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  • Comment: Also, the list of publications is far too extensive, Wikipedia is not supposed to be a comprehensive catalogue of someone's entire output; please reduce it to the most notable items only. DoubleGrazing (talk) 16:00, 27 June 2024 (UTC)
  • Comment: The 'References' aren't references, they're just links (mostly internal, plus one external), which don't support anything in this draft. We require inline citations to support pretty much every statement in the case of an article on a living person. Please see WP:REFB and WP:ILC for advice. DoubleGrazing (talk) 15:58, 27 June 2024 (UTC)

Christian Joerges (* 27. September 1943 in Weißenfels/Saale) is Professor Emeritus of Law and Society at the Hertie School of Governance, Berlin and Co-Director of the Centre for European Law and Politics at the University of Bremen.

Christian Joerges was born on 27 September 1943, son of Dr. Ing. Maria Joerges and Dr. jur. Harald Joerges in Weißenfels/Saale. At the end of the war, the family moved to Schwarzenfeld in Bavaria (Oberpfalz), and later to Frankfurt a.M in the 1950s.

Legal Education and Academic Biography[edit]

Joerges started his law studies there at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in 1962, completed a study term in Montpellier, France, before completing his studies with the First State Examination in August 1966. Between 1966 and 1967, he was a researcher at the Institute for International and Foreign Trade Law, at Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C. where he took the first year courses and started his doctoral research on American Conflict of Laws. He returned to Frankfurt to take up his practical legal education as Gerichtsreferendar. From 1968, he worked as part-time assistant at the Institute for Economic Law, continued with his doctoral research under the supervision of professors Rudolf Wiethölter and Heinrich Kronstein.

In 1970 he submitted his doctoral thesis titled “Rechtszwecke (policies) und Gemeininteressen (governmental interests) im modernen amerikanischen Kollisionsrecht” and was awarded the Dr. jur. After his second State examination in 1972, Joerges became Akademischer Rat and Dozent at the Institute for Economic law, Goethe University in 1973. During this time, started a habilitation project on unjust enrichment (Bereicherungsrecht) and worked occasionally as attorney at law. In 1974 he accepted appointment as professor of Private Law, Economic Law and Private International Law at Bremen University, credited as “red cadre forge” (“rote Kaderschmiede”) at the time and thereafter.

Joerges was head of Universität Bremen’s Law Faculty in the academic years 1975 – 1976 and also 1989 – 1990. After the university established its Center for European Law and Politics (ZERP), he served there as a Co-Director until 1987. During the academic year in 1997, he was a guest professor at the European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy. He was again named Co-Director of ZERP from 1994-1998, and in 1998 full-time professor for Economic Law at EUI. In 1997, Joerges was invited to the Frankfurt Faculty of Law but rejected the offer for personal reasons.

He received invitations to visiting professorships at the Columbia University School of Law, the Hauser Global Law Faculty at NYU, the University of Toronto. He returned from EUI to Universität Bremen’s Law Faculty in 2007 and was awarded a Research Professorship. At the Collaborative Research Centre “Transformations of the State” he organized with Josef Falke a long-term project on social regulation and international trade. From 2013-2018 he was senior professor for Law and Society at Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, Germany.

Main Fields of Research[edit]

   (1) German Private Law 
   (2) Private International Law (Conflict of Laws) and International Economic Law
   (3) The Conceptual History of European Integration
   (4) Europeanisation of Private Law
   (5) European and International Social Regulation
   (6) European Economic Law and the Financial Crisis
   (7) Legal Theory and Economic Sociology
   (8) Anti-liberal, National Socialist and Fascist Legacies of Law in Europe


1964-1966 Student Scholarship of the Bischöfliche Studienstiftung Cusanuswerk 1966-1967 Scholarship from Cusanuswerk for Studies at the Institute for International and Foreign Trade Law, Georgetown Law School, Washington, D.C. 1970 “Walter-Kolb-Gedächtnispreis” of the City of Frankfurt for the doctoral dissertation. 1985-86 Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Wassenaar, NL 1992-1993 Fellow at the Berlin Institute for Advanced Study

2009 Honorary Doctorate, University Freiburg i.Ue., Switzerland. In 1997, Joerges was invited by a vote unanimously the to join the Frankfurt Faculty of law. He rejected this offer for purely personal reasons.

2018 Symposium “The Political in the Economy and its Law” recognizing his service as Senior Professor of Law and Society at the Hertie School, Berlin.

2022 Symposium “Law Conflict and Transformation” at the Amsterdam Law School.


Since 1971 Joerges has authored and co-authored close to 500 works including on German private law, private international law, legal theory, economic sociology and political economy, listed at Hertie School of Governance and University of Bremen. Most of his monographs are held at the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library).

Selected Publications in the Main Fields of Research[edit]

(1) German Private Law

Bereicherungsrecht als Wirtschaftsrecht. Eine Untersuchung zur Entwicklung von Leistungs- und Eingriffskondiktion,Köln: O. Schmidt 1977 (reprint from Die Aktiengesellschaft 1976, 281-293; 315-328)

(With Heinz-Dieter Assmann / Gert Brüggemeier / Dieter Hart,)Wirtschaftsrecht als Kritik des Privatrechts. Beiträge zur Privat- und Wirtschaftsrechtstheorie, Königstein: Athenäum 1980 (eigener Beitrag mit Dieter Hart: „Verbraucherrecht und Marktökonomik: Eine Kritik ordnungstheoretischer Eingrenzungen der Verbraucherpolitik“, 83-238).

Verbraucherschutz als Rechtsproblem (Abhandlungen aus dem gesamten Bürgerlichen Recht), Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht, Heft 51, Heidelberg: Recht und Wirtschaft, 1981.

(Ed.) Franchising and the Law: Theoretical and Comparative Approaches in Europe and the United States Das Recht des Franchising: Konzeptionelle, rechtsvergleichende und europarechtliche Analysen (Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung Bd. 153), Baden-Baden: Nomos 1991 (own contributions: Introduction, 5-9; Contract and Status in Franchising Law, 11-66).

Verbraucherschutz als Rechtsproblem (Abhandlungen aus dem gesamten Bürgerlichen Recht), Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht, Heft 51, Heidelberg: Recht und Wirtschaft, 1981.

Verbraucherschutz als Rechtsproblem (Abhandlungen aus dem gesamten Bürgerlichen Recht), Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht, Heft 51, Heidelberg: Recht und Wirtschaft, 1981.

(2) Private International Law (Conflict of Laws) and International Economic Law

Zum Funktionswandel des Kollisionsrechts. Die „Governmental Interest Analysis“ und die „Krise des Internationalen Privatrechts“ (Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht, Bd. 38), Berlin-Tübingen: de Gruyter-Mohr-Siebeck 1971, Reprint with De Gruyter (Berlin), 2020

Die klassische Konzeption des Internationalen Privatrechts und das Recht des unlauteren Wettbewerbs, 36 (1972) Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 421-491.

Vorüberlegungen zu einer Theorie des Internationalen Wirtschaftsrechts, 43 (1979) Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 6-79.

With Michael Zürn (eds.), Law and Governance in Postnational Europe. Compliance Beyond the Nation-State, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005. Republished 2011.

(With Fabian Bohnenberger), A conflicts-law response to the precarious legitimacy of transnational trade governance, in: Moshe Hirsch and Andrew Lang (eds.), Research Handbook on the Sociology of International Law, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2020, 37-61.

(Ed. With Josef Falke), Handelsliberalisierung und Sozialregulierung in transnationalen Konstellationen. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2013

Ed with Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, Constitutionalism, Multilevel Trade Governance and International Economic Law

(3) The Conceptual History of European Integration and Social Europe

Markt ohne Staat? Die Wirtschaftsverfassung der Gemeinschaft und die regulative Politik”, in Rudolf Wildenmann (ed.), Staatswerdung Europas? Optionen einer Europäischen Union, Baden- Baden: Nomos 1991, 225-268 (= EUI Working Paper No. 90/02, San Domenico di Fiesole, 1991). The Market Without the State? States Without a Market? Two Essays on the Law of the European Economy

Conflict and Transformation. Essays on European Law and Policy. Essays on European Law and Policy, Oxford: Hart Publishing 2022 (International Studies in the Theory of Private Law: Volume 15).

Ed. with Josef Hien, Ordoliberalism, Law and the Rule of Economics, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2017.

Ed. with Damian Chalmers and Markus Jachtenfuchs, The End of the Eurocrats' Dream. Adjusting to European Diversity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2016.

Ed. with Yves Mény and Joseph H.H. Weiler, What Kind of Constitution for What Kind of Polity? Responses to Joschka Fischer, Florence: Robert Schuman Centre/ Cambridge, Mass.: Jean Monnet Chair Harvard Law School 2000.

Transnational constitutionalism – conflicts-law constitutionalism – economic constitutionalism: the exemplary case of the European Union. 50 (2023) Journal of Law and Society -- Supplement: Political Constitutions in Transnational Society: Socio‐Legal and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Edited by Jiří Přibáň.

Review essay: “The jurist as true teacher of law. Comments on Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker, Europäische Prüfsteine der Herrschaft und des Rechts. Beiträge zu Recht, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in der EU”, (2019) 56 Common Market Law Review, 843-864.

How Is a Closer Union Conceivable under Conditions of Ever Deeper Socio-Economic and Political Diversity: Constitutionalising Europe’s Unitas in Pluralitate, European Law Journal 24 (2018), 257-267.

The Rechtsstaat and Social Europe: How a Classical Tension Resurfaces in the European Integration Process, (2010) 9 Comparative Sociology, 65-85.

With Florian Rödl, Informal Politics, Formalised Law and the ‘Social Deficit’ of European Integration: Reflections after the Judgments of the ECJ in Viking and Laval, (2009) 15:1 European Law Journal, 1- 19.

What is left of the European Economic Constitution? A Melancholic Eulogy, (2005) 30 European Law Review 461-489. With Florian Rödl), The ‘Social Market Economy’ as Europe’s Social Model?, in Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth (eds), A European Social Citizenship? Preconditions for Future Policies in Historical Light, Brussels: Lang 2005, 125-158

“Economic Law, the Nation-State and the Maastricht Treaty”, in Renaud Dehousse (ed.), Europe after Maastricht: an Ever Closer Union?, München: C.H. Beck 1994, 29-62.

(4) The Europeanisation of Private law

(Ed. With Tommi Ralli), , European Constitutionalism without Private Law - Private Law without Democracy, ARENA Report 3/11, Oslo, June, RECON Report No 14, 2011.

Guest editor, European Review of Private Law, Volume 8: 1, 2000, 1-246, Special Issue on Interactive Private Law Adjudication in the European Multi-level System – Analytical Explorations and Normative Challenges

Guest editor: European Review of Private Law, 3:2 (1995), 173-381, Special Issue on The Directive on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts

With Christoph Schmid, Towards Proceduralization of Private Law in the European Multi-Level System, in: A. Hartkamp et al.(eds.), Towards a European Civil Code, 4th ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2011, 277-310.

“The Challenges of Europeanization in the Realm of Private Law: A Plea for a New Legal Discipline” (Herbert Bernstein Memorial Lecture 2003), Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 24 (2004), 149-196.

“On the Legitimacy of Europeanising Private Law: Considerations on a Law of Justi(ce)-fication (justum facere) for the EU Multi-level System”, in A. Hartkamp et al.. (eds), Towards a European Civil Code, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 3rd ed. 2004, 159-190.

The Impact of European Integration on Private Law: Reductionist Perceptions, True Conflicts and a New Constitutionalist Perspective”, European Law Journal 3 (1997) 378.

“The Europeanisation of Private Law as a Rationalisation Process and as a Contest of Legal Disciplines - an Analysis of the Directive on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts”, European Review of Private Law 3 (1995), 175-192.

The Science of Private Law and the Nation-State”, in Francis Snyder (ed.), The Europeanization of Law. The Legal Effects of European Integration, Oxford-Portland: Hart 2000, 47-82. (stw Bd.1150), 311-363.

With Gert Brüggemeier, „Europäisierung des Vertrags- und Haftungsrechts“, in Peter-Christian Müller-Graff (ed.), Gemeinsames Privatrecht in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, Baden-Baden: Nomos 1993 (Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration Bd. 33), 233-286. – 2. Aufl. 1999, 301-360.

Relational Contracts Law in a Comparative Perspective: Tensions Between Contract and Antitrust Law Principles, (1985) Wisconsin Law Review 581-613.

(5) Social Regulation

With Josef Falke, Hans-W. Micklitz, Gert Brüggemeier, Die Sicherheit von Konsumgütern und die Entwicklung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Europäische Rechtspolitik, Band 2), Baden-Baden: Nomos 1988; European Product Safety, Internal Market Policy and the New Approach to Technical Harmonisation and Standards, EUI Working Papers Law Nos. 91/10-14 and Hanse Law Review Hanse No. 2, Vol. 6.

(Ed. with Renaud Dehousse), Good Governance in Europe’s Integrated Market. Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, vol. XI/2, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2002 (own contribution: “Editorial: The Law’s Problems with the Governance of the European Market”, 3-31).

(ed-with Yves Mény and J.H.H. Weiler (eds), Mountain or Molehill? A Critical Appraisal of the Commission White Paper on Governance, European University Institute-Robert Schuman Centre/ NYU School of Law-Jean Monnet Center 2002.

Ed. with Josef Falke, Das Ausschusswesen der Europäischen Union. Praxis der Risikoregulierung im Binnenmarkt und ihre rechtliche Verfassung, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2000

With Renaud Dehousse (ed.), Good Governance in Europe’s Integrated Market. Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, vol. XI/2, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2002

Ed. with Karl-Heinz Ladeur and Ellen Vos, Integrating Scientific Expertise into Regulatory Decision- Making. National Traditions and European Innovations (Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Europäische Rechtspolitik, Band 23), Baden-Baden: Nomos 1997

Integration Through De-Legalisation?, European Law Review 33 (2008), 291-312.

Free Trade with Hazardous Products? The Emergence of Transnational Governance, in European Foreign Affairs Review, 10:4, 2005 (special issue on EU external relations – Exporting the EU Model of Governance? ed. by Mary Farrell), 553-574.

Deliberative Political Processes’ Revisited: What Have We Learnt About the Legitimacy of Supranational Decision-Making. Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 779-802, November 2006.

Compliance research in legal perspectives”, in Michael Zürn and Christian Joerges (eds.),, Law and Governance in Postnational Europe. Compliance Beyond the Nation-State, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 218-261.

With Jürgen Neyer, “From Intergovernmental Bargaining to Deliberative Political Processes: The Constitutionalisation of Comitology”, 3 (1997) European Law Journal 273-299.

Paradoxes of deregulatory strategies at Community level: The example of Product Safety Policy, in Giandomenico Majone (ed.), Deregulation or reregulation?: Regulatory reform in Europe and in the United States, London: Pinter/ New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990, 176-197.

The New Approach to Technical Harmonization and the Interests of Consumers: Reflections on the Necessities and Difficulties of a Europeanization of Product Safety Policy, in Roland Bieber / Renaud. Dehousse / John Pinder / Joseph H.H. Weiler (eds), 1992: One European Market? A Critical Analysis of the Commission's Internal Market Strategy, Baden-Baden: Nomos 1988, 157-225.

(6) Financial Crisis

Ed. with Carola Glinski), The European Crisis and the Transformation of Transnational Governance. Authoritarian Managerialism versus Democratic Governance, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2014

What Is Left of the European Economic Constitution II? From Pyrrhic Victory to Cannae Defeat, in Poul F. Kjaer and Niklas Olsen (eds), Critical Theories of Crisis in Europe. From Weimar to the Euro, London-New York: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016, 143-160.

The European Economic Constitution and its Transformation Through the Financial Crisis, Zentra Working Papers in Transnational Studies 47/2015, Bremen 2015. Revised version in in Dennis Patterson/Anna Sodersen (eds), Companion to EU Law and International Law, Oxford-San Francisco: Wiley Blackwell, 2016, 242-261.

"Brother, can you paradigm"?, Review Essay (Kaarlo Tuori and Klaus Tuori. The Eurozone Crisis. A Constitutional Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), International Journal of Constitutional Law 12 (2014), 769-785.

Europe’s Economic Constitution in Crisis and the Emergence of a New Constitutional Constellation, German Law Journal 15 (2014), 985–1028.

With Michelle Everson, Who is the Guardian for Constitutionalism in Europe after the Financial Crisis?, in Sandra Kröger (ed.), Political Representation in the European Union: Still democratic in times of crisis?, London: Routledge 2014, 400-428.

(7) Legal Theory, Economic Sociology, Political Economy

(Ed. with David M. Trubek), David M. Trubek (eds), Critical Legal Thought: An American-German Debate, Baden-Baden: Nomos 1989. Republication (with a new Introduction), Twenty-Five Years Later, German Law Journal, Review of Developments in German, European and International Jurisprudence, German Law Journal 2011.

Ed. with Camil Ungureanu and Klaus Guenther, lürgen Habermas, Volumes 1 and 2, International Library of Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought, Burlington: Ashgate, 2011. (Ed. With Josef Falke), Karl Polanyi, Globalisation and the Potential of Law in Transnational Markets. Oxford: Hart Publishing 2011, 465-501.

‘Why European Legal Scholarship Should Become Aware of Karl Polanyi: The “Great Transformation” and the Integration Project’ I (4) (2023) European Law Open (2023) 1067-1079 (open access).

Ed. with Inger-Johanne Sand / Gunther Teubner, Transnational Governance and Constitutionalism, Oxford: Hart Publishing 2004.

(With Michelle Everson), The Legal Proprium of the Economic Constitution, in Poul F. Kjaer (ed.), The Law of Political Economy: Transformations of the Function of Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020, 33-61.

“The Political’ in the Economic and its Law, in Guillaume Grégoire / Xavier Miny (eds.), The Idea of Economic Constitution in Europe, Leiden: Brill, 2022, 789-820 (open access).

Ed with Gunther Teubner, Rechtsverfassungsrecht – Recht-Fertigung zwischen Privatrechtsdogmatik und Gesellschaftstheorie (Internationale Studien zur Privatrechtstheorie Bd 4), Baden- Baden: Nomos 2003.

(With Michelle Everson), Une querelle allemande? Der Streit um die Wirtschaftsverfassung zwischen Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker und Rudolf Wiethölter, in Dan Wielsch (ed.), „Rechtsbrüche“ – Spiegelungen der Rechtskritik Rudolf Wiethölters. Kolloquium zum 90. Geburtstag 2019, KJ 52 (2019:4), 479-502.

“Taking the Law Seriously: On Political Science and the Role of Law in the Process of European Integration”, 2 (1996) European Law Journal 105-135.

Quality Regulation in Consumer Goods Markets: Theoretical Concepts and Practical Examples, in Terence Daintith / Gunther Teubner (eds), Contract and Organization, Berlin: de Gruyter, 1986, 142-163.

8 Anti-liberal, National Socialist and Fascist Legacies of Law in Europe

"History as Non- History: Divergencies and Time Lags between Friedrich Kessler and German Jurisprudence“, 42 (1994) American Journal of Comparative Law 163-193.

(Ed. With Navraj S. Ghaleigh (eds), Darker Legacies of Law in Europe: The Shadow of National Socialism and Fascism over Europe and its Legal Traditions (with a Prologue by Michael Stolleis and an Epilogue by JHH Weiler), Oxford, Hart Publishing 2003 (own contribution: “Europe a Großraum? Shifting Legal Conceptualisations of the Integration Project”, 167-191). 23 Reviews collected and introduced by Daniel Augenstein in German Law Journal 7: 2 (2006), 71-255.

(Ed.), The Darker Side of a Pluralist Heritage: Anti-liberal Traditions in European Social Theory and Legal Thought, Special Issue of Law and Critique 14:3 (2003).

(Ed. with Matthias Mahlmann qnd Ulrich K. Preuß, „Schmerzliche Erfahrungen" der Vergangenheit und der Prozess der Konstitutionalisierung Europas – Rechts-, Geschichts- und Politikwissenschaftliche Beiträge –, Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2008.

Darker legacies of law in Europe. The Florence project revisited. Accomplishments, failings, lessons, EUI LAW, 2023/1

VI. Blogs[edit]

Justice within and between Polities, Debate about Europe’s Justice Deficit, VerfBlog Mi. 10. Jun. 2015; Online: https://verfassungsblog.de/justice-within-and-between-polities-2/

With Florian Rödl, EU-Kommissionspräsident: Wen und was wollten wir eigentlich wählen? (EU Commission President: Who and what did we actually vote for?) VerfBlog Do. 3. Jul. 2014; Online: https://verfassungsblog.de/eu-kommissionspraesident-wen-und-wollten-wir-eigentlich-waehlen/

Democratisation of Euro-Governance is the Solution!”—But what was the Problem?, Eutopia Law (Oct. 12, 2012), http://eutopialaw.com/2012/10/11/ democratisation-of-euro- governance-is-the-solution-but-what-was-the-problem/.

Where the Law Ends, Debate about The Eurozone Crisis, Sa. 12. Apr. 2014; Online: Would the election of a Member of the European Parliament as President of the Commission make democratic sense? Mi. 4. Jul. 2012; Online: https://verfassungsblog.de/election-member-european-parliament-president-commission-democratic-sense/

VII. Publications on Joerges’ Works[edit]

2009 Rainer Nickel (ed.), Conflict of Laws and Laws of Conflict in Europe and Beyond – Patterns of Supranational and Transnational Juridification. ARENA Report No 1/09 RECON Report No 7, Oslo 2009; Antwerp: Intersentia Publishing 2010.

2018 Symposium “The Political in the Economy and its Law” recognizing his service as Senior Professor of Law and Society at the Hertie School, Berlin, https://www.hertie-school.org/en/joerges-symposium. Proceedings published in Global Perspectives Global Perspectives (2021) 2 (1): 18788

Transnational Legal Theory Vol.2, Issue 2. Special Issue on Conflicts Law as Constitutional Form in the Post national Constellation

2022 Symposium “Law Conflict and Transformation” at the Amsterdam Law School. Publication of the Proceedings forthcoming in 3 European Law Open (2024).


Literature by Christian Joerges in the catalog of the Deutschen Nationalbibliothek

Christian Joerges, Dr. jur, Dr. jur. h.c. (Freiburg, i.Ue.) (Switzerland) University of Bremen (Official Website)

Christian Joerges, Dr. jur, Dr. jur. h.c. (Freiburg, i.Ue.) (Switzerland) Hertie School of Governance (Official Website)


  1. Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  2. Hertie School of Governance
  3. Universität Bremen
  4. European University
  5. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
  6. Amsterdam Centre for Transformative Private Law