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Draft:Binayak Prasad Rajbhandari

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Binayak Prasad Rajbhandari, PhD in agriculture from the People’s Friendship University, Moscow, USSR (Russian Federation). He worked in Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences of Tribhuvan University (T.U.) from 1986 to 1900. Afterwards he worked at Research Center for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST), Kirtipur of T.U.. There he conducted researches on buckwheat in the financial assistance of USAID. Washington D.C. from January 1900 to December 1905. He was then engaged in conducting researches on various medicinal and neglected and underutilized crops till 2014. He had established a NGO in 1993 named as Center for Integrated Research and Development Services (CIRDES), Nepal. That organization had worked in promoting sustainable bio-intensive farming system for addressing poverty, hunger, malnutrition of marginalized people. That concept and approaches was developed by him in 1993. He was the Founder Adviser of WOREC, Nepal in 1991; and Shakti Samuha 1995. These organizations are the well known NGOS working in the field of anti-trafficking of women and their rehabilitation. Dr had started publishing periodical journals like “Cheliko Byatha” (anti-trafficking); “Sayapatri” (women’s health and nutrition) and “Batika” (Sharing of success stories of empowerment programs).

He developed the concept and approach of public X private partnership in higher education in 1998 and established the pioneer agricultural college named as Himalayan college of agricultural sciences and technology (HICAST) in Kathmandu in 25 May 2000. HICAST has its campus at Kirtipur Salyanthan (www.hicast.edu.np). The college has been conducting 4-year B.Sc. (Honours) Agriculture, 5-year B.V.Sc. & A. H., 2-year M.Sc. (Dairy /Meat Technology), and M.Sc. Ag. (Agri-business Management) in affiliation with Purbanchal University. So far it has produced above 1800 graduates in different fields.