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Draft:Daniela Cîmpean

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Daniela Cîmpean has been the President of Sibiu County Council since June 2016 - the first

woman to hold this position in the history of Sibiu County.

President of Sibiu County Council

Took office: June 2016

Political affiliation : National Liberal Party

Date of birth : December 12, 1973

Alma Mater : "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu. Faculty of Law

Personal and political life

Daniela Cîmpean graduated from the Andrei Saguna Pedagogical High School in Sibiu, and the Faculty of Law of the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu.[1]

Between 2000 and 2016 she practiced as a lawyer. Between 2008 and 2016 she was elected County Councilor on behalf of the National Liberal Party and she was part of the Culture Commission. Since 2016, she has been the President of Sibiu County Council. As President of Sibiu County Council, her priorities for the development of Sibiu County are in the following areas: health (the construction of the New Sibiu County Emergency Clinical Hospital being a particular priority, as well as continued investment in health infrastructure in the existing public hospitals subordinated to Sibiu County Council); road infrastructure and development of Sibiu International Airport; environmental protection (development of the waste management system, and implementation of the European Green Deal at county- level); culture and tourism (Sibiu County – European Gastronomic Destination 2019, Sibiu County initiated and implemented, through Sibiu County Council, a program to promote ecotourism and hiking activities – Hiking Years; public administration; rural development (territorial cohesion at county level, implementation of the ’Farm-to-Fork’ Strategy of the European Green Deal)[2]

In 2020 she was appointed a full member of the Committee of the Regions (CoR), representing the Romanian National Delegation to the CoR[3] and, in 2022, she was appointed rapporteur for the opinion on the European Health Data Space [4]

In the summer of 2023, as CoR member and President of Sibiu County Council, Daniela Cîmpean hosted the external meeting and Conference on the Cohesion Policy of the COTER Commision.[5] [6]

At a political level, Daniela Cîmpean is First Vice-President of National Liberal Party Sibiu County Organization and the National Vice-President in the Executive Bureau (BEx) for Labour, Family and Social Protection.


  1. ^ "Despre mine -". August 3, 2020.
  2. ^ "Viziunea mea -". August 4, 2020.
  3. ^ https://cor.europa.eu/ro/members/pages/memberprofile.aspx?MemberId=2036107
  4. ^ "Un spațiu european al datelor medicale care să funcționeze eficient poate salva vieți și trebuie să amelioreze calitatea asistenței medicale pentru toți cetățenii".
  5. ^ "Regiunile și orașele încep la Sibiu modelarea viitorului politicii de coeziune".
  6. ^ "Coeziunea, valoarea noastră fundamentală pentru viitorul Europei: Regiuni și orașe pentru o redresare puternică și o tranziție echitabilă".