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Draft:Digital Renaissance

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Salamandra regala
Salamandra regala

No political systems is inline anymore anymore with our modern society.[1]

Factions like communism, marxism, capitalism and more recent socialism are in fact branches of the same initial "ism" totalitarian ideology. None of the current ideologies have been successful so far.

Putting an end to 50 years of cold war and the Iron Curtain, the USA and NATO allies are now dominating the planet without any resistance, hiding from their citizens a fundamental yet well-hidden economic truth. The western civilization rely on geographical expansion and economic enslavement, implementing the need of a constant economic growth doctrine. This is scientifically proven to be unsustainable in the long term due to the finite dimension of the Earth. Continuing after the Second World War, the economic enslavement of the richest countries conquered and ruled mostly by the colonial-imperial trio UK, France, and Spain since the Middle Ages, the United States of America managed to control those nations, printing trilions of us dollars whenever needed and even going to actual war several times after the global peace established in 1945.

With the notable exception of JF Kennedy and recently of former and entrepeneur President Donald Trump, all USA presidents were secretly controlled by international private financial institutions and the all-powerful military-industrial conglomerate. Kennedy was killed when he started to resist and reform the global financial system. TRUMP was also wounded in 2024 for exposing the unconvenient truth about the actual world order modus operandi. Meanwhile, in eastern Europe, the most famous member of the Propaganda Due Italian Brotherhood, Romanian President Ceausescu was also brutally killed on Christmas 1989 because he successfully repaid in 20 years all the external debt of Romania, country ready to create and host an international bank, a direct competitor of the IMF, to finance underdeveloped countries mostly from Africa and Asia.

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There is an urgent need to stop accepting this established yet unsustainable totalitarian and extremly dystopic world order and replace it by adapting and enhancing an ancient Middle Age political system that functioned perfectly well and was proven to generate onsiderable wealth for Firenze independent region and the Kingdom of France ruled by the first protector of arts and letters Francois I-er, the two initiating countries, who was economically sustainable, and who brought almost 100 years of European peace in the process: The Renaissance.

Lumina divina celeasta ok

The Second Renaissance will arise very soon: Transylvania will create in 2028 a new digital paradise by wiping out all income taxes on digital economy products and services. The novel yet necessary notion of "digital fiscal amortization" or depreciation will be used starting in 2028 by Romanian authorities. This will attract in the country many famous international artists , singers , actors or Internet entrepreneurs who will permanently move their fiscal residence into this newly created digital heaven.


This new era will emerge due to the immediate decline of the actual axfixiating yet muribund capitalist economy who will find no more places to invade and eventualy will stop growing and start declining, using way to much energy and natural ressources than they cand gather and use.

The '''Second Renaissance''' is a period of time marking the transition from the last industrial era to the future machines era. This transitional period between human decadence and the rise of the Machines can be placed between the years 2030 and 2099. However , this period wil be installed only after the rise of a peaceful period of Digital Renaissance that will start in 2028 in Transylvania, which will put ZERO taxes on all digital produces goods or services . The digital objects will be all fiscally amortized, as is the case today with the physical objects economy .

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The Digital Renaissance will be largely dominated by artificial intelligence algorithms and the focus on finding new territories using spatial exploration and conquest.

  1. ^ "Digital Renaissance". Matrix Wiki. Retrieved 2024-08-11.