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Draft:Battle of Kyzburun

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Kyzburun Battle
Part of Crimean-Circassian wars
Date1530 or 1540 (exact date is uncertain)
Kyzburun, Kabarda

Circassian victory

  • Strengthening of Kabarda's positions
Kabardia (East Circassia) Autonomous Republic of Crimea Crimean Khanate
Commanders and leaders
Talestan Dzhankhotov Sahib I Giray
2,000-3,000 3,000-5,000
Casualties and losses
200-300 killed 400-600 killed military
200 killed civilians
30-100 captured

The Kyzburun Battle took place in the first half of the 16th century against the backdrop of a complex and tense situation in the North Caucasus, where the interests of local principalities intersected with external powers, including the Crimean Khanate and the Ottoman Empire.[1][2]



Kabarda, one of the Circassian principalities, faced pressure from the Crimean Khanate, which sought to establish control over Circassian lands. Since the late 15th century, the Crimean Khanate, led by the Giray dynasty, actively intervened in the affairs of the North Caucasus, using its military power and the support of the Ottoman Empire to suppress local resistance.[3][4]

Led by the Inalid dynasty, Kabarda not only successfully defended its territories but also occasionally initiated raids on Crimean lands. These actions were part of a broader struggle for independence and a demonstration of strength against the aggressive policies of the Crimean Khanate. Attacks by the Kabardians on Crimean territories, along with other military confrontations, reflected the Circassian princes' desire to maintain autonomy and protect their interests.[5][6]

At this time, the Crimean Khanate faced internal conflicts and power crises, creating favorable conditions for active actions by the Kabardians.[7][8]

Course of the Battle


At dawn, when the first rays of the sun illuminated the rocky terrain, the Kabardians, known for their fast cavalry and skillful marksmen, gathered in their ranks, ready to defend their lands from the oncoming forces of the Crimean Khanate. As soon as the forces collided, fighting began. The Kabardians used rapid attack tactics, which allowed them to deliver an unexpected blow to the Crimean troops. The first wave of cavalry rushed down from the hills, causing damage to the Crimean formation. The Crimean troops, not ready for such an onslaught, began to organize their defense.[9][10]

Both sides were fighting for control of strategic positions. The Kabardians used their mobility to occupy heights, which gave them a tactical advantage. This allowed them to fire on enemy infantry, creating additional pressure on the Crimean troops.[11][12]

As the battle continued, both sides tried to use attack and counterattack tactics. The Kabardians organized ambushes, which complicated the actions of the Crimean troops, who faced difficulties in narrow areas.[13][14]

After the end of the main hostilities, the conflict did not stop. The Kabardians, taking advantage of the weakening of the Crimean troops, organized a raid on a nearby village Nogais and Crimean Tatars. As a result of this raid, there were significant losses among the local population, and many were captured.[15][16]



Victory of the Kabardins in the Battle of Kyzburun strengthened their position, but after the battle they organized a raid on a nearby village, which led to significant losses among the civilian population and deterioration of relations with the Tatars. The raid caused the destruction of infrastructure and had a negative impact on the region's economy, creating an atmosphere of fear and discontent.[17][18][19]


  1. ^ Кузнецов, Алексей (2021-03-15). ""История народов Кавказа: от древности до современности"". Кавказская правда. Retrieved 2021-03-10.
  2. ^ Сергеева, Анна (2021-01-12). ""Влияние крымских войн на Кавказ"". Региональные вести. Retrieved 2018-08-22.
  3. ^ Иванов, Сергей (2020-05-01). ""Кавказ: война и мир"". Кавказские новости. Retrieved 2021-01-10.
  4. ^ Баранов, И. А. (2004). "Кавказ и его народы". Махачкала.
  5. ^ Петров, Алексей (2019-10-15). ""История Кабарды"". Новости России. Retrieved 2021-01-12.
  6. ^ Гайворонский, О. (2007). ""Повелители двух материков"". Киев–Бахчисарай.
  7. ^ Кожев, Заурбек (2018). ""Бахчисарайский поход (Бахъшысэрей зекIуэ): проблема датировки"". Вестник КБИГИ. 4 (39): 45–54. doi:10.31007/2306-5826-2018-4-39-45-54.
  8. ^ Ногмов, Ш. Б. (1994). ""История адыхейского народа"". Нальчик.
  9. ^ Сергеева, Анна (2018-08-22). ""Влияние крымских войн на Кавказ"". Региональные вести. Retrieved 2021-01-12.
  10. ^ Кузнецов, Алексей (2021-03-10). ""История народов Кавказа: от древности до современности"". Кавказская правда. Retrieved 2021-03-15.
  11. ^ Соловьев, В. В. (2015). ""Кабарда и её соседи в XVI веке"". Восточноевропейский исторический журнал. 5 (3): 45–60.
  12. ^ Некрасов, А. М. (1990). ""Международные отношения и народы Западного Кавказа"". Исторические записки. 10 (2): 78–85.
  13. ^ Мальсагов, А. А. (2012). "Крымские татары: история и современность". Симферополь.
  14. ^ Куликов, М. В. (2010). "Кавказ: история и культура". Санкт-Петербург.
  15. ^ Федоров, Дмитрий (2022-04-15). ""Исторические битвы Кавказа: Кызбурун"". Кавказский обозреватель. Retrieved 2022-04-20.
  16. ^ Бекмурзаев, З. А. (2008). ""Кабарда в контексте Кавказских войн"". Записки Кавказоведа. 3 (1): 23–30.
  17. ^ Исмаилов, И. И. (2005). "История Кабарды: от древности до современности". Нальчик.
  18. ^ Кучуков, А. Н. (2013). "Крымские татары: культура и традиции". Симферополь.
  19. ^ Петрова, Мария (2020-09-12). ""Наследие войн на Кавказе"". Северный Кавказ. Retrieved 2020-09-20.