2nd paragraph https://archive.org/details/voyagessamuelde01unkngoog/page/n62/mode/2up?q=Copper

15. Voyages of Samuel de Champlain By: Samuel de Champlain, (translated Charles Pomeroy Otis, Edmund Farwell Slafter) pg. 183 2nd paragraph https://archive.org/details/voyagessamuelde01unkngoog/page/n62/mode/2up?q=Copper

16. French Huguenot refuges https://museeprotestant.org/en/parcours/the-huguenot-refuges/

17. Photo of Lnug petroglyphs taken by Arthur and Olive Kelsall https://slideplayer.com/slide/13708831/

18. “Naguset (Serpent-Sun Woman)” https://www.queenscountymuseum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/mikmaq-petroglyph-sun-snake-woman.jpg

19. 8-point Star petroglyph https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Some-rock-art-imagery-is-re-imagined-by-contemporary-Algonquian-First-Nations-for_fig4_342478359

20. Negroization https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/negroize

21. First British Scalp Proclamation Page 4. Paragraph 5. https://novacadie.ca/images/documents/BRITISH_SCALP_PROCLAMATION_etcpdf.pdf

22. Indigenous Suffrage https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/indigenous-suffrage

23. Residential Schools https://indigenouspeoplesatlasofcanada.ca/article/history-of-residential-schools/

24. Matrilineal systems https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/38ece94189d140eab4b252d5b36b7529

25. Legends of the Micmac by Rand T. Silas (1894) https://archive.org/details/cihm_12305

26. Historical Presence of the Mi’kmaq https://honour100.ca/nl/the-rich-heritage-and-resilience-of-the-mikmaq-people-in-atlantic-canada/

27. History - Champlain, father of tolerant America (paragraph 7.) https://www.ledevoir.com/lire/219470/histoire-champlain-pere-de-l-amerique-tolerante

28. Blanqueamiento Definition https://www.britannica.com/topic/blanqueamiento

29. The Pope supports restitution of Indigenous items to Canada. So why haven't they come home? https://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/article-vatican-indigenous-items-repatriation/

30. The Story of Membertou’s Baptism - Unama'ki College By: Stephen Joseph Augustine (Time stamp 14m:14s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIIjSdR7N90

31. Protecting Mi’kmaq Petroglyphs in Bedford, Kejimkujik National Park https://kukukwes.com/2015/08/26/protecting-mikmaq-petroglyphs-in-bedford-kejimkujik-national-park/

32. Micmac Quillwork: Mi’kmaq Indigence Techniques of Porcupine Quill Decoration: 1600-1950 – Jan. 1 1982 by: Ruth Holmes Whitehead}}