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Non-road diesel fuel (GNR) is a diesel engine fuel used in France for non-road mobile machinery, in particular in the agricultural, forestry, river or public works sectors. It has a red colour and special taxation in order to encourage its use; private vehicles are prohibited from travelling to GNR or domestic fuel oil, on pain of a conviction for tax fraud.

Authorized in France from 1 erJanuary 2011, non-road diesel fuel shall become compulsory for all non-road mobile machinery: in public works from 1 erMay 2011, and for agricultural and forestry tractors from 1 erNovember 2011. It replaces, for these machines, heating oil (FOD), which did not comply with the European Directive 2009/30/EC, which had a very low sulphur content

Compliance with standards


In order to be sold as non-road diesel fuel (GNR), French legislation requires diesel gazolefuel to comply with the minimum requirements of standard (NF) EN 590 (en)or any other standard guaranteeing an equivalent level of quality.

Freight resistance of gas oils


In France, a winter gas oil is delivered from 1 November to 31 March, standardized at 15 degrees Celsius, and a diesel fuel summer from 1 erApril to 31 October, standardized at 0 degrees Celsius.

Additives can improve the cold performance of diesel fuels (geazole, GNR, fuel oil). However, a precise procedure for use must be followed:

  • always add-ectory before being at 0 0oC and protect the equipment exposed to colder temperatures;
  • do not add-ashed a frozen fuel and store the additives in a room at least 0 0oC.

Anti-froggers act on the crystallization of the paraffins by delaying it but in no case can thaw a frozen fuel that must be reheated (not to use a flame) before adding the additive. It is recommended to preferentially use state-of-the-art additives, in particular plants, and not to use petrol in common rail engines. Attention to the concept of "vegetal" does not imply the absence of danger to human health. A recommendation by the Ministry of Labour encourages employers to introduce this green substitution.

Storage of non-road diesel fuel


The non-road gas oil contains a maximum of 7% fatty acid methyl esters (EMAG), which causes storage difficulties. These biofuels tend to have detergent properties, in particular on storage tanks, or lead to motor/filter problems. Condensation water also plays a role in allowing the development of bacteria in tanks, so maintaining the tanks is important.



Non-road diesel fuel oil was subject to tax relief on the ICTPE until 2020 (18.82 c/L instead of 59.4 c/L), which reduced the cost of diesel almost half. The Finance Act for 2020 provided for the abolition of this tax advantage in three stages: July 2020, January 2021 and January 2022. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the government decided to postpone the abolition once on 1 erJuly 2021, but was again postponed to 1 January 2023. Companies in the sector are protesting because there is often no alternative to thermal engines for large construction machinery; the additional cost of EUR 870 million in year will be passed on to customers, who are essentially public: the state and, above all, local authorities.


  • On archiveLegifrance (accessed 10 December 2023).
  •  [archive]sur developpement-durable.gouv.fr, 21 December 2010 (accessed on 26 May 2011).
  • On archiveLegifrance (accessed 10 December 2023).
  • online [archive) at agriconomie.com.
  • - GNR - Non-Routier Gate [archive), National Federation of Public Works, 19 June 2020.
  • - Non-road diesel: the removal of the tax advantage questioned archive[archived), Actu Environnement, 26 May 2021.
  1. “Terral diesel fuel taxation: new suspension for public works”,  [archive]Les Echos, 18 June 2020.
  • Gaseal gasooxide - Oxygenated gassy
  • Fossil energy portal
  • Chemistry portal
  • Building and public works portal
  • Energy portal


  • Petroleum product
  • Fuel