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Draft:Landshut Landsknecht

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Landshut Landsknecht
IndustryMercenary Company
FoundersCaptain Von Frunsburg
HeadquartersGalatea System, Galatea IV, Isle of Skye, Federated Commonwealth

The Landshut Landsknecht are a custom Mercenary Company set in the fictional space opera world of BattleTech. Led by Captain Von Frunsburg, The Landshut Landsknecht hold onto their ties to Terra and model themselves off the Mercenary Landsknecht of the old world. The Landsknecht often paint their mechs in bright, and often flamboyant colors in an homage to their namesake. The employ the combined arms Touman, often overlooked by other major factions and mercenary companies.


The Landshut Landsknecht were founded in 3036 on the Federated Commonwealth Planet of Galatea, a well known mercenary hiring hub. After hearing of the success of Grayson Carlisle on Trellwan, Von Frunsburg decided that he would try his hand in command of a Mercenary Company. After being snubbed out of the larger contracts between 3036 and 3039, the Landshut Landsknecht were on the verge of financial ruin, only able to land the scraps that other Companies turned down. The Landsknecht's finally got their break in 3039 after the abdication of Katrina Steiner. With Katrina Steiner's abdication, and the accession of Melissa Steiner-Davion, the war of 3039 begins.

War of 3039[edit]

In 3039, the Federated Commonwealth invaded the Draconis Combine, hoping to build on the earlier success, and victory against the Capellan Confederation. The Landshut Landsknecht were signed and contracted out to the soon to be created Federated Commonwealth Armed Forces. In 3041, the Federated Commonwealth Armed Forces had finished training. The Landshut Landsknecht were sent to the Free Rasalhague Republic, a neutral state, to raid into Draconis Combine territory. Inspiring widespread fear in the Combine's civilian population as the mercenaries struck numerous worlds on the most direct paths to important targets such as Pesht and Buckminster, on the surface the raids did succeed in prompting a redeployment of Combine troops to better protect Alshain and Pesht, but in many cases the DCMS merely transferred less seasoned troops into the region as more proficient ones were moved to help repulse the Allies invasion thrusts. The raids also damaged relations between the newborn Free Rasalhague Republic and the Lyran Commonwealth, the Republic Riksdag and the Elected Prince lodging diplomatic protests regarding the Lyrans' violation of their neutrality.[1]

Post War of 3039[edit]

Though the war of 3039 stalled out after a year of conflict, ending in peace talks being held, the Landshut Landknecht's gained fame and fortune after successfully pulling off raids against the Draconis Combine. By 3040, the Landsknecht, and their captain, Von Frunsberg were able to get their choice of contracts on Galatea. After serving a variety of different contracts, the Landsknecht in 3048 opted to sign a 5 year garrison contract on the planet Luthien.

Clan Invasion 3049 - 3052[edit]

  1. ^ "War of 3039".