Draft:Alena Rudenka
Submission declined on 26 February 2025 by Flat Out (talk). The content of this submission includes material that does not meet Wikipedia's minimum standard for inline citations. Please cite your sources using footnotes. For instructions on how to do this, please see Referencing for beginners. Thank you.
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Submission declined on 26 February 2025 by Flat Out (talk). The content of this submission includes material that does not meet Wikipedia's minimum standard for inline citations. Please cite your sources using footnotes. For instructions on how to do this, please see Referencing for beginners. Thank you. Declined by Flat Out 5 days ago. | ![]() |
Comment: Note to other reviewers: this draft is NOT a copyvio and rather a false positive by Earwig. DO NOT nominate this draft for speedy deletion. 💽 LunaEclipse 💽 🌹 ⚧ (CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST) 14:21, 13 January 2025 (UTC)
Alena Rudenka (born October 6, 1961 in Chyhyryn, Ukraine) is habilitated doctor in humanities, professor, Slavist, specialist in theoretical linguistics, contrastive linguistics, cognitive linguistics, ethnolinguistics, historical semantics. She works at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.[1]
Life and career
[edit]Alena Rudenka graduated in linguistics from the Belarusian State University in 1985 and received her doctorate in 1989 from the Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. She received the degree of habilitated doctor in 2000 at the Belarusian State University (the degree was recognized in Poland in 2022), the title of professor – in 2005 (the title was recognized in Poland as equivalent to the Polish title of professor by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange in 2023).[2][3]
Scholarships and grants
[edit]- research grant from the National Centre for Research and Development at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland (September 2022 - January 2024);
- scholarship of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange "Solidarity with scientists" at the Institute of Polish Philology at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland (01/03/2021–27/02/2022);
- research grant at Eastern Washington University, USA, from the Fulbright Foundation (01/03/2013–30/06/2013);
- scholarship for teachers at the "Human Rights in Education" school, Umeå University, Sweden (August 2005);
- research fellowships at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen and Nuremberg, Germany (October-November 1998, March-May 2002).[1]
Membership in scientific bodies
[edit]- Scientific Council of the Institute of Slavic Studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences;[4]
- Ethnolinguistic Commission of the International Committee of Slavists.
Selected works
[edit]- Руденко, Е. (2014). Этнолингвистика без границ (Введение в лингвистическую антропологию). Etnolingvistika bez granic – Rudenka, A. Ethnolinguistics without borders. Minsk: Belarusian State University (BSU).
- Рудэнка, А. (2000). Дзеясловы з семантыкай разумовых працэсаў у беларускай мове. Dzejaslovy z semantykaj razumovyh pracesaў u belaruskaj move. – Rudenka, A. Verbs with semantics of cognitive processes in the Belarusian Language. Minsk: BSU.
Books co-authored
[edit]- Bartmiński, J., Grzeszczak, M., Rudenka, A. (red.) (2024). Leksykon aksjologiczny słowian i ich sąsiadów. – Axiological Lexicon of Slavs and Their Neighbours. Lublin – Warszawa: Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Fundacja Slawistyczna, Wydaw-nictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej.
- Ivašina, N., Janovec, L., Rudenka, A. (2011). Kolokabilita neslovesných adjektiv v češtině a běloruštině. – Collocability of non-verbal adjectives in Czech and Belarusian. Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum.
- Мерзлякова, А., Руденка, А. и др. (2011). Лингвокультурный анализ языковых картин мира. Lingvokul’turnyj analiz jazykovyh kartin mira: dinamika i sopostavlenije. – Merzlyakova, A., Rudenka A. & others. Linguocultural analysis of linguistic worldviews: dynamics and comparison. Izhevsk: Udmurtia University.
- Мерзлякова, А., Руденка, А. и др. (2010). Культурные концепты: сопоставительный анализ. Kul’turnyje koncepty: sopostavitel’nyj analiz. – Merzlyakova, A., Rudenka A. & others. Cultural Concepts: the Comparative Analysis. Izhevsk: Udmurtia University.
- Ivashina, N., Janovec, L., Rudenka, A. (2006). Falešní přátelé překladatele. Iлжывыя сябры перакладчыка. – False Friends of Translator (Czech – Belarusian). Prague: Charles University.
- Ивашина, Н., Руденко, Е., Яумен, Н. Семантико-синтаксическое сопоставление славянских глаголов. Semantiko-sintaksicheskoje sopostavlenije slavjanskih glagolov (na materiale belorusskogo, pol’skogo, russkogo i cheshskogo jazykov). – Ivashina, N., Rudenka, A., Jaumen, N. (2004). The Semantic and Syntactic Comparison of the Slavic Verbs (in the Belarusian, Polish, Russian and Czech languages). Minsk: BSU.
- Руденко, Е., Соколова, М. (1996). Системное движение и гуманитарные науки. Sistemnoe dvizhenije i gumanitarnye nauki. – Rudenka, A., Sokolova, M. System Movement and the Humanities. Minsk: Minsk State Linguistic University (MSLU).
- Кожинова, А., Руденко, Е. (1994). Интеллектуальные обозначения: функционирование и мотивация. “Intellektual’nye” oboznachenija: funkcionirovanije i motivacija. – Kozhinova, A., Rudenka, A. “Intellectual” Words: Functioning and Motivation. Minsk: MSLU.
Chapters in the books
[edit]- Руденко, Е. (2001). Грамматическая категория числа и выражение количества в белорусском языке. Grammaticheskaja kategorija chisla i vyrazhenije kolichestwa, [in:] Jachnow, H., Norman, B., Suprun., A. (eds.). Quantität und Graduierung als kognitiv-semantische Kategorien. – Rudenka, A. The Grammatical Category of Quantity in the Belarusian language, [in:] Jachnow, H., Norman, B., Suprun., A. (eds.). Quantität und Graduierung als kognitiv-semantische Kategorien. The collective monograph. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz Verlag, 288-316.
- Руденко, Е. (1998). Дискурсивный анализ общественно-политической лексики 2-ой половины XIX века. Diskursivnyj analiz obshchestvenno-politicheskoj leksiki 2-oj poloviny XIX veka, [in:] Uhvanova-Shmygova, I (ed.). Metody issledovanija politicheskogo diskursa. – Rudenka, A. Discourse Analysis of Socio-Political Lexics at the Second Half of the XIX century, [in:] Uhvanova-Shmygova, I (ed.). Research Methods of Political Discourse. Minsk: BSU, 146-162.
[edit]- Руденко, Е. (2009). Интернет. Язык. Лингвистика. Лекцыi па Iнтэрнэт-лінгвістыцы. Internet. Jazyk. Lingvistika. Lekcyi pa Intjernjet-lіngvіstycy. – Rudenka, A. Internet. Language. Linguistics. Minsk: Pravo i ekonomika.
- Руденко, Е. (2008). Введение в германскую филологию (курс лекций). Vvedenie v germanskuju filologiju (kurs lekcij). – Rudenka, A. Basics of German Philology. Minsk: BSU, 2008.
- Руденко, Е. (1995). Этымалогiя: задачы, прынцыпы, метады. Etymalogija: zadachy, pryncypy, metady. – Rudenka, A. Etymology: Principles, Objectives, Methods. Minsk: MGLU.
Textbooks co-authored
[edit]- Кожинова, А. (ред.) (2019). Введение в славянскую филологию. Vvedenie v slavianskuju filologiju. – Kozhinova, A. (ed.). Introduction to Slavic Philology. Minsk: BSU. 287 p. Разделы Е. Руденко (Chapters by A. Rudenka): Восточные славяне и восточнославянские языки (Eastern Slavs and East Slavic languages, p. 75-84); Западные славяне и западнославянские языки (Western Slavs and West Slavic languages, p. 118-122); Хорватский язык, боснийский язык, черногорский язык (Croatian language, Bosnian language, Montenegrin language, p. 229-240).
- Красней, В., Рудэнка, А. (2007). Беларуская мова. Падручнiк для 3га класса школ з беларускай мовай навучання. Belaruskaja mova. Padruchnik dlja 3ga klassa shkol z belaruskaj movaj navuchannja. – Krasney, V., Rudenka, A. Belarusian. Textbook for the 3rd grade of schools with the Belarusian language of instruction. Minsk: Nacyjanal’ny instytut adukacyi. P. 1 – 2. (3 editions).
- Задворная, Е., Кожинова, А., Руденко, Е. (2005). Белорусский язык. Профессиональная лексика. Belorusskij jazyk. Professional’naja leksika. – Zadvornaja, E., Kozhinova, A., Rudenka, A. Belarusian. Professional Lexics. Minsk: TetraSistems.
- Кожинова, А., Руденко, Е., Тарасевич, Е. (1994). Белорусский язык для русскоязычных. Belorusskij jazyk dlja russkojazychnyh. – Kozhinova, A., Rudenka, A., Tarasevich, E. The Belarusian Language for Russian Speakers. Minsk: MGLU.
- Леановiч, В., Рудэнка, А., Тарасевiч, А. (1998). Беларуская мова. Падручнiк для 2га класа агульнаадукацыйнай школы з беларускай мовай навучання. Belaruskaja mova. Padruchnik dlja 2ga klasa agul’naadukacyjnaj shkoly z belaruskaj movaj navuchannja. – Leanovich, V., Rudenka, A., Tarasevich, A. Belarusian. Textbook for the 2nd grade of schools with the Belarusian language of instruction. Minsk: Assar. (2 editions).
- Леановiч, В., Рудэнка, А., Тарасевiч, А. (1996). Беларуская мова. Падручнiк для 1 класа школ з беларускай мовай навучання. Belaruskaja mova. Padruchnik dlja 1ga klasa shkol z belaruskaj movaj navuchannja. – Leanovich, V., Rudenka, A., Tarasevich, A. Belarusian. Textbook for the 1st grade of schools with the Belarusian language of instruction. Minsk: Assar.
[edit]- ^ a b "Alena Rudenka". Instytut Slawistyki PAN. Retrieved 12 December 2024.
- ^ "Uznawanie stopni i tytułów naukowych". Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej. Retrieved 12 December 2024.
- ^ ""Prof. dr hab. Alena Rudenka"". Ludzie Nauki. Retrieved 12 December 2024.
- ^ "Rada Naukowa". Instytut Slawistyki PAN. Retrieved 12 December 2024.