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Draft:List of wars involving Pan-India

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List of wars involving Pan-India includes wars involving Pan-Indian political entities as well as major powers in the subcontinent, which covered majority land area of the India subcontinent during that particular time period.

There have been particular times where no Pan-Indian entity existed , during that time period ,the biggest political entity in terms of land area is chosen and power is chosen.

Ancient India


Nanda Empire

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome Leader of India
Overthrow of the Nanda Empire

(c. 323–321 BCE)

Nanda Empire Chandragupta Maurya Defeat Dhana Nanda

Mauryan Empire

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome Leader of India
Seleucid–Mauryan war

(c. 305 BCE–303 BCE)

Mauryan Empire Seleucid Empire Victory
  • Maurya annexation of all of the Macedonian Satrapies in the Indus River Valley along with conquest of Persian territories such as Arachosia, Gedrosia and Paropamisadae by the Mauryans
Chandragupta Maurya
Kalinga War

(c. 262 BCE–261 BCE

Mauryan Empire Kalinga Victory
  • Maurya annexation of Kalinga


Shunga Empire

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome Leader of India
Shunga-Greek War

(2nd Century BCE)

Shunga Empire Greco-Bactrian Kingdom Victory Pushyamitra Shunga
Shunga-Vidarbha War Shunga Empire Vidarbha Kingdom

(Mauryan Era)

Shunga-Yavana War Shunga Empire Indo-Greek Kingdom Victory

Classical India


Satvahana Empire

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome Leader of India
Saka-Satavahana Wars (c. 1st–2nd century CE) Satavahana Empire Western Kshatrapas Victory

Gupta Empire

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome Leader of India
Gupta conquests of Bengal

(between c. 320–380 CE)

Gupta Empire Bengal
  • Pushkarana
  • Vanga confederacy
  • Local Vanga states and kingdoms
Gupta–Saka Wars Gupta Empire Western Satraps Victory
Gupta-Huns wars Gupta Empire Alchon Huns Victory

Early Medieval India (c. 7th to 12th century CE)


Indian Confederacies (Invasions)

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome Leader of India
Umayyad campaigns in India

(712–740 CE)

Indian Confederacy Umayyad Caliphate Victory
  • Arab and later Muslim invasions halted in India for next 250 years.
Ghaznavid campaigns in India

(10th and 11th centuries)

Indian Confederacy Ghaznavids Defeat
  • Beginning of Muslim rule in the Indian Subcontinent.

Chola Empire

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome Leader of India
Chalukya–Chola wars

(992–1120 CE)

Chola Empire Western Chalukya Empire Victory
Chola conquest of Anuradhapura

(993–1017 CE)

Chola Empire Srivijaya Victory
  • Anuradhapura destroyed by the Chola forces.
  • Plundering of Anuradhapura and the island's treasures
Chola expedition to North India

(1019–1024 CE)

Chola Empire North Indian States Victory
Chola invasion of Srivijaya

(1025 CE)

Chola Empire Srivijaya Victory
Chola invasion of Kadaram

(1068 CE)

Chola Empire Srivijaya Victory
  • Much of Malay Peninsula sacked and conquered by the Cholas
  • Cholas continued their expedition deeper into the Srivijaya territories
  • Start of the new expansion of Indian cultural sphere into South east asia. {Malaysia]

Late Medieval India (c. 13th to 15th century CE)


Delhi Sultanate

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome Leader of India
Delhi-Ganga wars Hindustani Sultanate Ganga Kingdom Defeat
Mongol Invasions of India (1221-1327) Hindustani Sultanate Chagatai Khanate Victory
  • Mongol forces expelled from India
Delhi-Rajput wars (1301-1336) Hindustani Sultanate Rajputs Defeat
Delhi conquest of Gujarat (1298-1304) Hindustani Sultanate Kingdom of Gujarat Victory
Delhi conquest of Malwa (1305) Hindustani Sultanate Paramara dynasty Victory
Delhi conquest of Devagiri (1296-1308) Hindustani Sultanate Seuna dynasty Victory
Delhi-Kakatiya wars Hindustani Sultanate Kakatiya Empire Victory
First Delhi-Bengal war(1353) Hindustani Sultanate Bengal Sultanate Victory
  • Complete sack and occupation of Bengal capital Pandua by the Delhi army in the first invasion.
Second Delhi-Bengal war(1359) Hindustani Sultanate Bengal Sultanate Defeat
  • Delhi withdrawal and Delhi recognises sovereignty of the Sultan of Bengal in the 2nd invasion.
Timur Invasion of India (1398) Hindustani Sultanate Timurid Empire Defeat

Early Modern India (c. 16th to mid 19th century CE)


Delhi Sultanate (Lodi Dyasnty)

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome Leader of India
Later Rajput-Delhi wars Hindustani Sultanate Rajput Confedracy Defeat
  • Northeast Rajputana annexed by Rana Sanga
  • Rana Sanga conquer most of Malwa region
  • The boundaries of Rana Sanga's military influence came to extend within striking distance of Agra.
  • Chanderi bestowed to Medini Rai.

Hindustani Empire (Mughal Empire) [Pre-Suri era]

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome Leader of India
First Mughal-Rajput wars Hindustani Empire Rajput Confedracy Victory
  • First Battle : Rajput Victory
  • Second Battle : Mughal Victory
  • Mughal rule established in North India by Babur and Agra became centre of their power from Kabul.
Early Mughal-Portugese wars (1535-1573) Hindustani Empire Portugese Empire Inconclusive

Sur Empire

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome
Mughal-Sur war Sur Empire Hindustani Empire Defeat
  • First Battle : Victory
  • Second Battle : Defeat
  • Re-Establishment of Mughal Empire By Humayun.

Hindustani Empire (Mughal Empire) [After-Suri Era]

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome
Hemu-Mughal war Hindustani Empire Hemu Vikramaditya Victory
Second Mughal-Rajput wars Hindustani Empire Rajputs Victory
  • The Mughal Empire swept into the territories of Udai Singh II
  • Rajput leader Rai Surjan Hada surrenders Ranthambore Fort

The League of the Indies [Pan-Asian Alliance]

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome
War of the League of the Indies

(1570 – 1574)

Pan-Asian Alliance Portugese Empire Defeat

Hindustani Empire (Mughal Empire)

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome
Mughal invasion of Bengal


Hindustani Empire Sultanate of Bengal Victory
Second Mughal-Portugese wars Hindustani Empire Portugese Empire Defeat
Third Mughal-Rajput wars

Hindustani Empire Rajputs Defeat
  • Result of war led to the automatic liquidation of all 36 Mughal military outposts in Mewar.
Fourth Mughal-Rajput wars Hindustani Empire Rajputs Victory
Third Mughal-Portugese war (1613-1615) Hindustani Empire

East India Company

Portugese Empire Victory
  • After two years, the Portuguese Viceroy of India Dom Jerónimo de Azevedo compensated the Mughals and reestablished bilateral relations.
First Mughal-Ahom conflict Hindustani Empire Assamese Kingdom Defeat
  • The maiden attempt of the Mughals upon Assam ended in a disastrous failure. They suffered a colossal loss in men and money besides military prestige.
First Mughal-Sikh war Hindustani Empire Sikhs
Fourth Mughal-Portugese war (1638-1639) Hindustani Empire Portugese Empire
Second Mughal-Ahom conflict (1639-1648) Hindustani Empire Assamese Kingdom Defeat
  • Ahoms devastated the territory near Dacca and carried off to Assam a large number of Mughal subjects as captives.
Danish-Mughal War


Hindustani Empire Denmark-Norway Stalemate
  • Danish initial victory at sea, but it's demands were never accomplished by Mughals.
Mughal–Safavid war (1649–53)


Hindustani Empire Safavid Persia Defeat
  • Safavid/Persian re-annexation of Kandahar
Mughal conquest of Chittagong


Hindustani Empire Kingdom of Arakan

(Burma Arakan)

  • Mughal annexation of southeastern Bengal
Rajput War (1679–1707)


Hindustani Empire Rajputs Defeat
Tibet-Ladakh-Mughal War


Hindustani Empire

Ladakh Kingdom

Tibet Treaty
Deccan Wars


Hindustani Empire Hindavi Kingdom

(Maratha Kingdom)

Mughal-Bijapur Wars Hindustani Empire Bijapur Sultanate Victory
  • Mughal annexation of Bijapur.
Anglo-Mughal War


Hindustani Empire East India Company


  • British conclusion of peace with the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in 1689
Mughal-Golcanda Wars Hindustani Empire Golconda Sultanate Victory
  • Mughal annexation of Golconda.
Fifth Mughal–Portuguese War


Hindustani Empire Portugese Empire Status quo ante bellum[1].
Second Rajput War (1708-1710) Hindustani Empire Rajputs Defeat
  • Mughal emperor sued for peace.[1][2]
  • Restoration of the Rajput holdings which had been annexed by the previous Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.[1][2]

Hindavi Empire (Maratha Empire)

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome
Maratha–Portuguese War


Hindavi Empire Portugese Empire Inconclusive
  • Peace of Bassein
Novas Conquistas (1729–1789) Hindavi Empire

Mysore Kingdom

Portugese Empire Defeat[1][1]
Later Maratha-Mughal Wars Hindavi Empire Hindustani Empire
  • Carnatic Kingdom
Expeditions in Bengal


Hindavi Empire Bengal Nawab Victory
Second Carnatic War


Hindavi Empire

Kingdom of Great Britain

Nawab of Arcot (Wallajah)

Hyderabad State (Nasir Jung)

Hindustani Empire[1] Treaty
Afghan-Maratha War


Hindavi Empire

Sikh Confederacy

Afghan Empire Defeat

Hindavi Confederacy (Maratha Confederacy)

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Outcome
First Anglo-Mysore War


Hindavi Confederacy
First Anglo-Maratha War


Second Anglo-Mysore War


Maratha-Mysore War


Third Anglo-Mysore War


Fourth Anglo-Mysore War


Second Anglo-Maratha War


Third Anglo-Maratha War


Kingdom of Punjab (Sikh Kingdom)

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Conflict
First Anglo-Sikh War


Second Anglo-Sikh War


First War of Indian Independence (1857-58)

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Conflict
First War of Indian Independence (1857-58)
  • Indian Rebellion of 1857-58
  • Indian Sepoy Mutiny of 1857-58)
Hindustani Empire

Modern India (c. 1850s to 1947 CE)


British Indian Empire (British Raj)

Conflict India & Allies Opponent(s) Conflict
Second Opium War


Ambela Campaign


Bhutan War


British Expedition to Abyssinia


Second Anglo-Afghan War


Mahdist War


Anglo-Egyptian War


Third Anglo-Burmese War


Third Black Mountain Expedition


Sikkim Expedition


Hunza-Nagar Campaign


Chitral Expedition


Anglo-Zanzibar War


Tochi Expedition


First Mohmand Campaign


Tirah Campaign


Boxer Rebellion


Second Boer War


British expedition to Tibet


Bambatha Rebellion


Bazar Valley Campaign


World War I


Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War


Turkish War of Independence


Third Anglo-Afghan War


First Waziristan Campaign


Kuwait–Najd War


Iraqi revolt


Malabar rebellion


Pink's War


Second Mohmand Campaign


Second Waziristan Campaign


World War II


Western Desert Campaign


East African Campaign


Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran


Indonesian National Revolution


War in Vietnam (Operation Masterdom)
