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Draft:Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos

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In Mathematics and Physics, Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos refers to a random measure obtained by the exponentiation of a log-correlated Gaussian field. Gaussian multiplicative chaos can be seen as a generalisation of Multiplicative cascade.

The most famous example is the so-called Liouville Quantum Gravity which can be understood by the limit of the exponential of a -dimensional Gaussian free field in a bounded domain .

Assume that is a random variable taking values within distributions on . We say that such field is log-correlated if for any functions (smooth functions with compact support), we have that where

for some positive constant and is a bounded function. Due to the fact that


we have that cannot be considered a function. Therefore, it is useful to define a regularisation of , say, via mollification. That is, let , define We define its regularisation as .

We then define the -Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos of as the limit (as a measure) of the approximation


The necessity of the term is to

