Category:Taxa named by Wilhelm Peters
Animal taxa named by Wilhelm Peters (1815−1883), a 19th-century German zoologist.
Pages in category "Taxa named by Wilhelm Peters"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 770 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Abavorana luctuosa
- Ablabys binotatus
- Acanthixalus spinosus
- Acanthocobitis
- Acanthocobitis longipinnis
- Acanthopagrus
- Achalinus
- Achalinus spinalis
- Acontias aurantiacus
- Acontias lineatus
- Acuminate horseshoe bat
- Adelaide pygmy blue-tongue skink
- African crake
- African longfin eel
- African sheath-tailed bat
- African tree toad
- African trident bat
- Afrotyphlops obtusus
- Agama armata
- Agama atra
- Agama hartmanni
- Agama mossambica
- Agama picticauda
- Agama planiceps
- Agamodon
- Agamyxis albomaculatus
- Amblyodipsas
- Amorphochilus
- Amorphochilus schnablii
- Anadia bogotensis
- Anarchias longicaudis
- Angled worm lizard
- Angolan marsh rat
- Anguilla labiata
- Angulate pipistrelle
- Anilios bicolor
- Anjouan sunbird
- Annobon dwarf gecko
- Anolis binotatus
- Anolis capito
- Anolis gundlachi
- Anolis humilis
- Anolis krugi
- Anolis polylepis
- Anolis spectrum
- Anolis squamulatus
- Anolis tigrinus
- Anolis tropidonotus
- Antarctic fur seal
- Aparallactus lineatus
- Aparallactus lunulatus
- Aparallactus nigriceps
- Aphaniotis
- Aphaniotis fusca
- Apodora papuana
- Apogon semiornatus
- Apostolepis ambiniger
- Apostolepis nigrolineata
- Apterichtus anguiformis
- Arboreal blind snake
- Archispirostreptus gigas
- Arctogadus glacialis
- Arcuate horseshoe bat
- Arfakiana tree frog
- Arthroleptis poecilonotus
- Aru flying fox
- Asian particolored bat
- Aspidites
- Asthenodipsas
- Athi elephant-snout fish
- Atlantic lizard
- Atractaspis congica
- Atractaspis fallax
- Awaous aeneofuscus
- Balantiopteryx
- Bamboo bat
- Banana serotine
- Banded kestrel
- Barred minnow
- Big red bat
- Bdeogale
- Beccari's sheath-tailed bat
- Behn's bat
- Big-eared flying fox
- Big-eared woolly bat
- Big-scaled blind snake
- Bismarck masked flying fox
- Black-bearded flying fox
- Blackbelly garter snake
- Blackspotted torpedo
- Blasius's horseshoe bat
- Boiga angulata
- Boiga philippina
- Boophis madagascariensis
- Bornean horseshoe bat
- Bornean shrew
- Borneo roundleaf bat
- Bothriechis
- Bothriechis lateralis
- Bothriechis nigroviridis
- Bothrophthalmus
- Bothrops pulcher
- Botta's serotine
- Breviceps adspersus
- Bright crevice-skink
- Brown banana frog
- Brown fruit-eating bat
- Brown-breasted barbet
- Brown-headed parrot
- Brown-snouted blind snake
- Brush-furred mouse
- Buffy broad-nosed bat
- Bumpy rocket frog
- Burmese flapshell turtle
- Bushveld gerbil
- Bushy-tailed mongoose
- Calamaria bitorques
- Callechelys bitaeniata
- Calliophis bilineatus
- Calliophis nigrotaeniatus
- Callulops fuscus
- Calotes nigrilabris
- Calyptotis scutirostrum
- Camron climbing salamander
- Cape porcupine
- Cardioderma
- Carlia beccarii
- Carlia luctuosa
- Carlia rhomboidalis
- Carlia schmeltzii
- Causus resimus
- Central American banded gecko
- Ceram fruit bat
- Cercosaura argulus
- Chalarodon
- Chalarodon madagascariensis
- Chalcorana raniceps
- Chalinolobus
- Chelydrops
- Chelydropsis
- Chequered sengi
- Chestnut-fronted helmetshrike
- Chiloglanis
- Chinese pipistrelle
- Chinese water myotis
- Chiroderma
- Chiromantis
- Chironius grandisquamis
- Chiropodomys
- Chondrodactylus
- Chondrodactylus angulifer
- Chrotopterus
- Chthonerpeton
- Claw-snouted blind snake
- Cnemidophorus nigricolor
- Coastal taipan
- Cobbler wobbegong
- Coleura
- Collared palm thrush
- Common blossom bat
- Common forest tree frog
- Common rough-scaled lizard
- Confusing poison frog
- Coniophanes dromiciformis
- Coniophanes melanocephalus
- Coniophanes taeniata
- Conophis
- Conophis vittatus
- Conrad's worm snake
- Conraua crassipes
- Cophotis
- Cophotis ceylanica
- Cormura
- Cornufer pelewensis
- Cornufer punctatus
- Cranoglanis
- Craspedocephalus borneensis
- Craugastor berkenbuschii
- Craugastor gollmeri
- Craugastor punctariolus
- Craugastor rugosus
- Creek groove-toothed swamp rat
- Cricosaura
- Croslet horseshoe bat
- Cross River bushbaby
- Cryptoblepharus rutilus
- Ctenophorus pictus
- Ctenopoma
- Ctenopoma multispine
- Ctenotus pantherinus
- Ctenotus schomburgkii
- Cuban night lizard
- Cuban solenodon
- Cuban worm lizard
- Curl snake
- Cycloderma
- Cyrtodactylus consobrinus