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Draft:Forced diffusion

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Forced diffusion refers to the movement of particles, ions, or molecules through a medium, driven by external forces rather than concentration gradients. This phenomenon differs from ordinary diffusion, which occurs due to natural concentration gradients, by employing external factors such as electric, magnetic, or gravitational fields to induce mass transfer. Forced diffusion is commonly observed in systems involving charged particles or magnetized species, such as electrolytes or ionized gases.



In forced diffusion, external fields apply a force on particles, pushing them through a medium. The key principles are:

Driving forces


The diffusion process is driven by an external force rather than a concentration gradient, unlike ordinary diffusion.

Transport Equation


The flux of particles J due to forced diffusion can be described by an adaptation of Fick’s First Law, incorporating external forces:


  • D is the diffusion coefficient,
  • is the concentration gradient,
  • is the mobility of the particles,
  • is the external force applied to the particles (e.g., electric or magnetic forces),
  • C is the particle concentration.

This equation represents the combined effect of diffusion due to concentration gradients and forced diffusion due to external fields.

Basic diffusion equation (Fick’s Laws)


The classical diffusion process is modeled using Fick’s First Law, which relates the particle flux J (amount of substance moving through a unit area per unit time) to the concentration gradient:


  • D is the diffusion coefficient (a measure of how fast particles diffuse),
  • C is the concentration of particles,
  • is the spatial gradient of concentration.

This describes ordinary diffusion, where particles move from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration.

Drift velocity


The drift velocity.[1] of particles under the influence of an external force is proportional to the applied force:

where is the particle mobility and is the force.

Modified Nernst-Planck Equation (for charged species)


For charged particles in an electrolyte, the Nernst-Planck equation accounts for the influence of electric fields on diffusion:


  • z is the valence of the ion,
  • is the electric mobility of the ion,
  • is the electric field.

All other symbols follow earlier definitions.

Solving the equation


The forced diffusion equation is often solved using numerical methods due to its complexity. Analytical solutions may exist for simple systems with specific boundary conditions, but in most cases, numerical techniques like finite element analysis (FEA) or finite difference methods (FDM) are used to approximate solutions.

In practice, these methods discretize the system into small elements or time steps, and the equations are solved iteratively to track how particle concentrations evolve under the influence of both diffusion and external forces.

Considerations in modeling

  • External force type: The nature of the external force (electric, magnetic, or gravitational) determines how the particles are influenced and what form the transport equation takes.
  • Boundary conditions: The system's boundary conditions (e.g., fixed particle concentrations or insulated boundaries) play a crucial role in determining the solution of the forced diffusion equation.
  • Nonlinearities: In some cases, forced diffusion can introduce nonlinear behaviors, especially if the external forces vary spatially or temporally. These require more advanced numerical techniques to solve.
  • Multiphysics coupling: In some systems, forced diffusion interacts with other physical processes, such as heat transfer or fluid flow, requiring multiphysics modeling frameworks to capture the full system dynamics.



Electrophoretic diffusion


In electrophoresis, an electric field drives charged particles (e.g., ions, colloids) through a medium[2]. The velocity of migration under the electric field is:


  • q is the charge of the particle,
  • E is the electric field strength,
  • is the friction coefficient of the particle in the medium.

Magnetic diffusion


Magnetically responsive particles experience a force when subjected to a magnetic field. The equation for the force on a particle with magnetic moment m in a magnetic field B is:

Gravitational diffusion


In large-scale systems, the gravitational force acting on particles due to their mass m is given by:

where g is the acceleration due to gravity. This is particularly relevant for sedimentation processes where particles of different sizes are separated under gravity.


  • Electrolytic Cells: In electrochemical systems, forced diffusion is harnessed to move ions between electrodes under the influence of an electric field. This is a key mechanism in processes like electrolysis and battery operation.
  • Membrane Separation: Forced diffusion is used in filtration and separation technologies where charged or magnetized particles are selectively transported across membranes using external forces.
  • Biomedical Engineering: Forced diffusion is applied in drug delivery systems, where magnetic fields guide magnetically tagged drugs to specific locations within the body, enhancing targeted therapy[3]
  • Environmental Engineering: In wastewater treatment, forced diffusion processes assist in separating contaminants by applying electric or magnetic fields to induce the movement of charged or magnetic pollutants.

Mathematical Modeling of Forced Diffusion


To model forced diffusion in complex systems, the general transport equation is adapted to include terms representing the external forces. For example, in the presence of an electric field E, a modified diffusion equation may be written as:

This partial differential equation describes the time evolution of the concentration C under the influence of both diffusion and electric forces. Numerical techniques like finite element analysis (FEA) are often employed to solve this equation in dynamic systems.

Example: Forced Diffusion in Electrolytic Cells


In an electrolytic cell, ions move under the influence of an electric field, governed by the Nernst-Planck equation. If E is constant and the concentration gradients are small, the solution to the equation predicts the steady-state distribution of ions between the electrodes[4]. This modeling helps design batteries, electroplating processes, and fuel cells.

Comparison to Ordinary Diffusion


While ordinary diffusion is driven solely by concentration gradients, forced diffusion is a hybrid mechanism where both concentration differences and external forces drive the process. The key differences include:

  • Driving Mechanism: Ordinary diffusion relies on molecular collisions and random motion, whereas forced diffusion relies on an applied force to direct particle movement.
  • Control: In forced diffusion, external forces provide greater control over the rate and direction of particle movement, unlike ordinary diffusion, which is slower and less controllable.


  1. ^ Koza, Zbigniew (September 15, 2000). "Diffusion coefficient and drift velocity in periodic media". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 285 (1): 176–186. doi:10.1016/S0378-4371(00)00280-6 – via ScienceDirect.
  2. ^ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349579852315/pdf?md5=12f1feaa13fbeaba06c1e7c7f7e7f3f6&pid=1-s2.0-S0006349579852315-main.pdf
  3. ^ Rarokar, Nilesh; Yadav, Sakshi; Saoji, Suprit; Bramhe, Pratiksha; Agade, Rishabh; Gurav, Shailendra; Khedekar, Pramod; Subramaniyan, Vetriselvan; Wong, Ling Shing; Kumarasamy, Vinoth (June 1, 2024). "Magnetic nanosystem a tool for targeted delivery and diagnostic application: Current challenges and recent advancement". International Journal of Pharmaceutics: X. 7: 100231. doi:10.1016/j.ijpx.2024.100231 – via ScienceDirect.
  4. ^ Ribeiro, M. C.; Rego, L. G. C.; D’Ajello, P. C. T. (April 1, 2009). "Diffusion, reaction and forced convection in electrochemical cells". Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 628 (1): 21–26. doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2008.12.018 – via ScienceDirect.