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A female spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) , the original species in which the female masculinization hypothesis was studied and proposed.

The female masculinization hypothesis (FMH) is a theory about the effects of prenatal exposure to androgens. The hypothesis was first proposed in the context of research on spotted hyenas, where females exhibit male-like characteristics, including a pseudopenis and elevated aggression. Early work by Stephan Glickman and Laurence Frank in the 1980s and 1990s documented that high levels of prenatal androgens influenced the development of these traits in hyenas, providing a foundation for the hypothesis. Glickman and later researchers suggested that prenatal androgen exposure resulted in masculinized behavioral, morphological, or physiological traits in female mammals.

Subsequent studies have expanded the hypothesis to other species, such as meerkats (Suricata suricatta) and banded mongooses (Mungos mungo), where dominant females often display increased aggression and other masculinized traits linked to reproductive competition.

The theory has faced criticisms. Some researchers questioned whether environmental factors, such as social stress or ecological pressures, could explain the observed traits without prenatal androgen exposure.[1] Others have debated whether masculinized traits always conferred adaptive advantages or represented evolutionary trade-offs.[2] Subsequent studies addressing these critiques refined the hypothesis, emphasizing the complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences on development.[3] Despite this, the FMH has become a cornerstone for understanding the evolution of sexual dimorphism and the adaptive roles of hormonal mechanisms in shaping mammalian behavior. Reviews and interdisciplinary collaborations, including work by Kay Holekamp, Christine Drea, and others, have extended its relevance to broader questions in evolutionary ecology and conservation biology.[4][5]



The female masculinization hypothesis emerged from decades of research on mammalian development, social behavior, and endocrinology, with its origins from studies of the spotted hyena. Early naturalists and behavioral ecologists noted unusual characteristics of female spotted hyenas, particularly male-like dominance, aggressive behavior, and the presence of a pseudopenis—an enlarged, erectile clitoris that closely resembles the male penis. These traits challenged traditional understandings of sexual dimorphism within the zoological community and raised questions about the developmental processes underlying them.[6]

Initial studies in the mid-20th century documented the social and reproductive traits of spotted hyenas. Fieldwork by Dutch zoologist Hans Kruuk [ca] in the 1970s provided detailed accounts of their matriarchal social structure, where females dominated males in both size and behavior. The physiological mechanisms driving these traits remained poorly understood until advances in endocrinology provided new tools for investigation.[7][8]

Glickman, Frank, and their team at the University of California, Berkeley were among the first to systematically investigate the role of prenatal androgens in the development of masculinized traits in female spotted hyenas.[9] Their research in the 1980s and 1990s demonstrated that high levels of androgens produced by the mother during pregnancy were linked to the development of both the pseudopenis and aggressive behaviors in female offspring.[10][11]

A female meerkat, a species with dominant females in cooperative breeding systems. Females exhibit elevated aggression and androgen-linked traits.

Studies by Glickman revealed that androgen exposure in utero was critical for the formation of masculinized genitalia, while additional research explored the organizational effects of these hormones on behavior.[citation needed] Their[whose?] experiments showed that manipulating androgen levels during gestation could alter the degree of masculinization in both morphology and social interactions. This work provided the foundation for the formal articulation of the female masculinization hypothesis.[12][13]

Following its development in the context of spotted hyenas, the hypothesis was expanded to explain similar traits observed in other mammals. Research by Tim Clutton-Brock and colleagues on meerkats highlighted how dominant females in cooperative breeding systems exhibited elevated aggression and androgen-linked traits, such as increased body size and reproductive control.[14] Parallel studies on banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) and other species demonstrated that masculinized traits in females often correlated with intense intrasexual competition or high social dominance, suggesting a broader applicability of the hypothesis.[15][16]

The female masculinization hypothesis gained traction as it aligned with emerging frameworks in behavioral endocrinology, particularly the organizational-activational hypothesis.[17] This model describes how hormones shape behavior and physiology during critical developmental windows. It provided a theoretical backbone for understanding the lasting effects of prenatal androgen exposure. Advances in molecular biology techniques, such as hormone assays and gene expression analyses, further validated and refined the hypothesis.[18][19]



These mechanisms of prenatal androgens, which include hormones such as testosterone, influence the development of male-associated traits in females. These involve hormonal, genetic, and epigenetic factors, shaping both morphology and behavior through distinct developmental processes.

Role of prenatal androgens


Prenatal androgens play a central role in the masculinization of tissues and behaviors. During critical periods of fetal development, elevated androgen levels influence the differentiation of reproductive organs, neural structures, and behavioral tendencies.[18] In spotted hyenas, high androgen concentrations in pregnant females contribute to the formation of a pseudopenis and male-like social dominance in female offspring.[12][13]

The effects of androgens are commonly categorized as:

  • Organizational effects: Permanent changes established during early development, such as the masculinization of genitalia and brain structures.[20]
  • Activational effects: Temporary changes triggered later in life, often during puberty, that amplify pre-established traits, such as aggression and dominance behaviors.[21]

Morphological masculinization


Prenatal androgen exposure can result in the development of male-typical anatomical features in females:

  • In spotted hyenas, the fusion of the labia and elongation of the clitoris to form a pseudopenis are direct consequences of androgenic effects on the urogenital sinus.[12]
  • Similar masculinized genital traits have been documented in other mammals, such as certain rodent and carnivore species, though the extent and visibility of these traits vary across taxa.[22]

Behavioral masculinization


Masculinized behaviors, including increased aggression, dominance, and territoriality, are also linked to prenatal androgen exposure. Neural pathways that regulate these behaviors are shaped by androgenic effects during development:

  • In meerkats, dominant females with elevated androgen levels exhibit aggressive behaviors typically associated with males, aiding in maintaining their social hierarchy.[23]
  • Similar effects have been observed in banded mongooses and other cooperative breeders where reproductive competition is intense.[24]

Genetic and epigenetic influences

  • Genetic pathways: Androgen receptors mediate the effects of hormones on target tissues. Variations in receptor density and sensitivity influence how masculinized traits manifest.[25]
  • Epigenetic modifications: Environmental and maternal conditions can modulate the hormonal milieu during development, influencing gene expression and shaping phenotypic outcomes.[26]

Comparative insights


Although the specific effects of androgens vary across species, the underlying principles of prenatal hormonal influence remain consistent. Differences in the timing, intensity, and duration of androgen exposure account for the diversity of masculinized traits observed among mammals.

Cross-species evidence


The female masculinization hypothesis has been explored across various species, providing evidence for how such masculinization can manifest in different ways.[27]

A Norway rat. Females with higher prenatal testosterone may show reduced maternal care and increased territoriality.



In rodent species, particularly laboratory mice and rats, androgen exposure during prenatal and postnatal development has been shown to alter sexual differentiation. Females exposed to elevated levels of testosterone during gestation or immediately after birth often display masculinized behaviors, including increased aggression, exploration, and mounting behavior typically associated with males.[28][29] These behaviors are commonly studied in rodent models that have been manipulated genetically or hormonally to study sex differences. For instance, studies on house mice (Mus musculus) and Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) have demonstrated that females with higher prenatal testosterone levels may show reduced maternal care and increased territoriality, behaviors typically more common in males.[30][31][32][33]

A female rhesus macaque. Females with higher levels of testosterone during the prenatal period exhibit more dominant behaviors (higher social ranking and increased aggression).



In primates, particularly non-human primates such as rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus), evidence for the female masculinization hypothesis comes from observations of behaviors and morphological traits that resemble male counterparts in females with elevated androgen exposure.[34] Female rhesus macaques with higher levels of testosterone during the prenatal period exhibit more dominant behaviors, such as higher social ranking and increased aggression compared to their female counterparts with normal testosterone levels.[35][36] In some primate species, females may develop more male-like physical traits, including increased size or altered secondary sexual characteristics, which can be linked to hormonal imbalances during development.[37][38]

A ewe (female sheep). Exposure of high levels of testosterone during fetal development can lead ewes to mount other females and display other male-associated traits.



Among ungulate species such as sheep and cattle, female masculinization has also been observed under the influence of hormones. Female sheep (Ovis aries) that were exposed to high levels of testosterone during fetal development often exhibit masculine behaviors, including mounting other ewes and engaging in male-like sexual behaviors.[39] This phenomenon is thought to be due to maternal stress or hormonal fluctuations that alter the hormonal environment of the developing fetus.[40][41] Similarly, in cattle (Bos taurus), females with abnormal androgen levels often show signs of masculinization in terms of both behavior and morphology, such as increased body size and altered reproductive anatomy.[42][43]

A female wolf. In many canine species such as this, elevated exposure to androgens can increase aggression and territorial marking in females.



In carnivorous mammals, such as domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and wild species like wolves (Canis lupus), female masculinization has been documented in certain breeds or populations that exhibit elevated androgen exposure, which can result in increased male-typical behaviors such as territorial marking and aggression.[44] Studies in these species have shown that such masculinization is not solely a result of genetic differences but can also be influenced by environmental factors, such as exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals.[45][27]

A Little brown bat. In populations with high levels of androgen exposure, females may show male-typical vocalizations and behaviours.



Some studies on bats, particularly in species like the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus), have also contributed to the understanding of female masculinization. In certain populations, females exposed to high androgen levels exhibit male-like vocalizations and mating behaviors. These behaviors can influence their social roles within the group and, in some cases, may lead to alterations in reproductive success, as masculinized females may compete more aggressively for mates or territories.[46][47]

Domesticated animals


In domesticated species, female masculinization has been studied extensively due to its implications for animal husbandry and breeding. Female pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) and horses (Equus ferus caballus) have been subjects of study in which exposure to androgens has been linked to increased male-typical behaviors.[48] In some cases, masculinized females are more aggressive, less likely to display maternal behaviors, and show altered reproductive cycles. This has led to investigations into how androgen manipulation during development can be used to improve productivity or manage behavior in domestic species.[49][50]

The evidence across various mammalian species supports the female masculinization hypothesis, demonstrating that androgen exposure during critical developmental windows can lead to the expression of male-typical traits. These findings have implications for understanding sexual differentiation, reproductive behavior, and social roles in mammals, as well as for applied fields like animal breeding and conservation.

Examples of female masculinization


Spotted hyenas


Spotted hyenas are one of the most well-known examples of female masculinization. Females exhibit male-like external genitalia, including a pseudo-penis. These traits are attributed to elevated androgen levels during prenatal development. The masculinization may be linked to dominance advantages in the matriarchal social system.[51][10]

Ring-tailed lemurs


Female ring-tailed lemurs are behaviorally and socially dominant over males, which is hypothesized to involve elevated androgens, leading to masculinized behaviors.[19]

Marmosets and tamarins


In cooperative breeders like marmosets and tamarins, dominant females suppress the reproduction of subordinate females. While not strictly masculinized in appearance, their hormonal profiles and behaviors reflect dominance-associated androgenic effects.[52][53][54]

Asian elephants


Female Asian elephants occasionally display musth-like behaviors, a condition typically associated with heightened androgens in males. This has been attributed to androgen fluctuations.[55][56]

Banded mongooses


Banded mongooses live in cooperative breeding groups where reproductive opportunities are limited, and only a subset of females breed successfully. Female mongooses exhibit elevated androgen levels, particularly during pregnancy, which influences both their behavior and physiology.[57] The heightened androgens increase aggression and dominance, allowing these females to compete more effectively for access to mates and resources. In addition, masculinized traits may help dominant females suppress the reproductive efforts of subordinate group members, ensuring that their offspring receive the majority of care and resources.[58][59]

Naked mole rats


In naked mole rat colonies, the queen is the sole breeding female, and she dominates the social hierarchy. The queen's dominance is maintained through aggression and hormonal control, including elevated androgen levels that suppress reproduction in subordinates. While external masculinization is not prominent, behavioral masculinization through heightened aggression is clear.[60][61]

Meerkats (Suricata suricatta)


Dominant female meerkats often show elevated androgen levels, especially during pregnancy. This hormonal shift enhances aggression, allowing them to suppress subordinate females and maintain exclusive breeding rights.[62][14]

European mole (Talpa europaea)


Female moles possess ovotestes—gonads with both ovarian and testicular tissue—resulting in significant androgen production. This androgenization leads to traits like increased aggression, aiding in territorial defense.[63][64][65]

Evolutionary implications


The female masculinization hypothesis has significant evolutionary implications, providing context for the role of hormones in shaping sexual dimorphism, reproductive strategies, and social dynamics across species. Understanding how and why females may develop male-typical traits under certain conditions provides valuable insights into evolutionary pressures, mechanisms of sexual selection, and the flexibility of sexual differentiation processes in mammals.

Sexual selection and reproductive strategies


One of the evolutionary implications of female masculinization is its potential impact on sexual selection. In species where masculinized females exhibit behaviors or physical traits typically associated with males, such as increased aggression, territoriality, or dominance, there may be changes in mating dynamics.[66] Females with masculine traits could gain an advantage in securing mates or competing for resources. In species where males typically compete for dominance, masculinized females may have the opportunity to access mates more effectively or even engage in mate guarding. This shift can alter traditional mating hierarchies and reproductive strategies, especially in species where female choice plays a critical role in mate selection.[67][68]

In some species, feminized males—males with characteristics typically associated with females, such as nurturing behaviors or higher parental investment—have also been observed, creating a broader context for understanding sexual selection.[69] This duality between masculinized females and feminized males could reflect adaptive strategies that optimize reproductive success under varying environmental conditions.[70][71]

Sexual dimorphism and evolutionary flexibility


The female masculinization hypothesis also considers the evolutionary flexibility in sexual dimorphism, the condition where males and females of a species exhibit distinct physical or behavioral differences.[72] While sexual dimorphism is common in many species, it is typically seen as the result of selective pressures on males to exhibit traits that increase their chances of reproduction, such as larger size, stronger features, or more elaborate courtship displays.[73] The female masculinization hypothesis challenges the rigid distinction between male and female traits, suggesting that under certain conditions—such as hormonal imbalances or environmental stress—females can also exhibit male-typical traits.[74]

This flexibility could have evolutionary advantages, allowing populations to adapt to fluctuating environmental pressures. For example, in species with skewed sex ratios or where males are scarce, females with masculinized traits may be able to fill reproductive niches traditionally occupied by males, ensuring the survival and continuation of the population.[75] In these cases, the development of masculine traits in females could be a form of sexual plasticity, helping species navigate changing ecological conditions.[76][77]

Hormonal influences on evolutionary development


Hormonal influences on sexual differentiation also have broader evolutionary implications. The female masculinization hypothesis suggests that variations in androgen exposure during critical developmental periods can lead to lasting effects on behavior and physiology, potentially influencing natural selection over time.[78] If masculinized females exhibit enhanced survival traits—such as increased aggression that helps protect offspring or territory—these traits may be favored by natural selection, even in females. This hypothesis highlights the potential for hormones to drive evolutionary change in ways that go beyond the typical male-female distinctions.[79]

In species with environmental stressors, such as pollution or changes in habitat, exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals can mimic the effects of increased androgen levels, leading to unexpected shifts in sexual behavior and traits.[80] These changes could have long-term evolutionary consequences, possibly influencing how species adapt to changing environments or how they respond to anthropogenic pressures.[81][82]

Impact on social structure and evolutionary roles


The expression of male-typical traits in females can also affect social structures and roles within species. In social mammals, particularly those with complex social hierarchies (such as primates, wolves, or elephants), masculinized females may challenge traditional gender roles, leading to shifts in leadership, dominance, and cooperative behaviors.[83] These females may form alternative mating strategies or leadership structures, which could alter the overall dynamics of group living.[84][85]

The evolutionary impact of such shifts is particularly relevant in species where cooperation between males and females is key to survival.[86][87] If masculinized females are able to contribute to or even dominate certain aspects of the social structure (such as by engaging in male-typical behaviors like aggression or territory defense), this could drive changes in the evolution of cooperation, leadership, and resource distribution within groups.[88]

Evolution of parental investment


The evolution of parental investment is another critical area affected by female masculinization. In species where males typically invest heavily in parental care, the appearance of masculinized females who take on more active roles in offspring care or territorial defense could alter the reproductive strategies of both sexes.[89][90] In certain rodent species, masculinized females may be more aggressive in defending nests or resources, potentially improving offspring survival. This shift in parental roles may influence the evolution of parenting behaviors across generations, reshaping the traditional division of labor between sexes.[91][92]



While the female masculinization hypothesis has gained significant interest in the fields of endocrinology, evolutionary biology, and animal behavior, it also has critiques and controversies. These include concerns regarding the generalizability of findings, the complexity of hormonal interactions, and the ethical implications of research in this area.

Over-simplification of hormonal influence


One major critique of the female masculinization hypothesis is the potential over-simplification of the relationship between hormonal exposure and the development of masculine traits. While androgens like testosterone play a central role in sexual differentiation, critics argue that the hormonal environment is complex and influenced by a multitude of factors.[93][94] These include genetic variation, environmental influences, and interactions between different hormones, which can complicate the interpretation of findings. Elevated androgen levels may not consistently lead to masculinized behaviors or characteristics, and individuals may exhibit a range of responses depending on their genetic and developmental context. Attributing masculine traits solely to hormonal imbalances may not fully capture the complexity of sexual differentiation.[95][96]

Bias in research models


Another area of concern is the potential bias in the research models used to study female masculinization. Much of the research in this area has been conducted in species with well-established laboratory populations or domesticated animals, which may not accurately represent natural variation in wild populations.[97][98] These species may be subject to artificial selection pressures or other human interventions that could influence the expression of masculinized traits. In addition, the focus on a small number of model species may limit the generalizability of findings to other mammals, especially those with different ecological niches, social structures, or reproductive strategies.[99][100]



The manipulation of hormones in animal models to study female masculinization also raises ethical concerns, particularly when it comes to animal welfare. Hormonal interventions, such as administering synthetic androgens or altering prenatal hormone exposure, can have unintended consequences on the health and well-being of the animals involved.[101] For example, exposing female animals to elevated testosterone may result in physical deformities, altered reproductive function, or behavioral changes that are not typical for their species. These concerns highlight the need for careful consideration of the ethical implications of such studies, especially in terms of balancing scientific advancement with the responsibility to minimize harm to research subjects.[102][103]

Interpreting behavioral changes


The interpretation of behavioral changes in masculinized females is also a point of contention. Critics argue that behaviors associated with masculinization, such as aggression, increased territoriality, or dominance, may be more nuanced than simply being male-typical traits. Many behaviors attributed to masculinization may reflect adaptive responses to environmental pressures, social structures, or reproductive strategies rather than a direct expression of male-like traits.[104] This raises questions about whether behaviors like aggression or dominance truly represent a form of masculinization or whether they are part of broader strategies to cope with ecological or social challenges. As such, some researchers caution against over-interpreting behavioral differences as a clear sign of masculinization without considering the full ecological and social context.[105][106]

Potential for Misinterpretation


The concept of female masculinization has also faced criticism for being potentially misinterpreted in a sociocultural context. Some critics argue that framing female behaviors or traits as "masculine" could reinforce gender stereotypes and perpetuate harmful biases about what is considered "appropriate" behavior for women, both in humans and in animals.[107] These concerns highlight the importance of using neutral language when discussing masculinization in the animal kingdom, as there is the risk that such discussions could be misapplied to human social dynamics in ways that misrepresent biological phenomena.[108][109]



Some researchers have raised questions about whether the concept of female masculinization is universally applicable across species. While the hypothesis has been supported in several mammalian species, there are notable exceptions where females do not exhibit significant masculinized traits, even when exposed to elevated androgen levels.[110] Additionally, in species with highly rigid sex roles or clear-cut sexual dimorphism, the potential for female masculinization may be limited or absent altogether. This has led some to argue that the hypothesis may not be as broadly relevant as initially thought and that its application may be constrained by factors such as evolutionary history, ecological context, and species-specific reproductive strategies.[111][112]

Non-mammalian species


While much of the research on the female masculinization hypothesis has focused on mammals, this concept has also been explored in other vertebrate and invertebrate species, where hormonal exposure during development can result in masculinized traits in females. Studies in birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and even some invertebrates have provided valuable insights into the broader applicability of the hypothesis and the role of androgens in shaping sexual differentiation across species.

A chukar partridge. In females of this species, elevated levels of androgens can lead to changes in aggression, territoriality, and courtship behaviors.



In birds, particularly in species like domestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) and chukars (Alectoris chukar), hormonal manipulation during early development has been shown to induce masculinized behaviors in females.[113] Elevated levels of androgens, such as testosterone, can lead to changes in aggression, territoriality, and courtship behaviors. Female chickens exposed to high levels of testosterone during embryonic development may display male-typical behaviors, such as increased aggression toward other females and more active participation in territorial defense.[114] Similarly, in some species of quail, females exposed to elevated androgens show more dominant behaviors in social hierarchies and engage in competitive interactions usually associated with males.[115][116]

Research in birds has been instrumental in understanding the neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying sexual differentiation, particularly how early exposure to sex hormones can permanently alter the development of brain regions associated with behavior, including aggression and mating competition.[117] These studies also demonstrate the flexibility of sexual behavior and the potential for females to express traits traditionally associated with males under certain hormonal conditions.[118][119]

A female Western mosquitofish. Females of this species have been hormonally manipulated in many scientific studies with androgens: masculinized females may compete with males for mates or display more dominant behaviors in social groups



Fish species provide another diverse group where the female masculinization hypothesis has been applied. In species like the zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis), researchers have manipulated hormonal exposure to examine its effects on female behavior and physiology.[120][121] In other fish species, females exposed to elevated levels of androgens during development exhibit male-like traits, including increased aggression, territorial behavior, and changes in mate choice preferences. In the case of the mosquito fish, masculinized females may compete with males for mates or display more dominant behaviors in social groups.[122][123]

Fish are often used in studies on endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which can lead to masculinized or feminized traits depending on the timing and level of exposure to environmental contaminants. These studies highlight the potential for EDCs to affect sexual differentiation in fish and the broader ecological consequences of widespread chemical pollutants on reproductive and social behaviors in aquatic environments.[124][125]

A Japanese wrinkled frog (Rana rugosa). Testosterone has been experimentally used to induce female frogs of this species to develop male-typical morphology.[126]



The female masculinization hypothesis has also been explored in amphibians, particularly in species with environmental sex determination. In amphibians such as frogs and toads, elevated levels of androgens during critical periods of development can result in masculinized physical traits and altered mating behaviors in females. In some species of frogs, females exposed to increased levels of testosterone can exhibit male-typical behaviors, such as increased aggression or competition for mates, and may even develop male-like reproductive organs.[127][128]

These studies contribute to our understanding of how environmental factors, such as temperature and hormonal exposure, interact to influence sexual differentiation in amphibians. They also highlight the potential for environmental stressors to disrupt the typical development of sexual traits in both males and females.[129][130][131]

A female green anole (Anolis carolinensis). Experimental treatment with androgens in females of this species leads to masculinized longer cartilages and larger dewlap muscle fibers.[132]



In reptiles, particularly species with temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) such as certain turtles and lizards, researchers have observed the impact of hormonal exposure on the masculinization of females.[133] Although the primary determinant of sex in these species is temperature, additional exposure to androgens can masculinize females, influencing both physical traits and behavior. In some species of lizards, females exposed to elevated androgen levels during their development may exhibit male-typical behaviors, including increased aggression and altered mating strategies.[134][135]

When studying the interaction between genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors in sexual differentiation, TSD species provide a unique context in which the female masculinization hypothesis can be tested.[136] The role of hormonal exposure in these species also raises concerns about how climate change might influence sex ratios and behavioral patterns within reptile populations.[137]

A female fruit fly. Elevated androgen exposures in females of this species can result in exhibition of male-like behaviors, such as increased aggression or mating attempts toward other females



The female masculinization hypothesis has been explored in some invertebrate species, particularly in relation to hormonal control of sexual differentiation. In certain species of insects, such as the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), exposure to sex hormones during development can influence the expression of male-typical traits in females.[138] In some cases, female fruit flies exposed to elevated levels of testosterone or other androgens during development may exhibit male-like behaviors, such as increased aggression or mating attempts toward other females.[139]

Research in invertebrates like fruit flies has also been instrumental in uncovering the genetic and molecular pathways through which hormones influence sexual differentiation.[140] These studies offer a more detailed understanding of the mechanisms underlying masculinization and how they might be conserved across evolutionary lines.[141][142]


The challenge hypothesis


The challenge hypothesis, first proposed by Wingfield et al. in 1990, posits that testosterone levels in males are modulated by reproductive effort and social challenges, such as competition for mates or dominance.[143] While traditionally applied to male behaviors, this hypothesis has increasingly been explored in the context of females, particularly in species where masculinized traits are observed.[144]

In females, the principles of the challenge hypothesis suggest that androgen levels may rise in response to competitive or reproductive pressures, leading to behaviors typically associated with males, such as aggression or territoriality. In meerkats, dominant females exhibit elevated testosterone levels during periods of intense social competition, a pattern consistent with predictions from the challenge hypothesis.[145] These hormonal surges may enhance traits like aggression and dominance, enabling females to maintain control over group dynamics and access to reproductive opportunities.[146]

The female masculinization hypothesis extends this idea by examining how androgen exposure during prenatal or early developmental stages influences female behavior and physiology throughout life.[19] The interaction between these two hypotheses provides a framework for understanding how short-term hormonal changes (via the challenge hypothesis) and long-term developmental effects (via the female masculinization hypothesis) shape female behavior and reproductive strategies.[147]

Some challenges arise when applying the challenge hypothesis to females. Unlike males, whose testosterone levels often show clear peaks during mating seasons or competitive encounters, the patterns in females can be more variable and context dependent. Environmental factors, such as resource availability and social hierarchy, may play a more significant role in modulating androgen levels in females.[148]

The Organizational-Activational Hypothesis


The organizational-activational hypothesis is a foundational framework in behavioral endocrinology, first proposed by Phoenix et al. in 1959.[149] It posits that the effects of hormones on behavior occur in two distinct phases: an organizational phase during early development, when hormones shape the structure and function of the nervous system, and an activational phase later in life, when hormones influence behavior through transient effects.[150][151]

This hypothesis provides a critical context for understanding the female masculinization hypothesis, as the female masculinization hypothesis emphasizes the lasting impact of androgen exposure during early developmental windows on female physiology and behavior.[19][17] According to the female masculinization hypothesis, prenatal or neonatal exposure to elevated androgen levels can masculinize female traits, both physically and behaviorally. These organizational effects are thought to prime the individual for subsequent activational influences during adulthood, when hormonal changes further modulate behavior and reproductive strategies.[152][153]

In rodents, exposure to testosterone in utero has been shown to masculinize brain structures and neural circuits associated with aggression and mating behavior.[154] These organizational changes are later activated by hormonal surges during the reproductive phase, leading to behaviors typically associated with males, such as increased territoriality or dominance. In spotted hyenas, androgen exposure during fetal development results in masculinized genitalia and increased aggression in females, behaviors that are further reinforced during adulthood by hormonal cycles.[155]

The Organizational-Activational Hypothesis also highlights the importance of timing and context in hormonal effects. Not all individuals exposed to androgens during development exhibit masculinized traits, suggesting that genetic background, environmental factors, and the presence of other hormones play significant roles in modulating these effects.[156] This aligns with critiques of the female masculinization hypothesis, which emphasize the complexity of hormonal environments and the need to consider broader ecological and social contexts.[157]

Maternal androgen effects


The concept of maternal androgen effects highlights the influence of hormones produced by mothers during gestation on the development of their offspring. In many species, androgens such as testosterone can cross the placental barrier, affecting the growth, behavior, and reproductive strategies of the developing fetus.[158] This phenomenon provides an important lens for understanding the female masculinization hypothesis, particularly regarding the prenatal androgen exposure believed to drive the masculinization of female traits.[159]

Research on maternal androgen effects suggests that elevated maternal androgen levels can have far-reaching developmental consequences.[160] In species such as rodents, increased maternal androgens during pregnancy have been linked to the development of masculinized traits in daughters, including altered genital morphology, increased aggression, and enhanced competitive behaviors. These traits often align with the predictions of the female masculinization hypothesis, which posits that such masculinization can confer adaptive advantages under certain ecological or social conditions.[161][162]

In spotted hyenas, high maternal androgen levels are associated with the development of masculinized genitalia and social dominance in female offspring.[163] These traits are thought to enhance the daughters’ reproductive success in the species’ highly competitive social structure.[164] In birds, maternal androgens deposited into egg yolks have been shown to influence offspring growth rates, aggression, and survival, demonstrating a broader relevance of maternal androgen effects beyond mammals.[165]

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