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Draft:Dublin University Metaphysical Society

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The Dublin University Metaphysical Society, commonly known as The Metafizz, is the student-led philosophy society of Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland. Founded in 1929 under A.A. Luce, it opens a space for philosophic engagement in Trinity College — principally through discussion groups, lectures, paper-readings, social gatherings, symposiums, film screenings, its library, and its own publication, Offshoots. It is not the University Philosophical Society, an older debating society with which it may be nominally confused.

The Metafizz is based in the Department of Philosophy at Trinity, where it boasts a 300+ volume library of old and new philosophical works made available to its members. In recent times, the society has worked to represent 'schools' of philosophy often marginalised in Trinity's philosophy course. It has also shown interest in more interdisciplinary and intersectional topics in philosophy — sometimes pursued in collaboration with other Trinity societies, such as the College Theological Society and the Dublin University Gender Equality Society.

Notable guest lecturers have included the philosophers David Chalmers, Ray Monk, Helen Beebee, J. L. Austin, J.L. Mackie, Antony Flew, Graham Priest, Daniel Dennett, A. C. Grayling, and Richard Swinburne. Further welcomed have been filmmakers and critics (R. Bruce Elder), physicists (Erwin Schrödinger), political scientists (Norman Finkelstein), journalists (Peter Hitchens), artists (Cynthia Macdonald), and politicians (Ivana Bacik), among other walks of thinkers. The Metafizz also invites Trinity’s own Professors and lecturers to address the society.

