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Draft:John McDillan

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John McDillan (Naples, date of birth unknown) is an anonymous italian writer, mainly known for having founded the italian literary movement "Bizzarrismo" in 2015.

He is the author of the "Trilogy of +1".



Born in Italy (in a town near Naples) the author debuts with his pseudonym on Wattpad, and then self-published on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

Regarding his pseudonym, in a radio interview with the roman broadcaster "Radio Godot", the author stated that it was chosen to be a tribute paid to his father, who had invented "John McDillan" as a fictional character for his bedtime stories.

Writing style


His literary works have a bizarre style, bordering on nonsense, but which always leave a moral.

The author likes to use puns with the Italian language: acrostics, anagrams, riddles and palindrome words. He writes poetry, haiku, aphorisms and nonsense novels.

The principle of the literary current that supports (the Bizzarrismo) is the following: "The greatest nonsense for nonsense is to make sense ..."

"Trilogy of +1" and Minor Works


Literary Works Published on Kindle Direct Publishing


Literary Works on Wattpad




Interview on Repubblica: https://scuola.repubblica.it/campania-napoli-lscaivano/2016/05/30/bizzarrismo/

Interview on iCrew Libri: https://libri.icrewplay.com/self-publishing-due-parole-con-john-mcdillan/

Interview on LibriNews.it: https://www.librinews.it/autori/17-novelle-bizzarre-1-libro-intervista-john-mcdillan/

Review on Bookrider.it: https://bookrider.it/trilogia-del-bizzarrismo-john-mcdillan/

Review on Modulazioni Temporali: https://www.modulazionitemporali.it/17-novelle-bizzarre-1-di-john-mcdillan/

Author page on Comodeeno: https://www.comodeeno.it/john-mcdillan/

Radio interview with "Radio Godot" by Massimiliano Bianconcini "DJ BIANCO": https://www.johnmcdillan.it/radio-web-tv

Review "17 Novelle Bizzarre +1" on YouTube by Martina Asero - Ima AndtheBooks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbGdWGYAb5o&t=2132s