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Circle of major and minor 7th chords

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The Circle of fifths is closely related to all the Major and minor 7th chords.

Circle of Major and minor 7th chords

When you place each relative minor key before each Major key from the circle of fifths you have the sequence or synthetic scale:

F#/G♭, b♭, D♭, f, A♭, c, E♭, g, B♭, d, F, a, C, e, G, b, D, f#, A, c#, E, g#, B, d#, F#/G♭

Every sequential 4 steps around this sequence is either a Major 7th chord or a minor 7th chord. This one synthetic scale encapsulates all the Major and minor 7th chords.

Each group of 7 sequential notes contains the notes of 7 interconnected diatonic scales.

For example, the sequence DFACEGB contains all the notes of D Dorian and D Dorian's associated modes.

Scale Name Scale Notes
C Major C D E F G A B
D Dorian D E F G A B C
E Phrygian E F G A B C D
F Lydian F G A B C D E
G Mixolydian G A B C D E F
A Aeolian A B C D E F G
B Locrian B C D E F G A

This sequence also contains the mnemonic "DFACEGB" because this character sequence appears three times in the Circle of major and minor 7th chords when you swap C#/D♭, D#/E♭, F#/G♭, G#/A♭ and A#/B♭ to create the letter sequence D-F-A-C-E-G-B.

[D♭, F, A♭, C, E♭, G, B♭] [D, F, A, C, E, G, B] [D, F#, A, C#, E, G#, B]

The version of DFACEGB that has flats is in the section of the circle that contains Major chords with flat notes and the version of DFACEGB that has sharps is in the section of the circle that contains Major chords with sharp notes.

It's probably not a coincidence that the version of DFACEGB that has flats contains the Major flatted keys (D♭, A♭, E♭, B♭) and the version of DFACEGB that has sharps has the Major keys with sharp notes that do not start with a sharped note (D, A, E, B).