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Draft:Del Balzo

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  • Comment: The article has improper citations. Most of the article beyond the intro is entirely unreferenced. Utopes (talk / cont) 17:23, 9 September 2023 (UTC)

The Del Balzo family (in Latin de Baucio, in French de Baux, in modern Provençal di Baus and in archaic Provençal dels Baus) is an Italian noble family, documented since the 10th century and originally from Les Baux-de-Provence in Provence, descendant from cadet branches of the noble house of the Lords of Baux.[1][2][3][4]

Original coat of arms of the House of Baux (Lords of Baux). Some authors, and local tradition, with a hagiographic aim, fancifully claimed that the family was descended from Balthazar, one of the three Magi (the 16-rayed star symbolizing the star of Bethlehem). Some, that they descended from the first kings of Armenia, the star signifying that they directly knew Jesus. The mottoes of the family were Au Hasard Baltasar; Jamais Vassal; and Latin: Semper Ardentius.

The del Balzos were particularly successful in Southern Italy, so much so that they were counted among the seven great families of the Kingdom of Naples.[5]

The main lines that have established themselves in Italy are those of:[6]

  • Judges of Arborea: from Ponzio III descended Ugone II († 1190), lord of Les Baux, who, having settled in Sardinia, will be the progenitor of the judges of Arborea who will become extinct with Eleonora, the last judge, wife of Brancaleone Doria;
  • Counts of Avellino: from Ugone IV Barral († 1268), son of Ugone III, viscount of Marseilles and lord of Les Baux, descended Bertrando I, 1st count of Avellino and lord of Les Baux, and then Alice († 1426), last countess of Avellino and last lady of Les Baux;[7]
  • Dukes of Andria: from Bertrando II († 1201), lord of Berre, descended Francesco I, 1st duke of Andria and lord of Berre, ancestor of Pirro, prince of Altamura, duke of Andria and Venosa, count of Montescaglioso and lord of Tricase, and of Anghilberto, duke of Nardò and count of Castro and Ugento, killed in 1491 following the conspiracy of the barons;[8]
  • Counts of Soleto: from Raimondo I of Courtheson († 1279), nephew of William I, prince of Orange, descended Raimondo († 1375), 2nd count of Soleto who, through his sister Sveva wife of Roberto Orsini, by will, will give rise to the line of the Orsini del Balzo, princes of Taranto;[9]
  • Counts of Alessano: from Raymond I of Courtheson († 1279), also descended Raymond I († 1412), lord of Amendolea and Molfetta, ancestor of Raymond II († 1490), 1st count of Alessano, ancestor of Bernardino III († 1524 ), 4th and last count of Alessano, and of his sister Antonicca († 1551), princess of Molfetta and wife of Ferrante di Capua, from whom the line of Capua del Balzo [10]


  • Biagio Aldimari (1691). Memorie historiche di diverse famiglie nobili, così napoletane, come forastiere. Napoli: Giacomo Raillard.
  • Scipione Ammirato (1651). Delle famiglie nobili napoletane. Vol. 2. Firenze: Amadore Massi da Forlì.
  • Antonello del Balzo di Presenzano (2003). A l'asar Bautezar! I del Balzo ed il loro tempo. Napoli: Arte Tipografica Editrice.
  • Louis Barthélemy (1882). Inventaire chronologique et analytique des chartes de la maison de Baux (in French). Marsiglia: Père Barlatier-Feissat et fils.
  • Filiberto Campanile (1680). Dell'armi, overo insegne dei nobili. Napoli: Antonio Gramignano.
  • Berardo Candida Gonzaga (1875). Memorie delle famiglie nobili delle province meridionali d'Italia. Vol. 2 e 6. Bologna: Arnaldo Forni Editore.
  • Ferrante della Marra (1641). Discorsi delle famiglie estinte, forastiere, o non comprese ne' Seggi di Napoli, imparentate colla Casa della Marra. Napoli: Ottavio Beltrano.
  • Gustave Noblemaire (1913). Histoire de la maison des Baux (in French). Parigi: Édouard Champion.
  • Giuseppe Recco (1717). Notizie di famiglie nobili, ed illustri della città, e Regno di Napoli. Napoli: Domenico Antonio e Nicola Parrino.
  • Francesco Sansovino (1609). Della origine, et de' fatti delle famiglie illvstri d'Italia. Vol. 1. Venezia: Altobello Salicato.
  • Jean-Baptiste de Soliers (1663). Naples françoise ou les eloges généalogiques et historiques des Princes du Royaume de Naples affectionnés a la Couronne de France (in French). Parigi: Chez Martin.

Category:Italian noble families