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Demian Saffer

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Demian (Michael) Saffer is an American geophysicist based at The University of Texas at Austin[citation needed] where he is director of the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics and professor at the Department of Geological Sciences of the Jackson School of Geosciences[citation needed] . He studies the role of fluids and friction in the mechanics of subduction megathrust earthquakes.



Saffer is an alumnus (geology) of Williams College in Massachusetts. He earned a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from the University of California, Santa Cruz.[1]

Career and Impact


After finishing grad school, Saffer was briefly at USGS before joining the University of Wyoming in 2001 followed by Pennsylvania State University in 2005.[citation needed] At Penn State, he was appointed Professor in 2012, head of graduate programs in 2016, then head of the department of geosciences in 2018. He left Penn State in 2020 to become director of the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics.[citation needed]

Saffer is heavily involved in the scientific ocean drilling community and has been co-chief scientist of five[2] major scientific ocean drilling expeditions to investigate large earthquake faults at the Pacific “Ring of Fire”, including the deepest scientific drilling of a subduction zone.[3] His discoveries include previously undetected shallow slow-slip events[4] at Japan's Nankai fault, lower than expected stresses at Nankai,[5] and that clay minerals in fault gouge play a much smaller role[6] in fault slip behavior than previously thought. He is also an executive steering committee member of Subduction Zones in Four Dimensions (SZ4D),[7] a multinational initiative to investigate the processes that underlie subduction zone hazards and was one of the architects of its latest report.[8] From 2016 until 2020, when it wound up, he chaired the GeoPRISMS program — an international, cross-disciplinary effort to bring terrestrial and marine scientists together to investigate continental margins.[9]

Awards and honors


Selected Work


A list of most cited works.

  • Moore, J.C., Saffer, D.M., 2001. Updip limit of the seismogenic zone beneath the accretionary prism of southwest Japan: An effect of diagenetic to low-grade metamorphic processes and increasing effective stress. Geology 29 (2), 183-186.[12]
  • Saffer, D.M., Marone, C., 2003. Comparison of smectite-and illite-rich gouge frictional properties: application to the updip limit of the seismogenic zone along subduction megathrusts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 215 (1-2), 219-235.[13]
  • Saffer, D.M., Tobin, H.J., 2011. Hydrogeology and mechanics of subduction zone forearcs: Fluid flow and pore pressure. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 39, 157-186.[14]
  • Ikari, M.J., Saffer, D.M., Marone, C., 2009. Frictional and hydrologic properties of clay‐rich fault gouge. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B5).[15]
  • Ikari, M.J., Marone, C., Saffer, D.M., 2011. On the relation between fault strength and frictional stability. Geology 39 (1), 83-86.[16]
  • Leeman, J.R., Saffer, D.M., Scuderi, M.M., Marone, C., 2016. Laboratory observations of slow earthquakes and the spectrum of tectonic fault slip modes. Nature communications 7 (1), 1-6.[17]
  • Carpenter, B.M., Marone, C., Saffer, D.M., 2011. Weakness of the San Andreas Fault revealed by samples from the active fault zone. Nature Geoscience 4 (4), 251-254.[18]
  • Saffer, D.M., Wallace, L.M., 2015. The frictional, hydrologic, metamorphic and thermal habitat of shallow slow earthquakes. Nature Geoscience 8 (8), 594-600.[19]
  • Araki, E., Saffer, D.M., Kopf, A.J., Wallace, et al., 2017. Recurring and triggered slow-slip events near the trench at the Nankai Trough subduction megathrust. Science 356 (6343), 1157-1160.[20]


  1. ^ Saffer, Demian. "Profile". University of Texas Institute for Geophysics. Retrieved 13 December 2022.
  2. ^ Saffer, Demian. "Scientist page". Jackson School of Geosciences. Retrieved 13 December 2022.
  3. ^ "Deepest scientific ocean drilling sheds light on Japan's next great earthquake". National Science Foundation. October 26, 2022. Retrieved 13 December 2022.
  4. ^ Becker, Rachel (August 30, 2016). "Slow Earthquakes Are a Thing". Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved 13 December 2022.
  5. ^ Henricson, Eric (Oct 18, 2022). "University of Texas led team drills into area producing 'the largest earthquakes on the planet'". NBC. KXAN. Retrieved 13 December 2022.
  6. ^ Saffer, Demian M.; Lockner, David A.; McKiernan, Alex (June 2012). "Effects of smectite to illite transformation on the frictional strength and sliding stability of intact marine mudstones: FRICTION AND SMECTITE TRANSFORMATION". Geophysical Research Letters. 39 (11): n/a. doi:10.1029/2012GL051761. S2CID 129037136.
  7. ^ "SZ4D Committees". SZ4D. National Science Foundation. Retrieved 13 December 2022.
  8. ^ "Scientists Plan Major Research Program to Understand Earth's Most Dangerous Hazards". Jackson School of Geosciences. Nov 7, 2022. Retrieved 13 December 2022.
  9. ^ Férot, A. (24 March 2021). "A Successful Model for Interdisciplinary Research". American Geophysical Union. Eos. Retrieved 13 December 2022.
  10. ^ "2011 Island Arc Award". Island Arc. 20 (2): 149. June 2011. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1738.2011.00765.x. S2CID 247669863.
  11. ^ "Named Lectures". AGU Fall Meeting 2022. American Geophysical Union. Archived from the original on 28 December 2022. Retrieved 13 December 2022.
  12. ^ Moore, J Casey (2001). "Updip limit of the seismogenic zone beneath the accretionary prism of southwest Japan: An effect of diagenetic to low-grade metamorphic processes and increasing effective stress". Geology. 29 (2): 183–186. Bibcode:2001Geo....29..183M. doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0183:ULOTSZ>2.0.CO;2.
  13. ^ Saffer, Demian M; Marone, Chris (October 2003). "Comparison of smectite- and illite-rich gouge frictional properties: application to the updip limit of the seismogenic zone along subduction megathrusts". Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 215 (1–2): 219–235. Bibcode:2003E&PSL.215..219S. doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00424-2.
  14. ^ Saffer, Demian M.; Tobin, Harold J. (30 May 2011). "Hydrogeology and Mechanics of Subduction Zone Forearcs: Fluid Flow and Pore Pressure". Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 39 (1): 157–186. Bibcode:2011AREPS..39..157S. doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-040610-133408.
  15. ^ Ikari, Matt J.; Saffer, Demian M.; Marone, Chris (19 May 2009). "Frictional and hydrologic properties of clay-rich fault gouge". Journal of Geophysical Research. 114 (B5): B05409. Bibcode:2009JGRB..114.5409I. doi:10.1029/2008JB006089.
  16. ^ Ikari, Matt J.; Marone, Chris; Saffer, Demian M. (January 2011). "On the relation between fault strength and frictional stability". Geology. 39 (1): 83–86. Bibcode:2011Geo....39...83I. doi:10.1130/G31416.1.
  17. ^ Leeman, J. R.; Saffer, D. M.; Scuderi, M. M.; Marone, C. (September 2016). "Laboratory observations of slow earthquakes and the spectrum of tectonic fault slip modes". Nature Communications. 7 (1): 11104. Bibcode:2016NatCo...711104L. doi:10.1038/ncomms11104. PMC 4821871. PMID 27029996. S2CID 14788979.
  18. ^ Carpenter, B. M.; Marone, C.; Saffer, D. M. (April 2011). "Weakness of the San Andreas Fault revealed by samples from the active fault zone". Nature Geoscience. 4 (4): 251–254. Bibcode:2011NatGe...4..251C. doi:10.1038/ngeo1089.
  19. ^ Saffer, Demian M.; Wallace, Laura M. (August 2015). "The frictional, hydrologic, metamorphic and thermal habitat of shallow slow earthquakes". Nature Geoscience. 8 (8): 594–600. Bibcode:2015NatGe...8..594S. doi:10.1038/ngeo2490.
  20. ^ Araki, Eiichiro; Saffer, Demian M.; Kopf, Achim J.; Wallace, Laura M.; Kimura, Toshinori; Machida, Yuya; Ide, Satoshi; Davis, Earl; Toczko, Sean; Carr, Stephanie; Kinoshita, Chihiro; Kobayashi, Reiji; Rösner, Alexander (16 June 2017). "Recurring and triggered slow-slip events near the trench at the Nankai Trough subduction megathrust". Science. 356 (6343): 1157–1160. doi:10.1126/science.aan3120. PMID 28619941. S2CID 206659506.