Category:Wikipedia Did you know contributors
Wikipedians that have contributed to Wikipedia:Did you know.
- This category is inputted from five userboxes
- -- {{User DYK}} -- Userbox, user has authored/created x articles featured on DYK.
- -- {{User Did You Know}} -- Userbox, highlights an individual DYK article created by a user.
- -- {{User Did You Know2}} -- Userbox, user has been a significant contributor to X articles on DYK; the total number of DYK articles created + DYK articles nominated.
- -- {{User Did You Know3}} -- Userbox, user has successfully nominated x articles created by others to be featured on DYK.
- It is also inputted from the DYK contributor and reviewer ribbons
{{DYK contributor ribbon}} inserts this ribbon onto a user page.

{{DYK reviewer ribbon}} inserts this ribbon onto a user page.
- These awards do not output to the category, but can be given to recognize a user's contributions
- – {{The DYK Medal}} – Award for significant contributions to DYK.
- – {{The 25 DYK Creation and Expansion Medal}} – Award for 25 or more creation and expansion contributions to DYK.
- – {{The 50 DYK Creation and Expansion Medal}} – Award for 50 or more creation and expansion contributions to DYK.
- – {{The 100 DYK Creation and Expansion Medal}} – Award for 100 or more creation and expansion contributions to DYK.
- – {{The 200 DYK Creation and Expansion Medal}} – Award for 200 or more creation and expansion contributions to DYK.
- – {{The 500 DYK Creation and Expansion Medal}} – Award for 500 or more creation and expansion contributions to DYK.
- – {{The 1000 DYK Creation and Expansion Medal}} – Award for 1000 or more creation and expansion contributions to DYK.
- – {{The 25 DYK Nomination Medal}} – Award for 25 or more nomination contributions to DYK.
- – {{The 50 DYK Nomination Medal}} – Award for 50 or more nomination contributions to DYK.
- – {{The 100 DYK Nomination Medal}} – Award for 100 or more nomination contributions to DYK.
- – {{The 200 DYK Nomination Medal}} – Award for 200 or more nomination contributions to DYK.
- – {{The 500 DYK Nomination Medal}} – Award for 500 or more nomination contributions to DYK.
- – {{The 1000 DYK Nomination Medal}} – Award for 1000 or more nomination contributions to DYK.
- Wikipedians are listed by number of DYKs, here.
Pages in category "Wikipedia Did you know contributors"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,591 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- User:RobertMfromLI
- User:Robin
- User:RoboCric
- User:Rockfang
- User:RockMagnetist
- User:Rodw
- User:Roller26
- User:Ronherry
- User:Rontombontom
- User:Roscelese
- User:Roscelese/articles
- User:Rosiestep
- User:RoundSquare
- User:Royalbroil
- User:Rsrikanth05
- User:Rublamb
- User:Ruby2010
- User:Ruby2010/Achievements
- User:Ruby2010/Projects
- User:Ruby2010/Userboxes
- User:Rudjek
- User:Ruhrfisch
- User:Rumba Samba Mambo
- User:Runner1928
- User:Runningman016
- User:Runningonbrains
- User:RunningTiger123
- User:Rupert Clayton
- User:Rushton2010
- User:Rushton2010/DYK
- User:Ruwaym
- User:Ryan shell
- User:Ryan Vesey/Adopt
- User:Ryan Vesey/Adopt/Red Hat On Head
- User:Ryan Vesey/Adopt/Templates
- User:RyanCross
- User:RyanCross/u
- User:RyanCross/U
- User:RyanCross/u/userboxes
- User:RyanCross/Userboxes
- User:Rystheguy
- User:S h i v a (Visnu)
- User:S Marshall
- User:S Marshall/x
- User:S@bre
- User:Sabiona
- User:Sabrebd
- User:Sachinvenga
- User:Sagavaj
- User:Sahaib
- User:Saint Soren
- User:Sam S
- User:SamCordes
- User:Samirsyoung
- User:Sammi Brie
- User:Sammy.joseph
- User:Sander Säde
- User:SatDis
- User:Saukkomies
- User:Sbp
- User:Scarian/Userboxes
- User:Scarian/userboxesX
- User:Scarpy
- User:Sceptre
- User:Scharks
- User:Schmackity/Userpage Format
- User:Schmloof
- User:Schwede66
- User:ScienceUnderPressure
- User:ScoobyHugh
- User:Scott MacDonald
- User:Scott MacDonald/articles
- User:Scriberius/Babelmania
- User:Scriberius/contributions
- User:SD0001
- User:Seb az86556
- User:Sekyaw
- User:SelfQ
- User:SemperDoctus/tools
- User:SemperDoctus/Userboxes
- User:Sengkang
- User:Senix
- User:Senra
- User:Senra/Userboxes
- User:Sephiroth BCR/Userboxes
- User:ServanteDeFeu
- User:Sesamehoneytart
- User:Sesamehoneytart/about
- User:Sesamehoneytart/user infobox
- User:Seth Whales
- User:Seth Whales/Userboxes
- User:Severo
- User:Sgreen93/userboxes
- User:Sgubaldo
- User:Shabbir Ahmed Tareen
- User:ShadowAdmiral
- User:Shadowlink1014
- User:Shadowssettle
- User:Shakibul Alam Risvy
- User:Shakibul Alam Risvy/userboxes
- User:Shakibul Alam Risvy/userboxes style
- User:Sharktopus
- User:Sherlock409
- User:Shiftchange
- User:Shirt58
- User:Shrewpelt
- User:Shrike
- User:Shrumster
- User:Shubinator
- User:Sidsahu
- User:Sillyfolkboy
- User:Silver seren
- User:Silverchemist
- User:SilverStar/Userboxes
- User:SilviaASH
- User:Simon Adler
- User:Simon Burchell
- User:Simon Burchell/uboxes
- User:Sims2aholic8
- User:SixBlueFish
- User:Sixflashphoto
- User:SJ Morg
- User:Skarmory
- User:Skim127
- User:Skinny McGee
- User:Skittleys/userboxes
- User:Skotywa
- User:Skotywa/Userboxes
- User:Skr15081997
- User:Skrapion
- User:Skudrafan1
- User:Skyerise
- User:Skyshifter
- User:SkywalkerPL
- User:SkywalkerPL/userbox
- User:Slgrandson/Article accolades
- User:Slugger O'Toole
- User:Smartse
- User:SMasters
- User:SMasters/Userboxes
- User:Smerus
- User:Snehrashmi
- User:Snehrashmi/Userboxes
- User:Sniperz11
- User:Sniperz11/Introbox
- User:Sniperz11/Userboxes
- User:SNUGGUMS/About
- User:Soaper1234
- User:Socrates Burrito
- User:Socrates2008
- User:Solarra/Adoption/Templates
- User:Soni/Templates adoption
- User:Soni/Templates adoption 1
- User:Soulbust/created pages
- User:SounderBruce
- User:SounderBruce/Content/Counter
- User:SounderBruce/DYK
- User:SounderBruce/Userbox
- User:Souravgmanna
- User:SoWhy
- User:Sp33dyphil
- User:SpacemanSpiff
- User:SparrowHK
- User:SPat
- User:Spf180
- User:Spilia4
- User:Spongefrog/UBX
- User:Spongie555
- User:Sportsguy17
- User:Spy007au
- User:Srich32977
- User:Staceydolxx
- User:StAnselm
- User:Starczamora
- User:Stardust8212
- User:Starship.paint
- User:Staticshakedown
- User:Staticshakedown/Userboxes
- User:STATicVapor
- User:Status
- User:Status/Userboxes
- User:Staxringold
- User:Staxringold/Userpagestuff2
- User:Steamroller Assault
- User:SteveBaker
- User:Stevecudmore
- User:Steven Crossin
- User:Stevenfruitsmaak
- User:Stevenfruitsmaak/Userpage
- User:SteveStrummer/Contributions
- User:SteveStrummer/DYKs
- User:Storye book
- User:Stratosphere
- User:Stratosphere/Awards
- User:StromiBergWitz1
- User:Stundra
- User:Stvfetterly
- User:Sue Rangell
- User:Sumsum2010/Adoption/Lessons/Templates